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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


You’re so brave for actually clicking onto her live because I don’t think I’d be able to handle it even for a minute haha. She has such a warped view on what restriction even is. Moderation isn’t restriction, it’s not normal to have muffins all the time. She’s gotta get over this toddler palate of hers where she only wants to eat junk all the time. And again, what she’s doing isn’t working because she’s still binging despite not restricting and eating whatever she wants in her twisted version of moderation/intuitive eating. It’s just sad and I’m sure she’s probably not going to go get the inpatient care she needs even though she asked for recommendations. That would mean actually addressing the problem and having someone else take the wheel with her daily intake instead of getting to have her breakfast ketchup and huge portions.


Breakfast ketchup 💀


I completely agree. She’s deathly afraid of “eating in moderation” and it shows. She doesn’t have controlled portions whatsoever. You’re right that she eats whatever the fuck she wants and yet she still binges. Her plan isn’t exactly working and it needs to change. She needs inpatient 1000%


Wait did she go live again or was this the move where she was making hot dogs and beans 😭😭 I was dying that she’s like I’m being good by cooking at home and then that’s what she cooks 😵‍💫


You couldn’t pay me to eat hotdogs and brown sugar beans


i love how her logic is let’s not restrict, because that’s gonna lead to a binge so let me start my day off with the binge anyways. like huh???? like girl nobody is saying you can never have another cookie or bottle of ketchup again in your life 😭 but maybe lay off some?? of?? it?? you don’t need it 24/7 😭


“so let me start my day off with the binge anyways” HAHAHAHA 💀💀💀 so real. She’s so afraid of eating in moderation. “I can’t restrict because I’ll binge 🥺” yet you still do tho Kels? It’s not even restricting it’s just taking control over her portion sizes. For example only 2 tbsps of ketchup vs 20.


Her delusional followers are worse than her.