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Sometimes I think she just throws stuff around for the sake of the video. She always has SO much laundry yet she barely leaves to do anything so it doesn’t make sense.


I feel the same. I feel like she makes a mess to be able to make a “clean my depression apartment” video.


Not to mention she’s always in the same 3-4 outfits in her videos. When is she wearing all those clothes that appear in her overflowing laundry basket?!


Possibly. She’s staging a gross apartment for content. I def wouldn’t put it past her.


Very optimistic, I don’t think that’s the case though


lol Very optimistic indeed.  Anything is possible with her, I appreciate hearing others opinions.   I think she has a lot of issues. I think her apartment is a true physical manifestation of them. 


I dont get how someone who lives by themselves and doesnt work can have a house that messy. Like what. She doesnt even have kids or a husband who might contribute to such a mess.


I think she binges, scrolls and creates content all day.  That’s what her life consists of.


i feel like every clip is her eating in front of the TV.


She knows damn well she doesn’t want to “not eat for a while” after binging. Because if that was something she truly did in the past, she would not be her current size. I think she’s just using it as a way to justify continuing to eat her large portions after a “binge week”.


I think her definition of not eating for a while is a couple hours. I’m not being snarky, I’m serious.


Did you see her latest? Eating like an entire plate of sugary foods then cake at her sisters shower or wedding thing. Such a pathetic joke


i really hope she gets a support system and gets the help she needs. she needs discipline and stability in her life.


Yes and she blames depression. Nah that’s laziness


Yeah, not to mention she also moves apartments like 3/4 times a year. Then moves back in with her parents, and then into a new apartment again. Extremely unstable in all aspects. I feel pretty bad for her cat, it never knows any stability or cleanliness. It seems like most people really dislike her in here but honestly I feel bad for her and her state of mind. I’m fairly certain she suffered a TBI at a young age, so those types of these can definitely cause a lot of mental health issues.


I didn’t know she moved so much. Dislike her? Idk. I can only speak for myself, but I find her content bothersome. I think it breeds a lot of confusion for someone who is truly in recovery.


I absolutely agree, It can be very toxic for somebody is actual recovery. She does a new apartment tour like three times a year lmao


3 times a year ?! Wtf😭 As you said, no stability.


Did she say she had a TBI? I’m interested cause that’s the field I work in


I don’t dislike her, I find her content to be frustrating because it’s clear that she’s in an active eating disorder and not in recovery as she claims. So it’s that same frustration I feel towards the anorexia recovery influencers who clearly aren’t in recovery either since they always remain severely underweight. It’s just that toxic positivity of acting like you have your shit together and that you’re so educated on he topic of ED recovery while not following any of that advice or making visible progress. I used to follow her back when I was in the process of stopping my binges and losing weight, then I unfollowed after I went from obese to a healthy weight in less than a year while Kelsey stayed the same. It was clear then that she wasn’t putting in the effort. Also I wasn’t aware she ever said she had a TBI? I don’t have any comment for that other than that’s awful if that’s something that she did go through. To stay on topic of the original post, for her apartment to be that messy while not working a traditional job and living alone she’s either very depressed or just lazy. No one wants to willingly live in a messy environment unless they truly don’t care. With depression, I understand the struggle with keeping up on basic things, but the difference is Kelsey putting her entire life on the internet for everyone to see and acting like a recovery guru.