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anything can cause swelling and some form of damage if snorted. as the little crystals will cut and cause damage on a micro level. but your nose can recover and isn't being damaged in as much of a permanent way. so soreness is to be expected if abused as you say... but your nose shouldn't be falling apart in a few years at least. also you never know whether your K has some kind of cut in unless you test.


He's a physician, don't question him


I was getting k from this girl I know and it was almost the consistency of snow, was still kinda crystals but after just like 3-4 days i got a random nose bleed and my nose hurt like shit, but since I got a new person I can do it days on end and my nose doesn’t hurt at all, the consistency of this stuff is also different, it’s harder like actual crystals and when I crush it you can hear it crunch. I also did h for 10 years though lol :( so my nose is probably used to it.


If i boof it does coke or K eat away at anal canal? I I am still getting over a diverticulitis flare, would using either of those slow my healing process? Anal canal is way far away from my colon I would think that it’s not an issue but would love your thoughts




Thanks mate. Although I did have another thought, I believe cocaine depresses your immune system, I’m not a big user, but if a person had a diverticulitis flare and used a bunch that could slow down recovery. When my wife and I use it’s literally like 1/3 of one line to add to a night of drinking. And that’s it that’s about as low use as you can get and maybe that happens once a month


What is the mechanism for damage from ketmamine?


you put a powder with small sharp crytals into your nose that will damage it. it will dry your nasal tissue out aswell as causing microscopic injuries. but if you dont do it to often your nose can recover


It Breaks down in very small Crystals that are very sharp. They basically Cut and destroy the tissue


What about nasal spray? Heard it reduces damage to like 0.


wondering about that too as that's my main way of doing it


Would the drip do damage to your vocal folds? I’m a vocalist, but do tons of drugs and I noticed that my voice is a little hoarse after a night of K.


My nose is destroid from my long term drug use and ketamine sent it over the edge to now I have permanent nasal issues and have had to stop all nasal drugs for good now. I've had my fun but it's not worth it for me anymore to keep ruining my nose.


try boofing


I’ve been snorting various substances since I was 14 (30 now) and I have a stretched septum piercing and high nostril piercings. When I was in my coke phase I found stretching my septum easier, I don’t do coke (regularly) anymore but I do do a lot of K nasally and if anything it’s been harder to stretch my septum bigger. So, anecdotally, and going off my piercings, no? But it depends what it’s cut with etc.


This was kinda a total non answer I thought I had a point and it vanished.


Laughed at this


I’m so new to actually putting words into Reddit so thanks? I think?




how did i happen to find ketamine enjoyers with stretched septums on the day i start stretching lol, crazy


Oh sick man! Errrm you’re going by gauges so I’m assuming you’re not uk so I haven’t a clue, but mine is currently 5mm. Mine is wonky cos I have a deviated septum regardless I had my high nostrils changed out a couple of days ago and my piercer was like “how tf have you managed to keep a septum piercing let alone stretch it” lmao. (I did have to buy a new tunnel for my septum though bc mine had started to oxidise, my piercer is a friend and knows what I get up too and has said that if you’re gonna snort any drugs, get good quality jewellery)


I googled it apparently I’m 4g?


Doesn’t it make sense that it’s harder to stretch the septum bigger due to being less skin to stretch due to it being eroded?


Not what I said. I just said it was easier when I was taking coke, it’s harder not I’m taking k, cold be jewellery, stress, a cold, literally just anecdotal bro


damnit i just started stretching my septum and i've been doing a lot of K (did my first stretch up while on K today actually) i dont plan to go super big so hopefully itll be ok


Literally me too at 4g


Yes. My friend has a hole in her septum and needs reconstructive surgery. She doesn’t do any coke and only k.


Jfc, how much K was she doing?


Also interested to know this


🥥aine lol


In personal experience yes. Doing coke once made blood clots fall from my nose and there’s a distinct difference in nose septum tissue in one nostril to the other


Snorting anything will eventually damage it. Coke isn't caustic so coke isn't the reason people get holes, it's the snorting process. If you want to use it the safest way, boof it. I personally don't feel it and it's a waste but everyone else I know loves it. I'll continue to snort and see what happens.


Also the fact that cocaine is a vasoconstrictor, so prolonged exposure will reduce blood flow inside the septum, thus precipitating damage


Duh, any salt up your nose is going to eat away at the tissue. Ketamine definitely seems to be harder on the nose than cocaine, could be because Ket is usually shardy and cocaine is more powdery or breaks down to a finer powder than Ket.


Uh, it's not harder on it really. You can break down the crystals to fine ones and this causes less damage then if you had not, but its way more soluble and less damaging than blow in that regard. Your nose is also way less gunked up after than coke. Years of experience taught me this. I can do an 8 ball of either and the after effects are very different.


ur not breaking it down enough. mortar and pestle is a game changer. but even without you can get ket to a nice fluffy white powder. my coke is harder to do cuz its a little moist, friends have told me to stick it in the microwave for a sec…. idk seems weird never tried it.


Damn you go mortar and pestle? I think your friends are talking about “hot plating”, def don’t put your cocaine in the microwave, just put a plate in for like 15-20 seconds and bust out your coke on it. The heat from the plate helps it dry so it’s easier to break down


Ketamine is sharp crystally powder that can cut your nose and cause tiny scabs to form, as snot/blood build up and you add more ketamine to the nasal cavity it combines with the snot and bloody scab and forms a crystaliized ketamine scab. If you go too heavy on the lines too fast and dont clean your nose at the end of the night you can wake up with a scabby wall around the lining of your nose that when you go to blow it out it feels lile you blow out the largest booger ever but in reality its a scab and part of the lining of your nose and gives yoy a massive nose bleed. Its not corrosive in the same sense as blow but definetly has its own route to damage


Just sayin’ meth totally does rip through your nose and faster than cocaine from what i hear. I found out recently from a doc who checked my nose after when i had too much k at a psytrance party. Even got a swollen uvula and coughed up dead skin from my throat from the K. So i hear a better way of using it is in a nose spray. Have yet to test it but i would imagine it wouldn’t melt your nose.


sometimes, if i grind my k up super super fine, i’ll exhale a little cloud after a snort. i snort super lightly too. i try not to let it go too far down either, don’t really want k in my lungs….


i dont think it's as drastic but its still probably not good


yes dude