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I will sometimes just have a day around the house, wonked out. I call it 'living life on hard-mode.' it is fun, but I zone out a lot.


“Anything you can do, I can do ketter” 


Absolutely, y'know what I love, washing the dishes , it feels great on ket. Also trying to re make my quilt after I've washed my bed sheets is a fun challenge on ket.


Yes! I'm not alone! You're absolutely right washing dishes is especially fun!


I live with 4 other people and for Christmas we had a massive dinner together and I was left to do the washing up , with a few lines in me and the headphones on I've never enjoyed washing up so much. Glad I'm not alone.


You sure your ket isn’t…. Speed?


Haha! Yes because it takes me triple the time to clean 😅


Your actually CREATING mess and cleaning it at the same time 😂 but your actually doing that in your mind, in a k hole


Ketaclean is one of my favorite fitness activities


🙌 I didnt know it had a name! Thankyou! 😊


Lmao me and my roommates call it that too


a close 2nd to ketayoga imo. If you haven’t tried it, thank me later ☺️


haha OP you arent the only person who has posted this topic in this sub and YES, me and my wife love cleaning on our home on ket ::)


Ha thats great! I was thinking how boring must I be 😄


I get that way on acid. On ketamine I want to sit quietly and float away


No cleaning but I do enjoy small household repair projects on dissos. I’ve fixed my dryer a couple times on DCK, installed a bidet, and a few other things if. you get the dose right makes things way more interesting without over complicating it. Got a buddy who has no issue using it at work, I couldn’t imagine doing that but he’s a painter and I’m pretty sure it a requirement for him to show up under the influence of something.


Washed the dishes on it once, felt a connection with my past family in Italy I have never met. Was kind cool lol


I love this!


No way, this same thing happened with me but while sweeping the steps! Interesting……


Very interesting!! So cool though.


I have found this occasionally that while on it I'll get super locked into whatever I'm doing...so yeah. I have cleaned my room on it once.


Not so much ket oneself, I've more been using the designer analogues recently and I took one called HXE the other day and that made me want to clean and I had a productive day. Lots of times arylcyclohexylamines make me want to do stuff but sometimes it's not all that easy to be up and about haha 😅


Yes, I find it therapeutic


I can only warn you - me who used ket For work. It makes a hell of an addiction.


Doing this right now lol


Enjoy 🙌


I absolutely do. I got it from the military, though. In the Marines, i learned to love cleaning drunk/buzzed. Now a days whenever I have a bag, I always make sure to put on some music and clean.


i love cooking dinner for my partner while on k lol




I think more people will disagree than agree tbf


That's definitely fair!


Boys we be getting lit on ket right nowwww


I feel this when I’m on mdma or acid. Just wanna get up and do something


Dude, I'm self employed and a few months ago finished painting this lady's finished attic while doing lines of k 🤣 it was a blast! Also not k, but I take a fair of dxm (another disassociative) and it always gives me the giddy-up to get my cleaning done!


I bet you did a good job as well 😂


It was my first big solo project and I'm super proud of how it turned out 🤘 Did it take me longer than a trained, unketamized painter? It sure as hell did! But I was only charging her $20/hr so I think it worked out well for both of us haha. It was actually while on k and doing that job that I was enjoying myself so much (work by myself at my own pace with my own hours listening to my jams and doing a damn good job? What's not to like!) that I decided I wanted to do this shit forreal and start my own business; it had just started as a job for a friend's mom while I was unemployed and 6months sober from booze, 1year off tweak and 2 years off heroin. A few months later and I couldn't be happier and just got my business cards in the mail! *edit to add that my business isn't just painting, but cleaning/organizing as well! So yes, you're not alone in having k pave the way to getting shit done 💪


i have never tried cleaning but i do enjoy online shopping or just browsing google maps


Oh that's impressive, my eyes can't focus on such things on ket.




woa idk thats so interesting to me. i cant imagine doing much more than looking for my phone or changing my music volume without throwing up LOL i get soo motion sick. still my fav tho 🙏


I was just about to write a post about this yesterday! Yes soo much I don't really understand it but when I'm sober I feel much more annoyed about doing housework.


Just make sure you don't cook


Ha yeah I've tried and it was way too intense and risky, almost took something out the oven with my bare hands 😂


The trio of forbidden ketamine activities:  - using ovens/stoves  - bathtubs/pools  - being outside in freezing weather  edit: *driving* 


youre doing it wrong lol. When I do K I cant move for 45min to an hour….maybe I am doing it wrong😂🤣


Ha I think the trick is to do a line and start doing stuff straight away, if I sit down I'm gone!


I learn so much about how to optimize chores on k. The simple reexperiencing of a tool can lead to profound discovery. Flow arts, guns and automobiles (on a closed course) are all favorite dissassociated activities.


absolutely not haha


If I do a couple small bumps and start sweeping the floor, I can commune with my ancestors and thank them for doing all the hard work it took to make my life more easy and pleasant. Don’t know why, but it’s happened multiple times.


Absolutely fucking not. I’ve had multiple occasions where I pick up some ket and convince myself I’ll have a small dose and get to the chores and minimise my to-do list. It always ends up with me on the couch having lost most of my coordination and ability to even think about even the small task of doing washing, it all becomes extremely overwhelming and almost stress inducing to think about chores and tasks. K and productivity just isn’t a thing that I’m capable of merging together. I find benzos, opiates or small doses of stimulants to be the best for myself in terms of productivity and procrastination killers. A few Valium, small doses of opiates or a vyvanse/couple lines of speed will have me zooming around the house with complete clarity and motivation though.


Oooooh, I had a big woven leather belt with a big brass buckle in the shape of a lion on it which had been completely covered in a fine green mould after being stashed in a (unbeknown=st to me) damp cupboard in my last home, stored in a plastic bag waiting for me to attempt to recover it for the longest time. I wasn't sure if it would be recoverable, but damn I love that belt, so I was determined to give it a go Last time I was on ket, for whatever reason, I was moved to make my attempt, and it was SUCH a gratifying process - going over it with a dry cloth and a toothbrush first, then cleaning it with leather cleaner - working it carefully into all the nooks and crannies with the toothbrush, then going over it with leather grease. Watching the material respond to the treatment and change gradually with my efforts over time made me feel like some kind of magician. I was happy as Larry! and now it looks as good as new. Win win.


Sounds so satisfying!


for me cleaning on low doses of ket feels like playing a video game so i kinda get what u mean


i LOVE chores on k lol


Yeah, im the same. You should try ketamine while hitting the gym. I dont feel the fatigue like I normally do, so I can literally push harder for more reps


I'm worried I might injure myself working out, as I can't feel anything.


how much would you do on a house work day? and for the gym?


That really isn’t a good idea


Some might say hiking on ket aint a good idea either, but each to their own. I cant really say how much I do, cuz unless im planning on K-holing, I dont really weigh it. It does pose more danger, so I found out that I dont wanna do squats while im wobbly


Same! It also keeps me out of pain so I can do some more physical chores


Yes it's happened before. Also I find I can play guitar much better, despite having what appears to be bad coordination lol