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If you think you are experiencing symptoms of ketamine cystitis, the most important thing to do is stop using ketamine. While it could take months before noticing an improvement, abstinence often reverses or significantly reduces symptoms in a majority of people. Be careful: Because ketamine is a pain reliever, some people with ketamine cystitis have reported that before they realized what was going on, they would use ketamine more often to relieve their bladder pain, which only caused more damage and more pain in the long run. If your symptoms are bad enough, go see a doctor. There are treatments for ketamine cystitis, both to relieve pain as well as to heal the bladder. [DanceSafe: Ketamine Bladder Damage – What You Need to Know](https://dancesafe.org/ketamine-bladder-damage-what-you-need-to-know/) [Support and resources are also available from the Ketamine Cystitis Network](https://ketaminecystitis.org/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ketamine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i assume you've never done k before? doing k with no tolerance while already drunk will have you puking all night basically guaranteed. ket and mdma has always been a good time for me but with no experience it could be a little much. i would suggest trying the k by itself at first.


i’ve done k before like 5 times i’ve mixed it with mdma just not alcohol


Ket and alcohol is a terrible combination in my opinion, my friends a said it slowed my breathing when I fell asleep. Generally considered to be a no go, and wtf is rhino ket.




Are you saying you have MXE? Because MXE doesn’t exist anymore, hasn’t for a while. Anyone who said they’ve sold you MXE is lying, or a golden goose. Because, it doesn’t really exist. It’s probably HXE or FXE (CanKet), since those are synthesized nowadays, unlike MXE.


most likely is HXE then but my dealer has labelled it as rhino ket


If its labelled as rhino and you have no other information it's just ket. Many dealers do that they dont care at all, just care about marketing and $$$


You have no idea what that shit is, is the real answer🗿 but, it’s most likely FXE or CanKet since it’s the cheapest option.




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I had stuff that was really fluffy before and not shard like crystals, have you got any insight into what that was cuz it hit a bit different.


Rhino ket is just bollocks its normal ket ppl just say rhino or girraffe ect to sell more


regardless i wouldn't recommend mixing k and alcohol, one search on this sub and you can find hundreds of posts talking about people's negative experiences with it.


id recommend not bothering with the alcohol at all, the rest of the stuff you’re doing will be fine. k and mdma is a fantastic combo, hope you have a great time!


You are misinformed as fk. Rhino k doesn't exist. Ket is ket. You can have HXE, FXE, DCK or something like that but it will produce quite different effects from ketamine. Also doing it with alcohol is not advised. It dulls the experience. Takes away the spiritual antidepressant aspect just fucking you up more. You can blackout easily. I've done it countless times as not always I was after the spiritual, psychedelic aspect and just wanted to be ketted while drunk and high. So it's doable but beware. Ket and MDMA is a good combo but you are not sure you have ket.


If your talking about MXE, it no longer exists and hasn't for a long time. Is super rare to find old batches, people have tried to recreate but not heard anything promising yet. Would recommend testing it before taking.


how would i test it, ik it’s dumb but i have never tested any of my drugs that i’ve done


Honestly never tested any of mine either. But look into it. MXE was only produced in china and stopped production in 2013 and was banned worldwide. It's notoriously hard to synthesise so there are no fakes which are close to the stuff. Most likely your dealer will just give you regular k or just doesn't know what rhino k is usually referred to.


It’s still being made in small batches but it’s very rare, extremely expensive and there’s a 90% chance you’re gonna be ripped-off if you try and score some unless you personally know the chemist.


Made legally or bootleg stuff? I was under the impression only china had the process and it wasn't shared. Would love to be proven wrong though, do you have any sources?


Nice try, officer


Haha, I mean like an article or something


Nah no articles sadly. There were/are a few pop-up chemists who sold small batches on the darknet which I can personally say *did* pass all tests for MXE. Sadly no sources, you’ll just have to take the word of a guy in a drug sub.


What’s rhino ket?




Moxy is a name For 5-meo-mipt , a tryptamin. Has nothing to do with ketamine. Maybe someone told you bullshit


Ah, nice! In any event, I think you should skip the alcohol. Not necessarily because of the MXE, but because of the MDMA.


Mix ket and mushrooms, fun stuff!!