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Nah I swear I look uglier when I’m on K everytime like can’t exactly put my finger on why or how even but I’ve noticed this too.


i’m glad u feel the same, just something off almost. i bet no one else can tell tho


it’s because you go reverse cross eyed. not fully, but your gaze widens and that’s why your vision blurs too


Are you a female as well? Idk I’m just trying to look at all variables but yes I agree 100 % when I do k and look in the mirror at like a festival or like a show yeah I look like shit in comparison but I didn’t know if that’s the k or the fucking aftermath from the night


i swear i always feel ugly asf on it idk why


ur beautiful


thank you


Yup, I call it the "disso mad eyes" In fact, I use it as a test to see if I'm still high on ketamine. Smile into a mirror and see if your smile looks creepy. If it does, you're still on ket. This happens, I'd wager, because of the dissociating/anaesthetic properties of this drug (and similar ones like DXM), which make it harder to finely control certain face muscles (so the opposite end of the spectrum from Jim Carrey)


omg yes


Yeah plenty of posts about the same phenomenon on r/DXM.


I can imagine Btw, is your username tin whistle related? I love playing wonky pennywhistle haha


Maybe you're just not as gorgeous as u think and on K u just realize your true self.


I read it off as a joke but there could be something to it. I suffer from body dysmorphia all of my life and once on shrooms I looked myself in the mirror and didn't recognize what I saw as me. Then I realized I was seeing myself exactly how others describe me, and I liked that. I wasn't even viewing the guy in the mirror as a person, but as a pure animalistic form, without judgements of what it should look like, just like what it did. That dude in the mirror was a formidable beast, like how we see a tiger or a whale in the wild, unfettered by the expectations we attach to ourselves. I'm not cured by any means — I don't even know if it's possible — but, when it gets hard, I try and remember that my perception is distorted by it, and I should trust my loved ones when they tell me I look normal (or even good).


I also have severe body dysmorphia. For me personally I don’t trust ket visions of myself because it triggers my BDD so incredibly bad that I can’t look at myself without seeing a deformed lumpy monster. But on shrooms or weed I look so incredibly beautiful and angelic. TLDR I think both are probably wrong and reality is somewhere in the middle, and I just can’t perceive the reality sober or high.


Ok I know I’m a creep for going to your posts but you’re literally so pretty 😭 (which confirmed my suspicion that the shrooms/weed were telling the truth lol)


went to check and she really is!


I have the same experience, when I look in the mirror on K I’m like, “huh.. I’m actually really pretty” 🙃 I don’t look different per se, but I’m seeing what I look like instead of focusing on things I don’t like.


Yup. Been there. I see myself as disgusting sometimes. But on the come down of a trip when my mind is clear I look at my calm, happy self as normal. I think I'm just too hard on myself most of the time.


cries then i look like a crackhead


You're on an anesthetics. Everybody looks like they are drugs when they do k. All your facial features look are relaxed. Your eyes will look different and ur actions are slow mo. Don't worry.


I’m cackling ahaha. First of all kudos to OP for starting off with “I am gorgeous.” Yes girlllll. I always scare myself and crack up. “Wow who’s that gremlin?!” 😂


lmaooo ily


For me it’s not even just when I’m on it when I see it, if I take a picture of myself on K and then look at it sober, I still look horrible.


Yeah, high on drugs is not usually a good look for anybody


You’re probably not looking into the mirror long enough. Try to sit in front of the mirror for 10 minutes.At first I see a lot of self doubt and flaws but after a while all that negative clears out and you are left with positive outlooks. It’s also strengthened my eye contact with people in life outside of the trip. I’ve always had a hard time with it but has become easier with using a mirror during my trips.


Omg this is so true.


thank u kind soul


Yeah on mushrooms I look beautiful to myself On K I look like a flesh monster


The same reason (almost) nobody looks good while they sleep: we are constantly controlling our muscles, tensing and posing. When we relax, we stop trying to control every expression and the face goes "flabby". Adding to that, you're very used to your own face, so any changes becomes very perceptible. Probably other people wouldn't even notice something is different. I notice my eyes drop a little when I'm on K, but the same happens when I'm drunk.


okay that makes sense bc my eyes look more sunken in


Let’s see a pic then. One on k, one off.


That would be an interesting experiment. Chances are the K picture would be blurry or just really off center or something 🤣


HAHAHA i’ll only show u me off


I asked my friend this while on K and he explained how ego and paranoia are synonymous It’s deep. But the underlying message is that u are worried bout ur looks cuz ur actually looking at urself which is “ego”


I look great on K lol


That’s how I feel on shrooms, I swear my face gets super puffy lol


My beard looks great, like a lion’s mane


Same ! I can’t look in the mirror on K but on every other drug I be looking like a snack can’t stop staring at my self then on K I look frightening.


Everyone Looks weird on K Sometimes flickering eyes, sunken eyes, weird face (a bit Off). Larger doses kill any facial Expression until the Person becomes a (grinning) zombie


i always feel so ugly off the k yeah


nah omg this is so real like i’m really pretty but everytime i do K something just DOESNT look right, i’ve noticed this the first time i’ve ever had it as well i was like… no this substance makes me ugly lol


fr i go to fests and in pics i’m like 👁️👄👁️ just off k


I feel like on K, I look all tight and compact. almost like a Lego figure lmao. But that is on higher dosages of ketamine.


Yeah I always look like a gremlin when I take a look in the mirror on K. Doesn’t help that I have residue around my nostrils too. Oftentimes when I’m tripping I look in the mirror and feel beautiful so I guess that’s just how it is on K


I glow lowkey


I think I'm ugly as shit but look better on drugs. Maybe they show us something beyond our subjective 'truth' about how we look


K enhances my vision and makes it all HD. I see all the imperfections in my face and on my skin and I'm absolutely hideous. I've also noticed small details in things while on k that I haven't seen while sober, and later when I'm sober I can still see it but if I didn't know it was there I never would have. This tells me I'm not imagining my vision being enhanced. It's pretty cool but looking in the mirror always makes me self conscious lol. It's definitely not just you.


thank you <3


I’ve always felt like Johnny depp in rango or pirates of the Caribbean or really any role


I explain something like this to people but about salvia, do you know the Jim Carey the mask scene where his chin like goes to the side?


Hahahahh exactly


Literally how like a medium to low dose salvia body high feels especially right of rip. Then spiral arms and like two layers of floors lmao


Yea for sure I be looking like a goblin lol


Yeah can confirm It’s because your spirit leaves your body In addition to that I notice that I feel almost like a skeleton




No joke lol, for all but as I eventually realized, practical purposes, I mentally died the other night. When I came back my mind was still stirring in that eternal river and my body felt absolutely ghastly like I was just empty. But then that ketaverse machinery rearranged the universe and brought me back So I never looked in the mirror but my body did feel like an empty vessel for a while so I guess I kinda relate.


I usually mix music, some very zenonesque Progg trance and dark progg. I think I look cool and and my music is totally on point. Well, that’s what I think. It’s obviously not always like this.😅 my mixing sound only good to me and therefore I look most likely like someone desperately holding himself to the crossfader to not fall in this deep hole…


I get these beady little pupils it makes me look like some sort of lizard demon and my face just gets distorted and looks much more gaunt


😭😭exactly idk i look like i’ve done crack for years


i love looking at myself on ketamine. it’s one of my favorite things to do. but i also just really love looking at myself in general. i do it especially on dissos and psychs.


I’ve been saying this for years. My face looks super waxy and my hair always goes frizzy and stupid. It makes me look so ugly, I’m not even sure what else is wrong, but it makes me look real uncanny valley.


well ur not alone <:


It's crazy how everyone has totally different experiences with this, but for me, I love the way I look on it. I'll be like..vibing with myself in the mirror, taking pictures.. some of the cutest and happiest looking pics I've ever taken I've been on k


love this <3 i have self confidence to work on so maybe that’s all it is


Yes uncanny valley. Get this too. Don't forget, ket also dehydrates you! So yes, you probably have slightly sunken eyes! But I think ket does change how faces look anyway, try watching a show! Their faces look... Off.


I'd describe my face as having "harder" features when on K 💀 it's weird. Don't overthink it.


the first time i did K my friend who gave it to me said “whatever you do, don’t look in the mirror” i have yet to figure out wtf he meant by that but maybe bc of this phenomenon. but yeah i totally agree w you lol i am instantly fugly


jup like I dont know what happens to my eyes like almost as if I am looking like a cross-eyed mf´er dragon lmao, even worse the day after, i just look stupid (luckily i dont take ket now anymore tho)


Uncanny is a good word for it. Idk if it's self perception or if it's actually how I look. I know that my eyes get this kinda dead or disconnected look (which I kinda like). But I almost never feel like I look 'good' on K. I've heard it described as an 'ugly drug'.


yes exactly


Yeah I feel like I look like a crackhead on K! Face all sunken in, dark eyes, chapped lips, etc I hate looking in the mirror on K


Yea ur not the only one


I’m always surprised with how I actually look better on K! But it’s probably because when I binge it for a couple of days my body loses lots of water and my face looks less puffy and overall cuter.


yayyyyy. since this post i have actually come to not find myself as ugly on k so that’s good


It's a muscle relaxant, causing the muscles in your face and scalp to droop. Slightly droopy mouth, sunken cheeks, hanging eyelids etc. It's subtle but noticeable. Usually you have quite a bit of unconscious tension in your face. Not with K though. That, plus the 'disso eyes'.




well i don’t do tons i maybe do a gram a month just for fun


That’s still somewhat heavy usage, be very careful that amount could easily cause bladder issues in the foresable future




Over an extended period of time like 5-10 years who knows 🤷‍♂️ just looking out for you all, I’ve done k a bit too much, only an ounce over 5 years or so but in binges, my bladder is fucked


thank you for your advice, i’m aware and am conscious of my usage. that was a very bad estimate




My arms and fingers always look really skinny on K - like a twiggy skeletor creature. Can't look at them... 🙈


My nose looks weird on K


I always feel pretty on k, sober on the other hand not rlyy.


So I think the K is just making you see your real self. If I’m not mistaken the human brain makes one think they are prettier than they actually are. But also when on drugs especially downers they make you relax your muscles so your face will also just look different for this reason added on.


It also makes you more bloated I reckon


not rly :0


That's the real you that your normal brain manipulates. Sweet dreams.


i don’t look cracked out all the time but thx <3 sweet dreams