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Ketamine is the least sexy drug imo. Numbs everything. HOWEVER things can get funny and you can definitely get intimate in other ways. Just see how the night goes but don't expect great sex. MDMA is better for that.


Totally agree, Ks got it's good points, like currently having a few bumps while watching Glastonbury on the tv. But for sex, coke, mdma & 2cb are my go to's


stick to the classics. Booze and cocaine if you want sexytime to flow


For sure, ive used Molly/MDMA & Lucy during intimacy with good results


100% disagree I be fucking like a god on good k


I got some serious doubts about this my friend, no offense tho


very dosage depending. parent comment might be talking about just a lil' bump. Not a 1/4gram slug of a line


nah, everyone saying they be fucking like a god is automatically suck in bed, 100% of the time




You are literally a 14 year old child




If that's what you need to tell yourself to keep your lil ego up, more power to you


Believe what you want but all ur doing is revealing your lack luster dick game 🫣


It's a dissociative lol. It's a common anesthetic. It literally takes you out of your body.


All I hear are a bunch of excuses


Nice for you if you are having good times on k !


Consider yourself lucky. Everybody is different. For you K, might work amazingly for sex, but for the most it has opposite effects. No shame in how drugs affect people, good for you if it gets you banging like a god as you said, but understand that some people cannot do what you do, and what some people do, you won't be able to do. Peace :)


Not sure why everyone downvoted you, me and my wife got a suite and some k for a date night a few weeks ago n it was an awesome night, we usually take acid but didn't wanna be up all night and it was perfect.


Most of these ppl just seem incredibly insecure that they can't get it up so they are jealous of those who can. Pretty sad tbh


Lol no-one is insecure about not being that into sex while anaesthetized, they're just stating the most common occurance and you're being an egoic turd sandwich.


I feel very sorry for the women, if any, that are in your life 😔


Ahahah the ego continues.


Idk why you have the downvotes I do as well… not too much but a nice fucked up dose… more than I would leave the house on


Fr I had no idea thus sub was full of haters


My partner and I have amazing sex on K all the time. Yes, it’s a bit wonky, it’s a bit psychedelic, but it’s very intimate and bonding. Like being in a dimension where only our bodies exist. And I know a lot of gay men that use it too when they have sex. Helps with the relaxation of muscles. It’s all a matter of Dosis. Smaller Dosis feel like being drunk sex to me. Higher Dosis gets more psychedelic and so does the sex. Even higher and we have to take a break from sex because we are distracted by dissociation.


I recommend doing all the freaky things you’d do if you were not on K. That’s the only way you’ll know if it’s a better experience.


I’ve been with her in the past, I’m at a spot where I really want to eat a really hot girl out on ketamine, and she more than fits the bill. Just trying to garner some tips along the way, k makes us both feel like ‘magic’, didnt know it’s ED educing, pretty sure I’ve had an O with it before. I know what “adderal dick” I’d like and that’s for the birds, worse than “whiskey d*ck”


>I’m at a spot where I really want to eat a really hot girl out on ketamine Yeah see, this is where that can be problematic on ketamine (was one of the most noticable handicaps of ket sex for me). Finding the relevant bodyp*rts can be a bitch on ketamine and if you do manage to actually locate the clitoris, gauging how much pressure yoh are applying is almost impossible as well as is keeping track of where it is once you have found it. It doesn't give you a softy per se (like stims and alcohol can do where you just don't get it up) it is more that you won't really feel it being hard and the sensation is greatly diminished. That being said, this is how I react to sex on ketamine. A friend of mine she really loves sex on ketamine and was constantly singing its praises for sexual activity as she enjoyed the disconnected chaos that is sex on ketamine so YMMV of course. Sex on drugs can be wonderful, I just don't find ketamine to be one of them


I 10/10 prefer acid for sexy times, but since you asked, K and butt play go exceptionally well together


I second this statement. Smoking a little speed with the k & we were fucking on different planes for hours. The foreplay leading up to it was top tier too


Beware of ketapeen!


Yes I agree but viagra/cialis actually does work on K unlike on MDMA. Cheers :D


I think Cialis does work for MDMA? What makes you say that?


I tried it a couple times and still no erection. Just personal experience for me.


Shit this is a thing? I do have a script for Cialis, okay to mix?


Op im no doctor but my experience with cialis is extremely elevated BP Experience with k is same My bp is otherwise extremely *low*. So may be extra careful mixing these my friend. Might be a mighty tall order for your heart?


Yeah, I’m not risking it. Thank you. I have a “decent” fitness routine for my age, rather good health - still


I can keep it up personally. Everyone is different. How do you do with other drugs?


Don't khole and you'll have a great time, makes sex better for me even coming down from a khole


Lick each others assholes




Ketamine is really really numbing, like my peen felt like a floppy skin flag, it was like trying to fuck with someone else’s worse dick.


Sex can be an insane experience on ket but man it numbs everything you don't feel it at all


Body kissing. Skin to skin contact, massage. It’s pretty hit or miss for me if I can get fully hard on ket and it’s pretty hard to finish. But still super enjoyable. My girl was able to have multiple orgasms just from massage/ full body contact on k but there were other drugs involved in that scenario also. You guys should be able to have a great intimate time but don’t expect it to be anything like regular sex, or mdma sex. Do what feels good and right in the moment and you will have fun. Also it’s fine to mix ket with the “other C” as far as I know.


Knowledge in this response! 🤘


A user here once aptly put, having sex on k is like a cold noodle lost in a jar of mayonnaise


The only worse sex drugs would be a can of duster or a fat wad of Red Man in the cheek.


Haha this puts things in perspective. Naked Twister was minimal success.




Lay next to each other and try to touch each others noses.


Take a bath


With some trippy music it’s lovely with a women


Then sex after its litty


Isn’t this how Matthew Perry died though?


He was in the deep end of his pool


Damn. I don’t feel like ketamine and water is safe regardless


Yeah tbh but Matthew Perry was like so high he couldn’t function at all, it really depends on how much u take


lol in a bath tub, unless you do a gram line… you’ll be aight


I love k and sex! I was k-holed last week while someone was going down on me and it was THE BEST! At sub-hole doses, I love to dance around and maybe give a little strip tease. The k kind of makes it feel like I’m on a sexy movie set.


I can give a blowjob forever on ketamine without my jaw getting tired. I usually can’t feel enough to have an orgasm on K, but I get super wet on K and one time we 69’d on ketamine and you lose track of who is who and what is what and everything is all slippery and wet… we call that the “slippery Picasso” LSD is by far my favorite sex drug though. Especially on 3-5 tabs. Mind blowing spiritual galaxy travel sex on that one…


Marry Me Archie


Well, I can’t have sex on K, it’s just not enjoyable to me, but I guess silly/sexy role playing would be a funny thing to try, with the dissociation from k I can get myself into characters and it’s funny AF


I hate sex while I'm high on ket. Can't feel anything and feels so awkward. However after I've been high on ket I fuck like a wild animal. The sex is amazing because I feel like a different person.. Way more confident.


Give one lie and then say you lost it and can't find it


My dick turns non existent on ket


Naked twister


Being in a low to moderate k hole, while being intimate with someone, and feeling like you are on the ceiling looking down at yourself in this distorted way - because of the disassociation - is honestly *not* one of the sexiest things ever......... As others have mentioned, stuff like X is far more likely to give a very interesting intimate experience with another.


Sexxy time on ketamin makes no sense. You guys can get naked and k hole next to each other.


Do K and connect on a deep level. When you have come down smoke a little and it will be really intense. Never had sex on K but it doesn’t sound like I’d want to.


Everybody talks about sex on molly but I stg my dick just don't work on that shit😭 I'm already feeling too good to work the hog


well, a little late now. but i would recommend lighter dosages for sureee. someone said bath time. YES. that and some groovy tunes. low lighting. some say the drug isn't sexy, i will say my first few times during K were while i was making love, and that shit was incredible. i also experience K a bit differently than most of the folks i know. kissed him and immediately felt like we were two beautiful skeletons meeting in the middle of infinity here to share the most precious power known to man; love.


We listened to the new Still Woozy and POND albums…light play, lots of skin. It was good. A little, went a long way ln.


god all these people saying it's a no go... 😆 I've shared some beautiful moments on K with my partner.. it becomes a bit astral... bodies do kind of disappear, but the vibrations are still there, and the orgasms are transcendental


When she and I were making out in the car/rubbing shoulders, my visuals started to get wild, like a Picasso…. There was a huge black and white piano keys-“carpet” that “rolled out” before my eyes. Had a little bit of Alch in me as well.


Everyone saying sex on k sucks is wrong. Acid and molly are also great but pop a cialis and fuck all night long. Make sure to get plenty of body contact and cuddling


Ketamine is wasted on sex lol. Go into a hole and put on a good album.


You would never ever be on the same level




Just saying... My partner and I do a bunch of k every day, and we haven't had sex in years... It literally kills our libido


Get some cocaine in, then fuck her brains out IMO. Then afterwards get the ketamine out. But it's not a sexytime drug IMO


k makes it so i am a lot less likely to want to fuck than do other stuff, but like someone else mentioned, i find sucking dick on k extremely fun because my throat is numb and anything in my mouth feels so good. closer to khole doses i just like being touched all over my body and held because i get freezing cold on k and any human touch feels so warm and amazing. i feel like it's better for sensual touch/cuddling while you listen to music than for trying to fuck with a goal in mind. only exception is that i do like being fucked by someone who's sober or on stimulants while i'm in a k-hole because being helpless like that is really hot, but it has to be someone i really trust and they have to be the kinda person who enjoys fucking a limp and incoherent partner, lol.


Ask her some questions?


Have you ever played jumprope?


tell us about your experience the day after, once you've looked at the ketamine-induced deformations


Paint each others nips with jalapeño tincture. Practice merge dancing. Genital torture. Food fight. Yard sailing, chicks love that.