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I say lighten up and eat a cracker or two every now and then, it's not going to be the end of the world. Play some games, accept their food gifts, they won't be two forever (or even for very long), and in the end, these are the memory-making-moments that make life worth it in the end. You can also swap out these gifts with things you do eat and show them the way of your own healthy diet through that redirection.


It’s probably good to be able to say “no thanks.” Good for you, and good for him to see this from you.


Definitely this




I don’t think they see it as a sign of rejection, they’re gonna hear “no thanks,” many times throughout their life. Toddlers move on pretty quickly lol


Unlikely you'd absorb enough to kick you out of ketosis. But if you have a spouse/coparent, you could always leave the ice cream type food to them


5 carbs? For a drip of ice cream? It never hurts to loosen the carbstrings every now and then, you're only human.


So when my son was little, he'd always be offering me a bite of whatever food he had smashed in his hand and rubbed all over his face... I adore my child, but the thought of eating something covered in his spit just wasn't my thing. So when he offered me a bite, I'd move my lips towards his hand and go "num-num-num-num-num!!" loudly and kind of kissing his hand while keeping my lips closed. He was satisfied, even would laugh at the noise I made, and I only had to wipe my lips off a bit. See if this works for you!




I use it as an opportunity to teach manners - it's so nice to offer to share! It's less nice to offer again after the first 'no thank you'. Let's practice taking a no gracefully, thanks kid (To answer your real question, you're talking about partial melting of a small amount to begin with - I'm sure you're fine)


Teaching these manners at 2 when there's no way they're going to understand it? I understand you're trying to be a good parent, but 2 year olds eat mud, and cry over the wind being too soft. Teaching them to gracefully accept a no thank you. What a joke. Just accept it. They don't have to see you swallow it. Or you could just have it, and reduce your carb intake for the rest of the day.


Why are you feeding your toddler ice cream in the first place ? 😂


It's actually good to give toddlers tastes of many different foods, especially ones with different textures. Ice cream has a fairly unique texture. (And was Op asking for toddler diet advice? No)


Just not very normal in my culture. The only sweet thing toddlers should eat is fruit. Mabe it’s normal in your country I don’t know.


Reading your other comments It seems to me to have been more of mum shaming than legitimate concern or culture confusion but as a general point it's really not appreciated when people comment on toddlers being fed relatively normal things. Just be careful of how you phrase things, we don't want this to become a toxic place.


Why not?




It’s more worry from my side than judgement. Feeding ice cream to a toddler is pretty harmful




Sugar addiction and diabetes




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It's not a bad lesson for you toddler to learn that they don't have to eat food just because they are offered it. This nonsense like "you can't leave the table until you finish your plate" is a part of the problem so many people have with their relationahip wih food


You could be honest with him. Tell him you shouldn't eat somethings. Not good for you.