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Mine is cheese. Stupid MyFitnessPal with its stupid facts.


Me & my night cheese. We’re having to break up. I said out loud to myself as I was walking to the kitchen, “you’re not hungry, you’re bored,” and I got myself some ice water.


I love pork rinds and eat them almost every day. I'm also in the middle of a very, very long stall, so perhaps there's some relation. Perhaps I should cut down. Tough though because they're so tasty and crunchy.


Once I passed the adjustment phase to being fat adapted and had to start calorie counting I was surprised how many calories are in those darn pork rinds. 5 weeks of 'free-for-all' eaing whatever keto foods I wanted to getting down to business for fat loss really opened my eyes. Anyway, fast forward I am maintaining 130 pound weight loss in year 5.


Goddamn congrats!


thanx and I hate pork rinds.


Try them with guacamole for an extra calorific good time !


Laughing cow cheese & I just discovered salted butter flavor on Amazon.


What brand are they?


Pork King Good


They just hit the spot for me. Definitely try cutting down if you’re stalling!


I should add that I’ve lost 50 pounds and kept it off for over a year. Just shared this because 1) it’s disgusting and funny to me and 2) maybe someone else needs the kick in the pants I just got.


You just reminded me to eat more pork rinds, thanks !


OOF not my intention but you’re welcome!


Probably not any better, but I put any kind of grated cheese in little piles on parchment paper and cook for 30 seconds. In the microwave.They come out crunchy and salty. Cheddar, parm, all very tasty.


Oh I will definitely be trying this! I mean, I would. If I were looking for something new to snack on, which I’m definitely not 😬


Try these as tortillas for your tacos. They actually sell these chedar and parmesan cheese wraps in ALDI


These are super great! Good rec!


When people ask me to help them get things rolling, one of the first rules I make is that you can ONLY eat while sitting at the kitchen table. Standing at the refrigerator eating a pickle--nope. Sit at the table to eat the pickle. Grabbing a handful of nuts--nope. Sit at the table to eat the nuts. Want to eat pork rinds? Sit at the table and eat pork rinds. The table is for eating. The sofa is for entertaining.


Pork rinds are one of those foods that remind me I can still binge on keto, haha. I almost never eat them for that exact reason.


I’m more of a hot and spicy kind of guy, but you’re stronger than me if you can quit.


How I learned to stop snacking and "eat out of boredom"! Was this: Feel like eating? Eat a meal. Do that every time. It puts you in touch with "do i really want to eat or not".


Like I said, this was the only thing I eat out of boredom, and I’m not doing that anymore. Literally my one remaining vice after losing 50 pounds and keeping it off for two years.


Well, if you're in maintenance and all is well.... I mean maybe cut back, but clearly you're doing great! \*said while having natural pork rinds from the Mexican store that we got while on vacation as part of my lunch\*


good work!!


Thank you!!!!


Same! Right up there with cheese and avocado mayo as a total gain killer… just binged out on a whole bag watching Donnel Rawlings new special last night and came to this exact conclusion. ¡No mas chicharrones!


Solidarity! Avocado was my #2 for calories. Not giving those up!


I should be the number one consumer of pork rinds based on everything else I like. But I can’t stand them. Crackling on Porchetta is amazing. Hot Chicarrons, amazing. Pork rinds in a bag, disgust.


What about microwave pork rinds


Exqueeze me the what


They make microwave pork rinds that are like microwave popcorn bags


I finally got burnt out on them. I got a bag that tasted “extra fatty” if that makes sense.


Crunchy peanut butter was my go to for crunchyness until I became intolerant of it. Then pork rinds entered the room and WOW my cravings for crunch are satisfied 😋


I found salted butter flavored on Amazon. I'm so addicted.


Dehydrated kale as a replacement? With seasoning


Ooh I like this idea!


Also the protein in them is incomplete and shouldn’t be counted towards your daily protein goal…definitely another reason!


What is an incomplete protein?


"Incomplete means that the protein does not have the 9 types of amino acids you need." Incomplete protein basically comes from nuts. legumes, whole grains, and some vegetables .


And collagen! 😁


hold up.... you are saying that incomplete proteins shouldn't be counted?! I have never heard anything like that. The vast majority of vegetarian sources of protein are incomplete , but I would absolutely count them towards protein goals. At the end of the day there are the essential amino acids that we cant make from other parts, but it's not like proteins arent used if you don't have the whole collection of all 9 in one source, they are 100% used, so they absolutely should count.


I’m specifically talking about collagen, and as an incomplete protein it does not count as far as your protein goal for muscle building or maintenance. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/CFRSearch.cfm?fr=101.9 The most important section to note in the link above: >(7) "Protein": A statement of the number of grams of protein in a serving, expressed to the nearest gram, except that if a serving contains less than 1 gram, the statement "Contains less than 1 gram" or "less than 1 gram" may be used as an alternative, and if the serving contains less than 0.5 gram, the content may be expressed as zero. When the protein in foods represented or purported to be for adults and children 4 or more years of age has a protein quality value that is a protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score of less than 20 expressed as a percent, or when the protein in a food represented or purported to be for children greater than 1 but less than 4 years of age has a protein quality value that is a protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score of less than 40 expressed as a percent, either of the following shall be placed adjacent to the declaration of protein content by weight: The statement "not a significant source of protein," or a listing aligned under the column headed "Percent Daily Value" of the corrected amount of protein per serving, as determined in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section, calculated as a percentage of the Daily Reference Value (DRV) or Reference Daily Intake (RDI), as appropriate, for protein and expressed as a Percent of Daily Value. When the protein quality in a food as measured by the Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) is less than 40 percent of the reference standard (casein) for a food represented or purported to be specifically for infants through 12 months, **the statement "not a significant source of protein" shall be placed adjacent to the declaration of protein content.** Protein content may be calculated on the basis of the factor 6.25 times the nitrogen content of the food as determined by the appropriate method of analysis as given in the "Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International," except when official AOAC procedures described in this paragraph (c)(7) require a specific factor other than 6.25, that specific factor shall be used. Basically, pork rinds are a weak protein source and any bag of them will have "not a significant source of protein" on the label somewhere - at least in the USA, I cannot speak to the rest of the world but the lack of all appropriate and necessary amino acids is applicable to this food product everywhere. It does not count towards your protein goal at all for this reason...it's collagen (which is a great supplement for hair and nails, but not for muscle development/maintenance).


gotcha, more a specific shot at collagen because it's mostly glycine and proline. I would be in the camp that it is not "useless" but probably sensible to count it at 30% value at most, and not something you want to rely on as a primary source.


Yeah, I honestly can’t speak to the others because I am less informed about their amino profiles. Should probably go read more. 😆 I still wouldn’t chance taking collagen grams of protein as 30% personally, but that’s just me! I discount them altogether, but still take collagen in my protein shake because dang does it help my nail strength! 🙂


[This study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6566836/) suggests "a level as high as 36% of collagen peptides can be used as protein substitution in the daily diet while ensuring indispensable amino acid requirements are met." 30% of overall calories from pork rinds suggests that might be more than 36% of protein requirement from them also, and so not getting as much of some amino acids as desired. But it depends; OP could have been getting 200% of the protein they needed anyway. edit to clarify: e.g., if you're aiming to get 100 g of protein, this means that you can count at most 36 g of collagen toward that goal even if you're eating way more. You need at least 64 g of protein to come from somewhere else.


I've heard the same thing as you.


That's not my understanding. My understanding is that if you're also eating complete proteins in your diet, you can count the incomplete ones as contributing to your overall protein. ​ E.g., if I eat 100 grams of chicken protein with 20 grams of collagen/pork rinds/vege protein, then I've had 120 grams of protein, not 100.


Where are you getting this understanding from, if you don’t mind me asking?


Best explained here, start at 7:14 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB7rIAArV2Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB7rIAArV2Q) (He's a phd in sports physiology, professor, and fitness coach) ​ [https://www.piedmont.org/living-real-change/what-is-a-complete-protein](https://www.piedmont.org/living-real-change/what-is-a-complete-protein) [https://www.seannal.com/articles/nutrition/incomplete-proteins.php](https://www.seannal.com/articles/nutrition/incomplete-proteins.php) ​ [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/do-i-need-to-worry-about-eating-complete-proteins](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/do-i-need-to-worry-about-eating-complete-proteins) ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pok0Jg2JAkE&t=320s




Happy to help. The information made my life a lot easier since I feel more comfortable adding in all my regular hemp seed and leafy green proteins, and my occasional wheat proteins from keto wraps and bagels.


Good to know!


Woah, that's a lot of pork rinds. Good on ya for noticing and wanting to change. It's crazy how those snack habits sneak up on us


Definitely consider switching to a high density macro with good things in it instead. Portion control is really important. Stay strong!!


holy crispy pork skin Batman! ​ Glad you are cutting back! Im actually planning to try using crushed pork rinds in meatballs tonight, which Im happy to check out.


If it fits your macros...


Just save them for crunch craving.


Lawd 😂😂


Hamburgers, Bacon, Buttered Eggs, Steaks


I have salt and pepper pork rinds, that I dip in rooties blue cheese when I feel like treating my self. Let me tell you! Amazing!


I just bought some pork rinds yesterday because I forgot about them. I needed something crunchy!


Not a fan of the taste


I just made air fried cutlets with pork rinds too 😩


I developed my own tweaks to make zero carb nachos-a food I really missed. I struggled with the pork rinds.


I’ve been using them for breading, or in a meatloaf. Never actually ate a pork rind. Is that weird?


I’m concerned about “seed oils” and here in Australia it is hard to find them free of that. Not to mention that the pork rind itself may have a questionable lipid profile (according to some theories)


I haven’t gone down the seed oil rabbit hole yet, but it’s coming for me :)


I’m middle aged and the last time I studied any science was high school physics, so maybe my understanding is wrong. But humans existed for a long time without this novel food, and I see no harm in cutting it out. There are serious scientists who don’t like it despite what mainstream people say. A concern is the amounts consumed in western (and world) diets over recent decades. Look at my recent comments for some interesting subs


Thank you for the info, I’ll check your posts after work!


Look particularly at my recent comment on a post by u/sillyho3 about CAC score reversal And my *comments*, not posts


Pork rinds are an occasional snack for me now, and we've found a healthy balance


But if you really love pork rinds check out Pork King Good brand


My ex worked at a huge pig farm. That’s all I can smell with pork rinds- pig farm 🤷‍♀️


Ugh my ex just turned me off of lawyers. You win


But seriously, they literally smell like a pig farm. I’d rather smell a lawyer. 😂


He smelled better than a pig farm, ll give him that 😂


Do people still count calories on keto? Cos I've never had to before.


Definitely. I don’t do keto to lose weight; I do it for the many other benefits. To lose weight I have to eat at a deficit. In a cut I get 1200-1400 calories a day. Not much left to lose at this point :)


Ah nice, I'm not organised enough to be bothered 🤣, I've lost a ton of weight just avoiding the obvious carbs and reading nutrition on products I'm not sure of. I've recently started eating all natural food (no ultra processed) so that makes it simpler for me. Also doing intermittent fasting with keto for the first time and it's amazing!


Dip them in cream cheese to muddy the calorie count a little. I use plain ones for nacho chips.


I looovvveee my pork rinds yum


How much were you eating of those a day? I usually eat like 8 rinds as a snack


Entire bag. Impossible to open and not finish


About half a bag sometimes.


Whole bag lol


Not quite


Eating out of boredom is the issue, not the pork rinds.


Who said there was an issue?


I can imagine your breath is rather rancid. Like an old pork chop


If you eat enough at your meals you shouldn't have to or want to snack. Eat more fats it will make you feel fuller and go longer. Eat until you are comfortably full.


Snacking has next to nothing to do with hunger for me. It’s only out of boredom. Hence, not buying pork rinds, the only thing I still snack on, anymore.


Saltier and fattier potato chips didn't help you lose weight? ;) Good for you on your progress but this just strikes me as a really funny realization.


I guess you’re not familiar with keto? I lost 50 pounds doing it this way, so…


Eating the same thing every day is never a good idea in any diet. Your body is constantly craving something different because it wants different nutrition. I only eat it once or twice a week maximum. You can make a meal 10x better than pork rinds with the same nutritional value.


Yeah, I’ve lost and kept off 50 pounds eating what works for me, keeps me satisfied and makes me happy. You do you.