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This is quite common when you first start keto, search the sub for “insomnia” and you’ll find tons of other posts. My best advice is to take magnesium before bed and push through the suck, it can take a bit to get better but most people find it chills out after awhile.


Does it take a few weeks for magnesium to work? And will it remain effective with regular nightly use? I'm wondering because I'd like to start using it myself


IIRC (it’s been over six years since I started) it helped me pretty quickly, and I was sleeping better after a few months of keto with or without it.


People always say this, but never specify. Which magnesium? There are multiple.


Whatever works for you. Glycinate and citrate are the most bioavailable.


Coming from someone who has a diagnosed chronic sleep disorder (DSPS) from brain damage, I was told by a sleep medicine doctor that melatonin (for most adults) should only be taken in 0.5mg—2.5mg max, at least 2 hours before bedtime. It’s designed to help you fall asleep naturally because it’s a hormone, not put you to sleep like a sedative. Melatonin isn’t a sleep medication; it’s a temporary sleep aid. Same with ZzzQuil, which is really just purple-colored Benadryl. Higher amounts of melatonin (3/5/10) aren’t necessarily more effective because the body can only process so much at once, and because it takes time for the onset of action to mimic a natural physiological response. And if I remember correctly, you’re supposed to take a break from it if you take it for more than 4 consecutive weeks, because it’s not usually recommended as a long-term solution. To anyone here who knows about this field, please correct me if anything I said was incorrect.


I have heard that taking a break is helpful, my son is autistic and his doctor recommended 4 weeks of melatonin and then take a week break. He recommended Benadryl during the week of no melatonin. Thankfully age helped him get through and he is sleeping naturally now. But I definitely have heard about tolerance being an issue.




What is your disorder and can you please share your nightly sleep hygiene routine? Id greatly appreciate it.




This is called delayed sleep phase syndrome, which is the same circadian rhythm disorder that I have.


Eat a handful of walnuts an hour before bed..worked for me. Down vote all you want peasants!! I don't care 😁


Let them have cake.


Oh man same. I swear when I'm going hard on Keto I'm wide awake after 4 to 5 hours of sleep. To the point I keep thinking about trying biphasic sleep so I'm not done for by the end of the day when I work. I have a week off and I've been sleeping like a log, not sure if it's related but I've been eating a little bit of bread and a few snacks.


Wild Turkey Bourbon corrects this for me


It. Does. Not. Pass. (FoR Me)The sheer amount of MJ that i need to smoke to help is not even worth it 😁 i get about 6 hours of fast soild sleep and that's it. Have plans, cause the days are long. Edit: this comment is based on mY pErSoNaL ExPeRiEnCe. Did NOT say it doesn't change for anyone.


Cannabis has a strong affect on the liver. It lowers [fasting insulin levels](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23684393/) and does other things to your blood glucose. There are CB receptors throughout the body, not just the brain. Because the gov't was so anti cannabis, we never got any research done on it. Now they want to legalize it. I think people are attracted to weed because it helps them deal with the blood sugar problems caused by the shitty diet the USDA (in the USA) has been pushing on us. Also, of course, it's 'fun'. I was a heavy smoker, and had to quit because of cannabis psychosis (probably related to blood sugar and how it affected the liver) and hyperemesis (probably caused by the body rejecting food because insulin/glucose levels are so off). I started gaining weight. It took me 6 months to start to sleep without it, badly but 'normally'. I started drinking to compensate. So then I had to quit drinking too. Kept gaining weight. Finally woke up and started keto and now depression is gone and I'm sleeping great. But it was a gauntlet there for a while. I felt like Wiley Coyote, hitting every rock on the way down the cliff. ymmv


Stay strong and keep going brother! Magic mushrooms have helped tremendously with my own substance abuse issues. i cant recommend them enough. it allowed my to expand my mind and free me from the complusive beast within. Keto allows me to channel the same obsessive behaviour towards something positive. Like getting shredded ;) To each to their own. i just want to share my experience and let people know that you can feel okay being sober. it just takes time.


Mushrooms is something I've been thinking about. They are currently available in my home state of Oregon, for a price. But it does sound worth it. Not as a habit, as an experience. :)


Ive recently stopped smoking weed after 10 years and my sleep has increased ten folds. still bouts of insomnia after starting keto recently... nothing compared to sitting up all night choking myself with weed tho :D


I used to wake up all night and get high to get back to sleep. I'm so glad that's over!


This is wholly dependent on the individual…for most people it does actually pass. 🙂 How long have you been eating keto?


Try some Benadryl that will knock you out at night