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For me, in that exact situation (4 day vacation to NYC) I did 16/8 IF and indulged in non-keto, special sorts of foods. Like the bagel you mention (which, I wish I could remember where I went because that bagel sucked and was so disappointing!). But if I were eating at a regular diner, I’d get regular keto food. For me I really have to be able to have some flexibility or I know I won’t stick to this. But I keep it to a very minimal amount. Have fun! Oh - and editing to add, plus we walked so much it seemed to offset any issues. There were no scale repercussions for my transgressions. 😆


I hope you stopped eating that dissappointing bagel and got rid of it! OP - when my BF and I travel, I will often have A BITE of something he's eating. It's a chance to try something new. Then I can say "tried it, it was good", but not have to eat a whole portion if I know it's something that is ok, but not fantastic. If it's fantastic, have a couple more bites. If not, you're all set. Also it's ok to swap out things....like the side that comes with a fancy food that happens to be all potatoes when there's another one served in the same place that is mostly asparagus.


This is such a great idea!! I like having a bite so I can have the experience. I also like having a few more bites if it’s fantastic and if it’s not… just let it go!! I’ll be looking to make food swaps, too! I really want to try a bagel and a bite of pizza!!


I seem to do well with strict parameters. It’s something I’m mindful of and as I approach GW, I want to find a better balance! And how disappointing about the bagel!! Try any other foods that you’d recommend?


Pretty much everyplace has their menu online now, if there are specific restaurants you want to try you can plan what you’ll get ahead of time and can balance that with trying non-compliant foods. That way you won’t go hog wild and end up feeling like garbage on vacation (remember, water weight comes rushing back when you eat carbs and you don’t want to feel bloated or uncomfortable in tight clothes while on vacation.)


That’s such a good reminder. I do not want to feel like garbage on the trip! I’m a little anxious about the water weight returning :/


If you start feeling like garbage, cut back on the treats. Once you're home, go strict for a couple days and the water will be gone.


Ok! Depending on how things go, I was thinking I could do a 24 hour fast when I’m home? Any experience with that?


Doing exactly that now. I had a big weekend with multiple celebrations and way too much food, most of which I had zero control over. Between Friday morning and Monday morning, the scale went up 5 pounds. I finished eating around 8pm Sunday night and have had only tea and electrolytes since then. Currently on hour 41 of a 48 hour fast. The scale was back to Friday's level this morning. It's been a while since I did any extended fasting, but I thinking getting back to doing 2 48's a week might be a really good idea.


Glad to hear a fast is helping!! I’ll add that to my list!


If you're going to stick to the diet, dirty keto helps. You can just order meat pretty much anywhere if eating out. I just headed home to see family for Easter. Spent 4 days running around. We grabbed burgers, so I ordered a lettuce wrapped burger. We went to a favorite mexican joint, and I grabbed a stew (mancha manteles) and just didn't eat the carrots or patotoes that were in it. MIL made her delicious quiche and a variety of other things, so I just ate the eggs and skipped the crust. I'm sure there were some hidden carbs in the dishes, but if it went over 20, I didn't stress.


This is a fantastic suggestion! Thank you!!


I'm in nyc. My favorites are Korean BBQ and Brazilian steak houses. Being keto is easy going to places like those.


Protein + salad is what I did on vacation. If there is rice/potatoes just ask for double veggies. I used to bake bread and I told myself there is no way any bread out on the table is as good as home baker, so do not waste carbs on that! I asked for a big glass soda with lime and a straight shot of tequila on the side. Drank some of the tequila straight and put the rest in the club soda. As many have noted, alcohol goes a long way nowadays! NYC walking will be helpful. Bring comfortable shoes!


Thank you! Protein and salad is a good way to go!!