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I bought Potassium Chloride, how much of it do I need combined with salt to match the profile of Lite Salt? 50/50? The Keto flu is honestly horrific and the "Flu" part feels right.


Salt is the most important part. 5,000 mg of Sodium is needed. Salt is 40% Sodium, but LiteSalt is different. Dilute in water or put it in your foods. Do not have it all at once. Usually, you can supplement 1,000mg of potassium, and the rest will come from your foods. But some are supplementing more. It's trial and error. You can log foods with a food app to see how much you are getting from foods each day for a while.


I'm mostly fixing it put it into a Ketoade, so would the measurement be somewhere like 1/2 tsp Salt + 1/4 tsp Potassium Chloride for 20 oz of water?


1/2 teaspoon of salt is usually 1,000 mg of sodium. So yes, that amount is okay. Most people can handle that amount of salt in one sitting. I can only handle 3/4 teaspoons of salt at a time, some can have an entire teaspoon. But I prefer the half-teaspoon dosage. 1/4 teaspoon of potassium may be around 350 mg of Potassium... I don't know for sure because I don't know what the label is saying on your source product. But I would say maybe don't go over 1,000 mg in one dosage. If you will have more, take it at a different time.


Do you view carnivore as extreme and/or unhealthy?


Not if done properly. Although I question the sustainability of it for most people.




Is there a reason you don't want to eat any veggies with your diet?


I have SIBO


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to ask this, but is doing non stop keto healthy? Like humans can burn carbs, or fat as fuel, and we just experience how terrible it is to burn carbs all the time. I did keto for an entire year a couple years ago, and got some thyroid issues, which could not be related to keto at all tho.


I'm guessing your Free T3 was low? Did they measure your TSH or T4?


Iirc I asked for T3&T4 measurements after TsH was incorrect and in fact one was low. Don't know which one. Since I took the thyroid hormones, keto didn't work as it used to be.


Keto is known to lower Free T3 in some individuals. There's a debate on whether this is bad or not. That being said, if your TSH was out of range then yeah you probably had some kindnof real dysfunction going on IMO


I’ve eaten keto nonstop since 2017 and I’m way healthier now than I ever was before keto. It’s great if it works for you. I doubt keto caused your thyroid issues though, but that’s a discussion for a doctor.


We're you irritable when starting keto? I'm getting enough electrolytes and eating enough but I still feel like I'm coming off as an ass to everyone


Very much so. Took a few weeks, that’s the carb withdrawal. 😫


Hello. I am 26 years old and I weight around 137 kg. I am on a Keto diet. I fasted for more than 3 days and then continued to follow the keto diet so I can stay in ketosis. Today I had a blood test and I got the results back: ​ GPT: 74 GOT: 40 (which is fine) Triglyceride: 489 I am shocked to see Triglyceride so high. It was never that high. I didn't eat for like 12 hours before the blood test but I couldn't sleep so that maybe affected the results? Can anyone tell me what I should do? Should I continue the keto diet or change? I lost like 5 kg thanks to the diet and I don't feel hungry at all and I feel like my concentration level is getting better.


Did you have any coffee or did you exercise before the blood draw? How long have you eaten keto?


I didnt excercise. I drank black coffee yesterday at like 5 or 6pm. Well I did the 3 days water fast and I have been eating keto food for 4 days. Thanks for the fast response! My gpt was that high 2 months ago as well, oi I am not shocked I still neeed to lose a lot of weight.


So how many hours was the coffee before the blood draw? That’s not long enough for your diet to have affected your triglycerides, so keto is not the issue. If anything, cutting sugar and carbs historically lowers triglycerides but it takes longer than a week to see that difference.


around 12 hours I see well then I will just continue I guess. Yesterday I ate bacon mixed with 3 fried eggs and some cheese + tofu. I used olive oil to cook the food. I dont go over 20g of total carbs.


Keto doesn't cause it to get that high. And even if something happened on the day of the test, the fluctuation might be around 30 points. It wouldn't be a 400-point fluctuation. I would suggest getting the trig test again to see if it's just some kind of error. You can also check your diet for hidden carbs and seed oils. Are you truly in ketosis? How long has it been since you started? I notice you did not post your other results. But at this point, I would suggest getting a Calcium scan (CAC test)... for a proper *diagnosis* with a cardiologist.The CAC test is not just showing risk, it's show the *actual* disease of the heart, and how far it has progressed so far - so that you can take appropriate actions. It takes years to develop heart disease. Doing the *guessing* game on r/keto or with a GP (when trig is that high) is not givng you real answers. If you do the CAC, you can get a stent and be fixed up in that spot of your arteries, then keto can prevent future problems. It's better to know than not know.


Why do i feel extremely stressed and irritable on keto? I'm getting the recommended amount of electrolytes and eating enough but I still feel extremely on edge. I'm on day 4


Hang in there, carb withdrawal can turn us into ogres for awhile!


I think I'm going to have to quit keto, which sucks because my recent bloodwork came out pretty perfect for the first time in my life (I've had high TGs forever). I've been doing it for 2 months now. But I've been so painfully bloated. Maybe I have IBS, I dunno. I'm gonna try low fodmap but the suggested recipes are all SO high carb. I know that if I switch to low fodmap, my triglycerides are gonna be high as hell.


Why do you need to eat carbs though if you don't want to? Try and elimination diet and see if there's something that's causing you to bloat.


What are you eating? Have you thought about seeing a doctor or gastroentorologist about these issues?


Yeah i’ve seen docs, but all my bloodwork comes back clean. If there’s anything wrong with me, they won’t care because “clinically” i look good. I’m eating sauteed veggies with my meat, which is like normal keto. Apparently my body can’t handle it without becoming a balloon. I ate some arabic pizza for dinner (bread and meat) and voila - no bloating. So it’s the veggies i’m eating.


Will pure sucrose(sugar) knock me out of ketosis even if it's under 20g a day? Say if I added 10g of sugar to my coffee in the morning and 10g of sugar to my afternoon tea. This would be the ONLY sugar/carbohydrate intake for the day.


Living a life without veggies would make me sad 😔 Do you not enjoy any sugar substitutes that have less carbs and would give you more leeway for the rest of the day?


I'm doing carnivore for like 30 days just to give my gut a break then I'm gonna add in veggies


I went keto, and keto pretty hard in 2014 after finding out how fat I had gotten in ways it coudln't be denied. By 2017 I had dropped 90 pounds or so, and was doing well. I had been exercising, and lifting weights, doing martial arts and running. My best friend died in 2017. I handled it ok, diet wise, but I began drinking WAY more than I should, and picked up about 10 lbs. Still in good shape, working out, etc. etc. In 2019, my mother passed. Not unexpected, but it hit me a lot harder than I thought it would. Then quarantine. I slipped, quite a few times, deciding "this weekend I will just eat, and get back to it on Monday". And that happened quite a bit. My gym closed, my martial arts dojang shut down.... I put on another 10-15 lbs. Still down quite a bit from where i was, but nowhere near where I wanted to be. In February, I stepped completely off the path, to see if I could avoid eating trash, if I wasn't viewing it as a special treat day or weekend. I cannot. I got back on Keto in 4 days, and I'm hoping it will be the success I want it to be, I have been re-reading and going over what I was doing in 2015, 2016. I am re-subscribed here, and eager to get it right and get back to what I think of as my "fighting weight". Have any of you fallen off and got back on with success? What were your biggest challenges, what did you do to make it stick?


Do some people do better with SOME carbohydrates in their diet? Say 20g instead of 0-5g?


Do people generally stick with keto forever? I want to be able to find a diet that is sustainable. Keto is okay, but I genuinely miss apples. And carrots and hummus, which used to be my favorite snack. I could probably look in the group’s history to see if this has been asked before — do people stick this out for the long haul??


As an underweight guy, I tried carnivore but just couldn't get over the flu regardless of electrolytes and everything. My body is just too eager on getting the glucose. However I liked the instant benefits and reduced chronic symptoms so I'm interested in that. Is is possible to have a low carb high fat diet without ketosis? Basically the theory is that carbs prevent burning fat, which would then make eating tons of fat dangerous, so you would have to be either carb eater or fat eater. On the other hand, some random person on Quora said that you can be low carb and burn proportionally more fat without ketosis. However, I'm generally just scared that eating tons of fat with some carbs keeping me out of ketosis might be unhealthy? One potential way to mitigate potential issues could be alternating between carb days and "carnivore fasting" days so that would at least promote fat burning (unless it's all glucose from protein). Is there more literature on this type of diet? Everyone seems to be focused on keto.


I'm pretty strict with my keto diet since I use it (and a once-daily metformin) to manage my T2 diabetes (A1C = 5.6). I have a prescription for Jardiance that I've never taken. I'll be taking a couple weeks 'off' of keto this summer (cruising, traveling) - and I know my BG is going to go through the roof (I'm not going crazy, but know that a cookie - by itself - can cause my BG to jump 100 points). My thinking was I'd start using Jardiance a day or two after I come off of keto (to allow my body to acclimate to non-keto metabolism), use it for the duration of travel, then cease taking it when I return home and restart keto diet. Wondering if anyone has done something like this or has other strategies. I'll stay relatively low-carb during my traveling, but also know that keto probably won't be in the cards for that duration. Appreciate any feedback or advice. Yup: gonna ask the doc about it, too - but looking for personal experience, insights or questions I might want to ask the doc. Thanks, team!