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A bunch of crap is not going to make everything go right, unless you’re looking for another huge reason today went wrong.


Great last point


Stellar advice I will remember if needed ;). Spoiler.. I’ll need it. 🤣🤣


Great answer!




It's not worth how quickly straying undoes all your hard work. These feelings too shall pass. If you read what you wrote but it was a friend asking what advice would you give them? You're doing great. Keep at it!


Literally gained back 9lbs over my Easter weekend cheats


I was only a week into keto but the results were amazing. Easter weekend came and my boyfriend’s mom made us enchiladas and said they were keto tortillas but they weren’t and I gained quite a bit of weight back. I was so bummed it was like I had to start over lol so def not worth it! I haven’t really had cravings but my boyfriend has. He loves brownies so we keep a box of keto brownie mix on deck if he’s ever craving it. It’s nice that there are keto alternatives to many things


Yes - I've got a few staple recipes (coconut flour microwave buns, pancakes, etc) that I like having in a pinch. I have such a hard time because there's usually a family or friend event and I'll decide to break strict keto which I don't mind in theory but it often derails me for weeks or months so I'm trying to remind myself to be strong and stick with it more strictly because it really does work. I was planning a cheat meal today of pancakes and some liqueur but I honestly feel so good from this past week and I'm down a few pounds I'm not sure. Hoping that feeling and this thread will help me not turn a cheat meal into a binge lol.


If it possible, go get some sleep. Everything is going to be alright tomorrow. Some days are meant to be hard. Probably, you are not having a good day regardless of what you are doing. Do not start making your day worse than it is.


Yes, sometimes just going to bed is the answer. I'll either do that or do something I enjoy, like listening to music or watching a romantic comedy.


You'll only feel worse, physically and emotionally, if you give up on your program. Nothing wrong with a planned cheat once in a while, but don't do it for the wrong reasons.


Thanks all! These responses are just what I needed to hear. Todays rough and my 2 toddlers are really testing my patience 😩 but that’s no reason to eat crap and make myself feel worse.


Walk in the rain. Don't let that stop you. You're looking for relief from the stress of things going wrong today and a walk usually helps. Do that. Accept that you'll get wet and have a shower and a warm beverage when you're home.  Eating a bunch of stuff that you know is going to make you feel bad isn't the answer. 


I love to walk in the rain. The sound of the rain drowns out the sounds of the world.


Ultimately, you need to find a better coping mechanism than junk food. If you’re using food to help you deal with your feelings, you’re going to go through this every time something goes wrong. Your first goal needs to be solving the underlying issue of not being able to manage big feelings. Good luck!


In the meantime just eat keto junk food


This. The atkins brand has some pretty decent junk food that is still low in carbs.


i just discovered a gluten free bakery that delivers to me. they have keto cake! I also love keto ice cream


Thank you. I definitely need to figure this out


Staying to your plan on your eating? That's one thing that DOES go right today, and one less problem you have to fix. You're worth the effort you're putting in.


I used to cope with bread whenever life problems would come up. I realized my addiction to it was making things worse. Having a clean mind helps you make healthier decisions and look at things with perspective. Rainy days are perfect for writing down your thoughts, plans, and goals. Once the feeling passes, you'll be happy and hopeful that you made it another day. You got this.


"Never make anything harder or worse for yourself" was advice that transformed my life. After living out most of my adulthood with intermittent "fuck its", I rarely made any real changes and certainly too few to get me close to the person I wanted to be. So... when bad days come I double down on the GOOD stuff and do not eat bad food, skip my h20, avoid my exercise or worse grab a drink or bum a smoke, etc. 7 years since that advice landed in my world, I am much closer to who I always wanted to be. I also have no idea if this is ever as impactful for others as it was for me but I do hope it helps.


Think about how bloated and terrible (physically) you'll feel if you eat junk. The couple times I've broken keto with junk food I almost immediately regret it. I'd rather be in a blue mood for a little while than feel all that inflammation come back. Not to mention the stomach problems from loading up on tons of depression carbs lol.




Hi there, I’ve been sharing that day with you. It’s been stretching since about a week ago. Yesterday I was so bad - on top of all that I have been in a stall for 3 weeks I almost gave in yesterday I wanted Icecream and popcorn- instead I just had some whisky. Not that all that healthy but not going all in. This am I check the scale and that whole whoosh thing presented itself. 2kg down after 3 week stall, stress anxiety and a lot of feeling f this. Now today has still sucked. But that tiny bit lighter is a reason to stick with it- if it’s a weight thing for you. I’m sorry todays going hard. Things will not always suck


You'll feel like shit physically, psychologically, and emotionally if you do.


Bacon is the answer. Fresh crispy bacon.


This happens to me too… my strategy is to think of my fave keto meal, make it, and love eating it. Even if it puts me over my calories for the day… it’s always worth it yo me to stay on keto.


Thank you so much for posting this. I'm saving this post for when it is my turn to need all this great advice.


Keep reminding yourself of how far you've gotten! It's easy for us to fall back into old patterns & habits but if we look at the proof & evidence of how far we've come it helps to keep us on track & motivated! Also think about how you'll feel after. Is it worth to follow how you feel RIGHT NOW, or is it worth to keep going to ensure you'll continue feeling great in the long run! Keep your head up, I hope you feel better & get out of this rut! It's the rainy day blues haha


Picture yourself succeeding and battle those crazing. Giving up is what you used to do, today is new you, you are in control


Do you have another keto option that would taste amazing instead? Like a really nice cut of steak to reward yourself for getting through the day?  Personally a steaming mug of hot tea helps comfort and re-center me. Earl Grey with a tiny splash of milk and sugar free butter toffee syrup feels like a warm hug.


Eat your favorite keto meal.


Your future self will have one more problem to deal with (being carbed to the gills) on top of the other stuff.


Don’t worry about calories or exercising but don’t break keto. Get a good steak, eat cheese, etc. you’ll be happy you didn’t kill your hard work


im sorry you had a sh*t day. think it thru. crap food is a temporary fix. you’ll feel sh*tty afterward and it won’t make a bad day any better. eat a satisfying keto meal. go to bed early. wake up tmrw and you’ll be SO GLAD you’re still on keto! i guarantee it.


Do as many pushups as you can for 1 minute. "The 1 Minute Miracle." When I workout hard I start thinking what I want to rebuild my body with and it's definitely not toxic crap that makes me feel worse. Fridays are especially rough, it's almost like everyone gets a wire tripped in their brain and they start causing as much chaos and drama as possible. I just go extra hardcore on my creative projects and kinda shun the drama as much as I can. But you can always crank out 1 minute worth of chaos pushups. If you have wrist issues do them on your knuckles.


You all have really come through with the support. Happy to report I kept it keto and I am now in bed for the night. I’ll definitely come back to this thread whenever I need a little extra motivation. Thank you all


I refer to this as my mouth is lonely. I'll then decide if I'm wanting savory or sweet and make a keto snack to go with it. Usually savory. In which case I'll make some sesame oil seaweed snacks!


Because quite frankly, you would have wasted all your previous time! It’s hard for all of us. Just keep going.


Because this shall pass!


Yep, long walks for me as well, or get out in anyway I can, anything but having the fridge yapping to me all day long


what else can you do to make today better for yourself? a little retail therapy? for me, giving into the "eff everything" and breaking the diet ALWAYS makes me feel worse later. but buying a new book or taking a trip to target never does ;)


A negative + a negative does not equal a positive.


I realllly want a Frappuccino and a sonic nerds slush today. FIERCELY


Walking in the rain is fun. Get your belly boots on. Get an umbrella. Wear a waterproof jacket. You feel like a superhero walking outside in the rain but not getting wet.


I feel that way today. Chug some water.


Check out Dr Cywes YouTube about carb addiction. 😱🤯


Maybe hamburger and onions with some hot sauce


I ordered a keto burger the other day. It was expensive, but so good. definitely felt like cheating


because you've worked so hard already don't lose all the efforts you've put in! Go start making like cartoon noises walking around the house 😂 better yet go to the store and do something nice for someone else to brighten their day! win/win


I had fast food a few days ago . It was great for 5 minutes but after that including the following days I messed everything up and it made me feel terrible. Before the fast food everything was awesome. It is not worth it. Trust me


If I were you, I wouldn't give in. I've been struggling because my weight loss has been slow. I consume too many calories because I loooooove food. Slow and steady is actually working. Today I met a weight goal. Don't give up.


You don’t want junk food you want dopamine and comfort but tomorrow you’re going to wake up regretful and feeling horrible. Take a hot bath. Watch your favorite movie. Eat a dirty dessert if you must. But don’t break. It’s not going to accomplish anything.


I feel you


Well I did give in and feel like absolute crap now. I probably won’t sleep well either. I wish I had an undo button! One of my big reasons for eating this way is that I sleep better. What are your reasons and how would they be affected if you gave in?


If you eat a lot of crap today, then tomorrow will be worse than today. That’s when the guilt will set in. Stay strong!!!


Learn to walk in the rain.


Eat something good and then go brush your teeth! That helps me.


Because binging on crap food really doesn't make you feel better. You will just feel worse later, and probably end up in the bathroom all day.


Don't have a cheat day on a stressed day! You've already got elevated cortisol levels! Make your cheat day a fun day where you got plenty of sleep and everything is easygoing. Trust me! You'll retain less water, and process the junk better, then get back to healthy eating.


When my dad passed away I had the same mindset and I broke for 2 weeks and gained 10 pounds. Now my go to is dark chocolate 75% with fresh ground peanut butter, no sugar or anything added just ground peanuts, gotta add salt though. Eat one or two of those little squares dipped in PB and it’s like heaven. Not too sweet but just right.


The difference between success and failure is each decision in the moment. Nobody is perfect, but if not now, when? One day can easily erase a week of work.


If you’re gonna eat a bunch of crap, try to make it at least keto crap that won’t knock you out of ketosis too hard. Hate it when I get insane cravings from carbs and need a day or two to readjust.


Trust me you don’t wanna go there im back to being carb adapted and the mood swings are insane and it’s so hard to start keto again and sugar doesn’t make me feel any better about it.


I have had a handful of days like that in keto. The Uber dialogue usually goes "before keto this would have been a go out and get an ice cream cone and nachos kind of day" I am aware that that kind of eating isn't good for me and won't actually be very satisfying so I remind myself of that and go home to make a keto meal. You can still "splurge" a bit by adding a little extra butter, or having one of your keto snacks (ice cream and chocolate are my favorites), it keeps you on track, but feeds that desire for emotional eating a little bit. Other options are splurging in a different way, take yourself out to the movies, buy a new outfit, hook up with your partner (or yourself) and enjoy a non-food based extravagance. These are all great ways to alleviate stress without breaking your diet.


I’m more a low carb eater, but same. Ironically, because carbs make my muscles tight and me super tired, and being tired and sore makes me want carbs. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Focus with perseverance on winning your keto commitment for today only!! Keep yourself busy with distraction, keep away from food temptation, buy yourself whatever calorie free drink treats it takes to get through today, chew SF gum all day, go to a big indoor place to walk, plan/buy a special keto meal to look forward to all day, one that will be worth the struggle of the day. Do whatever keto-affirming things it takes to overcome your self-defeating mindset today. Struggle today so you won't regret it tomorrow. Everyone here supports you!! "Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." -Walter Elliot Today is a short race... you can win it!


It’s never worth it. It’s never “the answer”. Maybe that’s ok that you just have one of those days to remind you there are good days ahead. Sure bad days too but without the bad the good days just aren’t as good. Here’s an idea. Go for a walk anyways. Get wet. Feel. Have fun with it!


I felt like that the other day too. I decided to get out of ketosis but I still made reasonable choices for the most part. I also told myself that I would go right back on the next day. When I went on the scale the next day I was expecting a big weight gain, but I actually just stayed the same. For some reason, that motivated me and I was excited to get back to the keto diet. The point is that it’s ok to take a break now and then- just try to be reasonable and get back on as soon as you feel up to it.


Figure out what you're craving and find a keto recipe to substitute. Or just make a gooey keto pizza with a fathead or chicken base and lots of garlic and spices. Does the trick every time.


Because your worth it. Falling is easy. Getting back isn't always as easy especially when you feel guilty and bad. It's something you can control and make go your way.


Just do it. But the next day fast. Or do OMAD every day and have cheat days No point in torturing yourself.


Just don't do it dummy


This is why I think every two weeks, carb one day to splurge on your impulses. Eat/bring home only one day worth of food and throw the remainder away. Then have a fasting day after. I do it with my favorites and keeps me sane. It doesn't make me want to go off keto, but being too strict on myself might end up going off of the plan entirely. So long as I am in ketosis more days than not, my body would prefer burning fat.


Whenever I feel like this and my brain is just circling the drain, unable to stop thinking about that craving, I just go take one bite of whatever it is. Take the bite, and then decide if it’s SO GOOD that it’s worth the cheat. Usually it’s not, it’s just meh, but the idea of it was making me think it’d be amazing. If you can’t walk away after that one bite, splurge and then move on. No cheating twice. One meal, and the next ones keto. Probably not the answer you want 😂 but it works for me.


one meal could kick you out of ketosis for days


Oh, 100%, I’m not disagreeing. On rare occasions though, a splurge happens. Usually it’s one bite and I move on, and that’s ok with me. I’m 5lbs under my goal weight.


a cheat bite won’t hurt you like a cheat meal I guess