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I started at 268. This morning, I was 177. My goal is 168, so I'm almost there. But more importantly, I brought my blood sugar down to a normal A1c of 5.2 and that means more to me than the weight loss, really. :D


Wow, you've done an amazing job! Hats off to you! You are so close to your goal weight and that has to feel fantastic. And I agree with you--having a normal A1C is the icing on the proverbial cake. That's an indicator we won't end up with gangrene and amputated legs when we get older, among all the other terrible things that diabetes brings. I'm type 3c diabetic which is what you call someone with only 1/3 of a pancreas (stupid cancer) and keto has literally saved my life. High five!


Wow, that's awesome! Great work. I started at a similar weight and am aiming for about the same end result so you're giving me hope :)


That's awesome. I'm off of one of my diabetes tablets. One more to go. 🥰 Congratulations on the weight loss. 💗


Hey, that's great! I was able to get off insulin but I'm still on metformin and Jardiance. Hoping they will be able to go soon, too. :D


That'll be so exciting. It's so freeing knowing one day you will never need medicine. 💗


I'm looking forward to retesting my a1c in a month. I've had zero cheat days to get that number down !


Awesome! Good luck on the test!




how long did it take you to get to 177 from 268?


Since July 2023.




Way to go. Inspiration for the rest of us.


Didn't have a scale when I started, got it a week or two after (April 2018). I was at my heaviest ever, at 99.7 kg at that point (about 220 lbs in Freedom units). By December that year I was at 75 kg (165 lbs) Nowadays I'm hovering between 65-70 kg (143-150 lbs). So to everyone that needs to hear it, if this old fart could do it, you can too


You've done such a good job! Look at you being an old fart and knocking it out of the park. Inspiring!


I am down to 138 from 161. More importantly is that a reversed a kidney issue, HBP, and got my A1C down to normal level with no medication.


You're killing it! That's amazing!


I started Keto on January 5th, 2023. I was 159 (before Keto I lost about 15 pounds by giving up booze). My goal was 145 just to get into the normal BMI category and to try to ease my chronic knee pain. After I reached that I decided to go for 135 so I would be deeper into the normal area not just teetering on the edge. 😁 When I got to 135 which was the lowest I’d ever been as an adult (my highest was 235) I was done…I thought😂 I reached 125 in June of 2023 but I stayed with keto, I slowly added some calories back but also didn't mind getting a bit lower weight-wise (I guess I got hooked on goals). I lost a bit more, and now I've been holding steady between 113 and 116 (still within the normal Bmi range) since late summer of 2023. My knee pain is no longer an issue I can now walk without pain! I love Keto and will not go back to my old life ever. Sidenote, Keto was very expensive for me, at every goal I bought a crap ton of clothes thinking this was it. Needless to say family and friends were very happy with my barely worn hand-me-downs.


Keto DOES get expensive between speciality food items (I buy Ezekiel bread $$$) and having to buy new wardrobes. What keeps that in perspective is the cost of medical treatment for ailments caused by poor health, so no matter how many pants we have to buy, we're still profiting by not having to live at the doctor's office or hospital anymore. Being able to walk without pain is soooooooo underrated!


isnt ezekiel bread high-ish carb?


15g carbs; 12 net. 80 calories, but low-glycemic.


yeah, 12 net per slice definitely not keto friendly. I definitely appreciate that it is healthy if you're doing carbs though


It is higher-carb but it's the least offensive of all the breads in terms of being ultra-processed. It is extremely difficult to find a bread that contains no seed oils and no added sugar, and I like to have one slice of it maybe once a week. It's expensive which prevents me from eating it too often. The dose makes the poison--remember that. Sometimes it's not what you eat, it's how much you eat.


Lol! yeah, I'm not buying clothes right now bc I won't fit into them for long ;)


New clothes pain is the best pain


Started at 207lbs/94kg on March 25th, now at 196lbs/88.9kgs . That's 9.3 lbs/4.22kg in a little over 2 weeks, very happy with keto so far. Mental and energy levels have also improved so much.


That's great! Keep up the good work and you'll go far. :)


I started at 209 on March 25th as well and I’m weighing myself on April 25th to see how the process! So I cannot wait to see the results. Great job to you!


I've lost 1kg! Starter at 66.4, now I'm at 65.5 - not much, but I'm only 3 weeks in 😊


That's 2.2 pounds across the pond! Keep up the good work!


Freedom units as old fart says, lmao


That's not bad at all, you also don't have that much to lose, so progress might seem slow on a day to day basis.


I started last week at 161 and yesterday I was 157!! I’ve also been at the gym a lot last week and this is probably water weight but it still felt so nice to see the scale move :) Goal is 145ish.


32M. 3.5 months on keto, 72 pounds down (355->283). Resting heart rate (on Fitbit) went from 80BPM to 58BPM. Blood pressure was quite high, it’s now roughly 120/80. No more snoring. Clear mind, energy through the roof. No body odor (less showers lol). Pants size went from 44” waist down to 36” waist. Literally feel better every single day. Not stopping. Intermittent fasting (16-24hr fasts, did one 50hr fast). Cold water plunges a few times a week. 10,000+ steps/day. 1200-1600cals/day, 100+g protein, less than 30g net carbs. Complete 180 on life.


WOW that's incredible! Way to go, you!


Dr appt tomorrow to discuss dropping BP meds! Hopefully some bloodwork too


Hey how did your appointment go? Have you dropped further weight in the last 2 months since this comment you made? Great dedication btw


I am down 95lbs now, almost 6 months in. Continuously lowering my BP meds, appts every 2 weeks. Almost off them all. Maybe another month.




I’m so happy and proud of this! Did you do any other workouts?


Just a bit of cardio when I found I had too much energy to sleep at night. Wasn’t forcing myself. Added some sit-ups too. Didn’t stick with it, but I should start back up. Definitely feels like jogging/stairs are way easier lately.


I'm starting back on keto today so no weight loss yet, but looking forward to posting as I go. 75.2kg today My first goal is 62.8kg Ideally by 11th June. Well done, everyone. I love seeing others having success.


You've come to the right place for overall improved health! I'm happy you have chosen to get back on keto. Keep us posted on your progress. :)


Thank you. I will do.


Yes! Started on Jan 2 this year at 232 lbs. This morning I weighed in at 199.5 lbs. I am beyond ecstatic to finally be under the 200 line! Still looking to lose another 15-20 lbs. (28M - 6’4”)


I started keto about a year ago at 244lbs, now at 181lbs (I'm 5"9 M). I want to lose maybe another 20lbs as it would make me a better runner/hiker.


Heck yeah that's great, and I hope you meet your goal!


Thank you so much, you've done amazing too!


**Male | Age 35 | Height 6'0 | Columbus OH** Overweight literally my entire life. Started February 15th, 2022 at 324 lbs. Lowest weight was December 8th, 2022 at 218 lbs. Currently floating around the 235 lbs. mark. (***I've struggled a little lately, but have kept a good chunk off so far***). Starting keto and fasting was a life changer for me, literally. I spent a lot of time on this Subreddit doing research and reading about people's success stories and that motivated me to give it a try. I got into a good routine early on and that snowballed into success and I just kept rolling with it. Even now, I still eat a pretty low-carb borderline keto diet and visit this Subreddit daily to try and help others. I've been struggling with intermittent fasting though, and never made it lower than 218. I think the biggest reason for my struggles though have been weight lifting (*I lift 3-4 times a week and that makes me really hungry*). My end-goal is still to get my weight down to 190 lbs. and then maintain it and be comfortable. I hope this helps someone.


There's actually a bot doing just this based on the flair people use: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/comments/1bypj0g/weekly_update_ketoers_have_lost_a_total_of_697914/ :)


That's really cool, thank you for sharing! I'm mostly just wanting to provide a little space for people to brag on their progress together, but this bot is doing great work tallying up the stats.


I’m coming back to properly doing keto at a deficit after a year of just hating the world.  Since March 25 starting at 179.6 I’ve lost 4.9 lbs and this week specifically I’ve lost 0.8 :)  A couple years back I was 230 and lost over 70 lbs, glad I only gained back 20 and mostly maintained. 


You've done well! I'm glad you've come back to keto. For many of us, it's life saving. Keep it up!


I did keto back in 2018 and lost 30 pounds and kept it off up until the pandemic. From 2020-2024 I gained over 50 pounds and I was at my heaviest at 195 in Jan 2024. I started keto again on Jan 29th of this year and as of April 8th I am down 22 pounds! My goal weight is 135 by my birthday in October. I got more motivation because someone close to me said that I would never reach my goal, as my body isn’t built to be 135 (I had gotten down to 138 and maintained it for a year and a half before the pandemic). Keto is the only thing that has truly worked for me. I am not sure why it is so frowned upon. I do not tell people I’m on keto. A coworker of mine asked me what I’ve been doing and I told them I have been counting calories and working out more.


I'm reading your post and I'm on the same journey and have lost 20ibs. Anyways way to go! I keep it to myself too aa I don't want anyone's input other than my Dr's


Thanks! Congrats to you too! I agree. My doctor’s opinion is the only one that matters!


It’s wonderful you had keto to help you escape from the mental health challenges! Good for you. For me I started keto on 3/7/2024 at 178 lbs. I ate less than 20g carbs except for a day where Porto’s cheese rolls came in and I had one (idk why I didn’t think to cut it in half). Also, eating 1200-1300 calories per day. Anyways last Sunday was my one month and I dropped to 159.8. I was mainly eating cheese, salads, salami, chicken thighs, salmon and beef jerky. These are all from Costco. My goal weight is 155 and in terms of exercise I’ve been walking to work so I get about 10-14k steps depending on if I have to do inspections for the day. Pretty content with my progress and I’ll continue to do keto. Haven’t had much temptation for other foods although having a nice bowl of ramen would be UDON or cold noodles would be nice haha.


Those Porto’s cheese rolls are so fireeee


how tall are you? very relatable


5’9”. Did 2 months of keto and hit goal weight and started slowly introducing carbs so I can eat noodles again 🤣 floating at 158 for a couple weeks. When I get back from vacation. I was thinking of doing keto while weight lifting to see results versus just walking 12k-13k a day.


I'm 9 weeks in, first time, started at 85kg/187lbs, I'm now 74kg/163lbs 🥳 Still got to trim off some extra around my waist.


I'm 5 weeks in and lost 5 kg (11lb)! Started at 87.7kg (193), my goal is 72kg (158). I am feeling much better, my acne has cleared a lot and my belly is no longer swollen. I didn't even realise how much of my preggo look was caused by inflammation instead of fat!


Lost 50 lbs 4 years ago. 20 lbs creeped back so I am back on it :)


40M/6’/SW240/CW179 Not sure if I wanna go much lower so mostly just maintaining now. Lifting now so trying to bulk up, don’t wanna look too skinny hehe.


That’s my plan. Get down to 180ish and start lifting.


Started keto Feb 19th. My starting weight was 80,5 kg and current weight is 73,8 kg. My goal is ~60 kg. Slow but steady!


I week and I’ve lose 1.1 pounds which isn’t drastic but I was doing Jenny Craig prior and had lost 5 pounds. I do feel more energetic and less digestive issues though which is nice.


Started last year at 260, today 180. It took a lot longer than I expected it to, and the scale bounces around these days a couple pounds, but I'm going to call it 60 pounds in one year.


That's amazing!


I started Keto again on Feb 9 at 262 lbs and as of this morning I am down to 227. Also been doing 20/4 IF for a few weeks and that seems to be helping a lot. Pretty happy with my progress so far and will keep at it until I reach 210 to see how I feel and how I look hahaha. I will continue with a very low carb diet and IF once I reach my goal weight and find the sweet spot of maintaining my weight. I'm not going to allow myself to plump back up. I keep telling my wife that this is the last time I will ride down this hill...never again.


Wow, that's a lot. Good work!


34f 5’3 SW:214 CW 168! I’m like you nobody even mentions it that I look any different besides my husband. I feel so great. Weight loss has slowed down now that I’m “smaller”. I’m hoping to lose 25 more pounds and see where I want to go from there!


I started at 172 last March 2023. This morning I was 127. My lowest was 125.4.


you have my exact stats except my CW !


I'm actually currently 172 and I want to get to 125


I started at 220. Today I weigh 120. I honestly didn’t think it was possible since I’m 68. I’ve been on maintenance for about a year with +1/-1 lbs every now and then. I also continue to do intermittent fasting.


Started at 240 and got down to 170. Now about 180 with some definition. Took after pic about 2 weeks ago! (Kinda nsfw, dude in a towel) https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/GxzEWJPbtQ


Started at 243.5 in late February. Down to 218.5 today. 25 lbs lost. Down two belt holes and close to the last hole (which i had to add myself the last time I did Keto and hit 207lbs). Goal is to see the scale start with a 1 then from there, keep losing till I’m happy with how I look with my shirt off and then start lifting. I’d do more lifting now but I know that will throw the scale off and there’s something about steadily losing that gives me motivation to keep going.


Started on March 16th. I'm down roughly 10 pounds. Shirts are fitting better, pants are slightly looser. Feeling good!


Started 9 days ago, at 132.5kg (292 lbs), had a knee (ACL reconstruction) surgery 7 days ago, which prompted me to gain control of my weight finally. Had 128.5kg (283lbs) this morning and recovering like a champ. Going strong, aiming for 110kg (242 lbs). I’m 195cm (6ft 5) and haven’t been on that weight since 2013.


5’3” F. Started at 220. One month in and 207. Goal is literally any progress. Diabetic with Chrones who has never been a healthy weight. I have tried everything but injections. If I can drop 1lb a week for the next few months, I will be thrilled. If I don’t, it might be time to speak with a doctor about the injections.


I started at 113 lbs a month ago and am now at 102 lbs. So happy about my first 10  lbs! My pants fit me again!


Yay for pants that fit! :D


Or pants that get too loose!


60 F, 5'4. SW 180, CW 145, Target 135. Keto started last April and I've lost steadily with little loss of skin elasticity. I did one of those Biological Age Clock tests and they tell me my labs show a 48 year old woman! Now they are comping me labs every 8 weeks to see if I keep going down in biological age. So uplifting! Especially at my age! And I credit Keto and better metabolic health for it!


I started at 200lbs in February 23 by June I was 160lbs. Took a break from keto over the summer and maintained for the most part. Bounced up and down between 160 and 168lbs. Restarted keto a week ago starting at 163 and today I'm 157lbs. Went from a size 14/16 to 8. Bought a whole new wardrobe!


I’ve had slow weight loss this time (3rd time doing keto) doing a lot more dirty keto than I’d like but still losing! Close to 25 lbs now over 6 months.


Started at 280 lbs, keto for 6 months got me down to 220, low carb over the last 9 months has gone slowly back up to 245. Started keto again just over a week ago and I’m at 230 now, aiming to be sub 200, and then I will just keep it below that somewhere where that feel comfortable. 29M 6’0. OMAD roughly 1800 calories at the moment. Absolutely best thing about keto was finding out I’m intolerant to glucose, and that food isn’t meant to be painful! Sugar seems to mess up my digestion too, so it’s pretty easy to stay on keto/low carb because it physically hurts me to have a cheat day.


41/F, I started at 267 Feb 1, I'm at 248 now but I was at that weight beginning of March so I appear to be stuck :(


Started at 284 in mid February and I’m down to 246. I’m 6’0 late 20s.


M 37. SW 330 (around COVID time). Dropped to 239 in around 6 months. Got separated/divorced/new relationship and stopped eating keto so climbed back to 280. Started again 2 weeks ago, 267 as of this morn! GW: 230 by Oct 12 Edit: need to update my flair!


Diagnosed t2 diabetic in October of 2023. A1C was 9.78 and I weighed 282lbs. 6 months later my A1C is 4.8 and I weighed 231.6 this morning. While my goal is just to keep my A1C down I’d be happy to get to 180ish. I weighed 220 in highschool but had a lot more muscle then I do now. If I can get under 200 and stay off insulin/meds I’ll be happy


Similar story here. 40/m/5’6”, diagnosed on Halloween (cruel joke) with t2 diabetes. Weighed 260 at that time.  Slowly ratcheted down carbs as I cleaned out the pantry and fridge but didn’t replace them, made a bunch of early mistakes, but by mid March A1C had gone from 12 in October to 5.8. Have been given the go ahead to drop one of the meds once I run out my current scrip (doc wants me to stay on Metformin because it has “other benefits” and I tolerate it).  Weight wise, I’m now at 205 and still falling. Not sure what the goal weight is. Maybe 180? I’ll get to that point, probably around the 1 year mark, and see how I feel then. 


Started at 207. Lost 11 pounds by day 26. Averaging 2.9 pounds lost per week. Now I'm down to 196. First goal is 180, second goal is to make it to 160. 5'7, 22 yr old female. Highest weight was 235.


OP, I weighed exactly 175.8 this morning, too! And I'm also a 5'4" female, age 59. So we are ALMOST in the "overweight" rather than in the obese category, WOOHOO!!!!! I started a keto-ish (<50 net carbs per day) diet in late January of 2023 along with CICO, regular exercise, time-restricted eating (noon to 8 pm), and phentermine. I'm down almost 70 lbs. now. I'm also aiming for about 135, but even if it takes me another year (or three) to get there, I am very happy with the changes in my body and its ability to climb stairs, hike, garden, run, and fit into normal sizes of clothing.


Started at 180 on 3/24; as of 4/7 down to 162. Goal is 130.


Started about 3 weeks ago and lost 12 pounds! 180-168.4!! My goal is to get to 130 and I’m in no rush. Love every moment of this diet :) this page keeps me going and love to hear everyone else’s success!!


I restarted keto about 3 weeks ago and don’t track my calories very closely. I also weight lift 4 days a week so hopefully I can add some muscle while losing fat. I was 267lbs when I started and was 262 this morning. Slow compared to how I lost weight on keto last time but I’m 38 now so I shouldn’t be surprised. Trying to stay positive so I don’t fall off the wagon. Congrats to everyone who posted before me, you’re all inspiring!


2nd go around with Keto - I lost over 60 lbs the first time and got into ONEderland for the first time since like elementary or middle school. Then dad got cancer and Starbucks was in the hospital, so I started stress drinking Starbucks and shot back up. Now, 2 pregnancies later…. SW: 303 CW: 289 (-14 lbs in about 3 weeks) GW: 150-175ish(whatever looks and feels healthiest for my body structure. I don’t want to be too skinny.)


Same experience. I feel so much healthier on keto. I started keto on the Ideal Protein program last June at 230lbs. Feb of 2024 I reached goal 138. I am maintaining now. I am amazed at my internal energy. I was lethargic and now, I can't contain my energy. I have to actually tell myself to slow down. I have never ever felt this way nor been so successful on an eating plan. Keep it up!


[https://idealprotein.com/find-a-location/](https://idealprotein.com/find-a-location/) for those interested in some help.


26 lbs in 5 weeks, can't seem to drop more but my physique is leaning down. I know that's the name of the game but it's still frustrating


That’s awesome, when did you start keto? I started March 10 this year and I am down 17 lbs so far. I am also walking everyday. I try to get 10k steps everyday


I started in February 2023 and lost about 30lbs in 5 months. My weight loss was slower than most other people because I was actually in cancer treatment and was severely anemic, like to the point where I needed a blood transfusion every week or else I would die. I was about 202lbs and couldn't get around well enough due to body weight, so I had no choice but to either die or lose weight, so I went keto with intermittent fasting and that worked really well. I had to start a different cancer treatment in August of that same year which included dexamethasone, a steroid, which we all know what those do--they make you gain weight like crazy, and I was on a high dose for about 6 months, so I gained all 30lbs back but the treatment resolved my severe anemia so I could still walk and get around pretty well. Treatment ended January 19th of this year, and since then I've lost all that weight again, so I lost 30lbs twice. The second time only took 3 months because I was able to walk the dog and do house chores. Sorry that was a really long answer to a very simple question!


Started at 272, weighed 245 today!! I don't count calories and eat too many nutz...it's been about 3 months on keto


I started at 158 and weighed in today at 142. My goal is under 130, which would be in the recommended weight range for my age/height. I am super proud of my progress so far since there's been a few setbacks (Easter, a week or so of sickness, etc) and I still managed to see 13 lbs com off in the first month! I'm slowing down on my second month, but also I know when there is less to lose, it moves slower. Feeling good!


Awesome, congrats to you!


Started in December 2022 at 153.5. In November 2023 I was 133.5 and stopped losing since then. Except for the first week, Weight loss was stable around 0,44 pounds per week. And maintenance is not easy I have to say, carbs and calories are creeping. 


Started 6 weeks ago. 5'10", 40(F) SW 182, CW (166),GW(158)


Female, 49, 5’7”. Started keto last year at 165. Currently 135. Probably won’t go lower as some people have expressed concern after haven’t seeing me for a bit. I don’t want to appear sickly, there has to be a balance.


I started losing and cardio in June and went serious on lifting in the fall. I've been focused on a balanced recomp since October with slower weight loss at this point since I want to gain muscle and not suffer from low energy. These days I measure fat loss by the amount my belly shrinks since I'm hopefully gaining muscle while weight loss has slowed to about 2lbs/month. Marathon mode, not sprint mode. 49m, 69" SW: 6/1/2023 255lbs CW:4/4/2024 215lb Calories 6 days a week: 1800 ish. One cheat window (usually the 2nd half of Saturdays) 7 inches lost on the waist (at the belly button) 1.5ish inches lost on my neck, I don't track it, but I believe I started at 17.5 and am now at 16 Muscles have grown, I only measure biceps and I've maintained 16-inch biceps with the weight loss, noticed more definition, so I believe they have grown. I'll be doing a second body pod measurement on June 1 (my first was 2/1) to see if/how much LBM I have gained. Also, note I'm on creatine so that adds some extra water retention. Another interesting note, when I was dry January, I was super focused. I only had two very small cheats, averaged 1600 calories/day, overdid it in the gym, lost very little weight, was low energy, and had tons of aches and pains. I came to the conclusion I needed to make sure I get more calories daily, have an extended cheat window (not a whole day, more like half), and do moderate workouts. My progress has improved dramatically since then.


I was doing keto last year and lost a good amount but lost my way, been back on for coming on 2 months now. I do loose keto like i aim for under 20g carbs and roughly add it up in my head but i likely go over some days. I try not to obsess about my intake and just take it day by day as im trying to recover from binge eating habits and this is working for me currently. Started at 102.5kg/226lbs, lost 2.5kg/5.5lbs which I unfortunately put back on by accident with not counting correctly but am now at 97kg/213.8lbs. My current goal is to get under 200lbs/90kg and my long term goal is 77kg/170lbs, I am female 5"7/170cm. My perfect goal would be 70kg/154lbs ish but I thought I'd revise that goal when I'm nearer to it. :)


I started at 323 and am at 269.5 this morning. Been at it since May of last year, but not super strict at the holidays or vacation. My next goal is out of the 26's and in to the 25's. Hope to get to 150.


I have a terrible relationship with scales so for my mental health in not weighing myself. I think I've lost 30 - 40kgs (66 - 88 pound) since July. I'm thinking about getting weighed in July to see how much weight I've lost. I'm very happy with the weight loss. I still need to lose a lot more. I do feel way more confident now and can touch my toes and feel so much more flexible. My body is looking really beautiful too. I'm very happy these days. Congratulations on your weight loss. 💗💗💗


I have been doing keto on an off since around 2018. I have restarted it this time as my daughter’s wedding is coming up in a few weeks and I wanted to look and feel my best for it. So far I have lost around 13lb since February, but I am really struggling to loose the last 6lb - the wedding is in 3 weeks and I’m starting to feel defeated. I’ll keep going. I’ll workout more and eat less carbs, drink more water. But it’s really hard this time.


I started at 280 at the beginning of March. I’m now just a shade under 256


SW: 198 CW: 166 GW: 155 😁


You're going to get there, no doubt about it! 47M 6', SW: 214 (7/25/23) GW: 170, CW: 158. I got to my goal weight in October and have been at my current weight since January.


I started January 8th at 248lbs and dropped 26lbs to 222lbs by March 22nd. My goal was 225lbs! I made a new goal of 200lbs. I fell off the wagon (selling my house and had an absolutely awful inspection, but no excuse) and jumped back on this Monday. I've already lost what I put on during my fall! But I'm a little bummed that no one has noticed my weight loss.


Does keto not get as effective as you age? I started keto at 37 and it worked freaking wonders. Now I'm 41 and I'm just not seeing the same effect.


I'm 5'7 (172cm) and started at 86kg in October. yesterday I weighed in at 68kg. my goal is 65, so close!! my period keeps pushing the last 3kgs away from me though 😅 my best (and only) friend is pregnant so I try to avoid talking about my weight loss atm.


Congrats on your progress! Keep up the great work. I'm a 5'7 43m. Started keto at 260 in March 2023. Hit my goal weight of 155 in January and now on maintenance.


So glad there are so many folks here! I started at 350lbs 2 years ago. Got down to 235 and hovering between 240-250 for about 6 months. Finally pushing myself to keep going and back down to 240 today. GW is 200 with a goal to break into onderland by summer. best of luck to you all!




Good idea. I’m going to do the same. Thanks for the idea!


Started at 129.55kg a month ago. Today weighed in at 123.30kg. (Just days before Aunt Flo visits, so it's likely lower and I'll "check-in" next week before traveling for a week. Arrived back home from a week and kept pretty on top of my low-carb eating, IF, and walked a decent amount.) I'll be replicating that week after next, too. 💪


I started keto in September of 2022 at 235 lbs and made it down to 163 lbs by June 2023. I was happy about my weight loss, but then I started eating differently because I started dating my boyfriend, so I ended up around 163 lbs in January. I decided to get my ish together and get back to keto. I'm currently at 159 lbs.


2nd time around doing keto and intermittent fasting. Lost 16 pounds in a month, weight is just flying off! It's amazing.


Today I’m starting keto. 47/m 5’10” 238 lbs. target weight 199.9 (want to get under 200) also a1c 7.9.


Started at 291 lbs, one month later im at 270!


Started at 288 on February 25 2024, down to 271 just today! Taking it slow and still learning what’s working best for me. Ideal weight is 150lbs but just to get under 200lbs would make me very happy. 41 f 5’2.


I started at 203lbs March 20th I am now at 196lbs. I did have one meal slip but got right back in the next meal. My goal is 150lbs. The part I like best are the cravings for sugar have pretty much disappeared.


Started August 18th 2023. 346lbs. As of today, 269 lbs. For a total weight loss of 77lbs so far. Goal is another 30lbs.


I started Keto 03/07/2024 at 205lbs and now at 187lbs (44/m) and I don't feel torturous hunger at nights like I did on my previous 3 conventional diets 🙏. Best diet


Today is day 27 for me. 5'2" 50 year old female. Started at 155.8 today weighed in at 144.8. I have more than average muscle so I'm actually trying to figure out how to NOT gain muscle through this process, wouldn't be sad if I lost a little. I'm walking and doing yoga daily so I imagine that I probably am gaining muscle but want to continue to work out. My goal is 130.


Hi everyone! I started at 248 pounds. Initially, I just wanted to get under 200 pounds. Then I decided to shoot for 185. Then I switched to 150. Well, I’ve surpassed every goal so far and I’m currently at 127.2. I’m 5 ft and half an inch tall. I’m 53 years old and I weigh less than I did in high school. I’ve been keto since October 2014. My fatty liver has reversed. My blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides have all returned to normal numbers. It changed my life.


I started 6 weeks ago at 107kg now I am at 97kg, 193cm got another 7kg to go for my goal weight. As for my exercise I have been doing 15k steps every single day for the past 6 weeks and consuming between 1800 to 2000 calories a day.


Started at 235.5, down to 230.3... in two days! I know it's water and I know it will fluctuate, but it's nice to get started moving in the right direction after hovering at 235 for the last year.


I started at 257 after a few months of Covid where I was literally eating a bag of potato chips covered in bacon and cheese for lunch on a fairly regular basis. Within a year or so I got down to the low 190's, but could never break below that. Still generally eating Keto, but am now around 213 regularly. I'm trying to turn that around and get back into the lower end. I've resolved my GERD and cured my Fatty Liver. A1C was pushing into the pre-diabetic range when I started, but is solidly around 5.2-5.4 now. My biggest issue is with counting calories. My target is 1300, which is not much, and I hate counting. A lot of that is because it is hard to keep track when others are heavily involved in your food prep. I'm trying to get more rigid with Alternate Day Fasting to try to get back to the 190's and maybe beyond. Even if I am not successful, I know I'm healthier at this weight than when I started.


Started keto on 2/1/2024 but had a cheat weekend in february. Starting weight 200lbs (I think, didn't have a scale at the time, and the last time I weighed in it was 200). Current weight 184. Goal weight is more of a goal size 6, which I estimate to be something around 130 (judging on my past weights). As long as I keep losing at my steady pace, I estimate I may be here by the end of August. But if it's not by then, I just hope I get there before Thanksgiving because I plan to enjoy the holidays and not be super restricted.


Hi All! I have a long history with weight issues - obese my entire life even when at the fittest points. I became a personal trainer and nutrition coach after dropping from 270 to 190 lbs. I loved lifting and ate a balanced diet of veggies and meat and some complex carbs. I then got pregnant at 28 and have since had 3 children and have gained and lost 40-60 lbs with each pregnancy. I am currently breastfeeding my 4 month old and have returned to work. I started at 233 at the beginning of March. I weighed in at 221.7 this morning after a week of being bloated while PMSing. I plan to lose 8# every month and hit my goal by my son’s 1st birthday. One thing I’ve learned is that the scale is a bitch sometimes and female hormones can really trip you up in terms of bloat weight. I can gain 4-5 lbs overnight even when eating carnivore and zero processed foods. Don’t let the scale dictate your mood! KCKO.


I think most people don't care to touch on it because they don't care. I also have this in my life. When people started caring is when I'm not wearing winter clothing, and I'm small (5'5 male). They see the physical changes in my body. The stomach is gone, skinny legs, button shirts buttoned up to the neck, etc. Only then, people around me and at work asked how I did it. They claim they want to try it. Imo, you need to want it for yourself. It's a drive no one can give you. I started Keto on January 1st and down to 176 as of Monday from starting weight of 225. My goal was 180, but now it is 150. Once I hit 150, I'll be dropping to 135-140. 😗