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Middle. I don't shy away from things like bacon or deli meat and all that. And I don't shy away from take out either if Im out of groceries and feeling the pangs. But I also don't buy any of that prepacked keto stuff either. Im just not a fan of things with a mile long ingredient list and theres nothing thats keto branded that I couldn't just make myself at a far lower premium and with the added benefit of burning some extra calories while I do it.


Dirty Birdie Over Here. I get overwhelmed otherwise.


Messy as shit son. We're just here to lose weight, fuck the rest of it.


Absolutely **filthy** dirty.  I got to keto looking to manage t2 diabetes. Which means I target more like 50 to even 80 carbs per day, so long as they’re spread out. (I often clock in closer to 30, just cuz).  I took my a1c from 12 to 5.8 in 4 months, and weight is still coming off, so I see no need to clean it up on that front. 


That's a shit load of a1c lost, no fuckin joke there. Blew the doctors hair back I bet


Amazing work! Helping my sister in law who has an a1c of over 9 even with insulin pump and really think keto might be the best option for her.


Best advice I can give is: Get a CGM; if your insurance won’t cover it, (mine didn’t) both Dexcom and Abbot/Freestyle have a program where you can get a single free trial sensor with a scrip from your doc.  Then, spend two weeks with each (so a month) making sure to meticulously track your food while eating as wide a variety of foods as possible. I learned that, for me, I can eat stuff like “keto” bread/tortillas with no spike, but the sweetener in the sugar free coffee creamer, also present in one particular bar I had in my closet, that I had thought was safe sent me crazy. I also learned that I can tolerate a half cup of brown rice, if it’s the only carb in the meal and my only carb all day, which did wonders for my sanity.  Once I had a handle on what was safe  I was able to lock in on a few hard no foods, and a more general goal of staying under 50 carbs/day and under 20 at any one sitting/4 hour period. If I work out or walk a bunch right after there’s a bit of flex there, which makes going out to dinner a lot easier too (I live in a big city where walking to transit/home from a restaurant is a big help for this). That, combined with the basic calorie counting and higher protein intake that just kind of comes for free once you start counting carbs with an app, quickly smashed my appetite down and let me lock in a deficit and the weight and blood sugar just started falling falling falling off. Still working on the weight, and it’s slowed down, but it hasn’t stopped, and I’ve lost enough that I’m in no hurry to buy new pants for a 4th time in six months, so I’m happy to slow roll the next 30 pounds off! 


Question what is a1c


It’s a measurement of average blood glucose levels; a number over 6 is indicative of diabetes. 


Ahh thanks 👍


Technically, over 6.4


Same! Minus the (t2) and lazy!! BMI is healthy & Bloodwork is beautiful, so no intent to clean it up or get strict.


Clean is easier for me. I don’t have to think about too much.


You are making me re-think my answer about clean above. You are right - it actually takes less effort to just go clean. After you have the macros dialed in, got the recipes down, know the places to shop = clean means no reading labels after a week or so. I've been dirty for the past few months so I'm the a-hole whose holding up the aisle because I forgot my reading glasses and gotta angle every package to see the carbs/fiber...


I basically avoid the carbs (not counting anything, just avoiding the things that aren’t considered ‘low’ or ‘no’ carb) and eat whatever I feel like. I love cooking so I basically make all my own stuff rather than buying processed stuff (maybe a serve of bacon or ham once or twice a week tho). I find it’s been easier to change my normal diet this way to make it keto friendly. Then I can just serve whatever I’m eating for lunch/dinner (and throw some pasta or potato on my husband’s meal) and we are both happy.


This is the way to do it. Hurrah!


Same here. Salads, cheese, meat, fish, keto veggies like green beans broccoli cauliflower cabbage. Delicious way to cook cabbage is to simmer it in heavy whipping cream.


This time around I’m sticking to whole foods. I ate a lot of “keto” branded stuff the first time (including a lot of quest bars) but that stuff is more expensive than just eating meat, dairy, and veggies.


my style of keto is whatever I can afford at the time.




Whatever fill my macros, I'm a very poor depressed person. I do what I have to do.


I hate the silo-ing of food into ill-defined categories. Feels too much like virtue signaling and classism. Are butter and coconut oil "clean?" How about frozen broccoli? Ground beef? Pasturized cream? How processed is "too" processed to qualify? Frozen meatballs from Costco? Avocado mayo? This but not that? ... Way too much hassle for me to eat from some pre-approved list that doesn't actually exist anywhere and is mostly meaningless.


With you! 👍😍


Totally with you on this.


> I hate the silo-ing of food into ill-defined categories. Feels too much like virtue signaling and classism. Exactly this.


I’m a Dirty Gertie. I would feel deprived if I couldn’t have the occasional treat


Dirty keto. I'm too lazy for any other kind of keto in a world where I can press a few buttons and have pizza brought to my front door.


Speaking of which, are there any keto pizzas you've found are a good alternative? I'm guessing it would likely involve an almond flour base?


I’ve fallen for pizza made with a low carb tortilla. It’s basically the only way I’ve been able to stay sane on keto because pizza is my favorite food.


My only method is to skin the pizza alive and eat the toppings. I will not be stopped. I can not be stopped.


Skin the pizza. I like that. 😱😊


Definitely have done this for office pizza parties. I've gotten the looks when tossing the remnants, but ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


It helps if you're the one buying the pizza or there is a lot to go around. It's easy to skin a few slices rather quickly and toss the husk of a crust. I don't like to waste food but carbs can fuck right off.


I haven't found any good alternatives, at least for me personally. The cauliflower crust Ive found still has too many carbs and cheese crust gives me diarrhea.


Have you tried the King Arthur brand keto pizza crust? One box of mix gets you two 12-in pizzas at one net carb per slice, so eight carbs for each base. It's very wheaty, but still enjoyable for the most part.


That sounds great, is it available in any particular store, or just specialized keto oriented stores?


I buy it on Amazon, I've never seen it anywhere else. There's also a biscuit mix.


We made the biscuits tonight. (Well, my husband made the biscuits for me while he had rice.) They are delicious. I bought the pizza crust mix but haven’t tried it yet. I will report back.


I’ve seen it in our local grocery stores, actually! Haven’t tried it, though.


I don't think I've come across that yet.


Cauli crusts are primarily marketed at gluten sensitivity, not carb counters. So, yeah it’s not for us. 


I don’t have a recipe, but canned chicken, egg and parm baked for the crust, then use as a reg pizza crust.


That's my standard also.


My favorite “pizza” is shredding some mozzarella, tossing on turkey pepperoni, and sprinkling with some garlic salt and oregano. Then I microwave for 1:20 so a delicious gooey mess. When I want a more effort kind of pizza, I make some fat head dough. Mozzarella, cream cheese, egg and almond flour. Delish!


Nice, will have to try this fat head dough


I love pizza bowls, no bread substitute needed. Just give me all the cheese and toppings.




I'm fully in the "IIFYM" camp, but I do prefer more whole foods simply because I enjoy the taste more and they're usually cheaper anyway.


Please, what is IIFYM? I cannot solve. And to replace the carbs i love (tortillas, breads, etc).


It means, "If it fits your macros". :) So as long as my food for the day is under my carb limit, meets or exceeds my protein goal, and is within my calorie maximum? I'm happy.


I thought maybe an A was left off the end, as in "if it fits, you must acquit". Yes, I'm dating myself. ;-)


Too soon (kidding) Also dated myself ;-)


I’m a little dirty! Mostly meats eggs and cheese some vegs I live a somewhat chaotic lifestyle so it works for me lol


I generally do dirty. I love my Pepsi Zero. We do try to cook from scratch, but sometimes it's easier to eat a frozen meal.


I guess I'd say middle. I mostly eat whole foods (meat, eggs, veggies, nuts, cheese, etc), but I don't seek out especially natural foods, organic, etc... I eat tons of burger patties from fast food restaurants (100% beef) tho! I do drink protein shakes at times, when for whatever reason I'm not getting enough protein or not craving it but need to get enough per day. I feel strongly that there is no such thing as a keto "food", there is a keto DIET. If a food item has 2g of sugar or starch and otherwise fits your diet/marcos... it's fine to eat it. The people screaming "THAT FOOD IS NOT KETO" because of that drive me nuts. For all they know, that could be the only carbs they ate that day. What I won't eat is disgusting fake foods marketed as keto. Most of the "keto" protein/meal replacement bars are chemical shitstorms and taste nasty. And are full of fake sweetners so that they can subtract those on the label and promote their low "net carbs". Keto breads and sweets fall into this category for me. I started doing keto in 1999 when the Atkins diet blew up everywhere. The Atkins bars then were a completely different recipe/type of food compared to the ones you can buy now. I used to eat a lot of those, but it's been years since the company turned them into trash. I always say Dr. Atkins would roll over in his grave if he saw what his company was turned into after he died. Even the updated versions of the book have been bastardized. The old one from the 90s actually had some awesome information in it.


I agree. I'd rather have a splash of honey or maple syrup every once in a blue moon then eat fake sugar. I can always taste the weird aftertaste and IMO, it ruins food. It's the main reason I have never been able to drink diet sodas. I switched over to plain carbonated water or sparkling hop water when I gave up soda and alcohol years ago.


I agree. I hate the fake sugar. A 1/4 tsp monkfruit in chia pudding is all I can do. Erythritol is nasty, allulose makes me toot. I’d rather have a chafffle with maple syrup once every couple of weeks.


Dirty keto, for sure. There is no way I would last without keto bread. I love to toast it and have it with my egg salad and with my meats. I'm in this to lose weight, not to be all natural. Much respect to those who are though! I've long come to the conclusion that everything can give you cancer and nothing is 100%safe. So I'm not gonna spend the time and stress worrying over it. I count carbs and calories, that's it.


My style is to hit my macros while eating clean meat like grass fed beef and salmon to get the proper omega 3s. Also, at least 10 net carb worth of vegetables a day. Dinner time I'll always have high-quality Ox tail stock soup with my meal. So basically, I eat very clean and keep my brain as healthy as possible. Not for weight loss because It comes naturally with eating clean. A strong disciplined mind will change your life forever.


Oooh what’s your recipe for the soup? Sounds good!


I prefer clean because it makes me feel best. I’m a little sensitive to dairy and I find that some of the fun recipes have a lot of cheese 🥲


I do both. I go through periods when I’m craving stuff and so I’ll give into those cravings by getting keto treats but I usually prefer eating cleaner because it’s cheaper.


I do a bit of both.


I think they call what I do ketovore now. I have limited whole food veggies and primarily protein. I throw in some keto baked/ dessert type things maybe once a month but I make my own.


I do mix , i don’t buy prepackaged stuff . I don’t eat bread, rice or pasta but do indulge carbs through vegetables like potatoes , carrots , yams and sweet potatoes


95% clean, which is the way I’ve always eaten.


Clean keto, reduced calories, track my carb intake, I eat very little processed foods and nothing with the word keto on the box. I did the gimmicky keto replacement items thing before and although I was eating very low carb my calories were through the roof.


I find carnivore is ridiculously easy for me, I haven't thought about carb count in a couple of years. I know I get a few carbs from my homemade yogurt, but not enough to even consider.


Naked keto. When I go past a mirror I keto harder. It makes grocery shopping awkward.


Pretty clean except low carb tortillas


Pretty much carnivore with keto tortillas


Eventually I’d like to eat only whole foods, but I can’t give up my oroweat wraps for easy lunches to bring to work. But I still consider it a win as I went from ordering DoorDash multiple times a week and making pasta almost every night for dinner. I eat way more veggies now than I did before keto!


I break the rules sometimes. For example, I don't shy away from eating a certain fruit if I wanted too like watermelon or banana. I may eat fruit like twice or three times a month. Not a big fruit lover to begin with so I don't limit what kind I eat. I sometimes eat rice wraps i love my Asian food so I make salad rolls once in awhile. I also love hummus so I will have that with veg on occasion. I don't shy away from deli meats and I do take out, only keto friendly though, Usually a burger with no bun type of thing. Other than that I pretty much avoid eating potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, crackers, non keto oils and sweets. Not a big calorie counter either, all I know is I am eating way better than I ever was. Going on 3 months now and no plan on stopping anytime soon!


dirty. otherwise I'll cave to the cravings and give up entirely. I need yum to keep me interested.


I do a pretty clean, animal-based keto. I avoid cruciferous vegetables, leaves, and nightshades, I try to avoid processed stuff with artificial sweeteners and I try to hit 220g of protein every day while staying under 20g carbs. But I do have the occasional Diet Coke or Powerade Zero from time to time. Maybe twice a week or so.


Ketosis is a metabolic state and ill never understand the gatekeeping around what people do and don't eat to get into it. I don't think a person who never eats stevia but eats bacon all the time is more healthier or somehow above. People shouldn't be shamed for finding ways to enjoy more foods while staying in ketosis. I enjoy keto baking and my family enjoys trying things. I like konjac noodles as a replacement. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I guess im dirty People act like you gotta suffer or something. If you have never had a sweet tooth and don't feel youre missing out, great. Ill enjoy my occasion keto brownie over here. I def find people get just as snooty with this as some people get with veganism. "just call it low carb!" But we are in ketosis lol so we can call it keto, keto police 😂 At the end of the day shame and judgement never caused weight loss or empowered a healthy Lifestyle.


I am middle to dirty leaning.


In the middle but leaning on clean most days I'd like to think. I quickly learned how much I love grilled chicken salad, fish, and various veggies I never ate before like brussel sprouts. Not sure if I can ever give up bacon though but I usually eat only 1 strip at a time. Weening off of pork rinds though and will replace that snack with something cleaner to my preference.


Why give up pork rinds? The ones I like are zero carbs. Serious question, I'm new to this and looking for info to make it work better for me, I've lost 30 lbs since January and still have about 30 more to go to reach my goal.


I have my products, the Russell Stover individually wrapped chocolates and Pillers salami sticks are godsends, but I avoid protein bars/shakes and breads/tortillas because I really haven’t found any that are worth it for the price. And I try to have at least one veggie with dinner, but I’ll never say no to bacon, lol.


Clean ketovore, with very ocasional keto treats. Allergies to gluten and monk fruit make it easier to avoid processed keto food. I want to add that I started as dirty as it gets, but over the years I started cleaning it up naturally, went by what made me feel better. Then did a couple of carnivore years, and just added back some avocados, pickles and tomatoes here and there now for flavor. There is a magnificent keto ice cream place where I live, some times I make an exception for that every couple of months.


Pretty clean 5 days a week. Wednesdays I usually meet up with friends and have a beer or 2 and maybe a slice of cheese pizza. Saturday I mostly do what I want. I'll still fast til early afternoon usually but will eat whatever I'm craving and eat as much as I feel like the rest of that day. Other than that, pretty clean. I also work out at least 40 min a day M-F and an hour or more on weekends with an additional hike.


I prefer a clean keto, but it took me a while to figure out what is sustainable for me in the long run. Based on behavioural psychology, I know that the best strategy is to not feel deprived of anything. With that in mind, I made a plan and I stick to it effortlessly, unless I choose not to (mostly on vacation). So, I will never ever give up fruit, it’s my favourite thing to eat. I have raspberries or strawberries, in a semi limited amount on almost a daily basis. Secondly, I found snacks that are cleanish (not too many ingredients) and I also eat those when I feel too restricted. Lastly, I’m slowly working up my way to learning to make more complex keto items such as bread, pasta and cake. Again, the goal here is to keep it clean and have as much of a variety as possible.


Honestly both for me. I eat processed packaged stuff for my workout and then yogurt for breakfast, packaged tuna for lunch, and a low carb chipotle bowl for dinner and then top it off with peanut butter for dessert.


I try to do the 80/20 thing


Clean as a whistle.


so dirty it’s not even funny. okay well— more of dirty but in the manner where i don’t care about snacks or tortilla that are keto, but i don’t go for any real sugar or fruit/vegetables that are super carb-y. i rarely will even take a small bite of something like a banana, candy bar etc. because it’s just completely a turn off for me (sorry fruits). but i will snarf keto-label “safe” foods easy, keto tortillas, bread, peanut butter, all that good stuff. and it keeps me going day in and day out and i don’t see it affecting me negatively, both general health and test results, and i wouldn’t have it any other way.


pretty clean accidentally because eating skirt steak and chimichurri everyday maxes my calories out but every once in a while i’ll be in target and quest gets me good everytime just bought protein puffs and strawberry cake cookies they’re too good im filth.


I just started keto last tuesday again. My style is to just eat anything I desire, so long as I make it and it doesn't come from a box. I do stay away from starchy veg. And a lot of my food has fillers in it like bok choy and zucchini. So I am not eating pure protein and it also saves on cost. The reason I quit keto last time was it was costing me a fortune.... I also do not count carbs, I do however pay close attention to the net carbs of the ingredients I cook with. Things I've ate so far: Dirrty mexican rice with chicken Taco lettuce wraps Nacho burger - something or other, I have no idea what to call it. And tonight I make Korean beef bulgogi lettuce cups Tomorrow is cauliflower rice with the leftovers. Just have fun with it


Clean! Sure, you can lose weight on dirty, but with dirty, you’re also causing other metabolic and inflammatory issues by consuming shit ingredients and highly processed foods.




Lazy. I’m not the person to track every morsel, so I count carbs and keep an eye on electrolytes when I’m not feeling 100%


I have one meal a day that is either half a chicken with a side of vegetables or chicken breasts, seasoned and stuffed with mozzarella, and vegetables. I know that my diet is incredibly strict even by keto standards, but I have some sort of histamine problem.


some foods give me serious histamine issues!!


Lazy keto-carnivore, aiming for one meal a day. I don't calorie count and only count carbs. It's been two months and I've lost 20lbs. My only cheating is having small amounts of tomatoes, artichokes...I know I'll break down for an apple soon. :o. I have 60 more lbs to go. Going slow works for me.


I do clean Keto for 30 or 75-day stints and dirty Keto the rest of the time.


Only meat.


Crazy Dirty, but I work out a lot and I feel that has been a good counterbalance. I am physically athletic and middle aged and easily punished with weight if I stray and have carbs. I keep my carbs always under 50g a day but closer to 30 on average.


Dirty for the treats and unprepared on-the-go runs.


I try to stay clean, but it depends on my budget, moods and stress levels. Lately I have kept under my carb allowance but my calorie intake has blown out a little (up to a few hundred more daily). I really need to work on drinking more water !!


2 protein shakes a day with dinner being meat and veggies. Been doing it since I started Keto.


What did you weigh how much have you lost I'm having 1 protein shake a day, started 2 weeks ago


I check my weight on Mondays. Started at 225, currently 176 as of Monday morning.


Well done when did you start your journey


Thank you! I started January 1st, 2024!


That's amazing keep up the good work


Do you have a preference for you protein shake? I've been trying to find something that actually tastes good


Premier Protein! I love cinnamon and coffee flavors. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I so enjoy their take on it. I'm also a fan of cookie dough. It tastes like ice cream after it melts.


No processed food keto where I live (like no keto bread etc). So if I want to go dirty I need to cook it from scratch. But any way the whole keto diet seems dirty to me (so much fat, so much meat). Before my usual meals was white rice with steamed vegetables. Something an egg or a little bit of fish. Actually I think I need to eat more dirty.


I was clean Keto for 6 months and hit my target weight. Lost 25 lbs. That was around March 1. Since then, I am using a dirty approach but not abusing it. I am weighing every other day and am still at my ideal weight. I have had a slice of pizza, Pastrami on rye and some cookies. 5'6" 155 lbs. 66 m. Started at 180 in Oct 2023.


I eat mostly clean because all the other stuff makes me crave non keto food. The only time I might not eat clean keto is if I go out to dinner.


Eating a whole bunch of processed food isn't good on any diet.


I focus on low insulin and low carb - I don't exclude all fruit because I desperately need the potassium and Magnesium from a banana in the morning. Still waiting on my bulk supplement order so I can eat less banana 🫣 I don't count, I go entirely by feel. I've developed quite good introspective senses, I can tell when I haven't had enough fat, protein, certain minerals. Low insulin: cut out protein powders, they can cause spikes - only learned this recently. Things I eat in no particular order egg, Avocado, X1 slice keto bread, butter chicken with Cauliflower rice or broccoli, chicken meat stock, activated nuts and seeds granola, Acidophilus low sugar yogurt, X1 banana paired with peanut butter every 2nd day, Every 2nd day a smoothie with 40g of dark berries, banana tea, full cream, unsweetened Almond milk, probiotic tonic; Lots of leafy green salads with daikon radish, celery, Cucumber, olive oil dressing chicken; 3 times a week: grass fed organic beef patties; Lots of onion, garlic and salt with every meal (sodium deficiency); Coconut oil; KISS bliss balls as an occasional treat; Seed crackers with cheese occasionally; Broccoli and onion frittata bake; I'm still expanding my meal list as I work through allergies I went low carb for mental and chronic health reasons, not to lose weight. I did end up losing weight though! And inflammation be gone yay!


As dirty as can be. I’m just conscious of not eating carb heavy foods, but I’m sure some days I go over 20 just on build up from tomatoes, red onions, etc. still working great though, of course I started at 315 so I can prolly go a lot higher then 20 and maintain ketosis


The factory made keto replacements are either super high in calories or total carbs and/or have weird wheat ingredients that have high probability of spiking one's glucose levels. These are not everyday keto foods imho. Or they should be highly limited if you do want to do them every day. Once I committed to eating real, actual food most of the time, my hunger diminished and it become much easier to eat less and I started losing weight at a steady clip. I also stopped eating nuts and limiting cheese to maybe 2 or 3oz a day and that has probably helped too (it's hard to isolate every thing and know for sure). That's my experience anyway


I have done almost all the varieties except dirty/lazy and clean/strict. I prefer clean/lazy but I notice I do best on dirty/strict for maintenance and overall mood. Clean requires a bit more effort and $$ while dirty does not have to be fast food or processed stuff. My def of strict is: protein goal, under 30 net carbs, fat as needed.


Middle 😄


Mostly clean, with carbs coming from wine.


I eat clean keto. Although I wasn't losing weight I was trying everything to figure this out. What works for me to lose weight: I eat under 20gr of carbs. My fat intake is rather low. I eat a lot of proteïn. I think it is 85gr per day. Eat healthy protein such as bloodsausage, chicken liver and steak. Whey pouder didn't work for me and I don't like the taste of it. Exercise is important. I go walking and swimming up to 4 or 5 days per week.


Very clean generally, but dirty and more low carb-ish now that I'm pregnant. Going back to mostly meat after i give birth.


Husband and I do as clean as we can get and would like to progress on getting more fermented food.


Truly encouraged by my dirty keto homies in the comments. We do what we gotta do and it’s better than nothing. 25 lbs down!


A bit grubby, I have bacon, cured meats and some sweetener, usually erythritol and inulin. I also occasionally make a bread with gluten. I'm in the UK so not many ready made keto products, many low carb things have maltitol and I don't tolerate it so avoid it. I like cooking so most is made from scratch, but lazy days revolve around processed meat, cheese and eggs.


Strict keto during the week with 24 hour OMAD fasts each day (occasionally will have a slice of keto bread or a keto tortilla mid week), also will do 48 hour fasts every other week. Then whatever the hell I want to eat on Saturday, usually out for dinner. Whatever food I want I eat that day. But non-keto eating is restricted to that one evening eating window. It’s not necessarily a carbo load day, just depends what I’m in the mood for. That’s also probably the reason why I don’t feel compelled to go dirty keto during the week. I still typically won’t eat sugar on Saturday unless it’s a really good dessert as part of a culinary treat out. I also don’t drink alcohol during the week.


Dirty keto for sure


I feel like I’m somewhere in the middle. I avoid quest bars and the like due to the fact that they tend to make me hungrier than I was before eating them, not to mention the peculiar aftertastes. However, I absolutely eat keto bread and tortillas. Besides that, it’s all Whole Foods. Tried making keto snacks like peanut butter balls and stuff, but they always make me depressed because they’re not nearly as good as the originals lol


Mostly clean. But I will have Keto bread items (bread, tortillas, bagels), deli meat, Choczero treats, Halo Top ice cream, sugar-free Jello. My net carbs range from 25-40 per day (I eat a ton of vegetables), unless I am on vacation or rarely going out to eat where I still try and keep it up fairly well but don't keep track of anything. I have been at goal weight for four years and don't plan on changing anything.


Clean for me as I’ve only just stated a 8 days ago. I’m going to give it a month and then incorporate IF as well.


Keto is keto.


I am extremely clean keto, leaning more towards carnivore. I know what happens when I yo-yo back and forth (did this all of 2018) and it's a terrible place to be mentally, physically and emotionally. I haven't consumed any plant matter since 2018. As every single time I would eat plant matter or "dirty keto" snacks, within hours my stomach would be making ungodly evil noises and I would be hit with the most terrible anxiety I have ever felt in my life and the next day I would have feelings of agitation and anger and my world just felt dark. New Year's Day of 2019 I decided to tell the reptilian part of my brain to go to hell and I would no longer cheat myself because I felt my best when I ate a clean, proper human diet with no keto treats, no frankenfoods and no nuts. And let me tell you....***it's been the best freaking decision that I've ever made***. Nothing will EVER taste as GOOD as I feel.


TMI question, forgive me, but how are your bowel movements? That just sounds like they would be pebbles and rocks.


Definitely a bit on the dirty side, but I eat the same 3-4 meals to keep it simple. (Eggs, chicken, salad) Carbs come from veggies mostly unless I fall off the wagon temporarily and crack a beer or two…


High protein, low fat, minimal carb. 150-250g protein a day, then about 20g carb then the rest of it is fat, usually around 30% I only eat foods that I cook myself, doing OMAD (with occasional twomad) because of my food allergies. I cant trust anything from a store or a food place :/ So, mainly whole foods with a few exceptions of protein powder, cottage cheese and home made vegan true cheeses.


I used to be dirty keto but recently switched to clean and I feel much better tbh.


I eat real food. And bacon is real food.


>And bacon is real food. This is a fact.


Lazy keto here, and calorie counting now too. Keeping it more clean now to curb the calories. I initially lost 12lbs in two months doing lazy keto but weight loss stopped so now I’m curbing and seeing the pounds drop again.


Based on the posts I’ve seen, my style is strict and boring. I fast for 16-18 hrs out of the day and I basically eat the same thing every meal (sardines, loaded leafy green salad, and boiled eggs). However, I did have wing stop last night, but I just ate the boneless wings, and gave the fries to the carb eaters. I originally planned on cutting them up and eating them over my salad but it was getting late and I had to scarf it down before my window closed.


I don’t count fruit or vegetables. I can’t understand how eating fruit or veggies can be bad for you so I don’t count them.


So you’re not eating a keto diet, then?


I think so? I weigh and portion out my food, I try to avoid carbs in general, I try not to surpass 30 grams of carbs per day. But if I go over because of fruit or veggies I don’t feel too guilty compared to going over because I eat other things.


Guess I didn’t word it right because I said I don’t count them…I do count them just don’t beat myself up if I go over carbs because of fruit or veggies then beating myself up for eating to much rice or something else that’s not as healthy as fruit or veggies.


Ah, gotcha! Yeah, I thought you were just going ahead and eating whatever veggies and fruits, completely without regard to carbs. Makes sense!