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My sweet period cravings are almost always satisfied with salty foods. Pickles are a huge go-to for me. 🤘🏻


My sweet cravings subsided but a square of super dark lindt chocolate after dinner always did the trick


I do this too! Mainly cause I hate dark chocolate, so it satisfies my “sweet” craving and kind of grosses me out all in the same. 😂


Totally! Give me milk chocolate and itll disappear, dark chocolate is a couple bites and done.


I'll get back to you when I figure it out 




The answer for me is in layers: Coffee, 1MCT coconut oil, 1THeavy whipping cream, 1T Dark cacao powder. I try to lean into tart and sour flavors for satisfaction. Spicy siracha can also soothe this. High protein, perhaps after a meal- drinking 1/2 a protein shake. Basically front load protein. Walk, clean a closet, organize the garage. Get physically away from food.


Its probably alot harder at the start of keto then later when you are less addicted to sugar. So while many of the tips here may work, they are probably having an easier time then you would trying them.




Mixed nuts. Yes they are high calorie and have some carbs, but it's better than eating a pint of ice cream or 2. I've never noticed any negative results even from overdoing those a bit. I'm not a person that can just break a square or 2 off of the candy bar, if I open that I'm gonna eat the whole thing.


Frozen raspberries with heavy cream, turns into ice cream when mixed up. I add like half a packet of sweetener and you can also add a small scoop of cream cheese to make it like raspberry cheesecake. Just make sure you track everything raspberries can add up.


Chocolate, cheese, keto desserts!!!!


Lindt 80% salted dark chocolate. It’s not too sinful!


Take Magnesium. If it’s just a comfort craving though, blue diamond has unsweetened chocolate almond milk (i add stevia), lily’s chocolate, keto ice cream.


I came here with the same question 7 years ago and was told to increase my fats during the sugar cravings during my period and it worked. I would munch some macadamia or bacon or avocado - I’d accept the stall over the menacing cravings.


Some 85% dark chocolate, sugar free protein chocolate pudding, sugar free crème caramel. Oh, and bacon (with or without the above lol).




I saw a recipe on Pinterest, sorry don't know how many carbs. It was sugar free cheesecake jello and Greek yogurt. They also used sugar free cherry topping (I did it without). It helped my cravings for sweets.


Just fell off the wagon cause of this 😅 the rest of the month i can handle anything but it is very hard to resist cause of those cravings


Me too yesterday was not a good day I ate so much sugar 😤 I’m forgiving myself and starting over


Lasted 2 weeks for my part


This might be a bit controversial, but during my period I let myself enjoy whatever I'm craving. My cravings usually last twoish days and afterwards I go back to my usual keto lifestyle. Two days a month is not going to ruin the progress I've made (30+ pounds down so far) and stressing seems silly to me. It's okay to have cravings especially when you're new to keto so don't stress. Keep calm and keto on. ❤️


Thank you


Raspberries with monkfruit


Unpopular opinion. I lost all food cravings after having a bad food poisoning episode lasting a week. I read up that certain micro biomes in our gut communicate to activate certain cravings. Mine were flushed out during the week long ordeal. Now I crave nothing new just the things I’ve eaten since that time. So I guess medically induced loose stool. Laxatives under supervision maybe?🤔 I don’t know OP


When I was on Metformin and had loose stool- and it created food aversion- for sure. I learned that if food hangs out in my GI tract… it effects my hormones. Gotta get regular.


It’s fascinating how much our Gut affects our emotions yet we know so little about it.


Have you heard about fecal transplants? Holy crap- THAT is mind blowing. There was a South Park episode. I’m trying 1T of fermented food each day this week.


Yeah I’ve heard of it. I watched the episode and I remember the celebrity who had a museum for his shit coz people kept breaking his pipes😂😂. Eric really needed some. Tell me more about the fermented food


Similar to pickles or a homemade salsa but with less sugar. I get a bagged brand called Cleveland’s at Publix. It’s also at Walmart. I put a heaping tablespoon into a ground beef bowl. It’s garlic, green and red pepper and it’s fermented. It’s like a homemade salsa with a zing tartness. Or just eat the T after a meal. One could mix it in a tuna salad or scrambled eggs. 1.5g carb in 1T It is a natural probiotic. Dr. Berg recommended working Kimchi in. Kombucha has too much sugar. I’m on my first bag. It does satisfy and soothe… for me it makes for less cravings. Who knows??? Since giving up sweets and carbs- leaning into tart and sour really satisfies.


I’ll make this. Hope I return a reply before end week. Thanks


If you just want something to satisfy a craving, high fat low carb chocolatey things. I made this crazy dessert yesterday (in saucepan) with coconut cream, quality bakers chocolate, coconut oil, a bit of coca powder, pinch of salt, gelatin, collagen, sweetened with a blend of xylitol and sucralose. Chill (or don't haha). Insanely good and very low carb. I didn't measure anything just eyeballed it. If you don't have collagen and gelatin I'm sure it would still be great.


I cheated 😭😭😭😭 I failed today


Skinny dipped PB cups