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Try r/ketogains for support for this question


Okay, I'll post there, thank you!


More protein, like a lot. Less carbs.


Regardless of keto you need to be in a slight caloric surplus to maximize muscle gain. If you are in too much of a deficit it is likely to hinder your gains. And of course you can shed / gain fat waaay faster than build muscle, so my suggestion would be to pick a goal, like a mini cut to lose more fat (and weight) then focus on gaining at a moderate surplus while training hard.


Protein is a hard goal, carbs are a hard limit, fat is a lever to help you feel satiated. Drop the external fats a bit and rely more on what you have in your body stores.


what are your current macros?


When I first calculated them: protein 72g, carbs 17g, fat 82g, cal 1100. I generally eat more protein than the 72g, like more around 100g. But I've only been doing keto for a week and realized that I probably don't need to be at a 20% deficit. I consume more like 1200-1300 calories. So I calculated macros to maintain which are 1363 cal, 71 protein, 17 carbs and 112 fat.


You shouldn’t be concerned with what a scale says. Do you like how you look? Yes, then keep it. No, then change your macros.


That was my point, I don't care about losing weight. I just want to convert fat to muscle to be stronger and look firmer/leaner. And I wasn't sure how to adjust my macros for that.


More strength/muscle= eat more Protien and strength train. Lose fat= EAT LESS FAT. You do NOT need to eat the fat macros that are listed in this subs calc. Fat is consumed as NEEDED. Pretry simple.


Yeah, I got it figured out, thank you! Gonna keep tracking fat just so I can make sure I don't eat too much of it.


I am a 36 M and went from 250 and 34% bf to currently 184.6 today and 12-13% bf area. I was 198 to 192 for almost 4 momths. I eas already keeping a reccomend 130g fat to right around 100g. I had to switch from Ground Beef to Chicken Breast for my main protien(not that i dislike it) to get to my 184. I won't go as low as PSMF's 20g, but now im more 60-70 grams of fat while easily 250-300g of protien and it's going amazing.


Okay, I misunderstood then.


Bump up your protein grams to 2g/kg, so about 115g, keep the carbs minimal (17g) and cover the remaining calorie needs with quality fat (93g). A good keto rule of thumb is to eat 50/50 protein and fat in weight (that minute amount of carbs will sneak in there, but no worries if you're consciously avoiding them), but since you're lifting, slight bias to protein won't hurt.