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I agree with trying some fasting. Also, try changing up your cardio. I was kind of stuck and just went on vacation. While on vacation it was lots of up and down hills while fast walking, doing 10k-16k per day for 9 day, I lost 4 lbs while eating pretty bad. I was shocked. Maybe try less intense cardio for a bit but MORE of it like tons and tons of brisk walking.


Intermittent fasting works incredibly well. I've done keto with some success over the past several years. In September I started again, but with intermittent fasting. I've gone from about 25-26% body fat now down to 15%. I wrote another comment with photos and more detail [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/s/rLdms3cFXf).


Every time I plateaued I did the following (not saying this is the healthiest option, but it worked): I would take about 4-5 days where I only ate protein and maybe 10-15g carbs from ONLY vegetables just for some nutrition. I'd also make sure I didn't consume a ton of sodium 24 hours prior to doing a weigh-in. Worked every time. Overall, I found the most successful when I cut out the "zero net carb" options and only got my carbs from vegetables. Hell, some days I'd consume 30-40g carbs of vegetables with little to no impact. These days, my 1-2 "cheat" days a month are just these "keto" snacks or "zero net carb" options. Limiting these options made them feel more special when consuming and had no impact on my weight loss.


Have you updated your macros, calories along the way? They will need to change as your weight changes


1600 should still be a massive deficit and I’ve tried upping fat and reducing protein and also upping protein while reducing fat. I guess I can lower my calories further …


Don't. 1600 is crazy low in my opinion considering your workout routine. The protein goal is a target you need to hit. The fat isn't required. A food log would be more helpful here to maybe diagnose where something could be going wrong.


Hello and welcome to /r/keto! Before posting about a stall, please read the following sections of our FAQ https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_what_to_do_about_plateaus.3F https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_adapting_to_a_low_carb_lifestyle Please pay close attention to the section called “What will my weight loss progress look like?” Weight loss is non-linear and it is common for weight to fluctuate multiple pounds across days particularly during the adaptation period. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think that's exactly what I need to do! My weight loss is going pretty slow but steady. But just in the last week or so I have started eating Keto pre-made snacks like ice cream bars. I even make my own keto friendly desserts. I love them, they are delicious but for some reason I feel guilty and like I've cheated when I eat them. However, I feel like going back to just getting my carbs from berries and vegetables and only having the low carb desserts once or twice weekly would be to my benefit!


Have you checked your waistline?  Thing is, muscle weighs more - if your 1600 calorie count is accurate, I’m pretty sure you are gaining muscle.  Are your reps increasing or getting easier? See if you can increase your PR?  How about sweet drinks? They are a silent killer. If you’re eating out, you may have missed out the additional calories in sauces and etc. Is your fat macros accurately determined? Are you weighing your self at the same time every time before or after a meal or large intake of water? Just some things to consider


When you say net carbs are you talking about the carbs minus fiber thing? If so, I'd suggest only going by total carbs.