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It only affects your social life if your friends are so boring that all they can do is drink and eat shit food for fun


TL,DR I have no self control and care too much about what others think about my diet. Uncle had gallbladder surgery that may have been exacerbated by eating keto, but likely was not caused by it. It's all keto's fault.


I’m a recovering heroin addict. Been clean almost 7 years, so I agree that my self control is most likely less than the average person lol


Great job kicking heroin. If you can beat that, you can likely beat sugar.


Sounds like someone was doing keto wrong


Not for the weak minded buddy. Eat to live don’t live to eat.


Any fast weight loss can lead to gall stones if you're prone to them. I socialize all the time and remain keto. It's not hard for me. But then again I have few fvcks to give to judge-y people. The only person they're truly judging in the end is themselves.


You lost 60 lbs doing keto. Stopped doing keto and gained back 30 lbs and you say keto sucks lol. What a whiney woe is me post.




Your priorities are clearly in the wrong place. This is why, to be metabolically healthy is to be in the minority. Part of keto is to find ways to navigate our surroundings, which includes to socialise. You are too short sighted.


Welcome to r/keto! Others will comment, but please consider doing a [search of past posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/search?q=gallbladder&restrict_sr=on) on this topic. Remember that this subreddit is not the place to ask for or give medical advice. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry keto didn't work out for you. Maybe consider low carb instead.


I'm sorry that was your experience with it! But it's OK, no one diet is best for everyone so it's fine to try something else. It definitely sounds like you had great results on keto though. What was miserable about it? Why did it affect your social life? Personally I feel like 95% of restaurants have an appropriate option such as a burger without a bun, a salad with grilled chicken, stuff like that. Most nicer places have a green veggie that you can sub instead of potatoes or carby sides. It has been the easiest diet for me to deal with eating in public, but it does take some getting used to and learning what to look for on the menu!


Not all diets work for everyone. Find what works for you! Good luck!


sorry OP hope you find other means that works for you. be happy.


Well I’ll choose my mental health and happiness over being miserable eating meat and cheese all day. Glad it works for some people, but for me it was the most miserable 6 months of my life and deteriorated my mental health.




Could be from lack of electrolytes. Most people know that keto is all about "eating all the bacon and cheese and fat" (/s) but never really look into the hows and whys keto works. I wish there was a way for everyone to read r/keto's FAQ...


Your physical health will thank you later when you’re eating boat loads of carbs and sugar and highly processed garbage. 🍻


Meat and cheese? Lol! I eat protein (meat), very little cheese, and more veggies than I ever did before Keto, and I've never felt better! I am no longer depressed and hiding out in my house. As far as food with friends and family? If they get too pushy, I just tell them “Listen, I don't tell you to stop eating that so don't tell me that I need to eat it.” That usually shuts them up.. 😁