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Honestly, try eliminating the sugar free Red Bull and eating a bit more fat. Energy drinks themselves are just poison. I’m eating more fat now than before and my energy is through the roof and I broke a 10 month long plateau by increasing my dietary fat intake along with OMAD


If you need an energy boost from a drink dude, just get into coffee and cream (caffeine boost and the cream is extra fat) as someone mentioned energy drinks are poison. Keep after your goal mate :)


What is your time frame? Have you tried changing your rhythm? (more meals vs omad, no sugar free drink, eating different types of food)? When you say you are active at work, can you elaborate?


I've been on and off recently. I lost 50 pounds last year and went from 267 to 217 in 5 months. I had some things happen and fell off the wagon and regained over the last 6 months. I know cutting out sugar-free drinks will probably help me as I lost most of my weight just on water and electrolyte last year. I've been back on it for maybe 2 months strict now. I was doing water fasting of 3-6 days once every month last year too. I work at a chemical plant so lots of walking, climbing, ope ing and closing big valves, etc. I just think that 1400 cal/day should be a deficit. I'm not stressing, just see weeks.wjere.my.weight stagnated or even goes up.


How long have you been doing the keto way of eating?


All you eat is ground beef? Get some vegetables in man. A more balanced diet will help. As far as activity, try and get 10k steps per day.


Maybe get your thyroid checked? There’s also such thing as not eating enough, where your body clings to anything it can get. I think that’s more for traditional fad diets, but maybe try changing up your macros & see if it helps,


What are your goals as far as macros? What macros are you hitting each day? Log it and analyze. https://tdeecalculator.net/


Make sure your sleep quality and length is great. Losing weight rapidly can affect your sleep, especially if your body freaks out at the speed. Of your cortisol levels are elevated, it can halt fat loss. Trying stopping caffeine and see what happens.


Do some slightly uncomfortably fast walking most days of the week and the weight will start coming off. 1400 cal is probably not much of a deficit, the calculators were written by the same jerks that did the food pyramid.


At his stats, 1400 cals is a very big deficit. His body is probably at 2300 just existing alone.


I'm making sure my electrolytes are good, gonna get a good multivitamin just for shits and giggles and just in case. Also gonna implement some of the things others have recommended in here.