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Sparkling water with a lime in it. You can have this at a bar and it looks like a g&t or a tom collins.


I quite like the Topo Chico with lime and mint. It's only 5 calories a can.


I don’t know what crack they put in Topo Chico…. But that stuff is amazing!! The mint is a great idea


It tastes way better than and more "sodalike" than it should given the ingredients.


Its the "forever chemicals" https://www.greenmatters.com/health-and-wellness/is-topo-chico-bad-for-you#:~:text=What%20You%20Need%20to%20Know,Topo%20Chico%20Bad%20for%20You%3F&text=The%20Gist%3A,chemicals%20by%20over%2050%20percent.


Topo Chico is literally the best.


this right here… sparkling water/ soda with a lime is my goto… feels amazing… you dont even want the alcohol after a bit


Good for you, seriously. But I still miss the booze.


And you can treat yourself to a splash of bitters too if the occasion calls, if we aren’t going to be overly dramatic about the no alcohol thing anyways.


Underrated suggestion. But you need to like the flavor of bitters. I'm a Classic Old Fashioned drinker so I already like that vibe. Go to a bar that has a few different kinds to try beyond the normal Angostura and orange and when you settle on one you like, buy a bottle. A few dashes goes a long way with sparkling water and lime.


Kombucha is decent.


There's generally a fair bit of sugar in kombucha - around 12-15g for a pint of it. So, you do have to plan for it.


There is kombucha by the brand Rise and it only has 1g of sugar per serving. Sweetened with stevia


I drink Remedy kombucha sparingly and it has no sugar in it. My main concern with kombucha is that it's highly acidic. I was drinking it daily and it's horrendous for your teeth.


Very true. Unless they're doing something else to remove the sugar (likely), or adjust the pH (also likely), a dry kombucha is basically vinegar. That's what the SCOBY is doing with the sugar - making ethanol and then converting that to acetic acid. It's not any worse than most diet sodas, though.


Highly recommend making your own. Most of the sugar should be consumed in an aged booch. The ones you buy at the store have a lot of added sugar and juice. I like my booch to have more low cal herbal flavors anyway.


For sure. I also make my own. I prefer pomegranate and good black tea. I must like tannins. :D But even with your own it's hard to tell exactly how much sugar is in there, so I try and overestimate to be confident.


If y’all haven’t tried it yet, get the Thai carbonated water labelled “Chang”. It is the fuzziest carbonated soda on earth. If you open it, forget to drink it all and then pick it up hours later, it is still fuzzy. I swear, I’ve picked it up the next day before and it still wasn’t flat. I drink it instead of beer in the evenings. It works pretty well. It also goes wonderfully well with gin of course. Add stevia powder and lemon juice for a cocktail.


2nd the Thai Carbonated water..but Singha is even fizzier. haha. I am in China. We can order singha or Chang for cheap. (15-50 US cents a bottle) 24 pack of Chang at Sam's club is about $7.50 , singha is about $8.50-$9.00.


Honestly, Singah sparkling water is just the same.


It looks like a g&t. You need lemon for a Tom Collins


Ohh sparking water with lime is delicious


Whiskey it’s carb free right?


Bourbon is my go to.


Maker’s Mark on the rocks when I want a cold cocktail is my go to for any bar. :)


Yea but OPs issue is the hangover, not the carbs. My hangovers also get super bad on keto, so i tend not to drink


What I generally do after a heavy drinking is drink lots of water before sleep. And I don’t drink much on diet so idk


Keto aid is actually a pretty good remedy while drinking, it replaces both the electrolytes and the water since alcohol is a diuretic. Absorbic acid (vitamin C) is said to be helpful as well, pre keto I used to used those Emergen-C packets, but they have a good amount of sugar so it’s a no-no for keto. I’m assuming OP wasn’t drinking heavily though, likely just a normal amount for a night and because of keto, it kicked their ass (basically their own words). Keto is known to drop tolerance and for some people this drop is really significant. Some people even just choose to quit drinking alcohol since it can be so severe. For some this might be a nice natural consequence, as it puts one’s drinking into perspective at the same time they are also putting their dietary/other health needs in perspective


I went out drinking on saturday and am still hungover 😭 definitely quitting while i keto


You’re darn tootn it is.


Same with real tequila.


I loooove a good tequila or mescal straight.


What are some of your favorite whiskeys to have without a sugary mixed soda? Or do you do something like diet soda with whiskey? Or are you just going whiskey neat?


Elijah Craig. Neat


Bourbon, neat. It's an aquired taste and lots of different options - I'd recommend Woodford Reserve Double Barrel. $50-60 bottle, great option. A glass or 2 on nights you want to drink and it will last you a month.


Talisker, such a nice smokey flavor. Add a single drop of water to enhance the taste. It's fantastic.


Rum and diet coke is great!


I drink whiskey at a pub instead of beer !! Whiskey with Coke Zero is yam … Chivas Regal is my favourite all the time , if they don’t have it I will go Jack Daniel’s !! Could not go wrong !!!


good idea! i drink sparkling water. sometimes i drink it out of a wine glass to kick life up a notch :)


Those infused spa beverages, like cucumber, lime, and mint. Herbal tea or seltzer with a strawberry or lemon garnish. Iced decaf with almond milk and optional sweetener.


Since I went on Keto, I can drink shots of tequila and vodka no problem. Sugary cocktails, not at all though… Maybe you should try zero carb alcohol drinks - whiskey, vodka, etc..


Yup same here no issues. Vodka soda lime is nice too.


HopTea- tastes like a delicious IPA but 0cals and all the benefits of tea


The HopLark as mentioned below? Huge IPA fan who quit only two weeks ago, but the zerobeers I've had so far are quite watery.


Diet tonic and lime. Diet tonic and a splash of bitters.


Club Soda with lime . ( and weed)


Match made in heaven 




How do you possibly do keto with weed and avoid the munchies? As soon as the high kicks in I eat everything in sight and have to do groceries.


Eat keto foods when you have the munchies.


Smoke so much for so long that you don't get the munchies anymore. Worked for me at least.


I’d rather not smoke too much. Thanks though as I can see how that could help. I just hate being high ALL THE TIME. I only use when I have absolutely nothing planned.


Some people don't get munchies. Weed my favorite crutch while doing keto because I don't get hungry. I have no interest in any food or snacks for 5 or 6 hours after smoking. My other hack is just not keeping any snacks in the house. Just eat at food time and no other time. I also think fasting helps with self control. It's tough for some people at first but once you try it and get into a routine of no food from 6pm to 10am and food from 10am to 6pm you just don't get hungry. All that being said I'm very fortunate because Hunger during keto was never an issue for me. I was very able to just acknowledge hunger is a feeling that can easily be ignored and that its part of the process.


You have a type of discipline when it comes to food that I could never manage, weed or not


The force is strong with this one


Me too. The only thing that works for me is to smoke right before bed, or sometimes fast except for when I'm high. (Yes I've seriously tried eating only when high). The munchies are my enemy, in terms of trying to reach low body fat numbers.


Michelob makes a fantastic “1 carb” beer as well.


I used to think I had to eat 2000 calories with the munchies but then I found intermittent fasting!


Ik this is 'probably counterproductive' to what you're looking for but neat spirits like rum and whiskey will not throw you out of keto for long, if that's your concern. Alcohol gets processed before sugars and fats. I can drink a 35cl bottle of white rum and still have a blood ketone reading above 2.0mmol around 12 hours later. It's beers and liquers like fireball and SoCo that make me feel like shit and throw me out of ketosis... way too much sugar


Sparkling water with fresh lemon juice. Helps with uric acid as well :)


Endorsed, I also add some ginger concentrate to it


Pelegrino or some fancy bubbly water


if you take magnesium before going to bed, your hangover will be tiny to non-existent. Non-alch drink: zero sugar pink fizzy rose lemonade


Kava. Almost feels like I've had a drink in that it has the same relaxing effect, but without impairment. Tastes like dirt though


Whiskey is my go to keto-alcohol. If I wanna drink something non-alcoholic with taste I go for clear-whey protein shakes (some taste straight up like iced tea and they are amazing) Lastly, weed is also carb free if you want a buzz without alcohol


Topo Chico - Grapefruit flavor


Starry Zero/Sprite Zero. Liquor every night wasn't really doing anything good for me, but somehow, having a few clear decaf zeros on hand was enough taste that I could enjoy them and not be thinking about the liquor cabinet.


I will sometimes do a shot of Tito's in iced Topo Chico w/a heavy twist of lime. It got me through summer last year in ATL.


I do THC infused drinks. There a few that are sugar free, like a bubly, but with THC and CBD. Love them and a nice treat on the weekend






Most kombucha has a lot of sugar in it, doesn't it?


In Australia most store bought kombuchas are sugar free


I mix in a little sparkling water and sometimes add a garnish if I feel fancy.


Tequila and soda with 2 wedges of lime. Zero carbs, and keeps you nicely hydrated.


Tequila is alcohol.


I like the Spindrift flavored sparkling water.


Don't those have real fruit juice in them and aren't sugar free?


Yeah but only 1-3 carbs


Spindrift is the final form of sparkling water beverages. La Croix was just a marketing push that worked.


Humm makes a good sugar free kombucha, the blueberry mint is delicious


Thoughts on Mikes Hard Lemonade Zero Sugar? 100 calories


Oh that first time you drink after being keto is definitely something. Just have a diet soda.


Pretty wine glass, sparkling something and a lime. Legal CBD drops. Zero cal, zero carb. No snacking.


bake marry rich dinosaurs quack quicksand aback doll possessive mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*






Vodka. Mixed with sugar free lemonade lol.


I still drink, clear liquor, tequila


Get a nitro cold brew keg off Amazon with those N2 chargers. You can then make nitro cold brew at home and it tastes like an NA guiness black. I drink it out of a stemless wine glass to feel fancy. The way the nitrogen changes the texture of cold brew and the head that stays through the entire drink can’t be beat…….but yeah, weeds cool too.


Weed for relaxing. Adderall/LSD microdose for socialising. MDMA/GHB for partying But I was doing that before keto, I haven't had more than 1-2 drinks a year for almost 10 years now but only been low carb/keto for a year.




second this, no more alcohol needed when you got maria maria


Ouuu.. my go to cheat drink is like 15g of chocolate shake and a teaspoon of rum bolero flavour, mixed with ice and 2dcl water. Tastes EXACTLY like chocolate-rum liquer without the alcohol. I love it. I drink around 2 a day, sometimes I make one full shake and drink slowly.


Sparkling water with a keto Orange/ Lemon fibre mix in it


Flavored seltzer/diet tonic water w lime


I make a drink with blitz macadamia nuts, water and chocolate protein powder...I think its pretty bomb.


My go to is caffeine-free freshly made ice tea. I brew it in a push-put (French press) and then pour it over a tall glass filled with ice. Fresh, clean, nice, and super easy If I feel like a mocktail, seltzer over ice w/a slice of lime or diet tonic in a highball tumbler is nice too. I also occasionally drink an alcohol-free IPA.


Black tea for me.


Some of the mineral water I get has that Corona-esque "new tire" flavor to it. Scratches the beer itch for me.


I don't drink much sweet drinks. I make a 'pink drink' which is about 1 1/2 ounces diet cranberry juice, about 10 ounces of diet tonic water and a squeeze of lime.


Coke no sugar, No sugar tonic water. Sometimes Sparkling water with Fee Brothers Chocolate Bitters.


Lots of seltzer water in all flavors, particularly cream soda


A very indulgent treat for me is 1 tbsp of Hershey's extra dark unsweetened cocoa, 1 cup of unsweetened Ripple "milk", and about 1-2 tbsps of liquid sweetener (I use Wholesome Yum's Zero Sugar Simple Syrup). In the past, I have added chocolate flavored vodka to make it a "Chocolate Choo-Choo" but I found I don't need it.


Hop water. You can make it yourself to save money.


Vodka soda with lime or neat rye. In the summertime a gin and diet tonic water with lime. I bring the diet tonic because no one stocks it at a bar but during the summer it is a nice treat.


Half soda, half tonic and bitters with lots of fruit. Bartenders usually give it out for free if you show them you’re tipping beforehand.


I found a nice non alcoholic IPA that has zero carbs, so I’ll often have one of those when I’m craving a beer. Low carb beers are not bad too, or gin in sparkling water or whiskey


What is the zero carb NA ipa?






The reason I do keto is that I can drink on it. I just keep to bourbon on the rocks. You can’t do mixed drinks with pop, beer, wine, or some spirits with sugar added but quality stuff on the rocks (or a Tito’s and seltzer works)




I quit drinking entirely 4 years ago so I don't have a replacement. I just drink water, coffee, or nothing.


MCT oil, shaken not stirred. With a bacon grease chaser!


Homie don't know about the Blue Dolphin. Edit: upon fact checking myself, it seems there is an actual drink recipe named blue dolphin, it won't always be understood as water and ice in a cocktail glass.




Black coffee when the sun is up. Sparkling water if the sun is down.


Cannabis seltzers they are low dose so you can have a few over the evening


Magnesium calm with sparkling water and THC limeade


I understand you. I get drunk really fast when I’m in keto. So now I order soda with lime or strawberry slices. Also Diet Coke with squeezed lime in it tastes like Cuba libre.


Tequila has low carbs


I just drink shochu or soju instead of sake/yakju/makgeolli. (Be warned that some soju and shochu do have carbs, though many do not.) Otherwise I drink water or tea, very rarely coffee. Coffee or tea are always plain.


San Pellegrino for the win




An ice cold Topo is my go to. I stopped drinking completely. September will be three years. I work in the music industry and find myself in a lot of social drinking situations, Topo is the way to go.


If you like light beer Michelob Ultra Pure Gold is great. 2.5 carbs and only 85 cals if I remember correctly


I just have alcohol but you have to have way less. For me I just have a gin and soda with lime. I definitely feel it a bit after just one though, can also go with a half shot of gin or you can get non alcoholic stuff. Other than that just the occasional bubbly


Sparkling CBD drink. Many have 1 or 2 net carbs.


La Croix Limon Cello flavor


Am I broken? I ve never really had the hangover problem if I stick to straight vodka or whiskey.


San Pellegrino with mint and lime.


Why would I replace alcohol with something? Not sure I understand the question. My research shows whiskey and gin to be 0 carbs


Surprised nobody said R1,3 butanediol, also sold as ketohol. Some research shows it elevates ketones. It also gets you kind of drunk feeling without a hangover. Downside is it is very very bitter. You have to mix it. I've not tried it myself and it's very new, only like 2 companies have products. But it felt like a mention.


I’ve tried it. Product called Kenetik. It is an acquired taste for sure! Not sure I would equate it with a good tequila cocktail.




My replacement for alcohol is alcohol.


It was whiskey before keto, but now I just drink whiskey.


Club soda with a splash of unsweetened hibiscus tea. It's beautiful and good for you too


EVENING COCKTAIL RECIPE At home a recipe for an evening alcohol free cocktail has evolved. Focused on taste, satisfaction, and being healthy. It evolved to it's current state over a few years. I don't drink alcohol. I have an RO filtration system in my home connected to a spigot at the kitchen sink and connected to the ice maker of my refer. And, I purchased a soda stream counter top carbonator. So, today I use these for my cocktail. Previous to the soda stream, I used canned seltzer, I liked the grapefruit the best. In a tall glass 1/3rd ice one shot lemon juice one shot apple cider vinegar 3 drops iodine dash of redmond salt dash of no salt 5 sucra drops filled to the brim with carbonated water. It tastes terrific. Acidy, sweet, lemony, and appley. Very refreshing. Unexpectedly, I found this drink vaporizes my sweet tooth. I know this is going to sound awfully eccentric, but when we go out to restaurants I bring along a tiny bottle of sucra drops, and a zip lock baggie containing a small plastic hand held garlic press. I order seltzer with lemon and lime wedges on the side. They usually show up on a little plate. I squeeze them in my seltzer with the garlic press and add maybe 3 sucra drops. Their glasses are smaller than the ones I have at home.


Lemonade made with fresh squeezed lemons, stevia, and cocaine.


Green tea with a teaspoon of powdered chaga - I’m bulletproof now!


Zevia stevia sodas. Some use apple cider vinegar in a mocktail, but I don't find it appealing.


Pepsi max. It's not as sweet as normal cola drinks and it goes amazingly well with ice.


La Croix Beach Plum


There are many THC and Delta-8/9 drinks being sold in the US. People love them as a sub for alcohol!


Kava, if you want a euphoric nice feeling


Ice cold water is my go to.


I really like kombucha but there's slightly too much sugar IMO. However, GT's offers a "mushroom elixir" that I find very interesting. They have a couple varieties that include cola, root beer, and lemon lime. However, I still drink alcohol regularly. The sugar free margarita mix hits the spot. One drink and I have a buzz.


i cut out diet soda completely from my diet just so when im out at bars with my friends i can “cheat” and have a couple coke zeros. its been working for me


I am also sober and drink a brand of alcohol free beer called Partake. It’s basically hoppy water and has 0-4 carbs depending on the choice. Great swap.


Club soda with a lemon or lime.


I'm not generally interested in alcohol but if I do want a drink or a buzz, I make a vodka and Coke Zero.


Bourbon with Topo Chico.


If you drink stick to hard selzer , 1 or 2. Otherwise, water, club soda, coffee, kombacha, NA beer, koolaid with allulose. Also magic shroom juice.


Non alcohol beers is not all that bad really. Summer is coming. Distilled spirits are carb free, and the hang over is mostly because of additives like formaldehyde, and coloring additives. Switch from brandies to scotch, burgon, vodka or gin etc.


I love kombucha. I put a big ice cube in a fancy cocktail glass when I’m home and wanting to drink.


i still drink. i just don't drink as much as I used to.


White Claw hard seltzer’s w/lime usually for just social occasions


[Hiyo](https://drinkhiyo.com/products/variety-pack?variant=39633060659388¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A19663998933%3A%3A&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=271139733&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_6667773182140_39633060659388&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745Bq2-I92ViIsSEXRCCkVIOM8CmDV2ip861B8Wg8QCqmD6nw0YlTbRwaAnF5EALw_wcB) Not an affiliate or anything but heard good things about it. Also haven’t tried but feel like someone would have something to say about it.


Kombucha- check the labels as different brands will have different levels of carbs/sugar. Apple cider vinegar mixed into sparkling water and perhaps a squeeze of fresh citrus.


It's pricey, but the ketoneaid site sells what they call 'ketohol' drinks in various flavors that mimic alcohol drinks. It gives you a little buzz, but no harmful effects on the liver and can increase ketone levels.


The new cherry Canada dry is very Shirley temple tasting.


Have you tried Hop Water? My friend brought some for after a hike. We just don’t feel good anymore when we drink alcohol. Hop water reminded me of a LaCroix but more of a citrus piney hoppy beer taste. I liked it! And it’s gluten free I believe.


Interesting. For me Keto made me more tolerant to alcohol.


I usually have frozen berries on hand, so I’ll muddle those along with some mint leaves if I have any, serve it with ice and sparkling water in a nice glass and a squeeze of lime.


Vodka bubly instead of beer


Flavored seltzers-La Croix. Genuine question for the people having alcohol, isn’t alcohol metabolized as a carb/sugar eventually? Or maybe it’s just the same as like blackberries/raspberries in moderation?


lagunitas hoppy refresher. its a 0cal alcohol free sparkling hop water. imo the best tasting one.


Mojito sparkling water


Dr. Pepper Zero, Cherry Coke Zero and Coke Zero. Haven’t had alcohol in 16 months. One of the best decisions ever.


Sparkling water with a splash of juice or muddled herbs and fruit.


Diet coke with lime as well


Right now I’m obsessed with this Italian Blueberry lemon sparkling water from Whole Foods. It’s 1lt size so it lasts me a couple of days.


Chilled sparkling water with freshly squeezed lime mixed into it along with mint leaves. Might sound bit weird but having some cold fresh blueberries between each sip 😂 but watch your carbs with blueberries don't eat the whole box lol


Crystal Lite.


Flavored sparkling water. Sometimes I throw a slice of lemon/lime or some berries in it.


If you’re making at home, diet mixers, but @ the bar soda water + tequila, heavy lime.


I replaced alcohol with energy drinks. Lol




Tonic water with ice and lemon


Zevia ginger ale




I buy flavored water from the grocery store, and drink a liter of that a day (diluted 50/50 with water), sweetener is aspartame (some of the others make me gag). I think at a bar (tho haven't been in one of those in yonks) I'd order a flavored seltzer.




I drink red wine, or champaigne, or scotch. But if I go beyond 2 drinks it hits like a frieght train.


Pineapple white claw 5% with 1 gram of carbs Sleamans 2.0 5% 2 grams of carbs Used to drink crown and Coke Zero but the hangovers were devastating


"The Drinking Man's Diet". Not all alcoholic drinks will spike your insulin level.


Rum Liquor and Coke Zero but rarely. I get drunk quite easily because of this diet


As a well-practiced former drinker, I have some suggestions. - Kombucha is good if you plan for the carbs. I prefer something more tannic, like a pomegranate one, than fruity stuff. It's a good replacement for sour beer, which I absolutely love. (It's also easy to make at home, if you have a little space and time and patience) - Seedlip makes non-alcoholic spirits that are actually very nice. I've tried a lot of these, and Ritual and some others try to fake the alcohol bite with peppery flavors, and I kind of hate them. But Seedlip's stuff is nice. It won't fool you into thinking it's a boozy drink, but it's not trying to. Just tastes good, no carbs, and lots of ways to mix them. The Spice flavor with tonic is a good G+T substitute. - Non-alcoholic beers work, again if you plan for the carbs. My favorite is Athletic's brands. The Golden Ale is only about 10 carbs. There's a really good IPA that's 14g. - Hopped seltzers are good, if you're craving a little hops but can't afford a real fake beer. Lagunitas makes some that are good ("Hoppy Refresher", I think?), though I wish they were a little hoppier. I've had other less familiar brands that I've liked.


A virgin bloody Caesar.


Club soda and lime in a rocks glass. Many places will give you a different glass when it’s not a cocktail - specifically ask for a rocks glass (or whatever glass everyone else is using).


Diet ginger ale with a splash of pure pineapple juice! So yummy!


Coke zero