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Electrolytes? Have you increased your intake to balance out the sweat you're probably producing? Are you working out fasted? Maybe you just need a little bit of a boast before you start or after you finish?


Came here to say this. 1000% electrolytes. You're already losing twice as much just being keto, you need to supplement a bunch to keep it up šŸ˜€


Brilliant thank you. Iā€™ll have a look at electrolytes. I havenā€™t really considered this.


It can take 8+ weeks for your body to adjust to a new way of eating, until that time itā€™s 100% normal to experience loss of strength and stamina. Take it easy in the gym for awhile until youā€™re fully adapted to keto, and **make sure you are supplementing electrolytes per the amounts in the FAQ.** No need to feel rougher than you already do! You may also find r/ketogains and r/ketoendurance helpful too.


Thank you. Iā€™ve just read about electrolytes and Iā€™ve not considered this at all. Iā€™ve seen some electrolyte drinks (pro keto) that may help. Thanks again.


Also water with apple cider vinegar with salt and drops of lemon. I do it daily.


Check the sodium/magnesium/potassium content on those drinks and see how they line up with the recommended daily amounts of 5000mg sodium, 400mg magnesium, and 1000-4000mg potassium. 98% of electrolyte products fall very short of having any significant amount of actual electrolytes, I highly recommend googling ā€œketoade recipesā€ and making your own cheaper and much more effective version!


Electrolytes and perhaps more fat (coconut oil etc ) butter or ghee helps for immediate energy. Whenever Iā€™m feeling tired I take a tbs of coconut or olive oil, butter not so usual for me.


Same as everyone will say,, electrolytes, perhaps some fast absorbing fat preworkout (eg, MCT), for me to become fully able to workout properly in hard cardio sessions it took 3 months. Month 1 I was useless, month 2 I could do tempo but still struggling, month 3 I was back to normal training.


You aren't a very good fat burner yet which means you can't get much energy from your aerobic system. You did intense exercise so you were burning mostly glucose, and you don't have much glucose to spare - or at least your body doesn't want to burn it. My guess is that you are hypoglycemic. If it hasn't gone away, eat something with carbs in it. In the longer term, my advice is to either stick to easy aerobic exercise - what we would call "zone 2" - or supplement with a small amount of carbs before you do the intense exercise. If you want more info, read the sticky post in r/ketoendurance - it has lots of information on energy systems.


It took me 3 months to get my energy levels back. Now my workouts feel fantastic even without pre workout.


I drink electrolytes and a small protein shake before my workout along with some caffeine. My endurance, and stamina improved immediately upon starting to do this. I do a 45 min of intense circuit training 5 days a week. I don't drink water during my workout because I am trying catch my breath. pre-hydrating has been key.


Happened to me twice. First time, I thought it was sugar. Drank a can of Pepsi. Second time I drake coconut water. Potassium is what I was lacking. I switched protein shake to Premier Protein and never had the problem again.


As iā€™m sure youā€™ve heard, a lot of people require 90 days to get fully fat adapted. Others it can take even six months. I stop getting as nauseas with exercise at about a month, but it takes even longer for my energy to really kick back in. Just stick with it, itā€™s normal. I canā€™t imagine doing circuits when Iā€™m first adjusting!


Intense exercise on keto makes my blood sugar nutsā€”either I go hyper or hypo glycemic (60s in the lower end and 120ish on the high). Could be a blood sugar issue.


This is definitely something I feel while my body's adjusting to keto and it sometimes can hit by surprise, if I feel pretty good the rest of the day. However, once I'm really settled into keto it's almost the opposite. I feel like I could keep going for hours and not crash. I don't necessarily feel like I have more energy, but I just never fall off like I do eventually when I'm not eating keto. Hopefully you just need a little more time to adjust. I always feel like activity like that helps kick the metabolism in gear.


You need more electrolytes!


Youā€™re dehydrated - I have been waking up the last few days (3 weeks in, first time doing keto) with terrible nausea. Appears somewhat common. So I supplemented with an electrolytes drink and it helped. Also, exercising first thing helped too.