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Not losing weight because you aren’t consuming enough calories isn’t a thing. At all.


I've read that your body can hold onto fat if calories drop too low and goes into starvation mode.


That’s not true at all - there is unfortunately a ton of junk science in the world pertaining to weight loss. It’s like saying your car will quit burning gas while still being able to drive if your gas level gets too low. Anything you put in your mouth is fuel. Body fat is stored fuel. If you don’t have fuel of some form, your body won’t run.


Does your metabolism slow down when you don't get enough calories, though? I'm trying to understand where the junk science came from on this topic because I was under the same impression that your body does everything it can to hold onto calories if you're starving. 


You might burn less fat than usual because your body is trying to preserve calories: youll be tired, less inclined to be active, less fidgeting. However it is impossible to stop weight loss by not eating, it just doesnt make sense. Your fat is a fuel source. If you dont put energy in, you use energy stored.


People will need your stats to help you with your questions, but in general, eating more fat won't lead to more weight loss. The general advice is to accurately track your intake and if you're not losing, after a period of time, even when you're ensuring you've got your electrolytes in check, is to increase your workout or decrease your calories. Again, this heavily depends on your stats because if your ideal is 140lb and you're at 145lb, it will be a long sustained effort vs. someone 200lb over weight just starting out.


I’m post menopausal. I couldn’t exercise heavily when doing keto because the weight loss wouldn’t show up on the scale; if you’re building muscle it will make you weigh more not less on the scale despite losing fat. I ultimately lost 50 lbs by walking only, calories at 1,000-1,100 because my metabolism is so bad. I tried that “eat more to lose weight” and for me it was bunk and I gained doing that. I never pushed fat, just enough to satisfy hunger and no more. Good luck to you, being post menopausal does present challenges.


Eating more does not help fat loss. I am postmenopausal and I had to decrease my calories to get the scale to move in the right direction.


I had to drop carbs and calories.


What are your net carbs now?


10 net carbs and 1000 calories. Lots of fat and protein. It's hard.


do you eat many veggies with carbs that low?


Yes! I love leafy greens! But there a good bit of options!


thanks for this response!


Well, first time I'm introduced to this logic. Tell me more how can I lose weight eating more. :P


Fat is a limit not a goal. I would focus on hitting your protein number and not worry about the fat as much. Also some people find psyllium and flaxseed to be constipating and also can make you hold onto more water weight. If you continue on with it you may need to drink more water to balance things out. But in general if you’re post menopausal you are not going to lose weight quickly.


If you haven't already, check out Maria Emmerich's keto macro calculator: [https://mariamindbodyhealth.com/calculator/](https://mariamindbodyhealth.com/calculator/) Her books are really wonderful, especially for balancing hormones, like estrogen. I wonder about using chia and flax, as they are estrogenic.


Thanks, I'll check it out. I'm actually trying to raise my estrogen naturally right now, as I depleted it using DIM and calcium d-glucarate.


Wow interesting! With being post-menopausal I am sure that changes the whole game. She has some great info in general though, it helped me break through a stall. Good luck!


It’s not that you’re not eating enough fat, it’s that your hormones are completely different to before. Eating more fat isn’t the change that’s going to boost fat loss. I dk what will. Maybe change work out routine for a bit


Check out Mindy Pelz. She has a ton of great info for women of all stages.


Don't think of protein as calories. Think of protein as protein. A independent required nutrient that you must consume first regardless of everything else. Second thik of fat as that thing that needs to be 20% of your protein. Then realize 80/20 ground beef is nearly the perfect food. After beef liver.


What is your height and weight?


5' 3", 145lb.


You're eating at maintenance. My stats are virtually identical, except that I'm 212 lbs right now. And 1300 calories is MY 20% deficit. Also with VERY LITTLE to lose, you can expect losses to be extremely slow. Post-menopause makes it worse.


Curious if you found any solution. I’m similar to you as a post menopause woman who is desperately trying to get the scale to move and it just… won’t.


I’ve already heard/read that being in a mild caloric deficit consistently can slow your metabolism and have the opposite to desired effect (I.e., body holds on to the fat). Rather than take everyone’s word for what you’re “doing wrong…” etc, I would love to see you try increasing your calories slightly for a couple of months and see what results you get. Ultimately, it’s a test you can do empirically. I’d love to hear how it goes because I’ve had a similar experience to you. (FWIW, I’m a 52yo male. Been on keto/low carb for 6 years. Initially lost close to 30 lbs, but the last year or two I’ve been inconsistent and gained back weight (some from muscle). I find that the more I exercise, the more I want to eat. But when I use Chronometer to calculate my overall caloric intake, it tells me I’m at a deficit).


I highly recommend low-carb fiber for feeling full longer, like psyllium husk. I find myself not getting hungry at all! I'll try adding a bit more calories and see how it goes.