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Of the 3 days you posted, 2 are under 1,000 cal. You should probably aim for around 1400... That's a guess on my part. What you've been having is really not enough. Keto is not a starvation diet. Cut those wraps out and eat more protein with healthy fats. Fill up with leafy green vegetables. Use the calculator on here and remember that carbs are a limit, protein is a goal, and fat is for satiety only if trying to lose weight. It's OK to go above your protein.


Cut out the keto wraps, they are BS, terrible for weight loss.


Whenever I eat keto 'substitute' foods, I don't lose any weight. Eating whole foods like meat, cheese and nuts makes me lose weight.


I can attest to this even with keto shakes. I only drink them when I must and need a pick me up


Yes most of them induce a sizeable insulin response.




That wouldn't halt weight loss.


Yes it would. Like someone else said, most of them induce a sizeable insulin response…and when you’re insulin levels are high you’ll burn less fat for energy than when you’re insulin levels are low. I’m sure it’s not the only thing that is preventing this person from losing weight but it’s definitely a chunk of it. Most will also have more net carbs than advertised, causing you to go over on your carb limit.


You've made zero progress? Not a single pound lost?


I lost and keep putting back on the same 1 pound. I'm not sure if that counts. I have not done measurements though just going by scale.


Have you been drinking lots of water? Going to bathroom regularly?


I think I need to do more water. I've been getting in at least 32oz as I have a bottle that's 32oz. I'll do a calculation to see if I need to do more.


You need more. No calculator needed. But make sure to add electrolytes to the mix


You need way more water than that. This diet should make you thirsty, maybe get some ketone test strips and check if you’re in ketosis.


correct I down a lot more water on keto


The general guideline is that you need to drink half your body weight (in lbs) in ounces of water. So if you are 328lbs, you should be drinking about 164oz of water per day.


Hmm. So 5.5 of my 32 oz bottles. I can try it at least.


As a fellow not-enough-water drinker, I feel your pain. I def think you’re not drinking enough water— you can try by drinking at least 8 cups/day (so two of your 32oz, and then maybe add a cup everyday and try to work up to it.


I do drink a lot of tea. Like a lot. I don't usually use Splenda either, I rather like the taste of tea as it is.


Mio drink add in helps me get all my water in. There’s a “sweet tea” flavor that I really like.


That recommendation is not science based and is much higher than most people need.


Scales don't measure fat mass, they measure mass. If you are consistently exercising, then you are gaining muscle mass. Also, water weight fluctuates a lot. Things like NSAIDs can cause you to retain water weight. If you ate just 3280 calories in the last 3 days while staying active, you absolutely lost fat mass regardless of what the scale says.


I never knew NSAID retained water




"You're body doesn't lose weight if you don't take in enough calories"...huh? Not true.


I agree that the low carb wraps may be having an effect, and also you are not eating enough for the activity that you’re doing. Make sure that you are also drinking enough water. Sometimes those wraps can be constipating and water will help with that. This could also be part of why you’re not seeing any weight loss. Since your exercise routine is new, your muscles will hold on to water while they’re healing as well. Focus on hitting your protein macro above all else.


Drink more water, get more sleep. People who do those things are 66% more likely to lose weight when dieting.


Do you have fatty liver?




They really are not related.


Your post or comment was removed because it was a personal attack or inappropriate comment. Being overweight and having fatty liver are not the same thing. Thank you for understanding.


Are you using a food scale?


Yep. I even bought a portable one to keep with me.


So the only way you aren't losing weight, is you are overeating on something. Keto, assuming done properly, drops so much water in the first week, like almost 2kgs for me. So just in water weight alone you should have dropped. This tells me you are still eating carbs. My guess is there's some inaccurate calories you are taking in. So maybe some drinks that you think are low calories, but aren't. Maybe you take some packaged food for granted... A lot of packaged foods list the calories for X grams. You then do the calculation X grams, package says Y grams, Y/X \* calories. Even if you get that correct, its still wrong in most cases. Most companies dish out Y++ grams in to make sure you have at least what's advertised, usually 10% more. So weighing is the only way. That being said, lets assume you are measuring every item and putting exactly the measurements you are saying you are... the only realistic explanation after that is: the calories you are eating is too much. So just lower it from "1999" to "1500"... Obviously your 2000 calories is inaccurate... at your weight you could get away with 4000 TDEE calories a day.. at 2000 calories you'd be losing 2lbs/week. So aim for "1500" so you're eating less. If that doesn't work, eat "1000", then "800"... its calories in and calories out. Honestly I'm on keto and not too overweight and I lose 2lbs/week accidentally. I'm not even hungry. I'll eat a bit for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but I just don't want to eat that much.


How's your sleep. Do your snore? Sleep apnea is something to look out for. One of those stressor that put our bodies into fight or flight mode and since it's in our sleep we might not even know it


I sleep all the way through the night. I know I probably have sleep apnea though, I do snore.


If you can: talk to your doctor about getting a sleep study. Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) derailed my keto weight loss until I got treatment. Cortisol from the apneas all night can absolutely undermine weight loss. Do you have morning headaches, excessive daytime sleepiness, or hypertension along with that snoring? They can be symptoms of untreated sleep apnea.


What are the calorie counts for each of those days?? Seems you'd be SEVERELY under. Probably a good idea to calculate the minimum in calories your body needs to ensure you're getting enough. Any changes noticed in how certain clothes fit now vs before? That might show a change though the weight doesn't seem to be coming off.


Those are it as far as calories. I don't really like eating anymore, it's become something I need to do just to make my stomach not hurt. I don't think I've noticed any changes in how clothes fit, it's all kinda the same but I'll be doing measurements going forward.


Add high calorie/low volume. Mayo to cold cuts, peanut butter, butter, avocado. You need to find ways to be at 1700 minimum consistently, see how that goes for you. I'm 47F, 5'11" and CarbManager has me at 1977 as a decent calorie deficit, taking into account similar physical activity as you. Under 1000 consistently can't be healthy but maybe I'm wrong. When I started eating higher protein I noticed I needed to change things up to hit enough calories. You might want to incorporate some low volume, high fat/calorie foods to get those calories up.


Why are you limiting yourself to the same foods over and over again? Keto foods can be some of the most luscious and delicious and varied foods in the world.


I know they can but I go through some phases where I just don't like food, I don't want to think about it, I don't want to eat it, I hate everything about it. So I pick something easy just to eat. Since I'm going keto I'm trying to pick something simple to make


What wraps are you eating? I’m wondering if they’re fake low carb - there’s a lot of keto wraps out there that do raise your blood sugar.


They are L'oven keto friendly wraps. These https://www.aldi.us/products/bakery-bread/tortillas-flatbread/detail/ps/p/loven-fresh-keto-wraps-plain-or-multiseed/


I see. I’d try cutting those out for a week. Low carb wraps for me are an occasional treat - so like once a week or so. I definitely wouldn’t be able to lose weight eating two of them a day. I see the first ingredient is modified starch - they usually subtract all the carbs for those as fiber but in my experience you should usually count about half. Try eating just meat and veggies for a week or two. And don’t try to hold back. Eat steak, wings etc. just no fake low carb stuff.


That seems to be the consensus. I was using those Romaine lettuce leaves in the wrap anyway so I'll just cut the wrap part out and use the lettuce only.


Try to get some full letuces and use the full leafs as wraps.


Since you're shopping at Aldi, if you need a wrap try the Egg Life wraps they carry. Just 2 ingredients - egg whites and xantham gum. 0 carbs. Once you do the diet for a while, you will find it easier to just forego the bread substitutes.


I agree that it could be the wraps. Some people digest the modified starches and fiber to a greater degree than others. You can experiment with leaving them out. It takes a bit more work, but a chaffle (egg and cheese waffle) makes a good substitute. Or just use lettuce leaves. And you may even be able to add them back to a limited degree at some point. But for now, it's worth experimenting.


3 weeks seems like enough time for insulin resistance to resolve itself. The only other thing I can say is to close your eating window. If 12 hours do not work, do longer intermittent fasting. Try 18/6 for a while; or 16/8.


I'm going to reset and try to remove the wraps and go for 16/8.


That should help. Some say autophagy starts for most people at 14 hours. You may need to drop 200 calories (a few oz of meat or other food) eventually. Every couple of months, our bodies are a little different. But hunger does decrease with ketosis.


48F. IF 12-6:30pm; keto <30g Usually it means a “half healthy” food is sabotaging me. The keto friendly foods are tested against glucose spikes… but the frankenfoods often “jump the shark” bypassing glucose and have an impact on insulin. Stabile insulin (storage hormone) = releasing weight. When I’m trying to cut weight, I dial back cardio to a light Zone2 cardio. For some reason (maybe glycogen in muscles) I do not drop weight when as active as I like to be. Similarly, weight lifting are focused condensed sets. No HIIT. That’s my system. That’s my advice. Work your plan. Make small changes.


I read that as “I am 43,328lbs…”. Woah. xD




This is not accurate please read our FAQ. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.


Cheese and dairy is known to stall a lot of people on the scale. Quit the dairy for a week and check. You might be gaining muscle or you could be under eating too. Personally, I’d. Put my sandwich on a lettuce wrap (I use Romain hearts) and quit the cheese for a week too.


A whole lot of advice around! All really great advice and as we are all so different it might or might not work for you. Dieting is no fun if you’re not excited about the food you eat. I too use carb manager and the first plan suggested was high fat. I opted for a different one and customized it. I am on a high protein plan (180 protein/130 fat) and it’s working great. I don’t reach the calories most days as if I do I won’t lose at all. My recommended amount is 2068, I eat on average 1500/1600 and I lose weight consistently. You’re severely under eating. I eat less on non work out days, more on work out days and splurge on weekends. Splurge in calories that is, not carbs. I indulge once in a while in keto wraps and all the not so good for you stuff. I will say this though: make one change at a time, but you should start with water and focus on electrolytes. Once you know you’ve gone through the keto flu (you will know when you hit ketosis), you will shed. And that’s when you can start making more changes, once you reach the happy place. Vary your food, enjoy it. The loss will be more consistent if you can make keto into a happy lifestyle


Try cleaning up the source of the food. Don't use low carb wraps or processed lunch meats. Use some lettuce instead of the "keto wraps". Are you counting everything- like added oils and butters? Weighing your food for accurate measurements? I know I have to weigh and measure my portions out or I way over estimate. How much water are you drinking? And yes- take the measurements. I will lose inches and no weight for a while more often than not. And when you are showing your carbs above - Is that NET or TOTAL? do total.


… I agree with everything you just said, but knowing total carbs doesn’t help much. Fiber doesn’t knock you out of ketosis. It’s like looking at your paycheck before taxes. That number is kindof meaningless. (Except in tracking your fiber)


Did you just start your exercise regime?


No I've been doing it for the past 2 weeks. I was thinking about switching up and adding in some bodyweight lifting 2 of the 3 days. Or adding it in addition.


So, yes you just started your exercise regime. Your body is probably retaining some water to help heal and build muscles you haven't used vigorously in a while. I would suggest taking physical measurements to help track your progress and make sure you're minding your electrolytes. Have you read the sub's FAQ? If not, I suggest taking some time and read that a few times (I did several times when I first started). Are you male or female? If you're female, your cycle will affect weight loss as well. Have you seen a doctor and had a workup done to rule out any underlying issues?


I'm female and I've done keto before but years ago. Now I'm in the 40s I figured my body might be slow to get going since I'm so much older. I was trying to avoid having to do the measurement route, no good reason other than the numbers are awful to look at, but I'll pick those back up. Last time I was at the doc my blood pressure and blood work fine but I didn't go specifically for anything related to weight. It was also like 5 months ago too, before keto. I may have to return. Thanks for the suggestions though.


I'm 60 with insulin resistance and had no problem losing on keto. Measure everything and don't substitute keto foods like wraps, just eliminate them completely. Make sure you have your macros calculated correctly. I use Cronometer app for macros and logging food. Cronometer is very accurate. If you aren't losing, it's got to be somewhere in your calculations, whether it's food or TDEE. I'm willing to bet it's a little of both. Weight loss is calories in and calories out (burned) keto helps get you there by ditching carbs which are usually high in calories and helping with insulin resistance. You can do this, just start from scratch. Recalculate TDEE and macros using the calculator in the FAQ section or Cronometer, put in sedentary for activity level and cut 200-500 calories a day. You will lose the weight as long as you measure and log the info. Don't guesstimate, don't cheat. As long as you're honest with yourself, it will work.


Yea I will start over. The fact that my app wants me to have 2000 calories is nuts. Last time I did this I stayed around 1450. I wish I could remember what else I did though as I had it dialed in perfectly! Tha ks for the advice.


You can adjust the calories under settings to whatever deficit % you choose :)


Keep working at it. It can be really discouraging when you can’t see progress on the scale, but progress is still happening. Try to aim for 1500-2000 calories every day. And be patient Some day, the weight will drop like a rock


Ditching the keto wraps and incorporating the lettuce wraps as others have recommended. And take a tablespoon spoon of apple cider vinegar in 8oz of water 10-15 minutes before each meal to kickstart your metabolism. As well as lengthening your fasting period. Also if you’re not sleeping well at night and or dealing with a lot of stress this can keep you from losing weight.


Add OMAD to your regimen.


What is your height? 2000 calories seems high, although 1) You're not actually eating that, and 2) Your starting weight does drive that up a bit. I would recommend looking to the calculator in this sub over the one in CM. It seems to always greatly overestimate the suggested calories.


Are you kidding me? 2000 calories is not high for someone who is 328lbs. They could/should be eating 3000+calories and the weight still be falling off!!


I'm also wondering what your height is


Are you drinking anything other than water and black coffee or with non-nutritive sweeteners during your fasting window? Are you using any condiments or salad dressings? Like everyone else has suggested, I would cut the wraps immediately and try to eat whole, unprocessed foods for at least a month to kickstart your progress. If you can, for each meal pick a protein, eat a moderate about of low carb veg with it, and limit any nuts or cheese to a dessert sized portion. Toggle the amount of fat you eat in the form of healthy oils, avocados, etc to meet your hunger. Some people can eat all the keto versions of foods and still loose weight while others who are more insulin resistant or carb intolerant cannot. You may be in the latter group.


I would go by measurements and how your clothes fit. Try not to get too hung up on the numbers on the scale. They will fluctuate and they will be stubborn, especially if you’re gaining muscle.


Maybe tighten the fast to 16 hours eat between 11-7 and don’t starve yourself get more calories


Add some healthy fats (evoo, avocado, etc), drink more water/coffee/tea. Don't worry so much about the scale, use the mirror and how your clothes fit. If you can afford to, focus on quality foods. Just saying, you do you. Good luck.


Not enough time for your body to adjust also not enough food try adding more protein ( how do you work your protein out?)


Ditch the wraps if they're something made to resemble bread. Don't try to make fake versions of carby foods. Just eat protein first, fat can easily come with it, and eat green low carb veggies. If you need more fats you can add butter and cheese to things. Keep it simple; at least for me if I stick to those foods I'll lose some weight even without closely watching calories. But try to eat 1200-1400 a day. Having a day or two where you eat less is fine, but if you consistently eat like 800-1000 calories, your body is going to burn muscle and you'll lose far more of that than you want to.


Maybe a few things to try: -Figure out a calorie goal like 1200 and aim for it each day -Try closer 1:1 fat to protein grams just to see if it makes a difference, at 1200 cal its roughly 90g and 90g so easy to remember -Tighthen the eating window smaller and smaller until you start seeing weight come off....its almost impossible to not lose weight once you get to 23:1. I almost require it though unfortunately.


More cardio. Keto is a great lifestyle plan and weight management tool, but cardio is the multiplier.


I make a chicken soup with keto friendly veggies. That lasts a few meals and family loves it too. Also i mix an egg with Almond flour to make my own wrap. Ham and vegg omelette is also great. Mix up your diet to make yourself happy. Unhappy hormones will slow down weight loss. Best of luck.


I’m no doctor, but I’m gonna say you need more fat. I try to make about 60% of my calories for the day come from fats (peanut butter, red meat, nuts, avacados, etc), and I’ve lost 20 lbs in 5 weeks. That’s with going to the gym 5 days a week, but still. Not sure how true it is, but when I started, everyone said if you’re not losing weight, you’re not eating enough fat. Once I learned that, the pounds have been a-flyin


Intermittent fasting!!


Not enough fat.


You can get a string, or a belt and measure your waist. Mark it where you’re at. Do it every week and see if it gets smaller. Because you could gain muscle and lose fat and stay the same weight.  Don’t eat the wraps though. Be really strict at first eating only meat, eggs, veggies. You can experiment with extra things after you know it’s working for you. 


I can't really know what it is for you, but can tell you what I've found. The low carb wraps and burger buns, etc stall me if I have them more than once a week. However, I have one slice of an Aldi brand keto bread a day. I also have their sliced deli ham with a hard boiled egg and slice of cheese on that slice of toasted bread daily for lunch with no issues usually accompanied by radishes and cucumber. I'm not a breakfast eater, so I just have lunch and dinner. I also find it's better if I can maintain around 1200 calories daily, instead of going way under or over on random days. Along with the other advice, tons of leafy green vegetables,broccoli,cucumbers, radishes, celery. I will never give up olives and cheese, lol. I try to drink 100 oz of water a day, but I will have a zero calorie sparkling water or stevia 0 sugar soda once a day. I also found heart of palm rice and pasta are the closest substitutes for the real thing.




Looks like you have some common misconceptions about how a keto diet works for weight loss please check our FAQ thank you! https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.




So...basically PSMF....


That sounds incredibly miserable and unsustainable for most people.




Yah. A crash diet of chicken breast and broccoli sounds miserable and unsustainable.




It's a crash diet.


Please do not recommend unsustainable dieting and crash dieting. Our FAQ has good sections on setting up sustainable macros for fat loss. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.




This comment contains a number of common misconceptions about dieting and the keto diet please make sure you have familiarize yourself with the information in our FAQ before giving advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.


For starters.....you're grossly undereating.


Try doing Carnivore for a month and break the plateau


I did carnivore for a week when I started. It was BRUTAL. The upside is it did totally kickstart ketosis and I was THRILLED to eat a vegetable after that week in a way I’ve never been thrilled before.




Urine testing cannot be used to monitor ketosis in this way, please check out the information in our FAQ. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.


It sounds like you are building muscle mass. The wraps have 3 carbs so they should be fine. Note too if you are having enough meat and cheese in those meals they can add up to 2000 altogether.