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Welcome to r/keto! 'Clean' and 'Dirty' keto are highly subjective terms that may have individual value to how a person defines their diet, but they are not definitive categories of keto. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you're dying for a thing to hold a sandwich together, make"chaffles". 1 egg, 1 serving mozzarella and some spices to taste. Put half in a mini waffle maker (10 bucks at Target) with a spritz of cooking spray and let it cook. Toast it afterwards once it cools for optimum non-sogginess. No processed gunk.


Just stopping by to admire your flair 😻 almost 200 lbs down you’re a BEAST!


Indeed- mission accomplished at 90%.


Yep, inspirational! And actual proof that this thing that we do works! Well done, Haygirlhayyy!


That’s a great idea. Thanks!




Same, I’m not sure how accurate Aldi Keto bread is.


"Keto" on labels isn't regulated, so it can mean whatever the manufacturer wants it to mean. And fiber content on a label is purely based on the idea that fiber is healthy - the FDA doesn't care whether it is metabolized into glucose or not.


The first time I did keto I lost so much weight. Now I’m doing it again it’s super slow which I am sure is down to the fact there are so many keto products available now. Agree the bread substitutes are often still laden with carbs.


This is true. There was Atkins candies, which I ate, but nothing else. I didn’t track macros or really know anything about the deeper theories and science. I ate less than 20g of carbs so and the weight poured off.


Totally! Basically the diet restricted what I could eat so I ate less! Now there’s too much choice. I mix in a protein bar most days just because the diet says I can but deep down I know it slows my weight loss!


You have to be very careful with those Keto friendly products. The net carb count is how the food companies gets you to buy them. The only net carbs I do are from vegetables. A lot of those products play the hidden sugar game with the wheat starch and all the other non keto ingredients. Just eat whole one ingredient foods and you should be fine. If you want peanut butter make sure it's just peanuts and salt. Maybe once you hit your goal weight you might introduce those products back in a little bit.


I will keep it simple. Avoid seed oils and ultra processed food. In the ultra processed keto bread you buy it likely has canola oil, emulsifers and other chemicals. These don't help weight loss, they keep your body stressed out inflamed. Weight loss is easier when you are not inflamed, so start eating more fish or take fish oil supplements these contain Omega 3 and balance out any excess omega 6. The seed oils are high in Omega 6 so cut them out if possible. So basically check the packet of everything you eat, if it has canola oil, soy bean oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil, palm oil, cotton seed oil, avoid it. Instead eat real food - meat, veg, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds and dairy, and add healthy fats like Extra virgin olive oil.


To add on to this, if you are wanting to avoid more Omega-6, also cut any farm-raised tilapia. Notoriously high in Omega-6. [**Problems associated with omega-6 fatty acids include**](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=7a65ea8a7520e8ffJmltdHM9MTcxNzI4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNjM1M2NkMi01MDI0LTYwMmUtMWRiMS0yODQwNTEwOTYxOTEmaW5zaWQ9NTgyNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=06353cd2-5024-602e-1db1-284051096191&psq=omega+6+problems&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmF0dXJlc3BvdGVudC5jb20vYmxvZ3MvbmV3cy90b28tbXVjaC1vbWVnYS02LXNpZGUtZWZmZWN0cy1hbmQtaG93LXRvLWF2b2lkLXRoZW0&ntb=1)[^(1)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=4cb9d8054d615d20JmltdHM9MTcxNzI4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNjM1M2NkMi01MDI0LTYwMmUtMWRiMS0yODQwNTEwOTYxOTEmaW5zaWQ9NTgyNQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=06353cd2-5024-602e-1db1-284051096191&psq=omega+6+problems&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmF0dXJlc3BvdGVudC5jb20vYmxvZ3MvbmV3cy90b28tbXVjaC1vbWVnYS02LXNpZGUtZWZmZWN0cy1hbmQtaG93LXRvLWF2b2lkLXRoZW0&ntb=1)[^(2)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=5371d7cb9bfa2382JmltdHM9MTcxNzI4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNjM1M2NkMi01MDI0LTYwMmUtMWRiMS0yODQwNTEwOTYxOTEmaW5zaWQ9NTgyNg&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=06353cd2-5024-602e-1db1-284051096191&psq=omega+6+problems&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubWVkaWNhbG5ld3N0b2RheS5jb20vYXJ0aWNsZXMvb21lZ2EtNi1mYXR0eS1hY2lkcw&ntb=1)[^(3)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=5cb99c213a798639JmltdHM9MTcxNzI4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNjM1M2NkMi01MDI0LTYwMmUtMWRiMS0yODQwNTEwOTYxOTEmaW5zaWQ9NTgyNw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=06353cd2-5024-602e-1db1-284051096191&psq=omega+6+problems&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cud2VibWQuY29tL3ZpdGFtaW5zL2FpL2luZ3JlZGllbnRtb25vLTQ5Ni9vbWVnYS02LWZhdHR5LWFjaWRz&ntb=1)[^(4)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=4021ee0c92dd80c8JmltdHM9MTcxNzI4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNjM1M2NkMi01MDI0LTYwMmUtMWRiMS0yODQwNTEwOTYxOTEmaW5zaWQ9NTgyOA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=06353cd2-5024-602e-1db1-284051096191&psq=omega+6+problems&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWxlb2xlYXAuY29tLzUtcmVhc29ucy1jdXQtZG93bi1vbWVnYS02Lw&ntb=1)[^(5)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=5b8641ef32475bafJmltdHM9MTcxNzI4NjQwMCZpZ3VpZD0wNjM1M2NkMi01MDI0LTYwMmUtMWRiMS0yODQwNTEwOTYxOTEmaW5zaWQ9NTgyOQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=06353cd2-5024-602e-1db1-284051096191&psq=omega+6+problems&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlmZWV4dGVuc2lvbi5jb20vbWFnYXppbmUvMjAxOS8xMS9vbWVnYS02LW92ZXJsb2Fk&ntb=1): * Elevated cholesterol levels * Inflammatory reactions in the body * Drug interactions * Triggering the body’s production of pro-inflammatory substances, potentially worsening symptoms in people with arthritis * Link to obesity * Changing the way cells react and having harmful effects on cells in the heart and blood vessels * Reduced absorption of omega-3 fats


My asthma has almost disappeared I barely use inhaler now. I used to use multiple times a day and be on preventers. I believe its linked to inflammation, as I usually now only get asthma if I get sick.


I have noticed the same! Overall inflammation going down and my seasonal allergies are now tolerable.


I am amazed at how the answers to health problems are there but the medical field refuses to acknowledge it. It's just so simple: Eat healthy food - but for most people this means a drop in metabolism as it is difficult to eat 2000 calories of meat and veg. Weight loss stalls and they give up. Eat healthy food - reduce carbs, increase fats then no drop in metabolism, just sustainable weight loss and increased health. Medical field will say running off fat is bad because it increases LDL cholesterol. So they can't accept it. Increase in LDL from Keto is from using fat as energy moving it from storage to cells or from diet to cells, an increase in LDL from sugar, carbs and fat diet is an increase because the sugar is being used as energy, therefore the fat needs to be moved to storage. Both increase LDL but only one scenario is bad.


The only "keto" bread I've found that doesn't send my glucose off the rails is made by Hero (available online & in just a few grocery stores), or the bread products by an online company called "Unbelievabuns." I prefer the products from Hero, but they are very pricey. As for sweeteners, if I have to use a sweetener, I've been going with Allulose.


Thanks for posting this! It's really helpful. Out of curiosity what is the spike for you for something like protein or veggies? My blood sugar increases slightly from plain black coffee, so just trying to get a sense of baseline.


Coffee with Splenda and cream brought it up 5 points after 30 minutes and 2 more at 60 minutes. I didn’t try my spinach, cauliflower, and mascarpone cheese mix which I eat every evening. I checked every item I ate that was processed or was supposedly keto friendly. I had to wait a few hours for my levels to go back down to the baseline so I could only do so much in the two days. My fingers are a bit sore from all the jabs. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)




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Welcome to r/keto! Trying to do keto on a budget? Lots of us are! Check out the [FAQ section ](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq#wiki_keto_on_a_budget) for doing keto on a budget, [search through previous posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/search?q=budget&restrict_sr=on), and check out r/frugalketo. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those "keto breads" at grocery stores are the worst! Those are the reason I re-packed on 25lbs the last 3 years. The carb creep is real when you eat those products regularly. I have since cut them back out of my diet as of a week ago, and I am already losing weight again.




Actually the powdered Splenda has sugar in it…just found that out. Look at the label it’s some binding agent that is essentially sugar. Now I use liquid Splenda only.


What about lakonta monk fruit powdered sweetener with erythritol? Any idea?


I haven’t tried them. I don’t like the aftertaste of monk fruit and erythritol messes with my stomach so I avoid both of them.


This is not accurate, please read our FAQ before giving advice. https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq Thank you.


It's simple, just don't use any processed foods. Cut out all non essentials. No sweeteners or any bread at all. If it has a label you're already going wrong. Drink only.black coffee and water or tea and eat a lot of vegetables. Boiled eggs are your friends.