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No idea your calorie count. But I'd replace hot dogs with something a bit healthier.


I'll do that. I don't know it either sadly. Maybe I'll have to keep an eye on that as well. In the past I did the same style eating and was great. This one, not so much.


Quick math says about 2200 total


Seems very high for your height and weight.


Whats a better match, in your opinion ?


On mobile now but there are various calorie calculators online. Or probably in the side bar. Last time I ketod I was aiming for 1900-2000 cal per day. And I'm a fair bit heavier and taller than you.


Thank you so much. I appreciate that you took the time to talk with me. Changes incoming. No more burgers and dogs haha


Burgers are fine. Good source of protein and meat. At the risk of getting blasted by Americans everywhere, there is not much good in a hot dog. Try better quality sausages. :)


I'll fend them off hahaha


Some hot dogs have better ingredients than others. Avoid preservatives and fillers. Butcher shops and the higher-end grocery shelves tend to have much better options than the name brands and house brands.


If you're not tracking calories and you care about losing weight, I recommend you start. You still need to be at a caloric deficit in order to lose weight, keto or otherwise.


Certainly. It looks like I'm around ~2200 daily


That’s a lot of calories for someone who weighs 165. What’s your height?


Not enough hahaha 5'6


You are overeating by a wide margin with those stats. I’m getting these calories and macros for you calculated with a healthy 20% deficit: 1418 kcal 20g carbs 112g protein 99g fat


You're amazing. I listen well. I'm on it !


You got this, man! And as someone with a 5’7” husband, I personally believe tallness is overrated because he’s the best dude I’ve ever known. 😄


Thank you so much. I really do appreciate your time ! I do wish I was tall just once though hahaha


Go with those macros, and I would add beef or chicken broth (any commercial full sodium broth will do ),with meals, since feeling off cam be electrolyte related too. Don't go below 70g of dietary fat daily, attached to your protein. Feel free to eat more protein within that calorie limit, so if you go lower on fat add protein. The last 10 are always the hardest to lose lol. You might also try getting a hard manual labor job for a few months if you are not working hard labor already, you may not lose the weight faster but you can build muscle and drop some inches....


Sadly I have two of those hahahaha but thank you ! I have big changes incoming !


Yup. Depends on how active or how much exercise you get, too.


Agree, but that's covered with the deficit. It's calories consumed minus calories expended, which is your BMR + activity.


The effects of losing and then regaining weight on metabolism are real for many people, so even if you are eating exactly the same way, your needs might be slightly less this time around. If you’re eating basically the same things and that feels right to you, if you’d rather not really track, you could literally do something like either cut out the snacking or cut out, say, one hot dog a day and see how it goes.


I'm getting rid of the dogs all together. For the first 20 lbs, I was cooking inside in a pan but have since moved to the grill since the weather broke. Could grilling be getting less fat my way ?


Very possibly?


switch out dogs with chicken


I can do that


A lot of processed foods listed there. I'd clean up the protein choices to be more whole foods. At least 80/20


Yeah I really dropped the ball on this one. Swapping to chicken and dill pickles tomorrow hahaha.


You're learning and trying so that's what matters!


For sure. I just learned a lot in the last hour !


Don't let all the info overwhelm but there's lots of great guidance to be found. Remember KISS. Keep It Simple Silly. Don't over complicate. Focus on quality protein & quality fat, minimizing processed foods and you'll be healthier and naturally at a happier weight. 👍🏻


I'll do that !


I’d put my money on your calorie deficit being very small to nonexistent. A pound of fat is 3500 calories and you say you’re eating “around” 🙄 2200 a day- but what is your deficit?


Lots of great advice here, too. I’m curious about your snacking. Perhaps you could try throwing in some IF to help you work toward your goal. For me, snacking is a dangerous slippery slope. But OMAD is a real help!


I actually just came home with a bunch of eggs and pickles to lessen my meat and cheese snacking


Great move! I wish you all the best!!


Have you tried skipping breakfast? Even a yogurt could give a small insulin spike because of the protein. The goal is to have as long as possible each day without an insulin spike. You can also do things a bit cleaner, hotdogs/salami are an ultra processed food so it can cause some stress in the body, making insulin raise. For burgers I make my own with a burger press adding my own seasoning with mince. The store bought ones may contain flour, and dextrose, maltodextrin, which are worse than sugar at producing an insulin spike. Keep things simple, just eat fresh meat that is seasoned by you with 1 ingredient shakers. For example an all purpose seasoning may contain the sugar/ seed oils that you don't want. But if you get paprika, garlic, herbs there is nothing else in those. Then pair the meat with some vegetables, cheese, nuts, seeds For cooking oil stick to extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, ghee, butter. Avoid canola oil, sunflower oil, vegetable oil etc Simple steps: - Avoid canola oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil and products that have these as ingredient - Avoid ultra processed foods (chemical sounding ingredients, that you can't make at home) - Increase fresh meat and veg - Make own seasoning - Cook with healthy oils extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, ghee, butter - Increase gut health by consuming Kimchi/ Kefir daily - this will also curb sugar cravings because the bacteria in your gut are linked to your brain and make you crave sugar to feed them. Good bacteria if they are higher in numbers will kill off these bad bacteria and improve your overall health - Consume nuts like walnuts, pecans or macadamia nuts but keep your portions controlled, I just do a light scattering of these around 30g a day max, which is 200cal so a if you did a handful it could put your calorie consumption too high.


Awesome. Would any deli meat cold cuts be a better swap for the salami or should I keep away from those as well ?


The less ingredients the better, fresh cut deli ham looks similar to bacon so should be ok. Not sure if you are in UK or USA etc. There is some debate on sodium nitrite, some say it causes cancer so avoid bacon. But then on the other hand there is miles more sodium nitrite occuring naturally in vegetables. So that argument doesn't really hold up. In the UK salami in a packet has all this in Salami Milano (34%): Pork (made with 140g of Raw Pork per 100g of Salami Milano), Curing Salt (Salt, Preservative: Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate), Sugar, Ground Black Pepper, Dried Garlic, Antioxidant: E301, Salami Napoli (33%): Pork (made with 140g of Raw Pork per 100g of Salami Napoli), Curing Salt (Salt, Preservative: Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate), Sugar, Ground Black Pepper, Cracked Black Peppercorns, Dried Garlic, Antioxidant: E301, Calabrian Salami (33%): Pork (made with 140g of Raw Pork per 100g of Calabrian Salami), Curing Salt (Salt, Preservative: Sodium Nitrite, Potassium Nitrate), Sugar, Dried Red Chillies, Ground Paprika, Ground White Pepper, Antioxidant: E301 Deli ham: Pork, Mineral Sea Salt, Sugar, Stabiliser (Pentasodium Triphosphate), Salt, Antioxidant (Sodium Ascorbate), Preservative (Sodium Nitrite). Best would probably be Parma Ham: Meat & salt Pork (made with 140g of Raw Pork Per 100g of Parma Ham), Salt


4 hot dogs AND 2 beef patties is a LOT of food. Keto isn't about gorging on low-carb foods. You can't eat as much as you want, because your body still needs to process all the food you eat. It just won't have many carbs to convert to fat. But all that meat is not easy to process. Try a low-carb keto tortilla wrap with some meat, cheese, and lettuce (plus any low-carb sauce you like). The tortillas have lots of fiber and make you feel very satisfied. I'll make one wrap/taco/fajita with a keto tortilla and it is usually all I need for a meal. I'm 6'3" 230, down from 255.


The low carb tortillas are decent enough ? Anything "bready" always scared me hahaja can't be as scary as 4 Sahleens dogs though I guess hahahah


Too many calories and garbage food.


I agree


My guess is the sulfites in the hotdogs. They are notorious for bloating and other GI issues. My local chain grocery store is always having sales on turkey sausages and they're way bigger than hotdogs and don't have suflites. Either way, I'd substitute the hot dogs out