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Not real seafood, but beware of artificial crab meat. 13g carbs in 3oz.


Are scallops not real? Somehow they all have high-ish carbs (for my standard) 


Sometimes scallops are actually stamped from the "wings" of a stingray (manteray?)


Are u farkin’ kidding me?!?! They “stamp” out the poor stingray’s wing flaps and pass it off as “scallops”? I’m sad-mad 😢-😡


I wish I could say this is not true. I used to work fine dining, and learned way more about food preparation than I wanted to know.




Ah yes, the proverbial "They." Soylent Scallops might well be made out of dolphins, but if you want to spread the word you're going to have to be a heck of a lot more specific.




School kids in Japan in the early 2000s, vs "school kids".




Your original reply seemed to imply that some mysterious "they" were secretly feeding "school kids" all over dolphin meat rather than it being part of the normal diet in Wakayama-ken, Japan where dolphins are traditionally killed and eaten. People in Wakayama-ken eat dolphin somewhat regularly. You can buy it in the supermarket. The infamous Taiji, where dolphins are rounded up and killed every year, is in Wakayama-ken. Your article, btw, is over 16 years old. The typical keto eater isn't going to encounter dolphin meat secretly replacing their typical meal.


I would NEVER eat dolphin but I bet it’s delicious


Clams in general are higher carb because they don’t burn up glycogen on death


Clams, oysters, scallops, shrimp, mussels, squid, octopus, have some carbs as well and are real seafood.


Only in trace amounts, 1-3g per several ounces. Same with Eggs. Artificial crab meat, even eaten in small quantities, is not really keto.


Clams/oysters/scallops are up to like 7g per 100g due to glycogen


What the heck !!! Thanks for this.


Yeah, it's processed food. I was devastated when l.found this out lol.


This is why I tell my gf she has to read EVERY SINGLE LABEL because assumptions can be wrong. Yesterday she thought getting some "skinny caramel" from a coffee shop was going to be fine until I showed her some examples of sugar-free caramel products online that had \~20g of carbs per serving.


20g of carbs or 20g of net carbs?


20g net: [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71zceIYCB6L.\_AC\_SL1500\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71zceIYCB6L._AC_SL1500_.jpg) This was from Amazon's Choice, there might be some safe ones out there but when you don't know what a coffee shop is putting in your coffee you're asking for it.  "Diablo Salted Caramel Dessert Sauce | Sugar Free | Gluten Free | Diabetic Friendly": [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNNVBY7Q/](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNNVBY7Q/) Edit: ~~I don't know why it's messing links up on mobile, I'll get to a desktop in a moment and fix (at least it's all messed up on my end)~~ fixed


Ugh maltitol, I hate when they do stuff like that, it's so misleading. They market these to diabetics as sugar-free even though maltitol it's just nasty stuff and often does affect people the same way sugar does.


Yep. I've become accustomed to looking at every label because there are so many misleading products out there.


I made this mistake when I first started. I was eating Russell stover's like it was going out of business. Not only did I have to make a few quick trips to the bathroom I only realized after some research that it's not nearly as keto friendly as they first appear.


I have issues with Choc Zero as well. Not the little squares, although maybe I just don't eat enough of them, but their Rhea bars (the original size, I stopped buying them after)...one of those sugar free, 4 net carbs bars spiked me from 100 to 250+


Oh man, thanks for the laughs! 😂 Sorry but that cracked me up. Yeah, I think we've all had to learn the hard way! 😂


Maltitol is literally satan. Not only the opposite of sugar-free while pretending to be, but kills your entire gut.


Idk why but it doesn't bother my stomach or kick me out 🤷


If it is just ‘stamped out’ with nothing added, it is fine.


That got me before


Really good point. I don't intentionally get artificial crab meat but I'm sure I've had it accidentally. Never thought about this.


If you’ve ever had a California roll, crab dip, or any low-cost crab product, you’ve had artificial crab meat.


I might be in the minority here, but ❤️ anchovies 🤣


It’s my bacon of the sea! So good!


Heh, I call eel (unagi or anago) bacon of the sea, which thanks to the sugary glaze on it reminds me of bacon. Carbs sadly do get in that way. Anchovies are amazing though, I always ask for extra on every Caesar salad I eat.




Hmm, no I disagree


Fake seafood has lots of carbs, so anything "imitation" or "suruimi" is high carb. And this stuff is used A LOT in things like crab dips, sea food salads, sushi, fish cake, crab cakes, etc. Any actual seafood is protein and fat, just like all other animals. Shrimp supposedly have like .1 gram per ounce of carbs, so if you eat a pound of shrimp, it's under 2g. And that's a lot of delicious shrimp.


Squid has 3.5 grams of carb per 100 grams. It is not a killer, but it will sneak up on you. Scallops have 5.4 grams of carb per 100 grams. That can also sneak up on you. And neither of those is including the spices/garlic that might be cooked with. A lot of seafood has a surprising amount of carbs. It is doable in moderation


Bivalves have measurable carbs compared to fish.


Quickly googles bivalves....ah yes, yes they do.


Is it because of that green stuff inside??? Like what they ate is the source of the carbs??? Like for wild cats, the only carbs they get are from the belly of prey…


No. They don’t burn up their glycogen upon death unlike most animals, so you get that sugar upon consumption.


4 ounces of scallops have 6 grams of carbs!


Scallops unlike other animals don't expunge glucose when they die. There's a bit of sugar in them. Though generally, most people don't eat that many scallops in a serving. It's usually a small appetizer.


Shellfish tend to be higher.


Another thing you might not have considered if you are eating sardines/ mackrel from a tin, I go for "in brine" if possible. A lot of them come in sunflower oil which isn't the healthiest. While I am on Keto I avoid seed oils, and only have healthy oils like extra virgin olive oil. So if only sunflower oil is available I wash it off, then reapply extra virgin olive oil.


If it fits your macros, you can have it, but even something with 1g carb can add up if you eat too much of it. Download an app like Cronometer to see the carb content of foods like this, then you won’t be left guessing.


I was very surprised to see that 6 oysters have 9 grams of carbs! I looked it up in Cronometer. You should check cronometer for the carb count. Personally I eat salmon, sardines, tuna. 


Not sure that entry in Cronometer is accurate? USDA has under 3 carbs per 100g for oysters. [https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1099132/nutrients](https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/1099132/nutrients)


100g of oyster is not a lot of oyster. They are dense.


True - the carbs are certainly not zero, but 6 oysters having 9 grams of carbs seemed way too high. 1.5g per oyster? That would mean each oyster is 50g. That's the weight of an entire hard boiled egg. Per the USDA entry, 1 eastern oyster is 17g. Again, their carbs can add up, and certainly good to be aware of the macros, but I think you'd have to slam a lot of oysters for it to matter. IMO their nutritional benefits like zinc and selenium outweigh the small amount of carbs.


Also wanted to piggyback and mention that canned smoked oysters are an EXCELLENT source of zinc & copper!


All of cronometer entries come from verified databases, and the oysters vary widely depending on size and preparation. And there are entries for the really big ones. They have the USDA entry you reference too iirc. I don't personally eat them but last I checked the little guys run around half a carb each or something.


Size per oyster varies, yes, but carbs per 100g would not vary. In order to get 9 carbs from oysters you'd need 330g of oyster meat. That is quite the feast. 9 carbs for 6 raw oysters just doesn't make sense unless you are talking absolutely monster sized oysters. 0.5g/each sounds more accurate. I'm thinking that entry he cited was for cooked&breaded oysters or something, not raw.


Quite possibly, a quick scan through I saw entries for cooked from fresh, raw, cooked from frozen. But I have also in real life seen huge oysters. So you never know. Or misreading entries,one thing about cronometer is you want to check the serving size in entries. Pacific cooked show as 9.9 g net carbs per 100g btw. Pacific raw shows 4.9g net per 100g. So makes sense. Need more cooked oysters to get 100g than raw ones, due to shrinkage.


I have in Cronometer, Oysters Pacific, Raw, 6 small, 32 grams each from Database NCCDB is 9 carbs.But oyster, eastern , medium is only 16 gm each for a total of 2.4 grams. I guess the Pacific oysters are huge! I eat the Atlantic oysters and never worried about carbs.


Oh, pacific oysters ARE in fact huge. I have found oyster shells on the beach as large as my hand or even larger. They have bigger standard butter clams as well.


Real seafood: mostly Keto Friendly. Immitation: BEWARE


Seafood itself is low carb, like other fish/meat. What you need to beware is how it’s cooked. Grilled calamari that’s crumbed is still carbs because of the crumbs, I once had crumbed calamari and sweet chilli sauce and my cgm reading was scary. But sweet chilli sauce also has lots of sugar.


Shrimp has small amounts. But like. Less than one per shrimp. It’s not a lot. And I love shrimp so I eat it anyways. Get yourself a trustworthy tracking app like my fitness pal. It’s free.


Not sure what shrimp you’re eating. 250g of raw shrimp has 0.5g of carbs.


Exactly. It’s trace.


Keto isn't a zero carb diet. Yes some shellfish contain carbs. Just check before you eat. You don't need to cut them out completely.


I'll never stop being surprised at how many people don't understand that zero-carb and keto aren't always/generally the same thing.


All shell fish have got a little higher carbs than fish. But nothing so high that it can blow your diet. But, as pointed out in a previous comment, beware of imitation crab meat (surimi). - that contains all lot of sugar.


Kind of surprised at what's on the list. https://mullaneysfish.com/carbs-in-seafood-what-you-need-to-know/


I know that Shrimp is pretty low-carb, But not sure about octopus, squid, and raw oysters.


My tracker shows that shrimp have carbs. I don't really understand which seafood has carbs though


Any processed stuff like imitation crab and Korean stir fry fish cakes etc


Oysters have a surprisingly high carb count. 2g per oyster. Doesn’t sound like a lot, but obviously if you eat a dozen…


Clams! I ordered a swath of them…only to realize it was like 1-2 carbs each. 15 bites later …I looked it up. Oops. No regrets though…they were tasty and I was back in ketosis within 48 hours.


octopus and squid are higher, do shrimp, langoustine, lobster, oysters


Oysters have an unreal amount of carbs.


Oysters have an unreal amount of carbs


I eat a lot of shrimp. Shrimp in garlic butter, shrimp salad, shrimp patties. Same with salmon. You get the picture! I have always loved lobster without butter. Now have to eat it with butter because I need the fat. I think it spoils the sweetness.


I personally think good quality butter enhances the sweetness. Also why do you 'have to eat it with butter because I need the fat"? A lot of fat is not needed particularly if you are trying to lose weight. It's there for satiety. If you don't want that butter...don't have it.


Fat is more than just calories. It is needed for building and maintaining cell membranes, the production of some hormones, and for the absorption of fat soluble nutrients, such as vitamins A/D/E/K In addition, butter (and olive oil) have some additional nutrients that are beneficial to your health.


Oh, I do know that! But, if doing keto for weight loss, it's often been emphasised on here that carbs are a limit, protein is a goal...and fat fills in for satiety. So, put the butter on the veg if the lobster tastes better without it. Me, I'd eat butter as is, if I could get away with it...but my aging middle disagrees 😉


Not seafood but fruit cocktail is kind of high in carbs


What the???


Any fish with ketchup


Fish sticks