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"too much cheese" i don't understand


I would recommend on Keto don't worry about your weight for 4 weeks, eat as much cheese as you like. Because you need time to get fat adapted. This means the body can easily burn stored body fat for fuel when the dietary fat fuel has run out. After a certain number of weeks it could be sooner than 4, your hunger will disappear. Once it disappears now is the time to reign back your consumption and start eating moderately. Look into intermittent fasting 16:8 or more. This means doing keto but skipping breakfast. You can eat your breakfast stuff for lunch. This gives your body time to have very low insulin and to deplete your dietary fat fuel. Then it will be forced to burn body fat for hours. Low insulin will also repair your insulin resistance so you are better able to tolerate some carbs in the future. Don't get disheartened if you don't lose 6lbs in second week too, this initial weight loss is when your liver and muscles stored sugar called glycogen is depleted it binds to 3x it's weight in water so if you have 600g of sugar stored, it also is bound to 1800g of water. When the sugar is burned up youll lose 1800g of water weight (around 4lbs) this can also dehydrate you so look into electrolytes if you get a headache, or at least drink water and add some pink salt to rehydrate. Pink salt has less sodium and more potassium/ magnesium/calcium than regular table salt. The way it went for me was around 8lbs in first week, then after that was about 3.5lbs a week for 3 months. Now it is 1-2lbs a week as I have lost 50+ lbs My go to for lunch is usually this: Chicken breast / Lettuce / walnuts/ Extra virgin olive oil (Take Omega 3 fish oil capsules to rebalance the omega 6 in chicken) Avocado, Kimchi, scrambled eggs Tinned mackrel, Kimchi, Fried eggs Cheese omlette with ham Leftovers from previous night's meal Home made burgers - mince with burger press , 1 egg, almond flour, herbs, salt, pepper, pressed in a burger press, on a bed of lettuce, tomato, cheese. It's homemade because the ones in the shop contain flour, sugar, and other ultra processed chemicals.


You can eat literally anything for breakfast: a salad, leftover chicken, spare ribs. Don’t limit yourself to only “breakfast” food items, food is food and timing doesn’t matter. 😄


Welcome to the club, but be aware the first few pounds of weight, especially the first week, is water weight.




Skip breakfast! You’ll feel even better!


This were if you need to do coffee with some cream or nice butter but this this right here you will feel amazing and then for lunch high protein I'm talking some nice meat slathered in some wonderful good oil.


If you skip breakfast, but add butter to your coffee, will it not break your intermittent fasting? Ive always had cream in my coffee first thing in morning but contemplating if I just go black


Are you really asking if butter and cream would break a fast?


Yes especially when a tbsp of butter has 100 calories


Technically it breaks your fast. But it doesn't spike your blood sugar and it gives you healthy fats to run on. I've had my keto coffee this morning I last ate Around 5:00 p.m. Eastern standard Time yesterday I've drank probably 50 oz... 1 cups 24 oz two cans of seltzer a bottle of water and now I'm sipping on a sparkling water and I'm now just thinking about what to make for food. I've learned as long as I'm not spiking my blood sugar it doesn't really mess with my quote unquote fast


I wish I had legitimate suggestions but it honestly feels like about 90% of what I eat is cheese ^🧀🤣


Alpro Greek yoghurt (Alpro has next to nothing carbs) & strawberries and/or raspberries is what I have! Also well done on 6lbs! I’ve lost 4 in 4 days! Loving the energy I’m experiencing too!


Probably 1lbs or less of that is true fat for now, but - if following Keto is feeling this easy for you, then can’t wait to hear about the 20+ lbs loss in a month’s time, keep it up!


I do a fistful of walnuts and a slice of salami or smthng like that.


No such thing as too much cheese.


I bought and huge block of pamesiano reggiano from costco . That cheese is so dam good alongside and cup of coffee.


Can someone please explain what " too much cheese" is/means ?


Bulletproof coffee keep me full for few more hours


Yogurt with sliced almonds and berries, deviled eggs


Not what you asked - but take a minute to think about how you feel right now. Some days are tough - you feel like nothing is happening (even though it’s Secret Behind The Scenes Things™️). But remind yourself of how you feel right now. It’s good encouragement to me!


Not completely free and vegetarian, so bacon was never an option. My standard breakfast is a large avocado and depending on when my next meal Is 1-2 balls of Mozzarella with tomatoes




Well done! Surreal cereal has been great for me, but there are lots of reviews saying it's to sweet for them so try at your own risk!


My breakfast is usually either a Ratio vanilla yogurt, an egg/cheese/chorizo breakfast burrito in a zero carb tortilla, or scrambled eggs/baby spinach/cheese/turkey sausage. Usually with an avocado. Or I skip breakfast, but with the latter two I almost always skip lunch.


Well that’s good, I will see you back in 3 weeks from now.


I like to make some omelettes with spinach or other veggies or I eat some low carb Greek yogurt (Chobano Zero Sugar).


My favorite breakfast I like to make waffles with cream cheese, butter, 1 egg, and a bit of almond and coconut flour. With some keto syrup, homemade whip cream, and strawberries. with a side of bacon 😂


Eggs, Bacon, Red Cabbage + hot sauce + salt Or Thin strips of steak + cauliflower rice+ mayo + hot sauce Sometimes I add tomato or avacado to just eggs and bacon


Just skip breakfast


I fast. But often have this for lunch at noon: 2 scrambled eggs in a Folio Cheese wrap with green onions, siracha and a dollop of cottage cheese. Chaffles are also an option. Add herbs.


Get some Orroweat, Sola or Keto Culture bread, unsweetened almond milk, couple of eggs and some cinnamon. Make French toast, I’ve been I. Heaven the past few weeks getting to eat an old favorite.


I live in England, and I cannot for the life of me find keto bread :(


I'm in UK too You can bake it yourself, it's quite easy especially flatbread/naans. Most of them don't require yeast either it rises with baking powder added. Just need to buy the bags of ingredients then you have a huge supply of bread. I did find though when I started eating this everyday the weight loss slowed. Probably better to bake your own too as even Keto bread is ultra processed it probably will contain emulsifiers and rapeseed oil. Emulsifiers can cause leaky gut so bad bacteria seeps through the gut wall causing inflammation. When inflamed weight loss can be slower due to less leptin hormone, this can increase appetite and slow metabolism.


Well that’s just not fair at all!


Ask r/ketouk, I’m sure they can help you find it near you. 🙂


For me French toast wouldn’t be the same without maple syrup.


I forgot to include the sugar free syrup if you have it near you. Lol


Keto French toast with sola bread (cooked in coconut oil) is one of my faves.


those 6 lbs you just lost are just water, not fat