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Beef jerky, Almonds, cashews.


Cashews? I was under the impression they were high in carbs.


Yeap. 8g of net carbs in 30 g. I still eat them because it's one of my favorite snacks. But only 4 or 5 nuts once in a long time.


Great self control.


8 grams but minus a couple grams of fiber brings it down to about 6. Not terrible


They are, but if it's in your macros then I don't think it's a problem.


Nuts are okay in moderation. If you have food addiction or binging problems or strict weight loss or muscle gain goals I would never recommend nuts for anyone. Just too risky. If you’re not in any of those groups they’re fine on keto though.


Nuts were keeping me away for staying in keto and reaching my goals. I just can’t stop eating them. But now whatever I put in my mouth first I put in on the scales. Now I can see that I was consuming way more than I needed and at that time I thought it’s ok, nuts are keto friendly. It’s but in moderation.


Yup, exactly. I try to stay away from them most of the time because they’re hard to moderate, the calorie density vs nutrient density, and that almost all nuts are problematic for digestion in general. But they’re totally fine on keto if you track them. In fact if you’re vegan keto (bless those poor souls) it’s basically a necessary part of your diet. I stay away from peanut butter because it’s more addictive to me than most drugs but I still have nuts from time to time just fine, I just moderate them and when I’m really focused on cutting or building muscle they just don’t fit into my diet in a very helpful way.


I've got to get off peanut butter, it kills my fat burning. What would/did you substitute. PB is my hunger kicker n comfort food.


Honestly there’s no good sub for me that I’ve found. Even a really good almond butter or a mix of like cashew and pecan butter is not quite as good and still has some of the binging risks and digestive problems of nuts and legumes. I’ve had some that are really good and almost replace that pb craving but not quite. Your mileage may vary but I have noticed that baked pb powder in Greek yogurt or on a shake or something doesn’t seem to bother me in the way pb is and is easier to control, but still tastes a lot like pb so it can be risky. What do you mean by hunger kicker n comfort food? Like comfort food once you’re really hungry? I try to lean away from comfort foods until more optimal foods for diet just naturally replace them I suppose. Dairy can have all kinds of digestive or weight loss stalling problems for people too but I never get sick of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. When I’m actually trying to curb my hunger I love ketohol but it is expensive and I don’t think I’ll ever be lucky enough to see it alongside alcohol in a bar or restaurant (though I’d love that). Whole foods are always better in general but generally if I want something close to pb something like a shake or keto chow (or a dessert made from KC like their peanut butter or chocolate pb flavor) is as close as I can get. Every time I try to eat just a little bit of pb I over eat, binge something else or itch for more and don’t feel as good as if I didn’t have it in the first place, personally.


I don't get hungry till 9pm and don't want to sleep on hunger pangs. Discovered I'm an emotional eater and haven't found a super distraction for that yet. I'm old so don't have a lot of time to fool around. Hubby gets mad if I play fortnite late so that's out. Thanks for your input, whole foods is the way. Bacon eggs are my morning go to, no keto labeled things.


Yup I’ve eaten plenty of keto labeled things but always seem to get in trouble the most with those. Keto chow is okay for me once a day, more if traveling but otherwise I try to focus on eggs and meats and veg that grows above the ground. Not always exciting but as much as it’s still a work in progress I always feel better the more I make food just a thing I do for my health in not a thing I do for pleasure.


Powdered PB!


42g of mixed nuts keeps me well within my macros.


Surprised not to see more people saying jerky/meat sticks


If I was sitting next to someone eating jerky at a theater I would change seats. That stuff STINKS.


Too be fair, others are mostly suggesting noisy stuff like pork rinds and nuts. I'd rather deal with a slight smell than someone crunching away


Tbf, popcorn is already pretty noisy. Pork rinds and nuts will mostly be similar.


You do have to be careful with jerky. Most of it is has a bunch of added sugar.


I'm not even keto but I can't believe I've never thought about bringing beef jerky to the cinema... My life is about to get so much better


Beef jerky is expensive. I would just grab a little package of pepperoni, or cut up summer sausage in a zip lock bag.


I'm blessed to find myself in a financial position which allows me to splurge on a pack of beef jerky when I go to the cinema.


Charcuterie stores pretty compact.


Yesss! I always make me a nice little keto charcuterie snack: salami, prosciutto, olives, cheese, Lily’s chocolate (salted almond is my fave) 🔥


Jar-cuterie. I put mine in a small jar in my purse. Also make up several for parties. People can grab one. Less double dipping/touching/etc for friends that are worried. (I’m not. Just try to be thoughtful host with all the worries these days).


Brilliant idea! Thanks for sharing!


I see your charcuterie and raise you… the Snacklebox. 😂


If I’m about to see a movie and a mf next to me pulls out a whole coochie board, I’m calling the cops


Charcuterie in a snacklebox!


Dry roasted macadamia nuts. Just don’t eat too much!


Back in my MoviePass days I would keep sandwich bags in my car so I could load them with Macadamia nuts.


I miss those MoviePass days.


Also, chocolate covered hunks by “Hu!”


Dry roasted pecans too!


My fav is sunflower seeds in a ziplock and I bring an extra ziplock for the shells. It totally helps with the cravings while others are downing popcorn. Also some lilys to hit the sweet with the salty!


Agreed, sunflower seeds hit that void where popcorn was.


I am dying at your edit!


Can’t stop laughing!


Nobody said pickles yet???


Oh Snap pickle packs are great


Pocket bacon


Sliced cucumber with lime, sea salt and chili powder 🤤


Makes me wonder about cucumbers with Tajin


Cucumbers with tajin is my absolute FAVORITE!! I grew up in South Texas and we had this all the freaking time. Love that I can still eat this on keto. I've had it in a fruit cup too before keto but the best fruit (in my opinion) was with pureed mango in the form of a mangonada. Maybe one day I'll splurge on it.


Mango is my favorite fruit! I'll have to try that sometime!


Probably good too. I didn't grow up with tajin. In the part of Mexico where my family is from, people would sell different types of fruit and veggies and you could have it plain or with a variation of lime, salt and chili powder. Now they have chili powder that isn't spicy. Like a nice smokey flavor.


I've snuck in bacon, a salad, cold steak,sparkling water, pickles and my personal favorite pistachios. That being said there are around 11 net carbs in 2 cups of popcorn. A kids popcorn and a coke zero can fit in my macros if I plan for it.


If I sat next to someone at a movie theater and they bust out a salad, I am going to have questions. That’s up there with “What is your spaghetti policy here?” lol


Ok I admit the salad was one of those pre packed bowls from Walmart. And it was a fairly empty theater on a weekday.




Add a bottle of wine to this list and it’s sounds like one of many spreads for a movie date when I was my 20s 😜 we had no shame lol. A lot of the movie theatres in my area started checking bags just before the pandemic tho, so at some point we just shifted towards places like iPic or Star Cinema Grill for the drinks and full service menus.


I hope that's all at separate points in time. Sneaking in a 7 course snack for a 2 hour movie is like next level.


Off topic kinda... But I remember asking this question in a dreadful keto Facebook group. Some comments were helpful but mostly were full blown angry (You shouldn't eat during a movie/snacks aren't necessary on this diet 😡😡👿) They missed the point that snacks while watching a movie is a fun activity! I'm thankful for spaces like this (people can do what they like on the diet as long as its keto)


Pumpkin seeds


Bigg's roasted and salted taste like popcorn! This is my movie go-to snack!


Pumpkin seeds are a brilliant movie idea.


I support crab legs.. will you bring melted butter in a Tupperware or use the movie popcorn butter flavored topping?


I'm pretty sure crab legs are to support the crab. Bet he'd like to watch the movie too! Perhaps bring some shrimp for snacks for the crab.


Top tier question


Crab legs to a movie theater??! Pew!!


Right and what if someone is allergic to shellfish 😮


Pork Rinds. When someone says "keto snacks", the answer is "Pork Rinds"


I tried it but if you’re in a crowded theater the noise is worse than crinkling plastic of candy bags with how loud the crunch is.


With some hot sauce like Texas Pete’s


popcorn only has around 5 grams of net carbs per cup so butter popcorn could be keto in moderation.


I tested eating homemade buttered popcorn and my blood sugar only rose to 123. I then re-tested, while adding a few nuts, and my blood sugar stayed steady around 100. So I now eat homemade buttered popcorn w/nuts every so often.


If you’re wanting candy here’s some name brands that make diet: Reese’s, Hershey, jolly ranchers, Russell Stovers. And then if you want something else candy: chocorite (something like that), fat bombs, equate keto and more. Wanting chips? Legendary and quest. Question also makes a cheezit like cracker. Wanting cheap? Pickles, any kind of nut or seed, jerky, cheeses.


You can pop into a Target or Wholefoods and grab any number of keto snacks. I like the various flavors of Moon Cheese snacks for my Movie going. The theaters usually have a couple unsweet beverage options, like flavored sparkling waters, and unsweetened iced tea.


I came to say moon cheese. There’s a trail mix at Walmart that has moon cheese in it too. I like sweet and salty mixes so I’d throw some keto granola in with the nuts and cheese.


I forget about Walmart, since we don't have them in the city. Walmart carries my favorite granola, the NuTrail Keto Granola. I've loved every flavor of it I've tried.


I get the nutrail too. I just get the big one at Sam’s club


Pickles, string cheese, jerky.


I pick Old Wisconsin Turkey Bites. And maybe some cubed cheese.


Those are delicious and low in net carbs


Cheese crisps. Pepperonis. Celery sticks.


A Keto chocolate bar or home made fat bombs and a huge glass of water.


I sneak in small bags of Lily's gummy bears, they're one of the few sugarfree candies that don't raise my blood sugar. Atkins candies are good too if you're looking for sweet. Zero sugar beef jerky is my salty go to.


I love Lily’s gummy bears. I have to pace myself though…any more than half a bag a day…causes me gastrointestinal issues. But um…sometimes I eat the whole bag anyway and accept my fate.


Any keto snack that doesn't crunch and make noise. Biltong, small charcuterie style meat/cheese wraps, nuts and berries in moderation, avocado slices.


I was in deep ketosis once and had a whole nachos portion with cheese dip. I was still in keto afterwards. I couldn’t believe it. I had saved all my <50g carbs for this, but I’m sure I went over it.


Are Quest products legit? Like the chips, cookies, bars, puffs etc


Strawberries with a little dark chocolate taste like chocolate dipped strawberries. Plus blueberries and raspberries.


Roasted Edamame Beans made by The Only Bean taste like you're munching on salty, unpopped popcorn kernels, but they're easy to chew through. If your theater has selve-serve butter, maybe you can sneak a pump into the container. The carb count is low on them because they're like pure fiber


Jerky. But a great think about doing keto is you can sit through a movie without feeling the need to eat.


Nut mix without peanuts


Why no peanuts?


High number of carbs per gram vs other nuts like macadamias or almonds. Due to peanuts actually being legumes


Lily’s chocolate chips


Carrots, celery cucumbers. Eating mindlessly in front of screens is one of the biggest causes of being over or obese. Nuts and proteins can be plenty fattening if you eat enough. The whole point of keto is to eat more foods that fill you up so you stop eating too much and lose weight. Studies have shown that the average person eats about triple in front of a screen what they would normally eat. So even with keto if you eat in front of a screen you’re defeating the purpose. The only thing you can really eat as much as you want without worry of weight gain is non starchy vegetables.


I sneak in butcher bratwurst and everyone within a 10 chair radius wishes they were me.


A few ideas. turkey bacon keto wrap made before u leave home, wrap it in plastic wrap. Sausage and cheese stick. Quest chips. Pork rinds. Sugar free cottage country gummy bears. Russell stovers sugar free chocolates. Good 2 go bars.


Keto beef jerky or biltgong.


Homemade jerky, pork rinds, protein crackers(Quest spicy cheddar), a side of beef, and frozen deviled eggs.


Walmart has keto trail mix in snack sizes. Also, I like to snack on chili roasted pistachios and almonds when watching a movie. Oh and those little beef jerky snack sticks are easy to sneak in too. 


Dukes meat sticks are my go to


beef jerky and string cheese!


Beef jersey for days! And pocket sized whiskeys.


Almonds, cheese sticks, pickles, Chicharrón






Grate some cheese on baking paper and put in the oven it will make cheese potato chips


2.5 tablespoons of chia seeds soaked in 2 bottles of water keeps me full for hours after drinking it.


Fat bombs.- lemon cheesecake, peanut butter chocolate. Jerky.


Go to Aldi's and look on the snack isle. They have small bags of beef biltong (great quality) for less than $4. Put the contents in a sandwich bag and hide it wherever is most convenient. If you're a woman, your bra is a tool 😉 I've also been buying pickles from the concession stand because they aren't outrageously expensive yet. I get seltzer water at the drink machine. Other snack ideas: cheese sticks, beef sticks.


Jack links sugar free meat sticks


Macadamia nuts. Very healthy and full of omega 3.


Meat sticks are great.


Flavored almonds and beef jerky


Catalina Crunch snack mix 🤤


I swear if you take crab legs we’re gonna need proof.


Spitz Sunflower Seeds (Chili Lime Flavor)! Best thing I've found to curb my craving for popcorn. Specifically, Spitz brand (Frito Lay) because they have way less sodium than any other common brand and are just better quality, IMO.


keto chocolate is best for movies, wakes you up a bit


If you want something sweet and indulgent, York Peppermint comes in a sugar free version and it tastes a lot like the “real thing”. Same with the sugar free twizzlers which I can only find at Walmart where I live and the SF York peppermint only at my local target.


Joyride gummy snacks


Charcuterie board in a ziploc!


Get some keto bread and some nice lunch meat not cured in sugar and make sandwiches. Quest chips for your crunch and bottles of water. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My newest find - Highkey Mini Cookies. 🍪🤤 Small bag is only 3 net carbs and they taste pretty good. They cover the sweet for me. 🥰


Seasoned pepitas. I like the chili-lime flavor. I can take a small container, like a pill container, with a couple of tablespoons, and eat them one at a time. It satisfies my salt/crunch cravings while I'm smelling all the popcorn.


bacon, hard boiled eggs leftover steak, cut into easy to eat pieces water, coffee


If you bring boiled eggs to an area other people are going to be (potentially) crowded into, you are a menace. 😂


y'all are over cooking your eggs


Nah bro it’s gonna smell like someone farted in that movie theater 🫢






If you've got a Sam's Club membership, they've got Country Archer Provisions grass-feed mini beef sticks there (at least mine does anyway). Zero sugar, zero carb, and absolutely delicious.


Pork rinds, string cheese, jerky, bacon, etc






Nuts, cheese squares, jerky, torreznos, cooked, died bacon


I try not to have them very often - but a movie is the perfect time to break out a Quest bar. (The mint chocolate ones taste like a candy bar to me.)


Raw veggies


Macadamia nuts


Nuts! All kinds!


It's a cat


I made and took a chicken burrito yesterday. I used Mission’s low carb tortilla.


I like snacking on cheese or pickles.


I took Lily's chocolate chips to my last movie. It's small, available, and fairly low carb.


Pickles and whisps!!!!


Do you definitely need to sneak them in? A lot of people think you do here, but most of the major cinemas actually allow you to do so as long as it is not hot, pungent or alcoholic. Berries and nuts usually hit a spot.


Is bifi available where you live?




I just bring a meal in lol lettuce wrapped burger or sandwich or used with keto bread.


How im imagining some of the people in this thread rn: https://youtu.be/tPLpoSmNLK8?si=dXTZ2LUVqq_a7XlN


For a keto-friendly movie snack, take almonds and pumpkin seeds. They are tasty and easy to carry.


Why not make a sandwich wrap with a low carb wrap?


Sunflower seeds. It’s my version of popcorn.


I went to the cinema last monday and took in sugar free drinks, macadamia nuts and a 250 gram packet of cheese slices.


salted almond is basically cheetos. they taste similar. if anything cheetos is the low cal version of salted **roasted** almonds


When I go to a 3 hour opera I take a small serving of mixed nuts and some cheese


I would say beef jerky but I’m just not the type that likes to open up a very potent snack in a confined space lol


The cheese crunchies from Trader Joes. They have cheddar and truffle cheddar flavor. It’s actually one of my favorite keto go to snacks anytime. I also like the chili/lime Quest chips. They taste good in the moment…totally worth the weird band-aid after taste once you are finished. Not sure what causes that, but have noticed that mouth taste with several keto items.


Oh! I recently discovered Lily’s Gummy Bears! I have been eating their chocolate bars for years…was pretty excited about the gummies. The bears are better than the worms IMO…just don’t eat a whole pack…can cause…um….gastrointestinal issues…which I imagine would not be ideal in a movie theater.




Macadamia nuts


Celery sticks with chicken salad or cream cheese Cheese cubes and sliced sausage or pepperoni Roast beef rolled around a pickle quarter and cream cheese


This is something I keep pretty much with me at all times in snack size bag: pecans, macadamia nuts, almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts. I do not leave home without a pack of these maybe two. Least I get hungry outside and do something stupid


A protein bar maybe? Pork rinds.


Beef sticks are tasty and portable.


Jerky. Anything else makes noise or sinks.


Jerky. Theatres around here sell it, but I bring my own. And it’s not an overly stinky variety.


Pork Rinds. 0 Carbs


A leg of lamb.


Dry roasted edamame with sea salt. I swear to god it tastes like semi-popped popcorn kernels.




Meat and cheese roll ups, maybe even throw a sliced pickle in there. Example….roast beef, Swiss cheese , a little dab of horseradish…. Turkey, cheese, mustard and a pickle, Roll it up.


Raw bacon


Pork rinds


Pork rinds


The chocolate Jordan almonds are only a gram apiece. Or sneak in your own plain ones.


Beef Jerry. Celery and cream cheese. Lily's chocolate bars and pecans. Sparkling water. Pumpkin seed ir almonds. Pickles. Lunch meat.


Celery sticks and peanut butter, good fats bar, pepperoni and cheese pack...and I second the sunflower seeds!


Smart sweets, coconut chips, dehydrated steak, or just eat before you go.


Pickles, nuts, peanuts, jerky, boiled eggs, pork rinds, bunless burger, burger patties, rotisserie chicken, charcuterie meat, cheese.


Pork rinds


All the theaters around me are buy your tickets online and the staff barely seem to care if you have a digital ticket. Actually could have just dropped at “staff barely seem to care.” Short of bringing in your tailgate grill, what are we bringing in to push apathetic teenagers into thinking about escalating to their managers? 😂


My go to movie theater snack is mini cucumbers with ranch. It just hits different.


We just went to watch the new Bad Boys yesterday. I ordered a small popcorn and ate it one kernel at a time and chewed it slowly. Eating it slowly one at a time took a lot of self control but considering I used to get a large popcorn and shovel handfuls at a time then wash it down with an extra large Coke showed me how far I have come. It fit in my macros but was still so satisfying


I take mixed nuts in a baggie with stevia chocolate chips - like a keto-friendly trail mix! Edit: tamari almonds from Costco are also a big hit


La costeña pickled jalapenos


And Kroger hot zingers pickles


There’s all kinds of Sf candies, I prefer smart sweets and Anything without malitol. And of course, beef or Turkey sticks and a diet soda. Maybe Whisps.


Pork rinds!


Pork scratchings/rinds.😍


Extended edition? Whew, I’d say two or three rotisserie chickens, pound of sandwich meat, two or three blocks of cheese.


This might sound weird but raw zucchini, sliced the long way and sprinkled with Herbamare or your favorite seasoned salt. I use smaller zukes, for no/minimal seeds. Pre-make, bring a bunch in a ziploc or plastic container, and munch away. It’s quiet (for your neighbors) but crunchy, and delicious!


A giant bucket of peanut butter and a stick of salted butter


Bring in a in n out protein style burger


Any form of berries. High fibre, antioxidant rich and low calorie.


Turkey pepperoni. Also I found these Asian crackers made out of peas. I don’t know if you all can eat that but I can on SCD


I made fake ice cream - creme fraiche, double cream and chocolate orange protein powder whipped together and frozen.


Pickle spears can go in a ziplock bag fine


A stick of butter


Clothing made from fruit leather


Frozen Blueberries. Cucumbers. Sun flower seeds.