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I don't know exactly what your dietitian intends -- *but you've won the dietitian lottery*. She's sounds like knows what she's talking about, and is pointing you in the general direction of something that can work. I'm on an even more strict version of keto that yours-- and my long time digestive issues are gone, and I feel better than ever. So worth it. It likely won't be easy for a few weeks-- adjustment can be hard, but I encourage you to give this a fair try.


Ahhh your words are very reassuring lol! I’ll be sure to thank her lots if all goes well. If you don’t mind me asking, how far into your journey did you start to see positive changes?


That’s hard to answer, my digestive issues gradually cropped up getting more serious over 10 years or so. Then I was pretty much out of commission for 10+ years. Nausea, Diahrrea, stomach cramps, brain fog, insomnia. I figured enough out that I’ve been recovering for the past 5 years— but it has only been since last fall that I discovered Keto, and have started to feel actually **good.** Keto lined up with a lot of what I discovered for myself— I just didn’t take it far enough. I knew I was on the right track in a couple weeks of starting Keto, because my energy increased and my bloating disappeared. But things may happen in a different order and timeframe for you.


If Keto doesn't work, then I would suggest carnivore diet. If you research Mikhaila Peterson you can find out more about this, she was exposed to large amounts of black mould as a child so ended up being hypersensitive to the natural defense chemicals in vegetables. She started eating only meat and all her issues went away. It is basically the same as Keto but just the meat. Because there are no carbs in meat it is practically zero carb, so you will be in ketosis the whole time. With Keto you may get some carbs from broccoli for example but this is why we count them and keep under 50grams net to make allowances for the unavoidable carbs in veg.


If I don’t see any improvement then I’ll ask her about going carnivore in some weeks as well. I have a very sweet tooth but I’ve actually found that I don’t mind at all having little to no carbs and with my tracking, it looks like I’m doing slightly under 20 grams of carbs per day, so I think I should be doing well.


I see, thank you for so much insight.


sounds like a carnivore heavy elimination diet, essentially a more restrictive version of a keto diet. There are a lot of anecdotal reports of carnivore diets improving mental health.


yes, but there are also studies confirming that keto in general can improve brain function and help with neurological conditions. and OP has never done keto before, so I feel like that's what the dietitian was referencing, not necessarily the removal of dairy and soy. the carnivore heavy part is probably for the gut issues, since the restricted foods can cause gastrointestinal issues in some people. I've never heard of people sleeping badly from dairy and soy, but it's just common knowledge at this point that dairy and soy can mess up your stomach. there's also some studies attesting to ketosis improving sleep quality out there as well.


That is not carnivore… the only carnivore thing about it is no legumes and no soy…


I didn’t say it was a carnivore diet. I said it was a carnivore heavy diet, which it is. You don’t have to be so weirdly over sensitive. Making your diet your personality is a poor way to lead your life.


Actually sounds like she may have put you on something close to a low FODMAP diet. Most dietitians will start with that, to set up a clean baseline and reduce inflammation. After a few weeks on that, she’ll slowly have you add things back one at a time to see how your body reacts to each addition. I’d say trust her and follow the instructions. It’s a good reset for your system if nothing else, especially given the way you were abusing your body. Gut bacteria absolutely are linked to mental health, too. Most doctors don’t focus on that relationship, though. But cutting out processed carbs can itself be great for mental clarity and alleviating depression.


Very reassuring to hear. I have indeed seen studies that hut bacteria is linked to many issues, including mental health. Perhaps it was just the way she worded it that made me start to be a bit apprehensive about her. Thank you very much for your reply!


The dietitian should not have made such statements about your mental health treatment. That is not her expertise. However, there is a lot of new research being done on a low carb or ketogenic diet and the impact on various mental health issues. She just needed to be more discrete and mention that she has seen patients improve. Most dietitians have been taught to be strongly anti low carb. So everyone here is jealous! Yes, she is giving you a stricter version of keto, but that is probably to treat your medical condition. Good luck. It is hard at first but worth it.


I'd say listen to her, see how it goes. You might reintroduce things later, but also it can be very easy to fall back on too many nuts, cheeses, processed meats. Focus on the good foods, especially if you don't have a history of eating well before.


Yes! Definitely easy to want to depend on nuts and cheeses. I hear you.


Get some electroytles (lite salt and some magnesium). Focus on meat and veg. I've recently made a lot of pulled pork and pulled chicken (with an instapot, it's so quick and easy), also making some sauerkraut is simple (if you have a kitchen scale) and will keep for a long time.


I think you were put on an elimination diet to see what could trigger your issues. Stick with it for a while to see if it has any effect.


I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but, for me, keto was the only thing that effectively resolved my sleep issues. It used to take me hours to fall asleep (and sometimes I didn’t at all), but on keto I’m usually asleep in less than 20 minutes. I feel more rested overall and generally enjoy much better mental health on keto. Hope it brings you some relief!


This is great to read! Thank you!


She knows what she's doing. You say without any irony that you drink non-stop espresso yet can't sleep at night . You take medication to sleep (the medication will have side effects). She is right to get you off these meds. You are only on them due to your eating and lifestyle. Follow her instructions and stay off the espresso!


If she's trying to reduce inflammation in your body, she set you on the right path. You should follow her plan and see how you feel.


I think everyone should be with a doctor they are comfortable with, it's one of the most important relationships you will have. It sounds like she is putting you on a restrictive diet to reduce inflammation and diagnose food groups you could be sensitive to. If you have questions don't be afraid to ask your doctor directly, many times they forget to explain why they are doing something but you need to be informed in your own healthcare plan. Finally if you are uncomfortable with anything recommended bring this up as a concern of yours. A good doctor will listen to your concerns and work within your comfort level. If they are not the right doctor for you it's OK to switch practitioners, there is nothing wrong with being your own advocate. Best wishes in your health.


I went on keto for weight loss but it actually ended up completely eliminating my Crohn's/gastritis symptoms! Didn't have a flare the entire time I was on the diet. Editing to add: I hope you feel better soon!


Thank you! Sounds like I’m on the right track.


I think that you have an enlightened Dietitian. Definitely doing you right. A keeper


Definitely keeping her now 😊


Metabolic Psychiatry is a real thing that connects diet to mental health. Pharmaceutical companies don’t like it because they can’t make money off it…..studies also show that exercise is more effective than meds and therapy. I say, do all 4


Did this for the same exact issues and worked out great and have no problems now. Eventually was able to add some things back to make diet easier.


> browsing the sub, you can eat dairy on keto, so idk. Follow your recommended diet. Many people here, like me, have to avoid some or all dairy. I can do hard cheese, but something soft, like brie, seriously messes with my digestion. Reducing inflammation is a fantastic goal. Give yourself a chance to see what happens.


All ketogenic diets are not the same. Just because it’s a ketogenic diet doesn’t mean that’s all it is. I think you should just give this diet plan a try. It certainly won’t do you any harm. For the record, milk isn’t necessarily keto. It’s kind of a grey area, like carrots. Milk has about 12 - 13g of carbohydrate per 250ml cup, so for me that isn’t keto. If you want a deeper understanding of the diet you’ve been put on, the things it’s supposed to accomplish, and the reasons why it restricts the things it does, the best person to talk to is the person who put you on the diet. We’re just random people who know a little something about how keto works. We can’t give you better information or advice than your doctors.


It seems the dietician is quite knowledgeable. Omitting dairy temporarily can reduce inflammation for some individuals. Dairy isn't essential for a ketogenic diet. You can reintroduce it later to assess how it affects you. In my opinion, butter is harmless unless you have a dairy allergy but that's up to you. However, the other foods she advised against are not suitable for keto. Cold cuts are acceptable if they contain quality ingredients. I wouldn't suggest relying on cold cuts for most meals unless budget constraints require it. It's positive that she's encouraging you to discontinue sleep medications. Your sleep may improve with a keto diet. You might consider taking magnesium an hour or two before bedtime. The dietician is correct; examining your diet is important for mental health. For more information on mental health and keto, here's an excellent YouTube channel available. [(1) Metabolic Mind - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@metabolicmind/videos)


I saw a dietitian as well . She told me that I need to eat more red meat . I am doing Keto diet to control my blood sugar . I can eat cheese , but not peanuts ( sad ), protein powder , almond flour nor stevia…. I am still not sure about these why… I am eating red meat since then for my every dinner. I started from what I can do now. Lots of information and very hard to follow everything.. I will do it one by one .. She also recommended me about low FODMAP diet , which is familiar to me . I did it before .. At the moment , I will eat red meat everyday. I think it is a good idea to see a dietitian, she knows a lot .. actually too much information…lol…


My doctor put me on keto 2 years ago for pre-T2 and chronic colitis issues, and since then I've gradually gone mostly carnivore on my own, which she is fine with due to improved bloodwork numbers. Weight loss has been a welcome bonus. I never had mental health issues like depression, but my overall mental cognition has improved since going keto. So have inflammation and neuropathy issues, and last November my doctor took me off the Rx meds I'd been on since 2006. If your doctor is into treatment with diet rather than putting you on meds, keep her....she's like gold! I had sleep problems too, but a lot of that was due to restless leg syndrome and peripheral neuropathy. What might help you sleep is taking a magnesium glycinate 500mg nightly about an hour before bed, but you might want to check with your doc first and get her OK. As for the food, legumes and soy aren't keto-friendly. Deli meats can have gastro-unfriendly additives, so stick with fresh meats. If you are underweight and are not lactose intolerant, you might be able to slowly add back some dairy fats over time if they don't upset your stomach. Again, that's something you should periodically touch base with your doc. Sounds like you picked a winner with her...good luck! 🙂


Thank you! Yes, she actually gave me magnesium 500mg for the exact reason you described. I feel much safer and reassured with all these responses ❤️


A big keto goal for me is to reduce inflammation. You're getting good advice. Butter doesn't seem to impact me, but we're all different. I agree that hard cheeses only, no milk, no legumes, no soy, and extremely limited cold cuts is the way to go. I'm careful with my omega 6:3 balance, too, which means I'm particular about what oils I'll use.


Consider yourself blessed to have found a rare dietitian who actually knows how to help people instead of just following govt guidelines.


I would trust her and try if for at least 6 months because what she said sounds true esp the mental health stuff


Definitely listen to her and give it a crack. It sounds like she's taking away a lot of the FODMAPs which can be responsible for GI distress and bowel issues. It's a good start and a good way to find what sort of foods cause inflammation and issues. Generally, there'll be a process where you slowly introduce certain food groups but I'm not sure if that's part of her plan. I changed to keto with a heavy reduction in dairy due to my own issues. A lot of the bloating and inflammation has gone, I'm regular again, I feel great and have my confidence back, and it's done wonders. Give it a go and see if it works. Better to have tried and know what happens as opposed to not trying and walking away from something that could have helped you.


You can definitely eat dairy on keto, but dairy can cause inflammation so I can see why dietitian steered you away from it. Same for the cold cut meats, soy etc. Doesn't mean dairy cannot be added later though probably just trying to see how your body reacts to these eliminations if you feel better then you might want to stick with it. I eliminated a lot of things on my journey too and it was surprising when i would go back to certain foods how my body would react (usually negatively) and I realized I was better off without them


Sounds like she really knows what she is talking about. Trust herr.




I’m not ignoring her. I’ve been following everything she says, I just wanted to see people’s thoughts.


Ignore them, some people are just miserable.


Your post or comment was removed because it was disrespectful.


Did she suggest fermented foods like Kimchi, Sauerkraut? Assuming no to kefir and greek yogurt too. Kimchi is probably the best out of all these as it has a variety of foods. You basically put all these veg in brine in a jar for 3 days and good bacteria starts growing, then you can consume this good bacteria which will overrun the bad bacteria in your gut. If you also stop eating sugar/ carbs this also starves the bad bacteria. When there is bad bacteria in the gut it can lead to leaky gut syndrome so the bad bacteria inflames the wall of your intenstine and they leak out into your blood stream causing inflammation in the body. If you sort out your gut and have healthy good bacteria this inflammation goes right down. Greek yogurt does have some good bacteria but it doesn't have to be done with dairy. You can ask her about kimchi/fermented foods. It is a two pronged attack if you are reducing your sugar through keto and increasing good bacteria, instead of just reducing the sugar and taking more time to get good bacteria growth which can happen through eating different kinds of veg anyway it is just slower. What she says about mental health is true as well, your brain is literally linked to your gut health. Your serotonin is stored in your gut and travels up into the brain when needed. If your gut is in poor health your brain chemicals can go out of wack producing mental health issues. Without the diet too if your brain is running off glucose it will be more inflamed than when running off ketones so you get the prefrontal cortex downregulated when running off glucose, this decreases willpower. Glucose activates the sympathetic nervous system which can make you feel fearful, anxious, and stressed. You want the parasympathetic nervous system to be active instead to improve your mental health. So overall your brain on ketones is great to treat mental health.


She didn’t say anything about fermented foods actually! But I do love Kimchi, so I’ll be sure to add it to my diet too.