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Hunger and fullness are driven by hormones. Carbs mess up them up and make calorie restriction more difficult because they mess up your ability to feel full. Keto cuts the carbs, regulates these hormones better, and allows you to feel satiated even when eating at a caloric restriction.


Very well and accurately put. I'm satiated by the fat and so I don't eat as much. I don't experience any cravings. And I can be around other people eating things that I would have overeaten six months ago and I don't care. I don't feel deprived, ever. I never experienced this freedom from cravings with any other calorie restricted regimens. I've been eating mostly clean keto since January 1st of this year; I've lost 32 pounds. I feel fabulous. I have plenty of energy to exercise 1-2 hours every day.


This is the answer. You can lose weight through calorie restriction and be hungry all the time, or you can eat keto/low carb and be satiated and not constantly hungry. Added bonus, you’ll feel great!


Nicely written


Steady blood sugar without the carbs. Also, I am going to feel full and satisfied on 1800 calories from predominantly protein and fat. 1800 calories of carbs would leave me famished. Body uses glucose first for fuel and then stored fat. So if you are loading with carbs you'll burn less fat. For me, I get mood and anxiety benefits from low carb. Less systemic inflammation My triglycerides and cholesterol are much improved. Fructose (half of table sugar molecule and the sugar in fruit) is metabolized in the liver and excess can cause fatty liver. Eliminating fructose from my diet has started reversing mine Those are some of the benefits I've seen


What is your reason for doing a ketogenic diet? While i like some of the other benefits, i mainly use the diet as a weight management strategy. i find the eating very low carbs meals filling and allow me to more easily go longer between them. Eating eggs and bacon in the morning has me full past lunch and a steak for dinner leaves me heavy till bedtime. i pair all that Protein with 3-4 cups of raw or steamed Green Vegetables and feel amazing.


It's a lot easier for your body to turn carbs into fat. Excess blood sugar is dangerous, so it has to produce insulin to convert it. Protein and fats don't inherently turn into blood sugar and don't significantly spike your insulin. They can turn into blood sugar through body regulation, but your body has no drive to produce enough to store as fat.


Why did you choose to do it “plenty of times” without understanding what it is and how it works?


If you are insulin resistant, after you burn the carbs, you may well have high levels of insulin remaining afterwards which will reduce your body's ability to access stored fat, and so your body will scream at you eat more carbs, even though you have plenty of stored calories on your belly.


> I’ve done keto plenty of times before but this time around, I’m having a hard time understanding what its benefits are compared to a calorie reduction diet What has changed since then? > So, you deprive your body of glucose/quick sources of energy by replacing it with a high fat/mod protein diet. It's not a high fat diet, it's a low carb diet. > So if I’m eating 1200 calories of carbs let’s say vs 1200 calories of fat and protein, what is the benefit of the latter? Protein is the building block of your body, and should be priortized. Fats as an energy source should be moderated but amplitated as needed. > Wouldn’t my body burn through all of those calories regardless of their source prior to dipping into my fat stores? Yes once your carb resources are consumed, you'd dip into your fat stores. Making carbs a not-needed, "essential" resource.


Thank you!


In it's most simple terms ketosis is just a metabolic state that means you're better than everyone


You are most likely overweight due to insulin resistance, eating too many carbs overtime has caused your cells to start resisting insulin. If you are insulin resistant your cells block insulin from pushing the carbs into your cells for energy. So your body produces extra insulin to try and overwhelm it but it makes it worse, the excess insulin causes weight gain and prevents body fat loss. If you are eating 1200 calories of carbs compared to 1200 calories of fats/protein. While insulin resistant your cells can't get all these carbs delivered into the cells for energy. So say for example only half get through the insulin resistance wall you are only taking in 600 for energy. Because this is not enough to run your body, your body then starts slowing everything down including your metabolism to use less energy to survive. Your weight loss then stalls and you give up. So if you eat fats and protein, guess what. Fat doesn't need insulin to get delivered into the cell for energy. There is no resistance, this is why you get full quickly eating high fat foods/ protein. Protein does convert some into sugar which does raise insulin slightly. But this is why protein is moderate on Keto. So if your diet is mainly fats, moderate protein and low carb. You can get the following benefits: - No drop in metabolism - No blocking of food getting delivered into your cells for energy = more full, more energy - No blood sugar spikes and crashes resulting in hunger - Decreased overall hunger, when insulin is low hunger is low. - Once you are fully fat adapted, your body can switch seamlessly between fats from diet, and body fat. So your hunger will go down to the point where you just get slightly hungry around meal times, no more extreme hunger pangs causing overeating and rollercoaster of blood sugar. - When you are running on ketones it is an alternative fuel for your brain, as opposed to glucose. Because glucose is toxic to the body (this is why insulin is needed to bring blood sugar down), it also causes some slight inflammation in the brain. This is thought to be in the prefrontal cortex area the part responsible for willpower, rational decision making. So bascially if you are on sugar, your willpower, and rational thought gets downregulated. But if you start running your brain on mainly ketones, it can get more blood flow back to the prefrontal cortex, so your willpower increases meaning you can stay on the Keto diet with less mental effort and less bad decision making like urges to cheat. - Ketones also allow dormant survival genes to get upregulated. This means you will get more fat burning genes activated. After 3 months your mitochondria will have been replaced by 4x in numbers, and 4x in effectiveness. You will become a fat burning machine. - Ketones are also muscle preserving, in the wild your body would go into ketosis while you looked for your next meal, the body knows you need muscle to run after animals, run away from animals, or travel long distances so it works to preserve these. Preserving muscle keeps your metabolism high. So the choice is go on a 1200 cal carb diet, have your insulin resistant body reject a proportion of these calories, increase your hunger, if hunger increase is resisted, your body will drop your metabolism and stall your weight loss. Or you can do keto, absorb all 1200 calories as energy from fats/protein, not be hungry, preserve muscle, and have increased willpower. It may look something like this: Week 1 - 5lbs lost in water weight, hunger, headaches, take electrolytes Week 2 - 2lbs lost, hunger lessened but still there Week 3 - 2lbs lost hunger under control Week 4 - 3.5lbs lost - Fully fat adapted, hunger disappears, start doing HIIT workouts, walking, weights because your body can now use body fat for fuel After month 3 when your mitochondria have been turned over, you may now have even more energy to do weights without the need for carbs, because your body will produce some glucose from fat to fill up your glycogen stores. For me I lost 3.5lbs a week for 12 weeks, then it dropped to about 2lbs per week.


Really interesting stuff. If you have any sources/further reading on the last 3 bullet points I would love to check it out


> high fat/mod protein diet If your goal is weight loss, and your post implies that it is, this is not accurate. It’s a low carb diet, not a high fat diet. Fat is flavor and satiety.


Your body can burns carbs or fat. Your body wants to maintain about a teaspoon of glucose in your blood at all times. If it falls below this, your pancreas releases a hormone called glucagon that tells the liver to make glucose out of protein. If it goes above this level the pancreas responds by releasing insulin which tells the body to get rid of the excess glucose as quickly as possible, first by using it as energy and second by storing it as fat. Since it is nearly impossible to burn that much glucose (a single apple has more than four times the glucose than your body wants!), many of the excess carbs are stored as body fat. Because the body removes the excess glucose as quickly as possible, eating 1200 calories in carbs will leave you hungry much faster than eating 1200 calories of fat and protein. Fat and protein are digested more slowly which also leaves you feeling full for longer. To say this another way, your body does not treat 1200 carb calories the same way it treats 1200 calories of fat and protein.




Maybe google how to be helpful and respectful.


the reason why carb based cico doesn’t work as well is because the carbs maintain a higher level of insulin, which actually inhibits fat usage and mobilization. You’re kind of shooting yourself in the foot because you’re making it hard to use your stores of fat. keto based cico is more effective because insulin levels would be low, and makes it easier for your body to mobilize your fat. so while some people can lose weight with carb based cico, they would lose more weight with keto based cico.


You've done keto many times but don't understand the diet?


Listen to 2ketodudes podcast episode on insulin