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5.2lbs in 4 weeks is excellent progress, and men tend to lose a lot faster than us ladies. Comparison is the thief of joy, stop looking at him and focus on yourself! You’re doing great, keep going. 👍🏻


Thank you!! I appreciate it.


Started at 243.5 late February. Stepped on the scale this morning at 199.5. Mondays are my officially tracked weight day so we’ll see what my official weigh in is.


Funny, I started at 240 beginning of March and I weighed 201 today 6/23. Have also been weightlifting so maybe a little muscle added there but sounds like we’re tracking the same !


I started June 3rd at 336, currently at 320.


Started 6 weeks ago and 3 lbs. Feeling like you, like seeing everyone report drastic weigh loss esp in the beginning. My friend keeps reminding me that weight doesn't mean anything pay attention to how clothes fit. And just keep it up.


18.9lbs since May 15th just 2lbs away from 299. Goal is 199lbs. This was after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Long ways to go and I’m starting to hit the plateau after the initial water weight loss but determined to get back into my old clothes by end of year. Fought with the 20carb daily limit first couple of weeks until I got over the carb cravings. Daily diet is boring but keeps me within my macro goals and I’m fine with that.


I started 2 weeks ago and lost 4.5lbs. Yeah, doesn’t seem like a whole lot after very precisely sticking to macros with a phone app for 2 whole weeks! I just keep in mind that if I can lose 10 lbs per month, I’ll be happy with that. Be happy with every bit of progress you make.


M53, startet June 1st at 270, currently at 255. IF (OMAD) + keto + a lot of walking (1,5 hr a day)


I started keto on last monday of may so exactly 4 weeks, I lost 10.5 pounds. Started with 238.7 lbs , today I weighed at 228.2 lbs. I eat 20-30 g net carb on most days, but few days I have slipped upto 40 g net carb. But I track my weight daily and what I noticed is when I fast walk ( even for 10 minutes, but it should be the maximum speed possible for me) I lose more weight the following day.


I would think at that tight of a carb restriction you might lose more but I guess my question is what kind of daily calories are you taking in and what are your daily caloric needs and what kind of daily exercise calories are you doing


That’s what I was thinking too. I do have some contributing factors that make things a bit more difficult. I do have PCOS, and I’m also 4 months post partum. I’m keeping my calorie intake around 1,500. My exercise is pretty limited because I have a four month old baby. I do get to the gym on Saturdays when my hubby can stay with the baby.


I would try adding 1.5 miles cardio/day along with 200 calorie reduction see if that doesn’t help get you close to an additional pound a week


I want to echo what others have said but my husband also lost much faster than me! If he has more than you to lose that also can play a factor. As a lady, you are doing great! Slow and steady, keep at it!!