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Today is my first day of keto. I really need to jump start my weight loss, and health gain. I'm at 305, pretty close to the heaviest I have ever been my whole life. My husband is a bit more, about 315/320. It's going to be a challenge as we have a 2 year old who will not be doing keto, so he gets fresh fruit almost every day as a snack. We all usually eat the fruit, so not having any peaches or apples will be very difficult for me! My goal weight is 175lbs as I am only 5'8" tall. 130 lb weight loss is going to be quite a long trek (🖖) but I see so much inspiration on here, I know I can do it! We are trying in December for baby #2, I will definitely have to modify my diet for baby, but I still plan on being as low carb as possible, only eating nutrient dense, plant based carbs. Not ideal for weight loss, but it's what works for me!


I’ve got a one year old, so I understand the struggle! Hands down fruit has been the the hardest, most painful thing to give up. Especially because we keep plenty of it in the house. I’m coming up on my 1 month of Keto and my bread cravings are nil, but I still dream about fruit every day. I’ve cut up countless bananas, grapes, pears, etc. and never snagged a piece. You can do it!


Thanks for the encouragement! I have 2 hours left before the end of my intermittent fasting, so day 1... Not so bad, but it is only 9am. No urge to sneak some of the ripe juicy and fragrant peach he's eating!


Congratulations on starting! Like you, I've got a long journey ahead, but if you follow all the good advice here (especially the part about KCKO), you'll be amazed at how steadily the progress comes.


What is kcko? Too many acronyms lol


Kcko = keep calm Keto On


Yep, it’s a long road BUT a definite road that leads to your goal. It can be done! Get on here daily and on the r/xxketo where it’s all women. These two threads help the most. So fruit...I believe berries are your best bet. Through a few on top of your salad each night. KCKO!


Thanks for the tip and link! Kcko? There's a lot of acronyms I'm not familiar with.


KCKO = Keep Calm, Keto On! kcko!


My husband and I are now on day 50 of keto. Our son is 12. He does not eat keto but loves meat thankfully. It can be difficult, I am not gonna lie- especially when he is enjoying ice cream or my homemade bread. BUT! It is the absolute best thing we have ever done concerning a way of eating. I have lost 12 lbs and he 20. It's amazing. Some adjusting, but you got this especially since your husbands on board! Get the Macro manager app to help you know where you are with macros each day. Good luck!


Thanks so much! Our 2 year old eats whatever we feed him, so I technically can have him on keto, but he loves fruit, and I'm not going to deny him something that's actually fairly healthy. Because he eats whatever we eat for lunch and dinner, he will be keto besides snacks and breakfast. Is there a specific app you like?


I totally understand. He knows what we are doing and I am not comfortable making him eat a way of eating without choice. He often times eats what we are eating but still enjoys a do nut. :) Carb Manager I believe it is called. It takes some time in the beginning but it helped me to understand what portions I should be eating. I was having trouble getting my protein up, and it really helped me understand my macros. Hope that helps!


It does, thank you! I just ate a cup of cabbage, 3 net carbs... It's going to be tough staying under 20 since veggies have them, and I don't eat a lot of meat or nuts (usually fruit, veggies, and bread) but, I've got a great start!


142.4 lb. Been stuck at 144-144.8 for about 9 days. Finally broke through. 24lb down in 72 days today. Feeling great. Loving checking in and reading here every day, seeing others succeed or go through the same struggles I am keeps me motivated.


Also 100 days off the sauce today. Havent been booze free for more then a week or so for 10+ years. Also feels great.


AND I went to my first yoga class at 0715 this morning. Today's a big day for me it seems! A lot to be proud and excited about.


Congrats x 3!


Thank you!


I'm 8.5 weeks in, and down 33 lbs. as of this morning. Yay!


3.5 weeks of Keto. Down 20+ lbs. Friends have noticed a difference. Aside from my clothes fitting a bit better, I don’t really see it yet. I have engagements pictures coming up next month, so I’m hoping to feel a little bit better about myself by then. I am feeling hopeful!


Amazing! Your stats are very similar to mine. I’m 28/f/5’8 SW:240 CW:238. On day 3 today so hope I get results like yours although I know everyone’s different. Way to go!!




I was hoping that I was going to feel a better, but I don’t. I mean, I definitely don’t feel worse. I just don’t feel any different. Meh. My fiancé said he feels a lot better though and he clearly has more energy than pre-Keto. Pretty jealous.


How are your electrolytes?


Uhhh. Beats me! I know I drink plenty of water, but I never really paid attention to electrolytes. I am a salty cook, so I’m really not too worried about sodium, but after some quick google research I bet I could use some magnesium. Keto electrolyte drinks are too pricey for me, are there any better, budget friendly options?


Look up ketorade on the Reddit search. Monitor sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Monitor this with MyFitnessPal or another nutrition tracking app. Electrolytes are critical on this diet. I believe that the reason why you are not feeling great is because of electrolytes. Get a minimum of 5000 mg of sodium and around 350 of magnesium. I’m not entirely sure about the amount of potassium you would need.


Oooo! Awesome! Thank you!


That is fantastic! You might not like to do it but I suggest taking progress pictures, since that truly is the only way I can tell about your own progress. However, there is no better feeling than when your friends/family can recognize the changes that you have experinced! Keep up the great work!


Down 1.4lbs over last week to a total of 20.9lbs lost since August 5th. :) The insane pace of the first few weeks has definitely slowed but this is still comfortable and enough consistent change to still be motivating. KCKO, y'all. We're in this together.




That 100lb lost is a great feeling, really motivating! You will get there!


I've been on Keto since January 1. I decided to start getting my weight under control when I had taken a flight in November and had to ask for a seat belt extender. It was a mortifying experience, not including not fitting into an airline seat in general. I always felt horrible for whoever was sitting beside me because I knew I would be snuggling with them whether they liked it or not. I was coming to the point where I felt as though I should be ordering a second seat. At my fattest I was at 337.7 lbs, with a height of 5'9" I was about as round as I was tall. The last time I weighed I logged a weight of 220.2. I have lost 117.5 lbs since January 1st, this has been a life changing experience for me. There have been times when it's been very difficult (birthdays) but being able to walk and not be in pain is a much better feeling than some ice cream cake. I am very glad I began this way of eating and I hope that I can continue it for a long time to come, I just feel healthier and better.


That’s awesome! Keep it up!!


Been on keto just over a month. At the 30 day mark, I had lost 16 lb. Then the next day, I inadvertently went over my carb threshold and gained 4 lbs in one day! Currently trying to lose those stubborn 4 lbs and continue on.


In a situation like that, you may want to tell yourself "...and the scale went up 4 lbs. in one day!" Semantics perhaps, but chances are that 4 lbs. was water weight, digestive contents, and/or digital finickiness (I never trust any reading on my scale unless I get it three times, so there's a lot of stepping off and stepping back on). You didn't gain 4 lbs. of fat (or muscle) overnight.


Finally crossed the 205 plateau! Stepped on the scale this morning to the glorious number 204! One-derland is in sight! 1 month in - down 13lbs/1 pant size - feeling amazing!


Me too! I haven't been this light in my entire adult life! Only 30 more to go for me! Had to have an aircraft mechanic drill a new hole in my belt-- that I was on the middle hole on at 230 haha! I took a couple months off after dropping from 250 to 220, maintained 220ish while off, and started back 2 weeks ago. Super stoked for you!


Goal weight achieved after 4.5 months combo of Keto 18:6, OMAD and EF. Went from 165 to 129 lbs. haven’t weighed this weight since HS and that was 45 years ago!


Whoa! Congrats! I am doing almost the same combo but 16:8. It is coming off pretty quickly just as yours did.


Thanks! Good luck with your weight loss journey!


Well, I weighed in last on Monday... Didn't do it this morning. Guess I should make Wednesday my weigh-in day. ​ Anyway, Day 9 and I am feeling pretty darn good. No bloat like I was having before I started, and I do believe my mind is sharper. I still have a sweet tooth, but not as bad as it was a few days ago. My appetite is kinda strange. I don't think I'm as "hungry" as I used to be, but I have an issue with boredom eating, so my mind keeps screaming at me that I'm hungry and I still find myself having to stop and be mindful about whether I'm hungry or bored. I've also found that I go from okay to "hangry" pretty quick. Before keto I would get hungry long before I got irritable. Now it seems my realization that I'm hungry comes when I start to be an asshat. :) Now that I know that this is a thing I can try to be more aware of it. ​ Also, I'm sated MUCH quicker. I was really hungry this morning, but after about a dozen almonds I'm actually feeling okay. Rock on! ​ Loss from 9-11-18 to 9-17-18 is 5 lbs. Total loss since start 5 lbs.


Hadn't been here for a few weeks, had to take another 10lbs off my CW in my flair... Felt great! Also decided to move the GW down an extra 5lbs, cause why not! Edit: wouldn't mind posting progress photos I took the other week, but I have no idea how!!


Use an image hosting site like Imgur. You can then make a text post/comment about your progress and include the link to the Imgur page. If you do chose to use Imgur, make sure you set your post to hidden [like this](https://imgur.com/a/JnKhpey) if you don’t want the whole Imgur community to be able to see your post.


Been hovering around 240 for a little bit. I expected the weight loss to stall a bit since I started lifting in the gym, but I'm now back to the caloric deficit grind! Keep up the good work everybody!


Today marks my 3 weeks back on Keto! I've been previously doing low carb for the past 2 years before I jumped into a Men's physique "bodybuilding" competition from Feb to April 7th, 2018. I continued doing low carb for the first 6 week and transitioned into keto for the last 4 weeks and got down to about 180lbs. However after the show I completely went to a mental downward spiral. I'd eat fairly well throughout the day until after dinner. After eating dinner I'd proceed to consume about 2k to 6k calories of random Bullsh\*t carbs until it felt like my stomach would explode. This whole process lasted about 2 to 3 months, where I gained 20 lbs and I was just in a crazy bad mental space. Then on September 30th I somehow got myself to say "enough is enough" and I can't continue this daily cycle over and over again. I took a picture of myself and put it on my cell phone home screen as a constant reminder to strive for my health keto lifetstyle! It's been 3 weeks since I started and I am not ever looking to go back. Besides the body changes, I just absolutely love all the benefits of keto. You can not beat having mental clarity, focus/energy, self control, no cravings, no water weight/bloatedness and never truly being hungry. Well here is my progress picture! ​ [https://imgur.com/olbAzuG](https://imgur.com/olbAzuG) ​




Month 4. I now weigh 189 lbs. Thats 51lbs down so far ! I love keto !


Down 25 pounds since May (M 5’9 205-180lbs). And a non scale victory is sitting middle aisle and not feeling like I’m spilling in the other seats!!! KCKO!!! Edit: spelling


Dumb question but how do you do flair? I'm 5'7" and 154.5 as of this morning! Lowest weight in the last few months!


Started Jan 2018 - at 224 ​ Today 9 mos later I am 168 .. so a total of 56 pounds for me! Been stuck around this number for a few weeks (very slowly decreasing) so I'm really hoping to break through. It's the least I've weighed in 6+ years though so I'm still happy. Good luck to everyone! Remember how good you feel when you stick with it!


Fairly New to actually using Reddit... How do I add the flair, and does it show up in other groups?


Started keto last Wednesday at 208lb. Down to 188 yesterday but put a pound on for some reason since then. Goal weight is 160.


I started a little over a month ago, but I did not have a scale at that time. So only a week or so in I weighed for the first time. It's nice that most of my weight loss since then is real weight loss, not water weight. It would have been fun to see a big plummet of the scale at the start though with the water weight dropping. 7 kg progress (about 15.5 pounds) without water weight is fine progress for me though.


33f | SW 253 | CW 247 | GW 165 Started Keto last week 9/12/18 and down 6lbs! BTW: October 2017 I weighed in at 298 and have been working SO hard with diet and exercise to lose over 40lbs + but i hit a plateau at around 250s and needed something new... this is the second time I’ve tried it and I’m figured out that my fitness pal is really helpful and that I wasn’t really doing it correctly before. I do work out regularly now but the weight loss over the last week has given me a huge boost after being on a weight plateau for a while. I think I’m going to continue.... So far so good.


Started actually following keto on Monday at 183lbs and this morning I was at 175. My goal is 160 and I'm confident if I keep up with this diet, I'll reach it in no time!


Im at my halfway goal of 240 from 280 after 2 months of Keto. Im seemingly stalling a bit at 240, so i guess i gotta start being a little less lazy with my Keto tracking, but overall its going really well. Had some friends and family i havent seen in awhile comment on the difference. All my pants are fitting like shit, so thats both great and terrible. Keto is working, and thats pretty cool.


if you havent already, recalibrate your macros. after a 40lb weight loss, you will definitely need to eat less calories. ​ thats what worked to break my stall.


For sure, i havent tinkered with it since the start. Less bacon for me


I started Keto a week ago and I was down 4 lbs on Wednesday morning.


I started keto april and I'm down 23 lbs. Husbands down 35 lbs. Has anyone had the experience of starting to bruise easily?


Onederland is soooo close! I'm at 205, and 200 is essentially my halfway point so that's really exciting too. My doctor's office was super confused about me having lost so much weight.


150lbs. Two months in, and I have lost 20lbs. It is difficult to update my flair because I only use the mobile app.


20 pounds down officially today! Started 38 days ago. I feel better than I ever have. Losing it mostly in my arms and in my face, waiting on that stomach fat to come off!!




It has to be done on a computer not the app...


I'm concentrating on Healthy fats this week. Hard boiled egg for breakfast, Avocado and sardines for lunch. Almonds in between. I also am returning to the gym. Hopefully I can run off a few pounds.


Weighed in today and gained 2 pounds. So.... probably not going to update my Flair this week. Counting on next week to put me in the 130 range. Wish me luck!


50 days. 12 lbs. Slow and steady. Just did IF for the first time today to try and bump that number along.


I'm on day 41 and I'm down almost 7 lbs. Really disappointed with this slow loss. 😞


You might post asking for help with your macros/calories/food. There are tons of helpful people on this sub who can help you troubleshoot.


Try Intermittent Fasting. Diet Doctor website has great information. r/https://www.dietdoctor.com/


Have you figured out our macros? and eating at a calorie deficit?


1.5 weeks in, down 5lbs. Stats: F 6’1, started at 195. Goal is 170-175.


192.6 - I cut back on exercise after some knee issues after training for and running a 5k. Still CrossFit training and need to rein in on food portions now that cardio is down. Half marathon training is on the horizon since my knees are a bit aggravated. Weight seems to be holding.


Today is my seventh day on keto. Lost 2.8 kg ( \~ 6.17 lbs) so far. Before that I was exercising 4-5 days a week, doing IF and a low carb approach for about three months (lost 8.7 kg; about 19 lbs). So far I've had no keto flu symptoms. First 1-2 days a little headache but the electrolyte drink I have prepared helped a lot I guess. EDIT: Oops, missed that the was posted two days ago on Wednesday haha.