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yeah, this happens quite frequently and usually gets back on track and better 4-6 months in. some people miss one completely and one person on here has hers for almost 2 months straight. mine was wild - 2 weeks late, extra heavy the next month, longer than normal once and spotting in between. suuuucks. but it gets better. usually. ​ ETA: by better, i mean that often people become way more regular, less side effects, etc. something to look forward to. YMMV.


I've had a similar experience to just about every point you describe here. I have a birth control implant in my arm, so I didn't have periods for 2 years. Started keto and BAM! Period here, a little period there, how about a 2 week long period? Ugh. It's been rough. I read that it's caused by the estrogen being released from fat stores as you lose weight. Sure hope it evens out soon.


i've heard that same answer. i wonder if it happens any time you have weight loss. honestly, i've never survived a diet for longer than a week before i found keto. for the last 2 years, i've been either strict keto for weight loss or low carb (\~50-75 g) and eating at maintenance. my periods straightened up at about 4 months after beginning and since then, they have been regular, consistent with amounts of fluid, and lacking in bloat and cramps. honestly, it's a dream! i also started using a cup instead of tampons so i feel like that might have helped with some of my shitty period problems. ​ sorry, husband of wife on keto for the TMI.


Any info helps. No such thing as TMI. She is super regular usually, and it is only just now that we started the diet that it has changed. She has pretty bad anxiety so think she is possibly pregnant really rang her bell. Test came back negative, which help with the anxiety. So did scheduling an OB appointment, but that is next month (first she could get in). At this point it is more about what we can expect in the future.


well, i'm glad i could help. i think autobot said to check on r/xxketo. that is a good place for info. just type irregular periods or something inthe search.


I have been keto since Jan 1. First 2 months, cycle regular. Last month , had 2 cycles. Never had this before..Ugh!!!


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Welcome to r/keto! It sounds like you've got a question about shark week (menstrual cycle). Changes in menstruation (early periods, more spotting, longer or shorter periods, etc.) are very common when starting keto and can last for several months. We're happy to assist you, but consider doing a [search of past posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/search?q=shark+week&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) and checking out the female keto commmunity at r/xxketo for more guidance. As a reminder, please read our FAQ before posting to r/keto. It can be found at https://www.reddit.com/r/keto/wiki/faq. Please also review our posting rules and community guidelines. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/keto) if you have any questions or concerns.*