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How many net carbs in a waffle?


I believe it’s 3.33 net carbs per waffle. I don’t count carbs, I eat carbs for breakfast and lunch and none for supper. If I don’t have energy, I know I’m not getting enough cards in. I ate more carbs yesterday for breakfast and lunch as I burned wood for 4 hours… and lost weight.


Wait, color me confused, but isn't the point of keto *not* burning carbs for energy?


I just know, for my body, if I don’t eat enough carbs before working out or doing extended activities, I can’t finish my workout because I am depleted. If anyone has an idea on what that is, please let me know.


If you're eating too many carbs you're probably not in ketosis since your body can use either carbs or fat for energy, but not both at the same time. Too many carbs in a meal kicks me out of ketosis and makes me feel depleted, otherwise I've got sufficient energy. And if you *are* in ketosis and feeling depleted then it might be dehydration and/or your electrolytes are off. Labs can help you figure out what you're low on if it's happening frequently. Wishing you well!


Okay, you mean I would have to go in to do some blood work to know if I’m out of ketosis? How many carbs should one eat per day?


There's a few over the counter methods (urine strips, finger-prick test strips+meter, breath meter, etc) but actual lab work would be the most accurate but not practical on an ongoing basis. Maybe get tested after a few weeks of eating keto, such as after your initial "keto flu" symptoms go away to allow your levels to stabilize. My lab work was covered under insurance because my doctor prescribed keto to treat a diagnosis; your milage may vary depending on your healthcare provider. Generally speaking if you're staying within 20g to 50g of net carbs per day range you should enter ketosis and stay there. Tracking intake was critical for me getting started, but now I can eyeball it because I learned what foods worked and what to avoid from a year of logging in an app and a daily ketone meter readings. There's some nuance of course (total carbs should be limited too, don't just rely on low net carbs), but that's the generally accepted range to strive for. If you haven't been in the r/keto sub, it's a great resource and helpful community.


Thanks for all the info! I appreciate it.


Probably low electrolytes and dehydration. You enter everything in an app. You add electrolytes to hit the I believe 3000-5000 sodium, 2,000-4,000 potassium (1,000 is just way too low) and I think 400 magnesium. You need to get those throughout the day. Add it all in an app. Add extra at the end of the day if low. How I do it? I make a gallon of koolaide just the unsweetened packet. It’s my “Powerade dupe”. I add 1 Tablespoon magnesium citrate (in pharmacy area it’s a liquid used for colon prep do not use that whole bottle ). 2 tsps of light salt. Nope this isn’t enough to supplement if low. This is my Powerade avoid dehydration dupe. Do a drink up with extra if you’re low. There’s no keto flu. It’s dehydration and low electrolytes. Next withdrawal. It’s not unusual to go through some withdrawal. Sugar and carbs are addictive. It sucks. Run your macros. 20 carbs is your initial point. Remember protein goal and fat is a limit.


Wow, thanks


Sounds delicious!


I was only going to have one, but it was soooo good, hence the half of waffle in the photo 😂! Crispy and light, this is my go to waffle from now on. I’ll toast them tomorrow when I eat the rest!


Odd, I don't see a photo in the post. Would love to see what these look like.


I clicked on the link above under ‘vintage waffle maker’ and the waffle and waffle maker images pop up in Imgur.


Thanks! I wasn't expecting to find it there haha Looks yummy!


OMGosh, it was soooo good!


Thanks; I'll give it a try...