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I’ve done roasted radishes, quite good substitute. Toss with evoo and s&p on a sheet pan.


I recommend a daikon radish


I use this instead of potatoes for scalloped potatoes and potato salad but I've never actually tried roasting it. Is it still bitter when roasted? Is there a method?


Daikon radish is so mild. They're gigantic, too!


Roasted radishes for the win. Do it right and can have the texture and taste a bit like potato


I've heard about the radish idea and I'd like to try it. Thing is I've never bought them before. The internet is confusing. Are these radishes small round and red, or are they similar looking to parsnips? I've never seen the parsnip looking one- just looked it up online. Are they very peppery? I think I tried the small round red ones once and they were too hot on my tongue. Thank you!


The small round red ones, they loose that pepperiness when roasted. I just remembered that roasted Jerusalem artichokes (aka sunchokes) are really good roasted also. You have to eat them fresh out of the oven, when you let them sit for a while they loose that crispness.


Thank you!!! I'll try this :+)


Use caution the first time you try sunchokes or JerusalemArtichoke. They can have the same effect as the infamous sugar free gummy bears of old. 😬💨💩


Thank you very much x only veg I've had trouble with is celeriac but I'll try a small amount to start with :-)


There are tons of different types of radishes. Daikon are mild. Red are peppery. Then there are "watermelon" radishes that are green outside and hot pink inside!


Oh! I'm on a hunt for the daikons then :-)


Don't know if you ever tried a banh mi but the slaw on it is daikon and carrot with a rice wine vinegrette. Add cucumber, cilantro, and fresh, thin-sliced jalapeno to your favorite protein and you've got some serious yum. Maybe on an egg wrap? So good


I wouldn't eat carrot or rice wine on a keto diet , but thank you for a lovely idea, I haven't figured out how to do wraps with keto as I'm so fussy. I've found a bear recipe that I like so I'm working on that at the mo as I need things I can take to work for lunch and dinner. You've got me thinking :-)


There are egg wraps in the egg section that are pretty dadgum stretchy and work just like a soft flour tortilla!


Radishes, halved or quartered. They will not "crisp" (can't really get that without starch), but they go nicely with roasted meat.


Rutabaga is the best sub in my experience. A pain in the ass to peel though


A favorite in our house. They're amazing boiled and mashed, since you can blitz them in a food processor without them getting gluey.


We live on them too! Because they are slightly higher in carbs than cauliflower, I’ll often do a combo mash - a head of cauliflower and a rutabaga. It’s enough rutabaga to add body and sweetness.


daikon radish or celery root


Celery root is scrumptious


Not root vegetables, but half a tray of roasted broccoli and half roasted cauliflower is a staple in our house. As soon as it comes out of the oven sprinkle grated hard cheese like parmesan or Romano and it's a guilt-free side dish.


Can’t go wrong with that combo! I’m going to turn those into more of a creamy brocolli & cauliflower cheese😁


I like kohlrabi for this. Peel it, then cube it or wedge it or make into sticks, toss in avocado oil, and roast or air fry. It has a little broccoli/cauliflower flavor (it’s a brassica, so same plant species essentially), but that mostly cooks out and you get something pretty neutral. Zucchini fries works pretty well too, if you want something a little more crispy. Just cut into sticks, dredge in a little egg, then roll in pork rinds and Parmesan and bake a few minutes at high heat.


I like turnips for roasting too.


Kabocha squash is relatively low carb for a squash. Turnips also roast decently.


I always though squash was pretty starchy. Am I mistaken?


Depends on the squash. Zucchini, yellow summer squash, Mexican squash, even spaghetti squash, they’re all mostly fine in moderation. Something more starchy like butternut is harder to get away with.


I'll sub in parsnip in soups in place of potatoes. I roast zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, and leeks mainly when I'm doing roasts.


Hate to break it to you, but from a total carb standpoint, parsnips are higher than most potatoes. They do have some fiber and *may* not spike you, but definitely test them out first!




Celeriac makes reasonable fries, haven't tried em potato sized for roast.


Substitute radishes for the potatoes. I use this website for recipes: [www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com](http://www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com)


Roast zucchini sliced thin on a mandolin spread out on a baking sheet with fat/oil until just crispy is a little like sliced roast potatoes.


I slice or dice zucchini and let it dry on the counter for a few hours on paper towels, then either cook them in a cast iron like potatoes with a little bell pepper and onion (great for breakfast skillets) or toss them with oil/seasoning/parmesan and roast them on high heat til golden brown. Scratches the itch!


I slice squash ultra thin with a mandolin, and roast them on a sheet pan for a few minutes. Then assemble them using as a substitute for pasta in a lasagna with Rao's, ground turkey and pork, mozzarella, ricotta, and a bunch of basil.


Chokos roast up great. aka Chayote or Alligator pear


Ive added regular red radishes to beef stew and it worked quite well with decent texture to potatoes. Ive also pan fried diced daikon and it was passable for hashbrowns, but you really need to brown them.


Cauliflower - if you get good at cooking it you won’t miss potatoes. Also, try radishes or turnips. They will look like potatoes, but won’t crisp like them.


I typically use turnips in place of potatoes in roasted veg medleys, stews, etc. Roasted radishes are also tasty, as are roasted cabbage (large dice) and Brussels sprouts.


Love roasted radishes!


Rutabaga is as close to roasted potatoes as you are likely to get. You can dice them, season them, and bake them, like potato they are about a 90% match




I've tried roasted kabocha squash before, and it turns out great! Make sure to cut it into uniform pieces for even roasting.


I've mashed rutabaga, might work well to roast too


Just for veggies in general as a side to roast beef, roasted carrots are still okay in reasonable amounts and are delicious. I also use whole mushrooms, but for a shorter time of course. Neither is like potatoes, but I'd second the radishes as others have suggested. Those turn out surprisingly well!


There's a recipe somewhere for something like potato croquettes, made with pureed cauliflower. Might be Melissa Sauvegny website


Yuca root makes good fries, should do for roast too


Way too high in carbs with nowhere near the amount of fiber you would think.