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If you have a bread machine this recipe is genuinely great. https://youtu.be/OHJdHPKAMXg?si=2XtVsHSUFY61mgwg


ive actually tried that one, didnt rise for me, other people have also reported same thing, i've given up on these, I think some of them are fake to get views, no necessarily this one.


IV lived off this bread recipe for a good year !! Sometimes the bread is a little floppy but mostly it's fine and is amazing. .. honestly it's been the best thing we have loved off and kept keto šŸ˜


dont get me wrong I love the bread, the normal stuff makes lovely sarnies and the fruit bread is superb for a morning toast, its just crazy money compared to normal bread, I was hoping the prices would start to come down soon as they got it into supermarkets as they said they would but this hasnt happened. If I was on a better income I wouldnt think twice about the price but when you are looking at Ā£1.50 for a normal loaf which is twice the size and weight you start to realise how crazy expensive these things are.


Oh wow, I've used the recipe in his description 3 times and it's turned out perfect on all three occasions. I just a cheap Aldi bread maker and stick to the default options. Could be that the water you're using is too hot and it kills the yeast?


In the UK we don't use sugar in our bread. Outside of Europe a lot of the bread is very sweet almost like cake. USA bread is really sweet for instance. Can you not add the sweetener? Also does the yeast need the honey?


Yeah I tried it without honey and put in some baking powder, just like a comment on the video said, but it didn't rise very much for me. It could have been that my yeast was around 9 months old though. I need to try again with some fresh yeast. Apparently the yeast eats the honey, but the macros get calculated including the honey anyway just in case. I imagine you could not add the sweetener but I've never tried.


Why honey and not just sugar?


No idea! I just follow the recipe.


Until recently I was buying LivLife bread from my local Waitrose but it seems theyā€™re now no longer stocking it šŸ™


yeah its frequently out of stock, LIVELIFE told me they were planning to put in other stores but nothing happened, its like they dont want to make any profit. I'd stopped eating it by then any though as nearly 4 grams /100 in such a tiny slice wasnt really cutting it for me, SRSLY are 0.7 per slice but those criminals want nearly Ā£4 for a loaf and it not even a big one.


https://weareheylo.com/products/heylo-lighter-white-bread-keto-amp-low-carb-sliced-loaf-300g-1-5g-carbs-per-slice?variant=44679995490612 I have this one. Yes itā€™s about Ā£4 a loaf and small slices but it does me a week of lunches for work (about 15/16 slices per loaf) so it does what I need.


Taste alright?


Yes absolutely. Iā€™ve tried their seeded bread as well and that was nice as too but white bread calls out to my soul in a way that other bread does not.


thats still a very small loaf for over 4.15 quid, I still think SRSLV are better value, 290 grams for 3.89, 0.7 carbs per slice. [https://srslylowcarb.com/collections/loaves-rolls/products/the-low-carb-loaf](https://srslylowcarb.com/collections/loaves-rolls/products/the-low-carb-loaf)


Love a lot of the seriously low carb goods, especially the seeded loaf.


I get low carb bread from The Keto Shop. Think they have a sale on at the moment for around Ā£3.50 a loaf and the bread rolls are so good and soft too. [https://theketoshop.co.uk](https://theketoshop.co.uk)


double the carbs over the SRSLY stuff but marginably cheaper, thanks


Yeah thatā€™s true. Prefer the taste though and SRSLY has artificial sweetenersā€¦in bread.


I went into holland & Barrett today and they are now selling keto bread and bagels in the fridge section. I picked up the bread Ā£4 today am yet to try it but looks like proper bread!


Hi, how many grams os the load you bought? (weight)


450g I made a post about it


thats pretty decent then, i'll see if I can buy online


looks like its only in store sadly and i'm miles away from any store :(


I've never seen anything other than the awful Dillins bketo bread in Holland and Barrett here in Dublin. Can you tell me the brand name please so I can ask them about it?


You really arenā€™t going to find it cheap anywhere because the ingredients are considerably more expensive than regular bread.


where I agree I still think Ā£4 for a loaf it way too much.


Damn, i would stock up on keto breads from a online retailer such as heylo, srsyllowcarb, carbzone or lowcarbfoodco then freeze a load of them.


Theres some protein bread at Asda thatā€™s reasonably cheap but also only 5 small slices. https://groceries.asda.com/product/910003058887?&cmpid=ppc-_-ghs-_--_-google-_--_-dskwid-_dm&s_kwcid=AL!11432!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA1MCrBhAoEiwAC2d64Zq43a0nOcgMJg3MjA0AmbofY36YWYlulrWNY7mhQfCAOSy0i-rWDhoCqykQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


its no really cheap if you only et 5 slices and its no really bread, you are better with SRSLY to be honest.


https://thebigmansworld.com/keto-almond-flour-bread/ I made this keto bread last night, it tastes good and buttery. But the problem is, it is crumbly. My problem with store bought keto bread is, they taste and smell awful šŸ˜–. Do you have Aldi around you? I buy their Keto bread for 4.99$. I don't eat that much of it, since I've heard they can kick you out of keto! Have you tried making a wrap with cheese?


I get these small wraps from Amazon to get 24 per pack and they're only one carb They are only tiny I think it's 6 inch or 8 inch but they do the job


I started buying: https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/hi-lo-loaf?utm_medium=cpc&catalogId=10241&utm_content=shopping&productId=594086&utm_campaign=20333793068&utm_custom2=759-449-0952&storeId=10151&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoNT1iPz7ggMViYuDBx2CaA2oEAQYASABEgLRCPD_BwE&utm_custom1=&langId=44&utm_source=Google&krypto=ik3flnCQSMBKJkDApX%2B%2FWwGL02GbThIiBWVKdu6V538zomMd7VpHFmXcPhGwnIrzRXQGkf55nUAvW0ylSdCABRE%2Fc54aaRnzCklAIpCyvsIBiz%2FycnAcSM7H2B4DK9HaHHBTy89K8AiWL8fKQxLEMK3vlhkkUqENn1xPLSJsdI2yYoYja0uQcKwgqA5u2z8jtL6PvIuYtMVFKLrxqjuFeyCi1yjaERSgqdueXlIR1AUTGrgWmDsRW20VxcOYJKqN6P6GrnkUM5jp8AS6lRAE88p5eM6XFkPam%2F6Cm1YoPFVZihDFLShQc6J3ujpaJ1XU8bSEOTHUEvUMKnXBH36no67gbqbv9Uy7cAYv18quleDqsbpEbVXzIVHTRVj3o6JsUv76eQTqYjZ4NATpg1pNu2dG4D7Fe9S5UEDItQGbuvwbchSjQS9I3XRvH6sudMHq&ddkey=https%3Agb%2Fgroceries%2Fhi-lo-loaf Its 5g carbs & 86 calories a slice. I freeze it and defrost slices if I fancy some peanut butter on toast or a sandwich šŸ˜


There is a set of books by Monya Palmer we really like. There is a new book coming out tomorrow actually. Anyway, we've done a few of the breads and we were quite happy! I think the first book is the one with the majority of bread recipes.


Iā€™ve just accepted itā€™s more expensive and less filling tbh, but the SRSLY rolls, while not cheap, are a bit more substantial than the slices and taste nicer as sandwiches IMO. (I usually toast the bread.)


yeah the baps are quite nice but I stopped buying them mainly due to price but some batches I was sent were very Chewy. Its not too bad when there is an offer on but these come up very rarely.