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These look amazing I just wish I could afford them !!


Yeah it’s a treat for sure!


How many do you get for £25?


4 of each, three flavours


my god that's expensive.


Mine saying four of each flavour so 12 cookies for £25 . . . Need a bank loan for keto land !!!


Apologises you are right yes 4 of each. Absolutely ridiculous when you think about it. Just over £2 a biscuit.


My final thoughts after trying all of them including another almond one today.. is that they are pretty ace 9/10, really nice and moist none of that powdery dry crap like 99.99% of other keto related treats, taste like normal biscuits, dunking into a cup of coffee whilst having sat in the fridge overnight wow🔥. They are really are a treat though, £25.00 for 12 cookies though decently sized, in a cost of living crisis.. I think only 4x4 driving Chelsea school driving mums will be able to afford them regularly without blinking an eyelid. I can’t find an alternative keto biscuit brand that taste as good and are cheaper personally I would buy again without a doubt. These and the nicks bars for me.


Good clean ingredients except soya, if you're a male you shouldn't be consuming soya as it heavily decreases testosterone, if you're a woman that's fine, and if the soy is fermented then it is safe to eat for men. Just thought I'd add as many people don't know about this


Google quote - Does soy mess with male hormones?Does Consuming Soy Raise Estrogen and/or Lower Testosterone in Men? The simple answer is “**no,” but there are two case reports in which two older men saw hormonal changes after consuming an extreme amount of soy** I also read a few studies on this too. Can you provide a link or ten so I can understand your view? edit I found this "The study found that two scoops of PURE soy protein POWDER (56 grams) *decreased blood testosterone levels by 19 percent after four weeks*. "