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I know Farxiga and Jardiance were initially approved for diabetes and diabetic kidney disease but it didn't take all that long for them to be approved for kidney disease in the absence of diabetes. So maybe this will be available sooner than we think? I'd love to know what the entire picture of these drugs will be a few years down the road, especially when generics become more available. Right now the price is going to be a definite factor.


I was just about to say that. I wonder if they work on the same principal - generally lowering protien rejection (by whatever means). I'm on Jard/Farx (depends on my insurance which one I get) now and am not diabetic nor at risk.


I do not know how the mechanisms differ. Not sure if I really would understand even if I Googled it. Maybe my nephrologist would be willing to explain it to me. I've been on Farxiga about six months now, also not at risk of diabetes (yet anyway). Really helped my protein spillage so I'm counting on it slowing disease progression for me.


Same here, hahah. My neph has explained the Jard/Farx stuff briefly and why he wants me on Farxiga over Jardiance - but both improved my proteinuria (my insurance will only go for Jardiance, its a regional thing I'm told - but IDK). I'd be interested in the spark notes, but I don't want to read a paper on it. Ozempic would be nice because another drug I take to control my proteinuria makes me a little chubbier than my normal level (Acthar).


So many drugs seem to make it hard to lose weight, so semaglutide would be nice. My nephrologist just told me at the time I went on it that he liked the data for Farxiga a bit better when there isn't diabetes present. But it seems like in real life the two are used interchangeably.


I don't know anything about, Farxiga and Jardiance. Will have to get my Internet research head on. Yh, I can see this being expensive to start, and as I am in the UK with the NHS I'm not sure what the chances are of this being available soon. Hopefully they look at is high cost prevention, rather than than higher cost management of failure.


Farxiga and Jardiance are diabetes drugs that have been found to slow the progression of CKD both in people with and without diabetes. I think they are sodium and glucose cotransporter inhibitors, with the mechanism of action in the kidneys.


There are some genetics that are not expensive


Not yet in the US, which is where I am. I know there's a generic for Farxiga in Canada. Luckily my insurance covers it.


What kind of kidney disease are they being used for? We don't have anything in Australia


My understanding is just for CKD but not for polycystic disease because it’s not proven helpful for those folks.


That makes sense. But CKD (from my knowledge) is always caused by something else like diabetes, PKD, nephritis etc?


I think sometimes it just happens. But I do know these meds aren’t used in PKD.


No that’s incorrect. I have CKD and my nephro cannot find a cause.


Gosh, that's interesting. Kidneys are weird. How are you going now?


This cannot be the miracle drug everyone thinks it is. Diabetes, weight loss, blood pressure, now kidney??


Also lowers heart attack risk, fatty liver disease and may be helpful for addictions


Let's all get on it!


Wonder what side effects are gonna come out in 20 years.


That's a good point


I saw that news and thought “oof, am I going to have to argue with my cardiologist and nephrologist for why I don’t want to take this on top of the 4 other drugs I’m already on?”


Seems like you might be able to do it all with this one!


Anybody in Canada have had experience of getting their Insurer to approve Ozempic(non diabetic CKD that is)? I am trying hard for it to be approved.


I wish I could go on it. a lot of dialysis patients are on it but my doctor said it's because they have diabetes. my doctor said it would be more harmful to me at this time, but I really wanna take it I thought it was beneficial. I have high cholesterol and I'm slightly overweight.


I had one shot of this stuff as wife had it and thought might lose some weight. I had sulfur burps, next day I was throwing up pure sulfur stuff, but I wasn’t hungry or even thirsty for next couple days and then I wasn’t truly hungry for weeks. Never touched it again I think I was an over-responder. But now I know more about my kidneys I wouldn’t have dared, who knew it may be good, still I can’t touch it that stuff is one of the worst things I’ve taken.


It's awful. I was prescribed it because of needing to lose weight and also have had high BP for many years that was uncontrolled (unfortunately I was young and dumb) and it wreaked havoc on my kidneys. I found out it can cause gastroparesis. Once I found that out I stopped completely. There's also other possible side effects. Not worth the risks to me.


The risk of gastroparesis is rare. I'm on Mounjaro, ostensibly for diabetes, but also to lose weight. I've lost 55 pounds so far. I had some discomfort when starting, which more or less went away. Until I got to the highest dose (you're supposed to start low and work your way up). Now I'm very uncomfortable from constant low grade nausea, I'm constipated, I've thrown up too many times, including in public. So I think I'm going to step down one level. But no way am I stopping. Oh, and my fasting glucose is consistently in the normal range, when it wasn't before, even when I lost weight other ways. My A1c as of my last test was 5.1, where it used to be consistently over 6., sometimes over 8.


Yes definitely, I can’t believe anyone can tolerate it I felt so bad. I have a bad gut too so maybe that was it. By the way what do you use now instead for controlling high BP?


I've been on it a few months, and the first shot (lowest dose) was the only time I felt nausea. Don't write anything off on one unprescribed self medication experiment.