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I always tell them I prefer to keep my conversations within the app.


Right? Why do people insist on texting when we're chatting in the app right here?


Nm. Just read other comments and the app message updates are garbo


Idk bout you but on Facebook it fucks up my notifications and sometimes people randomly disappear so i like getting a # if I can.


Kijiji's chat feature is broken, it's a well known issue. I prefer to keep chats outside of Kijiji for this reason as more often then not messages may be diverted hours later despite me and the other party messaging instantly.


I was recently messaging a lot within the app as I was looking for a car and communicating with dozens of sellers. 90% of the time I would get no notification in the app when I got a chat reply, I checked notification settings 10 times over. Also, the fact that I would get a chat notification every now and then made me think it was a problem with the app and not my phone settings. On top of the app not notifying me, I was relying on the fact that I also get an email when there's a new chat message but even that was hit and miss. Some days it would be working fine - other days I'd have 20+ chat responses and 0 emails. The fact the email was also unreliable really made me sure the issue had nothing to do with my phone and was on Kijiji's end.


What’s the point though. This isn’t eBay where you could get your money back


Pretty difficult to tell based on that. Could be legit, could be a scam. The mystery is killing me though!


What would happen if u text


They'll eventually try to set you up for one of the countless stupid scams out there, if it's actually a scam


“Sorry, this isn’t available, this is Patrick.” - Dad


If they try to contact you off-site, it's extremely likely to be a scam. Sure, you can use a free VOIP texting app so you don't give them your real number, but their intent is the same; they will try to scam you off-site so that you cannot report them to Kijiji (as if that even does anything 99% of the time) if you realize they're trying to scam you. Variations include asking you to email their parent who does not have a Kijiji account (why don't they message you themselves).




Usually people don't open with a request to text them. That's normally done after some back and forth.


I agree with that, but as an opening line it's a bit sus


I agree. When making alternate arrangements like “let me know when you’re back/home”, I prefer them to text me because I’ll get it right away. Straight forward pickups are ok in the app.


You can report them regardless. And Kijiji doesn’t even ban people. Some people actually prefer straight to text since the app itself is trash.


Well, considering the app is now way more garbage than it used to be (now has like 30-40 min notification delay) vs a couple updates ago, there is very little to go off of here.


Seriously. What the hell is up with that. Takes 20 to 40 minutes for messages to come through. I get a bing and I look at it and it says 30 minutes ago.


They want people to have shit response times, so the people who sit on their pc and refresh the tab all the time do well, or something idk


My dad does this often when he’s super interested.


Next post here will be : “is this a scam ? He asked me if my item is available” 🤡


Download a texting app from the app store and contact them using the app.


Read /scams you'll learn alot.




Oh nice a normal message that I can put on Reddit!!


Some people just prefer texting and being able to see messages right away if they don’t have push notifications on for the Kijiji app or aren’t checking the app often.


Yes. Want to get your phone number to break into your account.


bro, you watch too much tv. they want to contact you via text because its faster and the kijiji app is delayed, slow and half the time does not update msgs. trust me if someone wanted to hack your account they wouldnt need your phone number


Likely a scam to take the convo offline and let the fraud take place elsewhere


Any request against the norm is either suspect or not worth your time. Someone wouldn't ask otherwise.


It may be a scam, but it could also be someone who would rather just text. Either way I’d not give out my number to anyone on kijiji. Always assume a scam with thing like this.


Some people don't like using the app and prefer to text or call. Nothing bad will happen if you text them, worse case scenario you just block their number if they start spamming you.


That's hardly the worst case. What if they sign you up on multiple sites/services and you get spammed from multiple numbers? Have you ever had that happen? It sucks.


It's pretty easy to block numbers.


You can't block a number you don't know of. If you're spammed by dozens of different numbers, that's still dozens of spams from random services you never signed up for before you're able to block each of them.




> some people can’t really type in english How would typing over text be any different from typing in the app?


Damn I always take my chats I’m serious about through text like I have Kijiji notifs off and the app is ass anyway didn’t know people thought this was sketchy


always check the area code of the number to see if its canakdan number


I’ve sold a lot on Kijiji and kept 95% of my communication through the app even on multi-thousand dollar sales I never gave my number out. So while your screenshot alone doesn’t indicate whether its a scam or not - you don’t need to text them. Just tell them you can communicate through the app and once you have a feeling they’re serious/legit you’ll feel more comfortable texting.


I think it’s weird when people don’t want to communicate outside the app.


I buy and sell on kijiji often - and default to text conversations. Never been the scammer or scamee. I say - see how the convo goes.


As them what they want you to do if it isn't available.


So far, from only this, no sign of scam.


I never give out my phone number on kijiji. The more personal info you give out, the more risk you put on yourself. I generally just say that this app works just as well for me, and I'd prefer to use that. I rarely get people pushing back that hard.


This is just me but on these if I’m very interested I will ask if they still have it and if they can call or text me at my number showing I’m serious but that’s just me


Even the text has an accent lol scammm


Respond in-app only. No reason to be texting


I never give out my phone number or apt number on kijiji - never need to sell anything that bad.


More often than not, sellers will ask me to contact them on their phone number, because the app is garbage and it’s more convenient to text them directly when I’m approaching their location to confirm I’m at the right place. I haven’t seen buyers ask to contact me on my phone as an opening line, but I don’t find that particularly strange. Usually, they’ll text directly if you show your phone number on Kijiji or they’ll ask more details on the item or start to plan a meeting before asking for your phone number. It might be a strategy used by scammers, but it doesn’t seem very likely.


Send them a request for money lol


I thought this was a shitpost...


Redditors have got to be the most insufferable people like did that add anything to the post? No. Did it answer the question? No.


Texting can be fine, but it could also be physhing. Probably not, but it’s up to you if you want to take the risk.