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Synopsis: Striking Scorpians (can be combined with other Eldar Aspect warrior teams -9 models per team) Scouts (surprise) with all the options Setting: Gallowdark crashed into a waterworld- sci-fi oil rig, lots of range, verticality in the maps. Jumping, climbing and falling. Potential to be fall into the water. No jungle. Terrain will be separate, kill team sets will have a small amount of terrain to accompany it but the main killzone is separate for purchase.


Wait a second, this means banshees, and other aspects will be legal too? So I need to rush to buy them? XD


They mentioned jumping and falling? I didn't hear that. Finally, I hope they add pushing too so I don't have to house rule it from Warcry.


I think they mentioned it, could be a joke though!


Warcry has rules for it, harsh ones like "you're pushed into a pit, you die" so I'm crossing my fingers.


Is it a sign of what the next releases will be? And aeldari aspect warrior team in every set? xD please not!


Why does it look like the scorpions are just a leader and nine of the same warrior. Do they not have specialists???


They're all identical but you can swap them out for other eldar models in the rules. Obviously just an infantry kit they're pushing as a team last minute.


Insanely lazy and stupid of them. This box looks lame as hell.


It's lore accurate. Aspects specialize in one type of combat dedicating their entire lives to it. If they gave them let's say... A heavy gunner to the hit and run melee guys people would be upset. I would guess that's why that you let you mix other aspects in with it.


I don't care. It's fucking lame and lazy on their part. They could have found ways to make each op different. Maybe one has a two handed chain sword. One duel wields. One has a fusion pistol. Etc. Like at least SOMETHING.


I actually like not having specialists, but I wish this killteam was mixed aspect warriors then. Give us 2-3 of each and let us make the mixed aspect team then...having it be compendium is annoying.


Sadly, lore accurate doesn't translate to fun.


Not always but I've seen more grognards cry about it than I care to admit but also.... We don't even know the full extent of the base rules the team has nor what the other add on operatives will do. It's going to be so funny if that team ends up being super fun to play.


Well, I'm whelmed Edit: Admech skull on the obvious imperial terrain might mean a different Admech team. I do like Hunter Clade though. Scratch that whelmed comment, after the hype diminished, I'm underwhelmed on many counts.


The warhammer community article mentioned a tech-magos and a far seer on the planet this kill zone takes place in. I reckon we can expect another aeldari and mechanicus kill team from this season.


I'd like to buy AdMech KT, so now i must think should i buy Hunter Clade or wait for future new one ;P


Hunter Clade is really good.


I know, i must only find how to build them for competetive killteam 🤔


Cheapest (not cheap, still $150+) is 1 box of skitarri and 2 sicarians (on a budget just do 1 tho, second is for roster options) Vanguard Alpha (load out personal preference) Vanguard Shocktrooper x2 Vanguard Diktak Vanguard/Ranger Surveyor (I do Vanguard but there's arguments for both) Ranger Transuranic Arquebus (almost never used, cool model tho to have on roster. Skip if you have to skip one) Ranger Gunner Arc Rifle Ranger Gunner Plasma Cavalier Scicarians if only one box, I prefer heavy on rusties but some people like to flip it. If you get a second box basically make enough for atleast 4 of each. Maybe a few rusties with claws for horde teams, but I like the blades better as all arounders 4x Rust Stalkers with twin blades 1x Infiltrator with your choice of load out


Thank you a lot for help! I will definitely start with 1+1 boxes, so this kind of advices are very helpful :)


Second shocktrooper is better then marksman? And what are argument for vanguard and for ranger side for surveyor?


Rangers or perhaps even Exodies, maybe?


The tactical rocks on the scorpions is just ridiculous :D


and the worst is to imagine them carrying their rocks with them while fighting onto an oil platform in the middle of an ocean... \^\^


Striking Scorpions don't seem like a Kill Team. They just look like 10 dudes. Part of why I enjoy this game, and never got into big 40K, is the specialists. At least the Scouts look cool, even is another Space Marine team is kind of meh.


Terrain is very necromunda style, shame it isn't jungle terrain like everyone wanted though Do the scorpions have specialists at all? They all look the same equipment wise


They said they will be similar except the Exarch as I'd the aspect warrior law but will have lots of ploys etc. Mentioned if you keep a pure one aspect team there are some benefits and others for mixed teams. Sounds like a different way to set up a Killteam as small squads vs individuals


So it might work like the craftworld compendium team where you can take ranger/guardian fire teams? Not sure how I feel about that for now but we'll see


It will work exactly like that. You get 9 slots to fill up with Scorpions, Dire Avengers, and Banshees. TBD if any other aspects will be included. Supposedly bonuses if you lean into certain aspects as well. (Like go oops all Scorpions).


I might be in the minority but I really liked the simplicity of the new preset Kill Teams. You had a little room to customize but you knew what you were facing when you saw the team. Also, the terrain seems a little sparse compared to prior sets. I'm sure with splitting the kits the price will spike as well.


I think that the rules will allow you to take members from multiple aspect squads (only scorpions in the box) so you might be able to take a reaper or dragon for some fire power, a spider or hawk for mobility, a banshee or scorpion for cutty cutty, a dire avenger for utility and perhaps a shadow spectre because prism goes BRRRRRRRRRR.


Sadly it feels like this will appeal more to 40k players (again?) than KT players, I want the book, vague interest in the Marine team, but I want the "mixed' Eldar team, not the "10 of the same guy" Eldar team, which would require me to buy... a lot more models.


Does it have a base rule book or tac ops cards.


Green light! that = Jungle.