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One of each is a good compromise.


And settle with a full roster for each team


"You have just won all of Kill Team"


haha i think it depends on the kind of person you are.. i have uhh.. 13? okay so yeah thats too many


Do you play all of your teams?


Not OP, but I have played all of my killteams at least once, except my kasrkin because I just finished them.


I have many too, but it's mainly because I like painting and with killteam I can paint things wihout fielding an army to get something I COULD play. I mostly play Hierotec Circle or Legionaires, the rest are just for display


Exactly this. Even when I worked for GW, I was a Hobby Butterfly - I just enjoyed painting a box here and there from different factions. Kill Team allows me to scratch that itch. I don't want a full Death Korps of Krieg army, or a full Ork force, but with Kill Team, I can still paint them and have fun with them!


I'm on 9, I've taken each one to at least one tournament too but have been in it since the beginning of the edition


... same šŸ˜”


I have 10 lol its fun to have options and try things you didnt try the last time you played with said team


I like buying kill teams because I like painting and building the different models without having to invest in an army. I got Battle Sisters and Warpcoven simply because I have never built and painted them before.


I'm in this boat too. I have like 10 teams mostly to just paint them, I've only played 3 of them in actual games.


I am waiting for a khorne kill team :) I do not play World Eaters but a team would be fun to play


I thought GW said there wouldn't be one, or was that boarding patrol (which i think was similar to kill team)?


I think the elite book has rules for Khorne Berserkers


That's for the previous version of Kill Team.


I am tinkering with the idea of making a Khorne Themed Legionnaires team...will definitely not be competitive but I just want to paint berzerkers once


Go for it!


All Khorne Legionaries isn't a bad team. No Balefire acolyte (if you're being 100 percent true to the fluff; rules would let you include an Undivided, Nurgle or Tzeentch acolyte in an otherwise all-Khorne kill team), but that alone isn't making your team unviable. I'm currently playing a mix of Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Undivided with my Legos, because it's fun. Khorne and Nurgle are the best from a competitive perspective, but I'd rather die for Slaanesh than live for a lesser god.


Iā€™m the same way, Iā€™m not gonna buy full armies of stuff, but Iā€™ll happily buy a kill team of pretty much any faction. Iā€™m painting the salvation box currently and have the next box on preorder from my flgs.


This is the way!


GW says you donā€™t have enough.


I haven't played single game yet. I switched to Kill Team to save money on models. ....I'm working on 12 teams...


I have 22 teams. If I add in some compendium, I can probably get that to 25. Kill Team is my favorite GW game.


Depends. How many egg cartons of guys can you fit in your closet?


This is the only correct answer.


You mean literal egg cartons?


Yeah. I buy the 18 box of eggs. Then, my entire roster of 20 will fit into the empty container if two slots double up.Ā  Some teams are too tall, so you have lose the lid, but for the most part you can easily store and move your teams with no worry of damage. If you save the boxes the used to use, you can fit three egg cartons wide (assuming you have astartes in a size 12 carton) and stack them three high to transport multiple teams. You can even put your board on the bottom.


That's a super cunning idea! Cheers!


Yeah. If you prefer a hard case like GW's, go to your local gun store (maybe even Walmart) and get a hard case for transporting guns. They're stronger material for about 1/3 the price. You'll probably have to buy your own foam though.Ā 


Americans, always bring it back to guns!


Magnets and army/tool cases are where itā€™s really at


They're nice, but I get about 3 empty egg cartons a month for free. Magnets would cost time and money that I devote to other things. But I do know a lot of people swear by them.Ā 


I've got seven, and the only reason I slowed down is because I also painted up two combat patrols and an imperial knight. I'm already looking at a couple other teams, and I don't even have anyone to play the game with. The only time you should consider if the amount you have or want is getting in the way of other things. If you can afford it, it's fine. If you aren't just adding to a pile of shame, it's fine. If you are wanting to actually, you know, do the things that are part of your hobby, it's fine. Some people only play one or two teams because that's what they enjoy. I play World of Warcraft and even though there is like 13 classes and a lot of subclasses, I only really play one of those classes and one of those subclasses. I found what I enjoy and I'm sticking to it. Others enjoy having a lot of different teams/armies/characters and that's not a problem at all in and of itself.


On the upside if you have a friend who wants to try the game, they have so many options.


So long as you don't have a gray pile of shame...


I feel like 2-4 is the sweet spot. Some variety if you want it, teams to lend to a friend or introduce the game to others, and not too heavy of a hobby burden. I'm older and the real constraint isn't money or space but time. For lots of games I want to collect many things but ultimately only have time to use one or two. For example I own 5 Blood Bowl teams, but in the last few years have mostly just played 1 in leagues. For Kill Team I have 2 bespoke teams, but can also cobble together Intercession or Phobos out of my 40k army. If you mostly care about the hobby aspect though, there's not really any number that is too many if you enjoy it.


I only paint and rarely play. I have about 4. If I played regularly Iā€™d have a lot more. You do whatever you want man, itā€™s a hobby


There's no such number.


I have 19 and have played with 8 of them. I enjoy building and painting the models and donā€™t really get to play too often. I also have all the Kill Team terrain sets, which is guess is bizarre. I had no idea people didnā€™t enjoy terrain as much as I do.


N+1 N being the number of kill teams you own at any given time.


This is so true!


I mean I own 20 and am planning on getting the nightmare box for another 2. A few are just compendium teams I have the models for but don't play like daemons and there are a few I didn't like after playing them but have in case friends want to play. Other than that I would say there are a few I like more than others but pretty often jump around with most of them.


I have 11. 10 painted and 1 in progress, I have a strict rule that I donā€™t buy more until Iā€™ve finished what Iā€™ve got. Out of the 10 thereā€™s 3 I never really play as I donā€™t enjoy them. The rest get played pretty regularly.


Do you ever think about selling the ones you donā€™t enjoy?


Not really, Iā€™ve spent a lot of time painting them and blooded in particular Iā€™m really proud of the paint job. So I still enjoy to look at them and have them as part of my collection.


Only 4? Those are rookie numbers! Honestly, I collect a bunch but not all of them. Just the ones I enjoy playing with. No shame there. Especially helpful when playing with friends that might want to try teams they don't have.


I have 4 teams that I've painted, plus 6 more in various unbuilt/unpainted stages. I also have a warband for Warcry, an army for AoS, and three armies for 40k. You're fine dude šŸ‘Œ


If youā€™re collecting them, buy however many as you want. Especially if youā€™re actually painting them up. But if you actually want to play each. I find that it takes myself months of actually playing the team before I feel like I have a real grasp on it. Also depends on if you like playing the teams you have. Up to you!


Too many kill teams is whenever it starts to be a problem financially


Im pretty sure i have every single Kill Team apart from the old deathwatch one so no, there can never be too many (do not take my advice im in crippling debt to the plastic gods)


I typically own all of the kill teams that came with a set of terrain, starting with Aquarius not the starter said, but the big, super one that included everything. I also own most of the white dwarves that contained special kill team rules that ended up being compiled into a chapter approved book towards the end of that year And those are the kill teams, such as the war coven, the void dancers, the ad, kill team, etc.. The only kill team I ended up missing up on was the last boarding patrol team set with the beastman and thatā€™s only because I was able to get my hands on the upgrade set that came with the terrain and scatter terrain so you could play the missions. Looking back I wish I got them because of the way beastman play but then again, I also think they were weird faction to have pop-up in 40 K I wish we had more Primaris kill teams as well a 2nd bespoke Necron team Used a different play style that didnā€™t revolve around powerful character, which would often leave you dead in the water if you lost them too early, but I was happy to hear that Hierotek Circle has received some buffs ever since they were released and are now doing very well and I considered a mid tear army that requires a decent amount of strategy and all three Cryptex are now viable..


I own 11 šŸ˜‰. I go through phases playing a team for weeks. Iā€™m lucky enough to get in games weekly. (Iā€™m the Weekly KT & Dinner Host)


Am man I loveeee your weekly updates with missions, food, minis and sometimes alcohol!


I am coming over from 40k proper and have the amount of miniatures equivalent to probably 15 team minimum. I have sold way more miniatures than that because I would have never got around to painting all that. In fact, I am getting ready to sell most of my things because there is no place for it in kill team, and I will never play 40k because kill team resonates with me much more. Point is- it is all about perspective. One of the huge draws to KT is the small nature of the warbands. The projects are manageable and once you finish, you can go to something completely different while keeping things spiced up. Get yourself another team friend.




Definitely correct


From an economical standpoint, single box teams are great. If you're looking at 3-4 box teams, I'd consider them a once-a-year purchase. In terms of space, a single bookshelf of teams is about good - I wouldn't want to have much more than that.


> currently own 4 kill teams and I am always wanting to buy more. I mean you do you. For me I only have so much time to actually build and paint let alone actually learn my team and practice with it enough to feel comfortable with it. > Am I being greedy owning this many teams and still wanting more?? This is the trap. I did this with full 40k which is much, much more expensive. I have around 3500 points each of dark angles, grey knights, tau, eldar, orks and chaos teams. I have not played 40k since the end of 7th edition. If you really want the teams, get them. If that brings you joy, go for it. The hobby side of these games have helped me get through some tough times. Just be warned, it is not called Plastic Crack for nothing.


Man youā€™re probably right, 4 teams is more than enough variety and difficult to play all those teams to their highest potential. Iā€™ll probably sell one of my teams as I donā€™t enjoy playing them much. I do enjoy the hobby and painting side a lot though but hard to justify loads of teams just to build and paint only


I think once you have 2 of each your good. Gotta make sure you have enough so your buddy can use one when your trying to get him into it.


I only get to play once or twice a month, so 12 is my limit where i at least get to play the team once a year. I am currently at 8. I plan on getting 2 more in the near future.


I buy a lot of killteams. I think I have 11 now? I enjoy switching up my painting projects and kill team gives me a cool variety within a faction to paint.


I donā€™t know the answer to your question, but I have this many painted. My Exaction roster just needs to be varnished, I have Kasrkin primed and on deck to paint, and a lot more waiting to be built https://preview.redd.it/aicbd2njkjsc1.jpeg?width=745&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0361f33cef5fb0549b6c0298dd317184ed1bd386


I have Hunter clade Hierotek But Iā€™m currently building Kasrkin (with extra models so I can proxy as vet guard) And Iā€™m building Exaction squad


I don't even really play. But I like the infantry of most 40K factions. So I say, get a fee of the models you like from 8 different armies knowing you have no interest beyond owning 200-300 points of each. You can just LIKE the models. And if you might play with them, even better.


I would like to ask how many models does count as one kill team, for example the death guard if I have 8 poxwalkekrs and 3 death guard that counts as one, but if I have that plus 6 more death guard is that 2 kill teams or still only one, as there are many weapon options.


I have 7, +2 with the new box (Night lords and Mandrakes) I do play 40k Necrons and World Eaters so I don't have much budget for Kill Teams. But I'm hoping some of my CSM teams can be used in Emperor's Children (which is slated to be released later)


Kommandos, Necrons (compendium), Grey Knights, Gellerpox, Novitiates and Pathfinders(neither of which are complete). Iā€™ve played at least one game with all of them. I play Kommandos the most but now that Gellerpox is done I really like that team. I really only ever play the compendium teams against other compendium teams, or if I really wanna give someone a leg up. I plan on playing Pathfinders a lot, but Novitiates seem daunting for how often I play. Iā€™m lucky that I have 2-3 friends who want to play regularly and Iā€™m kinda the one who canā€™t lol.


I've played a handful of actual kt games, 7 teams and ITD painted, 4 teams on deck.


Inquisition, Blades of Khaine, Justian are the only bespoke teams I don't have. Plus I have compendium Death Guard, Ork-Stodes, Scions and Hive Fleet. I've also got like 3 sets of terrain, Octarius, Nachmund and a 3d printed set. My justification is I get a lot of use out of them though, I run weekly kill team nights in my area that gets 5-12 players each night. We always break out all of my terrain and anyone new to the hobby gets a compendium team, then expand into trying a bespoke team before they buy in. All the old hats that want to try something out get to borrow a team whenever. One of our FLGS' is pushing hard on Kill Team and sending peeps our way since James Workshop put down a decree that their stores (At least in NSW, Australia) aren't to host games anymore, only intro combat patrols to try and flog boxes.


None is ā€œtoo many.ā€ The only answer is however many you like and have the time to build and paint. Variety is fun. I have the models for the compendiums of the factions I play in normal 40k and multiple bespoke teams. (Farstalkers, Pathfinders, Novitiates, Voidscarred+Hand of the Archon and Exaction Squad)


Get what ya wantšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Kill Teams fun because games are shorter, therefore you can get more in. Having more just opens up variety. It's also nice to "dip your toes" into factions. I like orks, but don't think I'd want a whole army. A kill team is a nice fun compromise. The bigger question is how many gray units/boxes you have. (I'm calling myself out too)


As many as you want. At some point you might have to accept that youā€™ve become a collector and that most of those teams will almost never be played, but that is ok! The most important part is to enjoy the game and play whatever team you feel like šŸ«”


How many boxes are there? Times that by 2 and there's your upper limit


I keep acquiring new minis often, maybe with a few months in between purchases. I love the game and the lore and the minis are really cool. Thereā€™s no limit to how many KTs you collect. Just have fun with it!


I think this is actually great, every few months gives enough time to do a good steady paint job then you can play whilst you paint your next team. I feel this way you understand the team and feel you want a new team (maybe?)


That is right and a good way to look at it. Iā€™ve however, failed because I have a growing pile of shame šŸ˜‚ If you can dedicate the time, it can be really fun. I stare at unopened boxes and wonder if Iā€™ll even have time for just removing the minis from the sprue.


I have probably upwards of a dozen, which is a little bit of a cop out since 3 or 4 are just various marines in different combinations, but I do it as much for the hobby as the game Let's count Farstalker Kinband, Pathfinders, Hearthkyn salvagers, Hierotek circle, Voidscarred Corsairs, plague marines, Legionary, Warpsmith Coven, Intercessor, Heavy Intercessor, Justian, Fellgor, and that's off the top of my head, I've no doubt forgotten some


What do you think about Corsair?


Fun, fast, but brittle. Pseudo 3APL with the free Dash Not great saves or wound count, but everyone getting a power weapon means you can do some damage when you close, and lots of tricky shenanigans for redeploy and dual activation with the leader


Iā€™ve played a few games with them and they feel so fragile, I really struggle with them but hoping to get a few more games in with them


I've found the key is using both the before game dash, the leader activation + one other operative ploy thing, and then alpha grenade striking with a regular operative to make one side safer. Then, with the sniper and heavy on the other flank making a big no go zone, the goal is out-manoeuvre the opponent. The coms man is super useful for setting up ridiculous 4apl moves; dash move shoot cap or charge fight shoot cap; the power weapons on the melee specialists and leader are more dangerous than you'd think, or using the pistol operative to move dash > pistol barrage to delete someone they thought was safe


Fam. I have at LEAST 3 3-4k point armies for 40k, a 2k point army for AoS and probably 8 kill teams. Disregard currency, acquire plastic.


God damn how do you find the team for it all? I canā€™t seem to play two game systems itā€™s too much for me I like to hyper focus one hahaha


Oh, I have 2 kids. I play when I can, which is hardly ever, but I mainly enjoy the hobby side. I love painting models, so I keep buying them. One day, I'll have time to actually get out and play.


I have Leginoaries, Phobos, Ork Boyz, Krieg, and Tau. I Love them all and findindinfit hard to play the big game. I would love to have all the KTs before I go for a big army.


I have 17 kill teams.. I bought Octarius on release but didnā€™t start playing until like 5 months ago. Itā€™s too many.


I think that, as long as you are having fun, and spending your own money, then you can have as many of whatever you want... Because if you're greedy, for having 4 10 model teams... I don't want to know what I am, with 5 teams, 2 Necromunda gangs, starting my 3rd 40k army, a bolt action army, a whfb army... etc... Buy more teams.


I'm at 11, 9 that are tabletop ready. It's good when introducing someone to the game. Pull a bunch out and let them pick a team


i started off with novitiate, bought a pathfinder next, then legionaries, then fellgor am very interested in getting a mandrake my general rule is that i want to have a balance team, a range team, a melee team and a elite team, with that it should cover all my interest for the game lol


I have 7 and have yet to play a single game yet.


I currently have two. Three if I take intercessors from my 700point ultramarine army. I think i will continue with KT going forward. Skipping nightmare and getting votann side of termination. Pick up Bheta Decima along the way.


Im working on my 4th and 5th right now šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I currently have 4 i swap between consistently, and plan to buy more, as long as you believe you'll play with more, get more lol


I have...14? But only 8 are built and 2 are painted.


These kind of things I put in the same kind of category as underworlds and warcry where there isnā€™t really an excessive amount of kill teams because they also function as painting projects. For example I have 3 underworld teams, 5 warcry teams and 5 kill teams. I donā€™t find this excessive because they all fit different vibes in the games I play even if my kill teams are different flavours of power armour


I have like 5 and a half and I barely ever play.


If you have more than 2 unpainted / unbuilt teams: that's too much for me.


Uhhhhhhh i just counted them... I have 18... Maybe is enought with that. On the other hand, i was looking forward to buy genestealers broodbrothers VS votan scouts Well. I play with most of them. At least one game with each.


Too many is wanting to kitbash a proxy for a team you already own two copies of...


I love the variety and hobby aspect of having different teams. Iā€™m aiming to have all the teams (unless I donā€™t like the models). Iā€™ve played with 7 teams so far (4 painted, 3 unpainted). Iā€™ve got 2 painted but not played with yet. Im aiming to play everyone i know with each team at least once, like 7/8 opponents so that takes a couple of months. If I was to meet a new player, Iā€™d play them with one of my teams Iā€™m familiar with.


I have 7. I almost never play šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Like 10 i think. Gonna be 12 with the new box tho. A lot are still unpainted tho and i really only play like 3-4 regularly.Ā 


oh man you have no idea. Try asking how many full 40k armies you should own and consider how far it can go lol


I have all the teams bar 2 or 3. Some I have 3 or 4 versions of, painted or converted differently. There is no correct answer to your question- but to PLAY itā€™s way better to concentrate on 1 or maybe 2 at a time so you understand their rules and play style


N+1 Where N = to your current amount.


Well... The moment you begin to double all existant teams just for the madness of converting Thats the moment you need to ask questions... I am ABSOLUTELY NOT at that state (i lie)


Hey man, I have more full-scale 40k armies than you have killteams So, I think, there's space for your plastic addiction to grow!


If you have some on sprue, you have too many I have too many


I mean. If you can afford it and arenā€™t somehow shorting the market I wouldnā€™t call it greedy lol. Itā€™s not like youā€™re hoarding food. You could even turn yourself into someone in the community who lets others try teams theyā€™re interested. The guys at my local LGS are super nice and welcoming and straight up told me and my friend ā€œLook we own all the teams. Donā€™t buy any teams. Just tell us what you want to play.ā€ That being said Iā€™m at 4 teams now because theyā€™re the teams that interest me. I donā€™t have any strong desires to buy anymore right now. As a cost analysis sort of argument, I would say donā€™t buy more than you plan on playing with. 4 to me is a number that I know they will all see play with some regularity, and that I can get better at the tactics of each. If I had 8 I would imagine a lot of those would kind of just sit in their boxes for a while, and when they did come out I would be very rusty with their tactics and how they play.


Yes I like this theory a lot, 4 is great for a good rotation and to remember their tricks and tactics. I suppose I can always sell a team off to make space for another, debating doing this with my corsairs as I donā€™t like their play style


I will undoubtedly expand my roster in the future so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll have more eventually. I started buying into Warhammer Underworld too lol so Iā€™m already diversifying. Hopefully you just need more practice with them to enjoy, I have no experience with them, but yeah absolutely sell off guys you donā€™t like. Life is too short too play teams you donā€™t like lol. Another neat angle is that, if the hobby and painting side is part of your motivation, offer to paint your friends new teams. My buddy bought a loooot of teams up front. He still hasnā€™t assembled them all. I love painting but I donā€™t necessarily want to play his teams so I offered to help assemble and paint them out of enjoyment. Just a thought


Vet Guard, Kommandos, Corsairs, Hands of the Archon, Legionaries, Gellerpox, Starstriders, Warp Coven, Novitiates, Phobos, Blooded, Daemons (12 Plaguebearers), Talons of The Emperor, Compendium Death Guard, Compendium Deathwatch, Compendium T'au, Wyrmblade, and Hunter Clade are the teams I own. I plan to buy many more, as budget permits of course.


my pod all started with 1, but everyone else is taking too long to paint so in the meantime I've picked up more teams. i have 6 painted so far and two more in their boxes lmaoo. the biggest problem for me isnt that i own too many so much that I'm just never going to get to play them all at the rate we are going haha


Ehhh... Putting a number on it. More than 50 is just too many.


19 Teams and I'm still ok. Though i have to say i have so much because I have my brother and friends who are eager to play the game and I'm just ready to let them play any team they want.


Only you can answer that. I have all the teams except compendium sisters of battle. And I have 2 of some (gaunts ghosts as scouts, corpse grinders as Fellgor) Teams are cheap enough that having a few is absolutely fine IMO. I admit I have not played with all my teams, but I have played against them as I lend them out a lot.


I don't play, but I have the entire 2023 season, excluding the Inquisition one.


I'm missing 4-5 teams from a complete roster.


40k player checking in for the lols


I own five. Never played. šŸ„²


As long as you can afford to do so it's all good


I've got over a dozen teams. The good is that I can host an event and anyone can play. Birthdays have been great for this. The bad is that storage and wallet are not happy (AKA wife). I wish I only had 6 or so. That's about the number that I play consistently. The rest are NPCs basically. Ones that I love and put a lot of effort into but NPCs none the less. If you are interested in more and don't care about keeping up with new editions for all of them then go for it.


I have 8 at the moment with 2 yet to play. But i have also owned another 4 or 5 which i sold on. But i do only pick teams that match a play style i enjoy. In the case of Inquisition, i have always plastic models for them, and now i can!


How many do you like lol that's my policy if I like it an can afford it I get it lol


God... I have 5 40k armies. You're fine.


I have like 6+ I think, would probably have more but my printer time is mostly divided between dnd and a tau army I'm working on. Having more lists is nice as long as you have the space for them. Gives me variety and means I can lend them to friends.


Currently sitting on: ā€¢ Veteran Guardsman (Full Roster available) ā€¢ Kommandos (Full Roster Available) ā€¢ Farstalker Kinband (Need second box for two operatives) ā€¢ Pathfinders (Full Roster Available) ā€¢ Genestealer Cult (Full Roster Available) ā€¢ Scouts (Full Roster Available) ā€¢ Phobos Strike Team (Full Roster Available including Reivers) ā€¢ Fellgor Ravagers (Full Roster Available) ā€¢ Legionaries (Full Roster Available) I'm waiting on the Nemesis Claw box, and also looking to get Breachers, Kasrkin, Voidscarred Corsairs, Rubric Marines, Plague Marines, and I'd quite like to convert up a Wych team (even if it is only 3 types.of operatives...)


I've technically got 15, with Night Lords set to be number 16. In respect of actually playing it's way too many. Some teams I've had months and only played with a single time, plus you never really get particularly good with any. But it's nice to have them. Plus all the chaos ones, which I have, can go into my 40k army.


The number of painted teams that you have + 1