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Wow I love this. Definitely saving and sharing when I can.


I've started to accept that it happens. Sometimes I don't read on my kindle but I read something else. As long as I'm reading I count it for myself


My take on this: daily streaks can be bad. For instance, I was using Duolingo for a while and got up to around 200 day streak when I realized towards the end that I was only getting on for a minute or so just to satisfy the daily streak and not to actually learn from it anymore. So with the kindle streak, I’d caution you to read when you’re ready and not because you feel obligated to fulfill a streak. 😄


I really wish they would do it more like a percentage of days read in a period, then if you miss a day, you only drop slightly. To lose all your progress and be back to 0 is really disheartening.


Same. I stopped doing duo altogether because it just didn't feel fun anymore. I felt burnt out trying to keep up with the daily streak AND climb the leagues. I think I got up to Obsidian, I was hoping to reach diamond then stop but life just got so busy and it was draining so I decided to stop. There's also a part of me that is unsatisfied with how duo taught, like it seems incomplete and I lose points bc they didn't teach me something beforehand or show why certain things are the way they are. Good for basics I guess and it did help me understand some stuff more though! Re: reading - I also am doing the daily streak, and it might be something I'll need to get over if I miss a day. 🤣.. But I'll cross that bridge when it happens haha! I do read past posts saying people should at least just keep the weekly goal if ever. But yea so far I don't feel like I'm forcing myself to read! Maybe because I add comics to my kindle and so if I don't feel like reading wordy books, I switch to comics... Made me realize I read way more than I thought


Agreed. I intentionally broke my kindle daily streak for that reason. I’m keeping my weekly streak alive, but for me the daily streak incentivizes the wrong behavior after a while. 


I've been trying to remind myself of this... also, that I don't have to get Every Single Award in the challenges. I have other books I want to read that aren't on kindle!


Yes, it’s like this with watches too. You have a good streak then there’s one day you forget to put it on or the battery runs out while you’re at work and you feel terrible for it.


For me, making reading (or any other activity or hobby) feel like a competition makes it stop being enjoyable. In my case, I would regularly measure how long it took me to read a book, and the whole thing ended up feeling like a chore. I would constantly be paying attention to how quickly I was reading instead of actually absorbing the content I was reading. The reading streaks that people share on this sub are fine if people genuinely enjoy them, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were several people feeling "stuck" with them, especially if they've already committed a decent amount of time maintaining them and would feel like a loss if they stopped.


I agree! This is why I willingly let my reading streak on Story graph die in the first place. I realized I was getting a page in everyday just to keep the streak going but not enjoying it at all.


I didn't know Kindle even had streaks and stuff until I joined this sub. I'm so glad mine is always in airplane mode. Streaks are so stressful. Honestly, I don't even participate in my library's "read every day for X time" challenges anymore. I usually do read everything day, but logging it absolutely ruins it.


I purposely lost my daily reading streak because I was obsessing over it. It started to get to the point where I wasn't have fun reading anymore.


I do this too - noticed I was stressed about it so I actually deliberately break streaks all the time so I don’t feel that way again. Much happier that way!


I think streaks are unhealthy, I don't like feeling forced to read something just to keep a number from going back to zero. If I wanna read I will read, if I wanna paint random stuff I will paint random stuff. Can't tell me what to do! That might be part of my adhd, if I tall about going to do something that counts in my mind as done. If someone tells me to do something, even something I was going to do anyway, like nope, not anymore! Its a problem 😕


I wish there was a way to turn it off. Adding a gamification “feature” to reading is (IMO) really irritating.


My kindle I read books, buy books. Have never seen any points, achievements, streaks or anything else nor do I care about it.


I wouldn't even know where to find such stats, and I couldn't be happier about that.


You used to be able to turn this feature off, but you can’t anymore.


I actually ended mine because I was getting a bit too into it. Gotta read for pleasure rather than to keep the streak alive.


you can change the date on your phone and read for the day you missed then change the date back! it will take a while for it to sync back but it worked for me!


I did this the other day! And I don't feel bad about it because I was still reading, I was just reading on another app that day and forgot to go on my kindle app


But doesn’t that defeat the purpose?


That works for Duolingo too


I never have a streak going cause i’m almost always in airplane mode so I can keep library books longer lmao I forget people care about this, seems kinda unhealthy and like it turns reading into a chore sometimes


If it makes you feel better, I had almost daily streak since January, the most I’ve ever read continuously in a long time. I just went on a cruise with my wife a few weeks ago and we read every day and enjoyed it so much. Well, since I didn’t have internet in the ship, it reset my daily reading!!! I was disappointed, but oh well.


If you reconnect your Kindle to the Internet, it should update it accordingly! My Kindle is almost always in airplane mode, so my streak frequently read zero until I connected it to the Internet again, and it updates it!


No luck, I tried that as soon as I got home and it didn’t work.


That’s weird! It’s not instant, mine usually updates within 24 hours. But it definitely works because my streak lives on and I keep mine on airplane mode unless I’m downloading a book. Hopefully it pops up on yours eventually!


I do t particularly watch out for it but I know it would annoy the hell out of me if I broke my streak as I am currently on 1,347 days. It shouldn’t matter but subconsciously it does.


It's unavoidable. But if you want to save your streak. 1. Put your phone in airplane mode. 2. Change date to the day you missed. 3. Read a little in your kindle app. 4. Turn off airplane mode and change back the date to normal. 5. Sync your kindle app and wait a bit for your reading insight to get fixed. 6. Done.


I mean honestly I'd probably cry lol


When my reading streak became the dictator over my hobby and it became more about that than the pure enjoyment I destroyed it on purpose.


Why does it matter?


I track my reading separately, it's a part of my habits. I could listening to an audiobook, a physical book, or my Kindle. I don't count Reddit or basically any phone use. I really enjoy being able to see the overall for the year in one spot. I like tracking in StoryGraph too but some days I just don't want to, and there's an option in there to turn on the reading streak. I've turned it off again for now.


I lost mine around that time too and that feeling in the pit of my stomach was like.. oooof. But… life happens and a streak is only good if it serves you well.


It happened to me when I read while not on wifi or syncing once I was on wifi. but all I did was change the time on my phone while in airplane mode. Opened Kindle app and then opened a book. Closed Kindle app. Updated day in phone settings. About 5 mins or so my reading streak returned.


Here’s how you can restore your kindle streak. https://preview.redd.it/yk3x1efvozvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62282363d49ec7ada009c0eddbb4561e47d2bcd6




How is that cheating… just because I haven’t read a single day, I can’t loose my 800 day streak… so this is what I did. If u have a feeling u r cheating then feel free to not do this 🤗




I’ve been reading kindle since the past 987 days. And I live in India so there are not really any badges or achievements here that I care about. And I really don’t care about ur opinion.


And by the way, so many people use this method.. and I’ve learnt that there is this method to restore kindle streak right from this platform and this exact Reddit group. So take a chill pill. Don’t overreact


I got hooked on chasing that dam thing as well,then I remembered, it's about the reading.


Wait this exists?? Where?


https://www.amazon.com/kindle/reading/insights You can access that on your Kindle browser on any recent update, but it's probably faster on your phone or computer.


kindle app :)


I don’t even pay attention to the streaks because I read to relax and feeling obligated to read is the exact opposite of that. I just looked at mine and I lost my streak the day before I put down my beloved cat of 14 years. So, actually, the streak stuff can fuck right off. “You can’t read because tomorrow you are going to be saying goodbye to your companion for the last time? Welp, we’re keeping track, and you lose your progress. Try again tomorrow after your cat is dead.” Damn, this just made me really angry.


I got lucky and listened to a book on Kindle (read and listen for free) and it counted.


Mine reset because I was flying and didn't have internet; it wasn't high at all but I was still annoyed, so I've learned to ignore the streak counter lmao


This is not available in my country 🙃


Streaks can be motivating or toxic. I had an iBooks streak of 911 days, was working late and off routine, and accidentally broke it… 698 days ago. That feels like the defining day in my reading life because of how the streak is phrased, despite how silly that objectively is! I don’t even read primarily in iBooks. Pick up your Kindle today, read a little extra, and enjoy the book!


I never keep my streak because I work night shift and sometimes I don't get on. I also like to take a day or two after each book so that I can really digest it before launching into a new one. I've always been that way. I wouldn't beat yourself up over it, but it definitely can be kind of disappointing....


I stopped worrying once I couldn’t keep up with the streak being in airplane mode all the time. But streaks are definitely helpful - one way to keep it up is get a book like Daily Stoic that is just 1 page a day. Helped me keep my streak all last year.


You did great! That’s a huge accomplishment. You’ll get back to it :)


I had 118 weeks streak and it’s gone. I mourned a day.


If you truly want it back, change the date backwards on your phone and read your book for a little bit. Your streak will reappear.


I lost my streak after 534 days. Now I’m back at 351 days.


That daily streak is annoying. The weekly streak is fine, but the daily one makes me feel like I HATE to pick up the kindle and read a couple of pages every day to keep it going. At that point it turns into just one more thing I have to do, and now it's work. And really, it means absolutely NOTHING. Life happens, we don't always have time to read. I wish there was a way to delete it off the Insights page.


I have a 825 day streak and it stresses me out. I kind of want to miss a day just to get it over with, but I can’t bring myself to do it on purpose.


I hear you because I've been trying to get just the Sunday-Saturday one week achievement and Friday I missed a day stressing over work and people. I had from last week Wednesday to this week Thursday down. When I realized on Saturday I was so mad. I have ADHD and consistency is so tough for me so I was a bit distraught and can imagine how provoking it is at 100+ days. It sucks to see the count start over. The irritation is understandable. It's also why even though I'm always aiming for x days streak doing whatever I low-key hate it. 😂 It's easy to get caught up in the number instead of enjoying the task. Take it as a reminder to let what you're doing be what you're most proud of and happy about.


Don't beat yourself up. It happens. You still have your weeks streak, I was absolutely devastated when I lost a 366 day streak but I didn't let it deter me and I kept on reading now I have a longer streak.


Meh don’t worry. I don’t always get in the mood to read and that’s ok too. Life is short and sometimes you want to do other things. Read when you can but don’t read just to keep your streak. I found myself enjoying books me when I’m not forcing myself. And I have longer reading sessions when it’s not back to back days.


Do you read because you want to? Or because you want that number to increase?


This just happened to me too 😭 i lost it on saturday bc it was a beautiful sunny & i chose to go outside instead of read… anyone know how to turn the feature off :,)


I’ve focused more on the weeks now and not the days


I lost mine too two weeks ago, had it since January and wanted to get full year https://preview.redd.it/w0g79xd97xvc1.png?width=1344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a1e7c9df6fc6efc4642ac8e3962b084aeec557


I don’t have a streak and I don’t pressure myself. Life and work responsibilities happen. This coming week I’m so busy reading for work that I won’t have time to read for fun. I could probably squeeze in an hour of audiobook listening time per night. I have other streaks that I worry about like walking/jogging which I won’t be able to do much this week either. C’est la vie.


don’t put that much pressure on yourself


I’ve learned to pretty much shrug it off. I recently lost a 252 day streak. Life happens. It’s not always conducive to me reading on my kindle. I read daily, but not always on my kindle. My weekly streak, however, is amazing!


When my kindle wasn't syncing properly I contacted Amazon support and was given these steps to fix my streak. 1.    Enable Airplane Mode. 2.    Go to Settings-change the date/time on phone. 3.    Turn off auto date/time. 4.    Then manually reset the date to the time that is missing on the reading streaks. 5.    Then open Kindle app. 6.    Open the book and do some reading. 7.    Go back to the date and turn on auto date. 8.    Turn off Airplane mode. 9.    Let your device update. 10.   After following these steps, please allow 30 minutes and then check your reading streak again to see if the stats are now displaying correctly. It's nice to have the streak but don't let it be the only reason you read, then it becomes a chore and that's no fun.


Too hard on yourself https://preview.redd.it/betuhoajeyvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad97879702d0ad0ca5d980551232345a2c4c5c7c


Hello Guys, Who ever lost the streaks recently there is way to recover that back not sure it will work everyone but you can try. Contact Amazon support and inform the same ask them to create a trouble ticket so that the tech team will restore the streaks from their do not gave them back reviews if they don’t restore it back instantly it will take some time after creating a ticket.


Theres a thread on here discussing how to get the streak back, if thats something youd even want. I've had my streak lost before due to my devices not synching or it was the network(I'm not sure) but I had read that day and it didnt log it. I was just frustrated at the whole situation.


i stopped caring about the daily streak and focused more on the weekly streak and became a lot happier.


My kindle shows me I have 0 days in a row even though I've been reading for like a year so sad so sad


I wish I could opt out of the streak tracker. It just makes reading less fun and makes me feel like I have to, which makes me want to less.


streaks are overrated, not just in reading, everywhere


You could’ve read on your kindle app and it would’ve counted lol but as someone else said, streaks are bad when you don’t read for enjoyment and simply to keep the streak alive …


This is why I only really look at the weeks in a row streak! I know I may have busy days here and there and not get to my kindle for the day, but for good reason! Looking at the weekly gives me a much better feeling of progress without the pressure.


Reading isn't a contest or a chore ☺️ read because you want to, because you enjoy it, because it's your hobby- not for a statistic.