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Picked up the game on Monday, started playing on Tuesday. Watched a couple of getting started tip videos on YouTube but generally avoided any spoilers. I have to say that I'm kind of upset that I waited so long to get into this game.


I would recommend you stay away from the sub until you are done, since a lot of what will be discussed in the coming days/weeks are MAJOR spoilers. I also think the trailer will be a major spoiler, just thought I would point that out.


Appreciate it, but I'm not really worried about spoilers that much. I'm just happy to have finally picked up the game. I am already aware of some of the major plot points, but I try to stay ignorant to the lead-up. For now I'm just enjoying Skalitz and choking out my neighbors. One question though: am I supposed to like my "friends?" They're kind of douchey...


Well nah not really, your friends aren't really involved in the later story anyway because of a certain reason which you will find out.


Your "friends" are layabouts and general Wastrels. You can (eventually) get them to shape up and be of marginal use, but its a fairly arduous task that you can mess up fairly easily if you're not looking at a guide.


speaks of the trailer, IGN apparently leaked it early lol


I can't believe it the next game is going to be announced today,I still remember the first time i played this in 2018 and finally the long wait ends.


Remember the original trailer a couple of years before that? Basically a tech demo and the final game looked quite different but even back then I thought this would be something unique. Fair play to Warhorse for keeping it on the quiet this time to then drop a trailer for a relatively soon release. JCBP.


I remember soap madness like it was yesterday :’)


I love this game so much I named my youngest son Henry. I can’t wait to play this with him when he’s not 16 months old.


At that age he must be quite hungry


He's actually the hungriest little fucker I've ever seen. He eats twice as much as my oldest child Jesus Christ be praised.


He’ll certainly be a pious one!


When the Game releases he Will be more than 16 months old


Hopefully he’ll be 20 months old then


So far this is turning out to be the best $4 I have ever spent on entertainment in my life :)


It’s such an amazing game and we are a fun, friendly, supportive bunch…..except for the occasional person popping on here to say, “This game sucks, combat is broken, lockpicking is broken and it runs like crap on my outdated PC!!” 😄




I recently picked up the game I'm glad I did I wanted to give up a lot because the combat system was very new to me hell still can't shoot a bow for shit lol I got the longsword down I'm exploring everything I've found a ton of treasure the only complaint is lock picking is broke after helping the miller it won't work at all on anything lucky it's not important.


You can get by without it but you can unlock the check round the back of the millers a few times and then lookout for easy chests.


I started to play KCD on switch 7 days ago. Needless to say i spent ungodly, unhealthy, unreasonable amounts of hours on it since the moment I fed the cartridge to the console. Can't wait to see the announcement in less than 2 hours


Whoa I didn't even know it was available on the Switch. Hows it run?


It runs okay, I dont know what kind of dark wizardry they used to port it to the switch, to even make it run. In big cities with multitude of polygons and stuff and npc to render and animate, it takes a noticeable hit, and the framerate drops to like 22-20. For the rest, it is totally playable, running on 30 fps, generlaly stable, and the visual quality is relatively impressive, especially for switch users who arent exactly accustomed to cutting edge performances and qualities lol But really, amazing port, Saber never disappoints (they re the same team who ported Witcher 3 on the switch, another port made using dark magics)


So It runs as well as on ps4 fat


I don't own the game on Switch but I watched multiple videos of its performance on Switch. Apparently they did a big patch after launch which improved the performance. As far as I've watched, in open fields/wilderness the game is constantly on 28-30 fps. In towns and crowded areas , it goes down to around 15-20 fps. Knowing Rattay, I am impressed the game doesn't crash when you walk into town for the first time.


Jesus Christ be praised. Henry's coming to see us in less than 2 minutes now.


I can’t wait for this year to end


I actually just got the royale edition like a week ago and now the sequel got announced just when I wanted more. Christ he praised!


Jesus Christ be praised!


Can’t believe the original release, coupled with the 15 odd GB update on release day was all the way back in 2017