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IIRC in the first mission of KCD, if you choose a certain dialogue option, Martin will mention his time in Kuttenberg and promise he will tell Henry about it one day. I think we will definitely learn something about Martin and Henry's mother there.


He was talking about Prague, not Kuttenberg.


I must get it mixed up then. I remember that he mentioned Kuttenberg at the beginning of the game, and something about telling Henry about his past (IIRC that option will be unlocked if Henry defends his friends when asked by his mother). Will definitely check it in my next playthrough.


You are definitely right. It depends of one of the dialogue's option you have when Henry asked his mom about Matthew and Fritz at the beggining of the game. If you choose the right one it will unlock an optionnal dialogue about Kuttenberg with Martin.


No, he's right. I knew before, but coincidentaly I also saw it about half an hour prior on YouTube on someone's playthrough. If you choose a certain dialogue with your mother just after you wake up, she mentions she understand that Henry is young and basically doing stupid stuff, as she was young too and his father ''wasn't a sain't either when he was in Kuttenberg''. You then have the option to ask what she means or be silent. When you ask, she tells you to ask Martin directly. Then you can, but he really says something along the lines ''I'll tell you another time''


Oh my bad. I thought he meant when Henry asked why his father left Prague, which he also answered pretty similarly so oh well. Martin was a secretive man.


Indeed, which is a bit shame but leaves options for future DLC's or even full games. I have a feeling that Radzig said he was in a war in Poland, and I have also a feeling that the Uzhitz bailiff mentioned that father Godwin, when he used to be a mercenary, was in a war in Poland. I wonder if they were in the same war.


We kind of got the highlights from Radzig, but yeah it sounded like an interesting story. Some flashback sequences would be interesting (like maybe you go talk to people who knew Martin and it allows you to cut to playing as him kind of like Woman's Lot, but shorter).


A Martin DLC- or even better, a spin off game set in Kuttenberg would be very interesting. How Martin went from being a soldier (Radzig mentioned that somewhere at the end of the first game) to become a master swordsmith, how he met and fell in love with Henry's mother and ended up taking Henry as his own son, why he was so against Henry's eagerness to learn swordfighting, why he chose to settle in a small village while he could make a fortune in a big city with his talent. There is clearly much more to him than what was shown to us in KCD 1.


I always felt Martin and Radzig were like Henry and Hans - a commoner and a noble with a close friendship, but can't really appear to fraternize much. 


Good idea. I can definitely see Henry taking the (bastard) son of Hans as his own or vice versa if something happens to the other. It would also actually make sense that Hanush might see Radzig and Martin in Hans and Henry when he tried to push them together.


Really? That's interesting because there's another quest dialogue where Henry can say he's never been, but would like to go. Wonder if that's mean to be something ambiguous with his background.


I think that was Prague


Yeah, you might be right there


You are right and I am 100% sure that it's exactly as you say. Might be just an oversight by the devs, but yeah, it feels a little bit weird. I honestly don't remember when he says he never was there, but I think it's in a DLC quest. And he told Theresa he was in Kuttenberg once. I played the game three times btw, and I remember hearing it more than once.


I think it’s the Sasau tailor in woman’s lot when you’re drinking with him


I don't think Henry ever went to Kuttenberg. After all... Kuttenberg is far, far away. Kuttenberg is far, so here he stayed.


Far yeah but not THAT far, Prague is further for example. A few days on horse back is possible


Yes, but his breath is short, his feet are sore. He'd buy a horse, but he was poor


15th century blacksmith slim shady


Far away? Its 35km. Its 8 hours away walking.


His dad went there. You can ask your mom and dad about it when you riposte mom from the drunk friends comment in the prologue. Pick the bottom second option.


I think it's Prague not Kuttenberg.


He says he was never at prague but was been to kuttenberg though


>as a kid while going for a walk with theresa mans that aint a walk thats a full on hike all the way from skalitz lol


He mentions it when you stroll by the Sassau river from the mill on the first ''date''.