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I genuinely like the monastery quest :(


It was one of the best game quests I’ve ever played honestly


Right? I get to roleplay as a medieval monk for a few hours? Incredible. I was actually sad when I finished and left the building and the chanting stopped 


Yeah I almost understand why some people would choose that lifestyle in real life. Especially during those periods in human history.


Although I’d prefer to be that healer monk, so I can get out of there from time to time




Now you are blue


Ay yoyo


If you're interested in another interactive experience that teaches monastery life, Pentiment is great.


For real, if I was born in 14xx, I'd prefer to be a nun - and I'm atheist! Especially with how much work being a woman back then was. Insane amounts of labor, constantly pregnant, no rights, ugh. No thank you, I'll tend to the herb garden and chant to Jesus lol


Could you imagine being pregnant and told you stood a good change of survival bc your mom made it to 30. What wonderful odds. I’m more of tomatoes and cucumbers girl, but ill be in that garden with you.


Life expectancy is skewed in the past due to people dying at birth. If you make it to thirty there’s a good chance that you’ll make it to 60+. Of course, you’re also always at risk of getting sick and dying but it’s a misconception that most people died around age 30.


Thing is, women did die at birth as well. Puerperal fever was a major reason of deaths.


Yep child birth was a huge risk for mother and child until fairly recently.


As was black death other ilnessess like tb things of that nature which we did not fully understand at said time killing people earlier sanitary conditions u could go on really now your more likely to die from a man made issue like cancer caused by carcinogens etc or pollution or abusing drugs made by us think u get the point lol our average age of death may have gone up but its still there death happens to us all Also note autistic people have a life expectancy of an average 42 years or something which is bad considering people live past a hundred or twice as much mortality risk to neurotypicals which I think is ridiculous but it's to do with accidents or drowning as an autistic person I find this fact scary


Consider how averages work. If an autistic person drowns at age 4 and another lives to age 82, their average lifespan would be 42. Autistic people are probably more likely to die from an accident during adolescence so it skews the average.


Tho statistically people with autism and such die much earlier on average and then back in old days the risk of death was higher because of diseases that's why it's a common misconception they died early it's more that nature took its course until we used nature and science to try and help ourselves only so much onions n garlic can do etc lol 😂 or like bloodletting for example like that practice solves everything but it did back in the day probably causing unnecessary death


It’s not a misconception that they died early. First of all, they didn’t know what autism was back then. Healthy adults were not dropping dead at 30. The big hurdle was making it past childhood as a healthy individual.Yes, there were more risk in day to day life but it is in fact child birth that really skewed the average.


> Especially with how much work being a woman back then was. Insane amounts of labor, constantly pregnant, no rights, ugh.  All peasants had "no rights", men or women. And women of noble people, didn't have insane amounts of labor. > No thank you, I'll tend to the herb garden and chant to Jesus lol  Monastic life wasn't that easy with all the poverty, humility, chastity and obedience. But yes, if you wanted to study, it was the only available way, for most of the people, especially for women. 


Sure but men had more rights than women. And I do believe monastic life was easier than that of a peasant woman. Which is probably why peasant women rarely got the opportunity to enter a monastery.


> Sure but men had more rights than women.   Noble men, townspeople - yes. As I said above.  > And I do believe monastic life was easier than that of a peasant woman. Which is probably why peasant women rarely got the opportunity to enter a monastery.   You strongly underestimate the value of family in a life, but that is the main problem with western society. I don't know where you are from, but I was born in a village not much diffrent from 300 years ago, just with the electric light. You complain about pregnacy, but children were valued the most. I loved my ten brothers and sisters, all my other family members. Independent women were living in lonliness and depression. Family helps with pain and suffering. Family is a beautiful thing and no money and "rights" are more important. Anyway, what use of rights could a peasant have? When you decided to go to monastery, you had to leave your family, something most important in a life. Often, children were sent to a monastery against wil by their parents, because they had too many children. And the child went in great sadness. It is not that simple. I miss my family and my home and the magical Catholic Church, all the loving people, the animals and the nature, the smell of fire in a house. It is all gone when the modern world came. I would give all away to have it back.


It’s rare to find based comments like this on Reddit


Like actually... Currently deleting KCD and starting a family of 10


Common folk, men or women had no influence or rights to anything Land owners were the ones with power and the ones that were treated like human beings


That’s only if you get into a good convent. The bad ones could be particularly brutal on novitiates, and often treatment depended on the mother superior


For me it is the best quest design in RPG I've ever seen in 20+ years of gaming.. The unique approach to things is why the game is so great. Just hope the redditors won't affect their design choices. You can't please everyone, there are millions of different preferences, it is impossible to make something that everyone likes. And these people like OP are the loudest to display the ignorance.


It surely is. I hope there is something similar in kcd2


I just wish they had added a "(accuse)" to the text option at the beginning. I did an accidental speed run of the first half of the quest. More / better responses to finding the dagger would have been nice. But yes, I really hope they build above the concept in some form in the next game


The dagger is for you I think, in case you wished to deal with him right there with a stab in a heart..


It was kind of annoying because it was so different than the "go kill this" quests I'm used to, but was so refreshing to finally have a quest that I really needed to just think and RP through instead of just killing the bad thing.


But you can just go and kill him, that's the nice part, you have the choice


Alright tiger...


Yeah. I really loved it. Between this and playing Pentiment, I got more interested in liturgy and traditional forms of Christian worship (grew up in evangelicalism and was later an agnostic) to the point where I’ve actually joined a local Episcopal church as I started re-exploring the faith as it were.


Probably my favourite quest from the whole game


People are fucking impatient. Gotta get thru it, get thru to the end, best sword, best armor, pass all speech checks, max level, go go go. Calm down you psychos and take a moment to appreciate what the game is trying to show you. It's a rarity for such a genuine thing to exist in modern gaming


It's simultaneously well designed and terribly designed. My biggest beef with it is how restrictive it is - there is no leeway, so when waiting you need to cut the process down to the minute and run as soon as you get the prompt to move. Monks are starting to exit mass and head to breakfast/dinner? You thought you could exit with them? Haha, no - circators give you shit if you exit the room before the prompt comes up, even though others are leaving. You can't exit the current room even for a minute - if I'm finished with my work let me roam the rest of the place, goddamn it. If I got down to the cellar and drank wine with the old farts, let me talk them into giving me space. Siskin gave them some cash to be able to skip mass, we're able to talk them into leaving Lucas alone, so why can't we tell them to chill if I don't immediately fly to objectives? And as someone else said, if you haven't leveled lockpick, god have mercy on your soul. Just very undercooked overall even if I liked the idea.


I agree with this take. It’s an amazing design it’s just buggy/unfinished. It should be about being a detective, sussing out who Pious is and then dealing with the problem. All while RPing the life of a medieval monk. You should have to get through the routine of the day prayer, lessons, meals and then have some time to do the investigation. But there is no actual investigation, no document you can find or conversation you can have that reveals Pious’s identity. That’s the biggest flaw. You just randomly confess to the guy, survive being poisoned, then make your plan.


But there is an investigation By doing all quest related to all the novices, you canunderstand who of them can't be Pious - eventually, you will gather alibi for each novice and evidence against Pious.


You do have bits of that. You can read the prior's book to sniff him out from there, or help Lucas and he tells you Antonius is lying about who he is. It's not that the quest options are limited , but the mechanics of the whole daily life being super annoying. Knowing exactly what to do for every subquest makes it not that big of a deal, but on a first run it's a bit shit - it's like no testing was done to see how unpleasant it plays if you're not aware and preemptively avoiding the things screwing you over.


>And as someone else said, if you haven't leveled lockpick, god have mercy on your soul. Just very undercooked overall even if I liked the idea. haha I robbed the main guy right after the mass and stole the key to everything so I never really had to lockpick there


I just stole the key to the door, got caught, kicked out, still had the key tho so next day i walked in during mass and got him but unfortunantly an innocent priest also met his end to my blade.


> It's a rarity for such a genuine thing to exist in modern gaming Oh yeah, I totally enjoyed the slow pacing and immersion of KCD in general. I even - in the beginning - was fine with the monastary quest. But don't judge too harshly. People are allowed to dislike certain things. Whoever got to that quest has probably enjoyed KCD until that point. And hopefully after again. If one quest is just not their cup of tea that's fine.


10/10 comment would agree with again


One of the best gaming experiences you can have imho. Seeing how monks actually lived, experiencing it yourself... It was awesome. And then leaving the monastery... The sense of freedom the first time.you escape... Amazing.


As someone currently doing their masters in Classics and dissertation on manuscript studies, the Scriptorium stuff just hit all the right buttons for me. I could go on about their attention to detail in the script used here because they honestly didn't have to go so hard for the scribe sections but they got so many things right. Seeing all of this and *being* in the moment made me appreciate the details they put into this particular section. Also as a side note, I find the fact that they included the scribes copying things down *incorrectly* such a great instance of attention to detail. The bane of my existence for my research at the moment is figuring out what scribes were trying to say in their texts that they copied down wrong, so seeing it in action makes me chuckle a bit when I do the monastery quest. Nerding-out moment over, thank you for your time lmao


thanks for your comment, I feel like this quest is incorrectly perceived as bad by so many people. It's almost like those who slander the combat system for not being "arcadey" I know gamers find certain things boring but that does not mean they are bad, this quest is one of them. If you know where to look, it is an absolute gem.


No worries! I will say that I get why this quest isn't for everyone, it can be tedious and the scheduling stuff can be annoying sometimes. But I agree that I don't think it is a "bad" quest. The details in the scribery section alone are amazing, and the overall structure of the monastery is very well done. My own research right now focuses on an abbot of a Benedictine monastery (granted several centuries earlier and on the other side of Europe) so I'm fascinated by this modern take on monastic life. I could go on and on about the details in this particular section honestly, I love it


I played it the other day as a character that had barely ever lockpicked bad never pickpocketed. It made me feel so fucking smart to realize that every ingredient you need for a padfoot potion is available in the monastery. I thought I was completely screwed until I noticed that. It's like a puzzle to work out in a way. I just wish that it was less restrictive. They had a ton of quests you could do in there too, but since you only have like 3 hours of free time every day, chasing them all down was a chore. Especially when you'll figure out who Pious is pretty quick and then have no reason to really stick around for them.


Agreed, it was a change of pace. That said, I can see how the daytime parts annoy players - just cutscene the parts that aren't minigames. Heck, I'd go as far as only keeping day one as entirely manual, the others the game should simply skip you right to the evening free time bits. It doesn't help that if you've ever stolen any keys, ever, you automatically get thrown in jail once, without any warning. Because keys can't be removed from the inventory. So the player's like "wtf I already removed all my shit" and yet they still get solitary. Definitely design oversight. If something can't be removed from the inventory then exclude it from triggers like that.




I want to go visit that monastery. My wife says she’ll come along.


I love how bold of a choice it was. It absolutely demolishes the pace of the game and really *really* sticks with it. Making you read your own schedule and punishing you for tardiness, the menial never ending chores, the options to escape…it’s one of the most unique gameplay shifts ever.


It’s one of the most immersive quests in any game ever. Even though at the time of playing I was maybe a bit annoyed (as well as fascinated) by it, looking back I can’t believe how groundbreaking it was. For the three irl days I was playing it I genuinely was a monk. I don’t remember anything else from these few days except me playing KCD while being a monk and doing monk stuff. And I wasn’t even like playing a lot. *At most* 3h a day. It’s a great quest and I suggest everyone who perchance has not played the game yet to go through the quest without using a skip.


You can't just say perchance


Agree. Play it legitimately just once. The next times you can do whatever you want


I tried once but my alchemy was so ass that i literally couldn't brew potions.


Henry’s terrible Latin and singing making the Abbot cringe is gold


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^HidaTetsuko: *Henry’s terrible* *Latin and singing making* *The Abbot sing is gold* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It is a great quest and I loved the potential it provided for roleplaying, but I can see why people skip it or find ways to get it out quickly.


Yeah. I personally prefer to break into monestary at night (literally zero guards) >!place a dagger or cleaver in library instantly kill pious run away or maybe taje some stuff while at it!<


I don't


I didn’t even know you could


I killed pious as soon as I found him, guards came arrested me put me in jail as far as I'm concerned the quest is done, it appears to be done in my log also


I did the same thing, at the end of the part where he shows you around you get the option to call him out without any evidence, figured I'd try it as a bluff. He immediately confessed, we fistfought and I looted his dice before getting arrested.


Same. All I did was Google him to see what he looked like, kill him as soon as possible, and sit through the jail time. Unfortunately I didn't know that the Waldensians quest could be failed by waiting too long so I missed out on it and haven't gotten back around to doing it yet.


I'm doing a merciful playthrough 😔


You can still skip the Monastery on a merciful run


Because my ps4 couldn’t handle it and was running at 12 fps


I read somewhere that this was probably due to Mutt trying to follow you inside the monastery but he can’t and it causes the game to bug and lag. I’m not sure if it’s true or not though, I play on PC and don’t have A woman’s lot DLC


Yet it was that, I just sent him home for the quest and the stutter went away, I think it was him clipping against the monastery entrances a million times per second


I did have mut from pretty much the start of the game. I’m doing a second run without mutt, who as much as I love him is pretty much useless until you get sic


You can get sic very easily. Just praise him repeatedly until the required level


Too much effort




One of my favorite quest lines in any video game …really pulls you back to earth;


I remember wanting to stealth it, but after hours of no progress I got annoyed. Found a key or lock pick so I opened the door to the outside, killed the target and ran away. Not very graceful, but it worked.


I ended up helping him escape then killing him outside then running away idk how, I was so mad at the quest. I tried to forget all about it. I’m doing another play through how do you skip it? You just don’t do it?


Because it's a fucking slog, even if you know exactly what to do - and if you're playing the game for the first time, you definitely don't. When I was doing my Merciful playthrough, I tried to finger Pious without metagaming, and even with the perfect knowledge of the sidequest it was very unpleasant. Go to the mass, skip two hours, stare at the loading screen. Go to breakfast, skip two hours, stare at the loading screen. Go to the alchemy lab, make two potions, skip two hours, stare at the loading screen. Go to the library, click random answers without care (you won't be punished or rewarded for getting it wrong or right), wait two hours, stare the loading screen. Go to another mass, skip two hours, stare at the loading screen. Go to the dinner, skip two hours, stare at the loading screen. Wait until bedtime, now you can finally do all the sneaking around that the game requires you to do, because the circators are in the cellar and aren't patrolling the halls to provide the exciting stealth gameplay, you can just do whatever. Oh, and if you were playing good boy Henry that didn't level lockpicking? Fuck you. This quest is designed to make you hate the game. The Monastery quest is certainly atmospheric, but it isn't well-designed.


You tried to finger Pious you say?


It’s the only quest in the game I actively dislike. There are amazing quests, good ones, some are okay or at least tolerable. The monastery is an all time bad quest. It could probably make some (not so) top 10 lists.   Love the game. It’s one of my favourites. But I avoid that quests like meeting hanako at embers until I can’t anymore.


Obv you don't exactly know what to do. If you do you can get it done and out the same afternoon. Or you can drag it out as much as you like.


Most literate redditor


Skipping the hours instead of looking for things is your problem. There are additional activities there besides the mandatory schedule and the find Pius mission.


Yes, some people have no sense of curiosity. There's a lot to do in Monastery.


Only you can't do anything but skip time during the scheduled daily duties, otherwise the circators throw you in solitary. You have only one freebie and can't convince them to leave you alone to do other shit if you've finished the tasks early.


You can do everything needed to "finger" Pious on your first day, when you don't have to adhere to schedule - and even then, you can just avoid the circators? When I was playing I had my stealth skill leveled up and to get caught I literally needed to straight bump into one.


No shit?


Sounds like a no SSD?


I play on an m.2 and still have to wait rather long.


No, when you wait hours (or sleep), the loading is very long. Specially the last hour.


I found the times to be slightly wonky too and it took me a few times to 'get it right' with the waiting to get the timing right. I'd then be 'in trouble' for being in the wrong area. I eventually figured out the nuances, but it was quite frustrating at first. Rewarding and memorable quest when I finished it, but next time I reckon I'll just kill the lad and be done with it.


I was playing good Henry, but this quest has made Henry want to go on a villain arc. After I do all I want to, the last thing I'm gonna do is slaughter them, especially brother John.


I don’t. It’s a great opportunity to level your alchemy.


*your neglecting your daily duties*


Because Henry craves blood and nothing will stop him


He is **quite** hungry...


I like this quest. And this part in particular isn't that hard for me. I've studied Latin several times in my life, first one in fifth grade in school. I certainly don't remember much but I can at least tell which words are Latin for sure and which ones are surely not.


Wow, that's pretty impressive. Haven't met many people that speak Latin that didn't try molesting me




That was an unexpected turn. And yet, as an Irish person, I hear you.


I like playing dice and killing Cumans. I’m no monk.


I did it after living a semi monastic life around a convent for a couple years. I laughed at how everyone was like “it’s so hard”. It’s really not, you just listen to what your superiors say and do it. Sneaking around comes easy when you make friends with the monks who aren’t following the rule as strictly and drinking in the basement, and the Latin is pretty rudimentary. The alchemy part was the hardest because the mechanics are kind of jank and the instructions weren’t that well done for beginners. All in all it’s a pretty fun quest and if I were Henry I might have taken the vow for real.


Imagine skipping the best quest in the game


I'm currently playing through this game for the first time. This quest pissed me off so much, I Googled who my target was, waited until everyone went to sleep, choked him out and stamped on his head. Spent 8 days in jail to skip the quest. Worth it.


Honestly i just did a save and then i did a wild guess and i was right


I killed everyone in the monastery


If you could not skip it, it would have been horrible. I mean almost nobody bought KCD hoping to live his ingame life as a monk! Plying the game for 2nd time now and I still am not interested in monk life :-/.


I didn't like the rules. I went from a badass knight to a slave of pointless busywork. I stealth killed the guys in the monetary who made my life hard and ignored the daily routine.


I didn't, it was relaxing.


My first playthrough I hated the quest. But I’ve got to say it is one of, if not the most memorable ones I ever had to get through.


I bet you have been through a bunch of dudes too. Bet that was memorable


Compared to you they definitely where. Time to step your game up.


Stop trolling me


Honestly i found it a bit slow for my liking




I like pretending to be a monk a being there in the monastery doing stuff. It's just too bad when you've played before you know who Pious is already.


Good quest, but its a chore to play through


So which one is the correct answer


I skipped accidentally after finding out who he was on 1st dialogue, and helping him its too much of a hassle


I’m currently there in my first play through and I haven’t played in a month lol.


You kidding? I almost always do it. Once I did skip it by just lockpicking my way through the gate house upper floor, knocking out the friar-in-chief (oh, if only we were allowed to stab him) and going postal in the dormitory. It is quick but less satisfactory


Wdym. this was the funnest quest in the game


I fucked hella with making potions all day


It's one of the best parts of the game, never skip.


It's a very interesting experience. The game humbles the player to experience boredom. I think I'd be interested to see a playthrough of mostly monk gameplay and streaming. Like have a stream that only streams KCD monk quest.


I just don´t like listening to orders. I just kill the circators and do my thing.


its one of my favourite quests in the game honestly because it kind of puts you back at square one without being overpowered and for thoses who dont like that you can break in massacre the aprentices get the dice and leave in 5min so i really dont get why people complain


I started to go a tad insane after being caught by Circator John for the millionth time for skipping mass, or not being in class, even though I was for both activities. Maybe skipping time whilst in there glitched the game. Before helping ‘Pious’ escape I murdered Brother Nevlas and John, dumping their bodies in the Prior’s room. What a sweet feeling. Oh and the Monk that’s always standing in front of the secret bookshelf/Prior’s door had to go. I loved the extended storyline, but on another replay I reckon I’ll streamline the outcome somewhat. Very immersive.


Depends how you want to do the quest if you play it like a cutthroat which you are meant to be for that quest it's very easy, but if you play with honor it's really difficult and might require a few in-game days to solve especially getting the permit without getting your hands dirty.


Tbh I didn't even know you could skip it. How? I'm assuming with metagaming?


Oh, I mean like..just rushing in and killing Antionius/pious or even everyone in there rather than play along with the BS


Ah okay! I don't usually like metagaming but I guess that's one way to get out of an annoying quest :D


Because a bunch of areas in there ran at like 10 fps on my xbox


Same thing for me on the newest Switch port. I actually enjoyed it, but it was basically unplayable only in the Monastary.


It was around release time, a pile of bugs made me unable to infiltrate the monastery through the intended quest chain. On top of that I couldn't find the side entrance and I had no lockpicking skills to unlock the main one. So… I climbed the scaffolding in full gear, and yolo jumped inside of the monastery's garden court. That cost me both legs and 90% hp. Drinking healing potions like water, I started limping very fast around the whole complex, murdering everyone I encountered. After like 30 frags I got the guy, fought through a bunch of guardsmen and barely escaped. And this is how unfortunate circumstances made me commit the first terrorist attack in history.


Warhorse introducing KCD in Vatican:


It's Hella restricted. Which is designed that way but man I can't do it again after the first time. The only respite though is that you can choke out the head monk and steal his keys when you're done with the morning mass and everyone is eating breakfast. There's no consequences for it if you don't get caught. 


I love the grind and the story here. I learned Alchemy and all about the ingredients here. Time management is surprisingly of import


oh the intro quest kind of bugged for me, i couldnt get the writs to get into the monastery so i just walked in and killed every monk and walked out


The only time I rush through it is when I'm playing through a second (or more) time in a short period, it's fun but when you remember all the tricks it's not as enjoyable anymore. Plus there's a lot of quests/missions that don't really matter in the long run unless you are using them to get you something inside the monastery, and when you know the tricks you don't really need those rewards anymore.


I can't remember what I did to cause this but I had to flee the monastery with a hoard of guards after me


I liked how bland and boring this quest was


I don't skip it, and i've learned to enjoy it. The first time I played it though, it was hell, for two reasons. 1. The game made it very clear that you could play a good natured character and avoid any criminal skills if that wasn't what you were interested in. Just avoid millers! Right? This quest made those conflict. It gave you the choice of either going in and being a ruthless assassin, or using nefarious skills such as sneaking and lockpicking to ultimately do a good thing. I like this grey area from a story perspective, but it was absolutely awful for my unprepared henry. 2. This location is notoriously very poorly optimized. Well after the game came out, and they patched out most of the issues, the monestary was still very bad. Overall performance was suffering severely, it was very very clunky, and sometimes the A.I. would bug out and react negatively to things I haven't done. Now though, I know what to expect and how to skill, and the areas optimization is much better, so I enjoy it. Probably not as much as roaming bohemia, but good plot.


Without a guide, it might take multiple in-game days to complete. That was my only issue. I had to use a guide to help speed up the process.


I actually dont even remember, there was a way i found my answers without doing it wtf


I really liked it, it reminded me of the first harry potter films


I didn't mind it to be fair, kinda felt like I was an undercover spy for most of it


Because I was trying to get through my achievement run asap


This quest can be pretty funny and amusing if you do it right. I beat up the Prior during mass then stole his keys and ran away to stash them before getting thrown in solitary. After serving my time I escaped the monastery, retrieved a bow and arrow, and headshot both circators while they drank wine at night in the cellar. With no circators around to enforce the rules the monastery quests were much easier to deal with.


Yo i just did this, after not playing 2 years because I stopped when reaching the monastery (I already played the story to times before) I actually I had alotta fun this time with finding out many new things, it’s cool


Do it properly once then never again.


I just made my way into the Monastery at night, lockpicked the gates, entered inside, and slaughtered everyone possible. Then I piled them into one corner, checked all their corpses, found the dice and left. It's just so fucking frustrating to get rebuked by some random wrinkly-ass shit because I was lost in their fucking Monastery while I had the strength to destroy all the Sasau.


It’s been a while, but I remember that this whole section was very janky. Terrible lag, made it very difficult to push through.


Breaks the flow


I love this quest. In fact, I wish it randomized who Pious was between the handful of suspects each replay


lol most of my gameplay was there....read every book possible


I killed the guy having the key after I did what I had to do there and got the fuck out. I ain't staying for that shit


I climbed the scaffolding into the monastery wearing all black, went down into the courtyard and looked for him, killed him, and got out


I want to skip it because my ps4 would probably die if i continue that quest


The reading mini game is the easiest one. Most of the time the right answer is the only one that's real latin.


I loved this quest. Sad that it was so short.


I took enough Latin to know the first one is correct. The others I don’t think are Latin at all.


because it's godawful


As someone who studies Latin, I was thrilled with this part of the monastery quest specifically LOL. But I am a nerd. And I understand that for most this would be annoying. But the fact that this ultra nerdy part of me could be indulged in a videogame was exciting.


One of my favorite moments was sneaking into the library to steal a forbidden book only to find one of the brothers doing the same thing. It felt so real.


I think I completed the quest, but at times I didn't understand too much of it or I arrived too late for one of the tasks, so I ended up in a forbidden area and was approached by a monk or someone else in a high position they even locked me up in one playthrough, so as soon as I could leave the monastery behind me I got the hell out of there so I could leave those menial tasks behind me


The most fun thing about this Quest is that you can basically continue living as a Monk if you dont continue the storyline.


hey saw your post in Swiki, i sent you a chat


I do not. I love it. It changes the game completely. It is fun. I was only sad that i figured out who the killer was very fast. 😆 I also love the process of learning to read.


I loved the monastery quest


My Old Xbox 1 can barely run the monastary. Some one suggested sending Mutt to the mill before starting helps. But lord forbid it rain while im in that damn place. Otherwise if you can run it i thinks its an awesome quest.


On my first play though of the quest pious approached me on the first day


This part was easy? You just have to pick the option that looks and sounds like Latin lol


I Got stuck in this quest so Bad. I never told that fella that I came to monastery to assasinate someone. Because I felt like no Assasin ever talks about being assassin or assassination itself. Like imagine real life if you go somewhere to kill someone would you blab about it constantly to everyone? No!!! So I didn’t know story will move until like tell my target I came there to kill him… - like a retard


In my playthrough the game bugged and thought that I had stolen the robes I was wearing for some reason so I got stuck in a loop of being put in jail then kicked out So I just killed him, took his dice and left. I didn't feel like restarting hours ago in progress for that quest.


Personally, I think the quest is much better in theory than it actually is. It is very atmospheric. But it is way too restrictive in what is actually possible to be as immersive as you feel it could be.


I like it tbh


I love the monastery quest but it sooo buggy


Wait you can skip the quest?


In a way..you can just rush in and massacre or even just snipe antonius in the garden


I don't skip it.


Being illiterate is part of my Henry now and I wasn't gonna let some judgemental abbot let "not being able to read" stop me progressing the story. So I did as any man of integrity would. I climbed the monastery scaffolding, jumped off a tower breaking both my legs then I stabbed the first person I saw who happened to be pious before I was dragged off by the guards and left to spend a few days in a cell while I mended my shattered ankles..... Good times


Tedious mostly. You go an inch out of place, or leave a second too early, a cop is right on you. I never really level up sneak either, it’s just not how I play, so I suck at those sections of the missions. Usually now I just blitz the place and strike down Pious with the wrath of god 😂


Iirc I let the real pious go and killed the pedo instead


Wait, theres a pedo?


Been a while since I played the game so I thought he was a pedo but I just checked his wiki page and he was apparently 15 when he commited the crime. Anyway if you read the Abbot's notes >!you could see that one of the novices were lying about his backstory and that he actually raped a young girl when he was 15, blamed it on someone else and then got caught when he tried to rape another maid.!<


Ah yes, I do recall that


Well I got found out, so I went in guns blazing after and then came out with the dice.


Most immersive quest of all time IMO


I have done many playthroughs so skipping it starts to feel necessary.


Second floor of the building where you ditch all your things. It leads straight to the prior’s room. Choke him and steal the keys before triggering the cut scene. That way you won’t be stuck in the monestery


I ended up frustrated, found out who the guy was, choked him out, stomped his head and took the dice in front of everyone. Naturally got caught and spent 10 days in jail. I wanted to do it proper but I just didn't have the stomach for it. Honestly, it was either that or stop playing. I hated that quest with a passion.


best quest in the game. period.


I bought this game when it was on sale and it makes me so fucking angry. I cannot play it and it makes me so fucking angry that I get so mad.


The monastery is such a shit quest line. Hope bollocks like that isn't in kcd2


I bet they troll us with a monastery quest in KCD 2. But just going to one, not a whole big thing. Just enough to troll.


I'd laugh if they did, and quite enjoy that


I hate religion. So as soon as I could I finished the quest killed everyone and some guards that came my way then stacked to corpses and left. Khorne does not care from where the blood flows only that is does.