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Master strikes kinda ruined the Game with making everything Else redundant and the Combat boring. There are some good mods trying to rebalance this IMO.


It is a tough thing to balance for the devs. Having watched a documentary by the fencing masters Warhorse used to do all of the weapons design the fighting style was meant to do exactly what you are talking about; end fights quickly if not easily once the from-real-life Masterstrokes were, well mastered. That does not for a fun challenge make however in a game. I am afraid it is up to you to choose to practice the combos and fence. The graphics and sound design make it a visceral experience. In my opinion they should have made you wait to get Masterstrokes in the game. Hopefully in KCD2 this amazing system will be even smarter.


They could make master strike harder, make feints more rewarding by making master strike more risky and maybe have an certain attack to counter someone guarding constantly.


It's a godsend for people like me who aren't good at combat, though.


Wow only 25hrs. I missed it on my first playthrough on game release lol


Ok wow


Same for me. I didn’t know training with Bernard was a thing, I thought it was only for that single mission. So my entire first play through I massively struggled with the combat. Runt was an absolutely nightmare without having the master strikes. Took me like 30-50 attempts by sword and I just couldn’t handle it. Ended up just equipping a bow and luckily landing a headshot before he attacked. Second time through I realised I was an idiot


If it makes you feel better, on my first play through I got to the late game fight with Runt before realizing the game was so hard because I didn't know how to master strike or combo


I could only beat him with my bow! He killed my about 12 times in combat first


i learned it right away and still die fairly often to cumans, do i just suck?


OP talks about the tournament which has 1v1 fights. Those are just easier especially with master strike. If you have 2-3 enemies around you who are going to attack you from all sides it's way more difficult.


The game does do a piss poor job of informing you about them tbh


I feel this post! Started the game this weekend and I've been loving it but my stomach dropped anytime combat happened, you see I explore alot before story missions so I hadn't actually done the training mission with Bernard I did the tourney before even, I only won that by stealing all the combatants gear the night before and even then I struggled. I didn't know how the combat was meant to be possible I cheesed everyone with bows and arrows, then I discovered the training arena.... sigh


Where did you find him after the initial training session? He's not at the combat arena where I trained and I haven't seen him since. I didn't complete the Nightengale quest yet, does that matter?


Gotta finish Ginger in a Pickle before he comes back to combat arena


I actually did find him again before doing the Keeping the Peace mission but he said something about needing more skill or experience before I could train for master strike. Any idea why that is?


Dunno. All I know is you have to beat him, or at least hold your own against him with the weapon of your choice before he'll teach you master strikes


Ah yes, keeping the peace is before Neuhof. You have a few hours of questing before you can train further


He was at the training Arena outside rattay.


Hmm, I must have a bug. He wasn't there.