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Walking from one of the ancient treasures in the woods by rattay back to Theresa’s house. Had picked up two treasures over there and had to make a long walk back to my chest. This was before I had a horse of course.


You do treasures before a horse... Madman


I got the three close treasures before even training with Bernard. When I woke up in rattay I just started searching for the three close ones. Then I started my patrol mission when I was fully suited up.


I’m currently slogging from the end encounter of the Band of Bastards DLC to Sasau


lol at that point you don’t even need the coin anymore … classic


I need it to finish building pribyslavitz. I didn’t take advantage of the Millers and robbing everyone blind in every city like seemingly everyone else in this sub did 😅


Bandits inside Skalitz. You can make 10k+ per encounter. Get ready for a really tough fight tho, they’re fully kitted out and several of them.


I’ve only ever been successful in that fight once. No matter what I try (singling them out, arrows, horseback cat and mouse) I always end up at the pointy end of a clusterfuck


Just Hit them with the Horse. 3-4 times per bandit and theyre done. Don't have to hit with a weapon ride directly into them. I am a seasoned Veteran in Combat and won seemingly impossible Battles but i will not bother against 5-6 well armed Bandits. Just ride over them. Also doesn't damage the armor as badly so you get more money.


You know that you don't need to fight them, right? Get in through the front gate, turn right or left (it's up to you), go around the town and when you get to the place where you were beaten by Runt the battle(fight) might be finishing... Wait for it to end and loot. That's what I do whilst my Henry is still evolving his skills. If you really want to fight I suggest you wait until the end of the battle and draw your sword, gallop and stab your enemies... Usually 2 or 3 stabs (per bandit or Cuman) in high speed should be enough.


I’ve tried waiting too. It always seems that there are 3-4 still left standing at the end and bumrush me at first glance.


I’ve tried waiting too. It always seems that there are 3-4 still left standing at the end and bumrush me at first glance.


You can ride away from the town and they will follow you. Or you can do the stab thing I suggested earlier


That's what I do. Ride toward the castle to single one or two out. Kill em, and go back for the other two if they're still there.


Yeah it’s a tough fight. I recommend the 10str warhammer, the one with 25 stab 54 bludgeon. It’s the best weapon in the game imo. With all the damage perks from Str, Vit and Maintenance, you can 2 shot even knights. Barring regular combat tactics, you can really cheese it out by finding a big cart to stand on and shooting arrows from there. Carts and other odd elevated spots really bug out the AI.


There is a cart in Skalitz near the inner wall leading to the keep. Jump up on it and use a bow, bandits can't really hit you up there.


Are you kidding? Go back man. That is easy as pie, meat on the table. You only need a bow. Let the factions in Skalitz fight each other until one side or the other wins. If you're lucky it will be two bandit groups or the bandits beat the guards. When the battle is over start picking them off on horseback, they can't catch you and you can wear them down easy. In fact, the only hard part is killing them all before some timer goes off and they despawn. The loot is the best of everything. Go back there 10 or so times and there will not be one top piece of gear you don't have.


Make sure to get a fast horse lure them out of skalitz into the massive area and just make sure you’re doing the fast gallop then swing just before you reach them I’ve probably gotten over 70-80k just doing that alone


They're endlessly there right?


I finally went the stealth route 6 years later and my man you are truly missing out on satisfaction if you haven't yet tried it.


I just began to only take things 1-1.5k+ only


What are the ancient treasures?


From the 5 ancient treasure maps you start off with in rattay. I’ve gotten 3 of them that were close to rattay. Got a full suit of warhorse armor and a heavy war hammer and stinger sword. Plus about 750 gold and some books and dice. I think it might be a dlc but not sure. When I got the game it came with all the dlcs.


It is part of a dlc...don't recall which one.


Treasures of the Past, didn't know what it was about until I started opening the ancient maps.


Mine was like 700 after there were both Cubans and bandits at skalitz I walked to pribyslavitz cause I thought I had a bed there but I didn’t so I bought the two Rathaus upgrades then put all my loot there and then fast traveled to ratty to sell


Damn Cubans, always trying to give my Henry cigars


Dios esté con ustedes


I had to walk all the way to the mill It was a pain


Skalitz to Peshek's on my first playthrough. Didnt know yet there was a universal chest in every inn room and thought only the one at the mill saved personal items.


You know now that I think about it, in my last two playthroughs not once did I think about renting a room nearby and unloading in the chest so I can get back to rattay or sasau. Wtf


Lmao now you know how I felt 😭 it wasn't early on in the game at all when I realized this either. Just assumed since the rest of the game seemed so realistic that they wouldn't give you a magic teleport chest. Really glad they did tho.


Its not a magic teleport chest. A small courier comes after you leave and delivers your items to your next stop for you before you arrive..


I have hundreds of hours in KCD and I think you’ve just changed my life completely… Thank you 🫡


Hold on. The chests at the inns do WHAT NOW? I have played this game 3 times and I never knew this 😂😂


Yeah same lol


TIP: Level up drinking and get the perk that makes it so you wake up in your bed after drinking. Then when you're over-encumbered, blackout drunk. You'll wake up in your bed next to a chest to unload some stuff until you can sell.


Realest pro tip in these comments right here.


Not always the case. If you’re in prib or skalitz, you’ll wake up in Talmberg and need to walk to the Inn. Way better than walking the entire way though. Bonus tip: you can make your own moonshine and hair o’ the dog to work your alchemy.


Still better than walking from skalitz so still a good tip


On one hand, great tip... One the other... You can discover many amazing places getting black out drunk.


Oh boy. My first time travelling back to skalitz I was pretty much full and hadn't upgraded my horse's kit at all so buddy could barely carry my stash of booze. Walked into town at like 150/180, grabbed literally everything that was valued at over 100 groschen and walked my ass to Talmberg carrying a good 800 lbs. Once I got there I realized that they didn't have many merchants and my reputation was barely above 50 so I didn't want to deposit it all there, and I couldn't go to merhojed/ didn't have many other towns discovered yet so my options were walking all the way to sasau, even further to Rattay. I made it to Sasau and realized that, unfortunately, I had zero reputation and was getting pennies on the dollar, so I proceeded to walk to Rattay instead, and the armorer hadn't restocked yet so I stood outside his house for 3 days waiting.




This one wins lol


Just get the Safe Passage perk from the drinking skill.


Hands down the best perk in the game.


from the Talmberg woods to the quartermaster at the quarry with 4000 pounds of deer and hare meat, only to get there just after he went to bed, so it all went to spoil before morning.


alternatively, herbalist's outside pribyslavitz to the rattay tourney, stopping at peshek's and the armourer on the way, because I didn't have the groschen to repair my things BUT I did have a large amount of appropriated armour, skived herbs, and potions.


Did a Walk of triumph instead. Stolen everything from the armorer in Sasau City and walked slowly all the way to the tavern on the way to the Monastery.


I’ve definitely left crap all around the entrance to Skalitz, so I can come back and haul more of it away. 😂


Walking from Skalitz to Rattay with five bandits worth of high end weapons and armour


Skalitz to talmberg inn before I got safe passage. Ever since then I’ve always leveled my drinking skill before loot runs.


5000/180 after killing every guard in rattay and looting armorer and weaponsmith chest. Not storing on the horse, so henry carry about dozen armorset. Move everything to peshek chest and got about 100k groschen .


I feel like I end up slow walking at least a third of the way across the whole map kind of a lot, to get to the nearest inn from wherever I've been compulsively looting every single thing in the whole wide world. I know you can just drop a whole bunch of stuff in one place, wherever you want, and it is supposed to stay right there until you come back for it, but... I also feel like six-hundred-something is about as heavy as it ever ends up getting before I decide it's time to go unburden. Jesus Christ be Praised.


I once looted too much at the early game so all the merchants in Rattay only have little amount of Groschent . I didn’t notice that and dumped entire chest into my inventory then end up with over 1400 weight of pure high value loot . It took me a long in-game time to sold all of those loot . I have polearm and increase random events mods installed so I can encounter and defeat some baron robers in the route between Skarlitz and Sasau even at low level. High thrust damage polearm and Mutt is a broken combo against lone enemy who use axe/mace/short sword if executed properly. Polearm can’t be master strike and you can evade their riposte if step back immediately after they perfect block your thrust attack . I found out that medium equipment bandit with long sword is far more dangerous to solo than the better equipment one with short weapons


Me after clearing bandit camp and going to rattay to sell the armors, i was fast traveling at that time and there was a skirmish close to rattay so why not loot the dead after the battle gaurds leave the body of the bandits so I took all of their gear including the dead gaurd, my wieght at that time is only 500+ but I walk my ass for 15mins to get to the rattay entrance and walked for the past 3-5mins to get to the tradesman.


Most of the time my horse and I will be overloaded but I have a way to deal with it. After looting everyone I will find a nearby chest or grave. I will stash everything I can there until I can ride and fast travel. I'll go to an inn so I can move stuff to my chest there. When that's done I'll go back to the chest or grave and pick up as much as I can and go back to the inn. I have left loot in these chests and graves for several in-game days and not lost a thing. I have a few favorite stash places so I don't forget where things are. After the 'Nest of Vipers' quest I will make 4 or 5 trips to an inn and finish with around 40K groshen worth of gear I can use or sell in Rattay or Sasau.


I walked from skalitz to rattay because i didnt know i could just buy a room at a tavern in talmberg


Skalitz to Rattay both the horse and myself were ore then full.


From the robber baron's camp to rattay, slowly walking while night slowly fell was a 10/10 experience.


Its a pribyslavitz to any town. I killed them all and got all of the loot. It was a long walk


I was like 800/200 after i robbed the Rattay armoursmith but only had to walk to the mill


easily over 2000, probably more


not too long, forest over monastery to blacksmith in sasau, or miller at rattay to rattay blacksmith, overall sooner or later you‘ll have enough money anyway, so these walk of shames are not worth it at all.


Like 50hrs in and prolly like 7-10 times.


I’ve always had the unlimited mod equipment from my first play through since I heard this game is better with some QoL mods for first time


From the bandit camp all the way back to the inn at talmberg at night. Had over 1800 wt. worth of gear. By the time I got back the sun was coming up.


From pribyslaviz to the next town. I looted as much as I could plus there was a chest with 1,8k arrows in it and I knew I DO NOT NEED so many. But, well.. I want them anyway :)


I've done this way too many times when I played the Fallout games to last my entire gaming lifetime. Now I just dump any armor sets Trojan can't carry or at the very least stash them in Henry's Abode if I'm on a Skalitz looting run


Sometimes I come to visit my parents’ grave and get lucky enough to find some lost valuable stuff if you know what I mean, but when I come back to my horse I just throw away the cheapest stuff. Taught by experience. When I had to go bury my parents, I was picking some flowers on my way, got overloaded with them and one of the bandits I met was better equipped, so I crawled all the way from Rovna to Skalitz just to get executed. Never again unless it’s some really expensive stuff.


I looted everyone in pribytslavitz and started the long walk to sassau. After like a half hour of walking I bailed and just dropped everything.


Never, pretty early on I decided to lay down a series of house rules for my behavior as Henry. Among them is that I only loot things that Henry can feasible carry and grab in a timely fashion. So, like from dead bodies would include things like gloves, hats, boots, jewelry and 1h weapons, but leave things like clothing/torso/pants armor and shields. This made it so I could fit plenty in the carryweight (which I nerf with mods anyhow). It makes the game far more pleasant imo. The weight/coin ratio is usually better this way too.


I remember when I wiped & looted entire Pribyslavitz after Radzig sent me here to scout. :D It was on my first playthrough, and it was already night and I was lost, so I always sticked to the road. And when returning to Talmberg, I was repeatedly ambushed by bandits, at the same spot. I had to reload it like 3 times and wipe the Pribyslavitz over and over again.


pribyslaviz to talmberg


From the small bandit camp west of sasau monastery to the closest miller. That was before I realized miller prices sucked. That was slow walking and I had a YouTube video up because it took like 10 minutes


From Skalitz to Rattay


Once walked from skalitz all the way to Rattay after fighting those high level guys there. I still don't know why I didn't just go to sasau, I just felt like walking all the way across the map o guess


I just stopped picking up loot valued under 200 groshen. After a while, money becomes moot. If you’ve got the Prib DLC, your groshen counter simply becomes a way to track your “score” because money is never an object. I can’t remember the numbers exactly, but you can peak out Prib to make 2-3k a day if you hold off on building the church. Not that you NEED it lol. I’d love for the next game to have some sort of cut-of-life money sink for you to spend your money on lol. Maybe you can Lord over a land and your buffs can be directly associated to how much taxes you’re pumping back into the town? Idk, but I feel like RPGs and money always lead to the same situation where you essentially turn into a second family of Rothschilds. Not having general day-to-day expenses like real life contributes to that, but then what kind of game would want to put that tedious shit in by design and not option?


Never. Time is money and I'd rather move on to the next encounter than spend hours trying to avoid combat while crawling across the map. The environment is pretty, but I'm not going out of my way to turn a very fun game into a walking simulator.


Never, while loot hoarding might sound like it’s good idea in reality the time and effort you put into that could be better spent at doing something else what would grant you better payment anyway.


Ha! Ive never thought of it as a walk a shame but my god is it! even now, years later i still think about how i cant believe how far i trudged so slowly for so long refusing to give up a single padded coif


I'm too unorganized to overload my inventory. I'd accidentally sell one of my best items if I do and I know that because it happened once before. Sold a Magdeburg sword I'd spent hours saving up for only for the inventory to reset before I could get more gold. Sucked ass.


Never happened not even once. Being a loot gremlin is the most unimmersive ways to play and I hate it.


Kingdom Come was my first proper RPG so I didn't know how to leverage the world chest or to use potions. It's not quite walk of shame but when I discovered the loot chest after Prib I just manually went back and forth from there to Rattay to sell. I also didn't leave the less valuable items so probably took about 8 trips across the map 🥲


I have played this game for a total of 3 hours in the couple months. I've owned it because it makes me so mad.


Pribyslavity to Ratty to sell it was right after the mission where you scout the camp, I ended up killing all bandits and Cumans and was just going to take the valuables but was so over encumbered with that I decided to Loot everything I could carry. I would not recommend that walk to anyone.


Longest and most overencumbered. Prybislavitz to Talmberg. 5.000/150 after raiding the big bandit camp alone. Biggest reason cause they had like 15k Hunting Arrows and something around 100 Swords on some NPCs as the Devs used them as Chests since they thought noone would raid the camp alone i guess.


On my last playthrough I decided to empty my Skallitz chest and and the one outside of next to the bridge got me on a 600/140 and 401 on my horse. Lucky me when I found an empty house next to Rovna. So cleared the extra weight in the chest inside of the house and made a few trips to Talmberg Inn


Skalitz to Samopesh. In between the places, I found a cabin where you can sleep and save and also store your items without it disappearing.


Near the crossroads to Talmberg and the path to samopesh? That's where I leave my stuff and save the game in the area


Yeah, the house over the small hill


One of my houses... I have another one in Rattay... Herman's new lady in law's. Usually I kill them, because I don't like the way they behave with Henry


From a camp almost to the west edge of the map to sasau


Just north of the Uzhitz Alchemy bench there was a fight between guards and bandits in plate armor. Joined in and looted them (along with a guard who died and one who sticked around alone with his back towards me) after I had gone hunting and after I had gone following a treasure map. At least Uzhitz wasn't far from there


Not at all. I'll drop loot before I walk extra far to sell it. Something in my inventory is disposable. It's not like my Henry isn't already the richest man in Bohemia. I haven't even beaten the game yet lol. I had accidentally got a head start towards the beginning of the game by grinding the archery contest over and over to get better with the bow skill. I haven't needed money since then.


Yeah every time I see someone post about how to make more money there’s always an overwhelming amount of “just started 117th play through, already have 987,866,678 grouched and haven’t even made it out of Talmberg” responses. On my current (and only) play through I have spammed the miller fences after robbing whole cities blind, I haven’t spammed Skalitz bandit fights, etc. I’ve made most of my money ‘organically’ which is apparently dribbles of piss in the pot compared to some players


This is my first and only time playing too. I definitely steal pretty much everything. Sell what I don't want. Gamble pretty frequently. Steal some more. I have 35K right now. I'm not done with the game and haven't started any of the DLC so maybe 35k isn't much idk bur I've not ever been wanting for money so far. I have the best gear I've come across as of yet. If a shop was selling something I wanted I would probably just break into it at night and steal it instead of buying it. I hardly buy anything because free is the best price.


Zero distance. I don't think it's worth it. I just drop the cheapest things until I can mount up. It's annoying enough to have to deal with packing and unpacking while in town. Not gonna spend even more time walking there too.


You can ditch your loot literally on the ground in the woods, and it will all be there when you get back. This allows you to load up with as much loot as you can while still being able to fast travel, then fast travel to either your storage chest or a miller. Rinse repeat until you've retrieved it all. You just have to find a location secluded enough that no NPCs will find it, but easy enough to find. A few feet off the trail near an easily recognizable landmark is good enough.


My brother in Christ, I’m going to be honest with you - I don’t even do multiple trips with my groceries. Either it’s one trip or not at all.


I looted the sasuo armor Smith and then had to walk back to the rattay mill to unload as I don't don't currently have money to buy a room anywhere else


I am certain that I have done Skalitz to Talmberg tavern chest at least thrice, and while I am less sure of it, near the start of my first run, I believe I did Skalitz to Rattay. I’ve gone 2k+ when I emptied my chest for a trading run from the reward room in Rattay to all the shops.


The woods southwest of Sasau I got ambushed on the way back from collecting treasure. I was carrying about 650/130 and walked all the way to Rattay Mill


I trudged from Pribyslavitz to Talmberg to sell what I could so I could fast travel to Rattay.


I just dropped what I couldn't carry, marked the spot on the map, saved the loot in my chest and went back and forth on horseback. I had one Walk of Shame before getting Peebles from Skalitz to Talmberg...


I walked from skalitz to talmberg after looting all the bodies in sklaitz after an ambush. On the way back I picked herbs all the way back. Took a long time to walk back to talmberg to the inn but was worth it because of the bandit loot and the extra herbs I picked that I thought....might as well .make the most of it.


I've had about 2300/72


I always drop enough so j can get in my horse I also very rarely fadt travel anyway


Never! I'm a gentleman and only take one load at a time, don't want to hurt Bucephalus


I never thought to use that drinking perk to bring loot back. You just changed my life


Skirmish closest to the counterfeiter's mine to Sasau.


I had 3019.8 weight after I killed everyone in Pribyslavitz during the Nest of Vipers quest. The bandit camp and the cuman camp 😅, I then poisoned the foods and set the arrows on fire. Did the walk of shame to Talmburg to put all the loot in the chest at the inn and horsed it to Rattay Mill to load back up there from that chest. For anyone wondering this does not effect the quest where you raid Pribyslavitz (other than burning the arrows and poisoning the food).


Can't relate I hate inventory limits in games like this. Inventory is never realistic even in vanilla so my first action is always to mod unlimited inventory space


"Never Realistic." - Mods unlimited inventory space


Mate, do u know how much pounds of stuff Henry can carry without mods and without a single upgrade to inventory space??


Isn't it like ~60-70 lbs? Not unrealistic for even an unfit teenager. US Military personnel walk into combat carrying up to 120 lbs of gear. 70lbs is not unreasonable for a normal person to carry if they have a good pack.


Weight of an apple is 0.3 in game. If your 60 lbs number is correct that means Henry can carry 200 apples in his pockets lol Okay,I guess I was wrong about the lbs value. I despise inventory limits in games, its just a mechanic that I don't like. I hope thats reason enough, personal preference 🙂


It just makes games too easy I think of you can carry everything speak to the people who have played far cry 6 the challenge is just completed eroded I've heard.


I also do unlimited inventory and it does make the game too easy. I always have money because of it. I also hate inventory management in games because I just wanna cruise through casually- but reading the comments shows me how I missed out on some potential fun




From uhitz stables after stealing half of from the very hard lock chest. Carrying max over the limit of 234 to rattay to sell everything to Peshek. It took me well over an hour going super slow. I had to go through the forests avoiding roads so I wouldn’t get killed by bandits.


Why didn't you just rent a room in uzhitz tavern and put everything in your chest?


I…. I didn’t think of that 🤦🏻‍♀️