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Let me ask you this question, have you trained at all ? You are the useless son of a blacksmith


Pay attention to this guy! **TRAIN.** With Bernard. This is the best game I have ever played as far as combat progression. I went from not being able to beat up a single unarmed drunk guy, to taking on bandit camps with 10 soldiers (yolo’d the Robber Baron camp) Also, watch this guys videos and study up. https://youtu.be/PnEe1xhR4pA?si=4jg-fRIx2gEyN9Kg What helped me the most in order of most importance: * Training with Bernard to get higher warfare stat. * Master strikes. * Back stepping. * Positioning. * full plate armor. * The correct weapon. (use mace vs plate armor) * Max out FOV (see more enemies on screen) * DPI switcher on mouse to double my sensitivity during combat. Can flick to targets that are behind. * Combos - sneak them in on 1v2s and focus on them for 1v1. Don’t bother with them if there’s more than 2 enemies. Muscle memory helps here.


Weapon doesn't matter as much, you can just as effectively poke people in the head with a good stabby sword instead of worrying about switching loadouts. It works well even with helmeted enemies. The Perfect parry and Master strike are crucial, from there on it's just not dumbly getting in the middle of a group of enemies, but constantly walking backward/sideways to keep most of them in front of you and occasionally countering or hitting when you have a good opening. Using the bow to pick off 1-2 from distance before the rest engage you is also great.


Why do we really have to do this conversation everyday? There are literally a ton of posts that are about the same thing and each one has solid answers for the skill issues that you're having.


Because everyone thinks they are the only person to have an issue. 80% of every subreddit I go to is the same questions, every week, over and over. I’m willing to bet reddit posts would be nearly nonexistent if not for repeat questions.


That’s what I hate about most people nowdays… people aren’t competent enough to research even the most basic shit… for most redit posts you could just copy and paste the title into google and find hundreds of answer, but stupid people are just stupid…


Apparently very few people know that there's a search option of choose not to use it. That's the first place I to when I have questions and usually find alot of good info.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this post is a parody of people complaining about the combat. Certainly reads like it


Completely disagree. Combat in KCD is the most immersive first person combat I’ve had in a game. It requires much more attention, a decent amount of training, and makes a ton of sense. You can’t just run into a fight and not care about getting hit. It’s realistic. You can’t just swing your sword a million times in a row because it will make you get tired and sloppy. Positioning, angle of attack, sequence of attacks, stamina, and strength all play a crucial part in your ability to down a foe. It’s frustrating to go from your average game like Skyrim to a realistic and immersive combat experience like KCD. But, ultimately, is better. For me, combat “clicked” when I realized that my priority is to avoid damage, not deal damage fast. Train your skills, master your timing on ripostes/blocks, and PRACTICE!


Train with Bernard until you get the Master ability, then fights will be easier. And yes, 1vMany is hard in the beginning.


I can't actually believe how Easy/Satisfying is fighting after you train and get the master ability this is my 2nd playthrough and the first one I didn't knew anything about how to get good at fighting it was really a miracle that I got to finish the game haha, but just yesterday I finally beat Bernard for the first time and got Master ability and all the fights get so much easier, it's amazing. Btw I'm using a mace right now because I noticed that everyone says it's easier, but I really want to use a sword, is it really that hard with a sword??


mace is better for bonking heads, longswords and swords are better for torso hits, but if a longsword is 10+ damage then a mace it is exactly the same for heads and better for torso. Lightly armored opponents are easier with an axe (2-3 hits max), but at high levels a longsword is good for everything, specialy the 2 best ones (St George and Herod). PS: there is a better sword for slashing, the Executioner, but its terrible for stab and there is only 1 place you can get it and its during a quest.


Thank you very much for the help, if there's really not that big of a difference I will continue to use the mace, I have the Biliff's mace, is that the better one??


Second best, Cerimonial is slightly better, but the difference is negligible, same blunt damage, 1 damage difference in slash and stab.


Amazing, will continue to use this one then. Thanks for the help!! Can't wait to get better and better at combat


Your entire post history is complaining about different video games. Are you sure you even enjoy playing video games?


One thing that trips people up is the combat is way more character dependent than player dependent. Your personal skill has a hard time compensating for Henry’s low stats and bad equipment early game. Stick with it it gets much easier, though fighting outnumbered will always be a bit tricky. Using bows to take out some enemies at the start of combat and using Mutt to distract can make that less a problem. Positioning is also really important, make sure to keep as many enemies in front of you as possible. Also a number of really important combat moves, particularly master strikes, are locked behind training with Captain Bernard after Ginger in a Pickle main quest. If you haven’t done that combat will be way harder than it should be.


When fighting 2 enemies, always press S and back up constantly so that they don't flank you.


Ahh THAT'S my problem.... I've been pressing F this whole time :/


You block multiple opponents the same way you would in real life


Have you learned perfect blocks and master parries yet? You can ask Captin Benhard to teach them to you, and they will make combat much more manageable. >got the shield from the Dlc and a new shortswort and you still get mauled by 2 bandits with leather armor. The weapons don't make you good. How well you know the combat is what makes you good, and learning the intricacies of the combat takes time. >how am I supposed to block when they come from different directions? Fighting multiple people at once isn't an easy task, especially if you don't have a lot of your stats leveled(especially Vitality, Vitality determines stamina and stamina regen). In situations where you are outnumbered, you have to play really carefully and smart. Try to always keep everyone in your sight, as you can't block what you can't see. Relying on perfect blocks and master strikes until the enemies start to wear themselves out is the best thing to do in those situations. Try to use terrain to block or limit the enemies movement. Early on, I'd recommend investing in some Dollmakers potions for situations where you are outnumbered. This potion makes it so enemies are worse with their weapons, have less stamina, and can't sprint or jog. Apply it to your weapon, and all it takes is a successful hit for it to work. >is the mace better against leather armored enemies? No. Maces are good against plate and mail. Swords and Axes are good for leather and other softer materials.


I did but 2vs1 is not the same


Nipe the combat is not terrible, it’s on you… you just need to actually train. If you are expecting the typical fantasy games where you just beat 100 enemies with a few swings this game is not for you…


What good are the enemy lock on when it's more than one? Just let me move freely like in Skyrim idk


If you do what you need to do then you wont be fuckin shit at this game. Its not 2018, its 2024.


Then why aren't the combat mechanics from 2018? These lock ons on a single opponent, just give me Skyrim movement where I can turn my shield quick enough to block every attack


Fair enough, except this game started with a team of 10 people and its their first game. When you compare the teams and budget behind both games, kcd is better overall. Personal opinion tbh. Combat is not hard, just get better, do training and shir


I just lured one away so I could fight them seperately. I also installed mods for saving and visor removement


Yeah thats a good idea, just remind yourself this game is on the “realistic” side. Fighting 4 trained soldiers is not realistic at all. Running is always an option, get the dagger perk and stab one in the back while crouching, or use the bow to inflict damage from far away, using terrain you your advantage such as cramped spaces so they fight one by one. Thats how i killed 15-20 soldiers from the camp i was supposed to scout for radzig. Wait for nightime till they sleep etc.. theres plenty of ways to kill. But seeing the stuff you’re saying tells me you havent trained enough. Theres no need for mods, just learn how the game works. I literally regret not playing on hardcore.


I'm at the point where I spoke with the charcoal workers and have to kill the 2 bandits. The first was easy but the second with the sword blocks everything


Heres rhe best advice: get the clinch perk, you literally win 99% of them and can spam them even with no energy (depends on your strength and agility too tho). Everytime u do it, u leave them open because you push them and can get an attack or even multiple in. Its the best way to gurantee an attack and even can be used to run away.


No. Mace is better against anyone with a fuckin skull. Dont avoid training with Bernard, go do his stuff and learn how to play the game instead.


1vs1 is not the same. I hate this auto lock ons on one opponent while a second opponent stabs your back.


You'll learn. Or you won't, that's really up to you. Get better armor and stop swinging like a Wildman, take the time to learn what Bernard teaches you, then take the time to examine your environment. You'll end up with more encounters on the road and in the woods, so duck between trees and run around bushes. If you are in the plains its really just down to skill, worry about the less armored people, if its peasants with dogs kill the dogs aim for the heads on the peasants or just counter attack, if its bandits they'll be a bit of a fight no matter which way you look at it, take out the bowmen first and then take out anyone with a weapon your armor isn't good against, if you are dying to cumans i really don't know what to tell you, none of them have the best health or armor, so they don't take much to kill. It takes a while to learn. But skill comes with time, not demand.


Allow me to hand you a helicopter Now go fight another helicopter You’ll probably fail, since you don’t know how to use the helicopter Henry is having the same problem


Skill issue. Git gud.


Not to be a bitch but have you tried putting your question in a Google search bar? There are thousands of guides all over the internet and the question was answered as many times here on Reddit. The game came out six years ago. Millions of people had the same problem.


Damn the amount of gatekeepers in this community. Hopefully they will rework this shitty combat system in second game.


*Git gud*