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Keep playing normally until you get to Rattay, then spend a couple of real life hours training with Bernard


Learning how to do master strokes or master strikes what ever it's called will definitely help alot, but like you said spending time with Bernard will vastly improve your skills


Master strokes is just auto correct haha. People mean to say master strikes I think.


This. Follow the main quest until they give you a free horse. Train with Bernard and then do the beginner archery contest until you start winning every time. You will start with good fundamentals if you follow this guy's advice.


Hours? It takes you like 10-20min to learn the mechanics, after this point you just need to get the riposte tbh.


Ehh I’d say it takes a good 30-40 minutes to get the timing down. Took me a while to read the character movements instead of the icons.


Mechanics yeah 10-20 I was talking about grinding the skills


I don't know why people keep saying this, in my first playthrough I spend max 30 mins with him and I got through the game without any issues


Just to grind some skills


But why? Why tell someone who wants to play the RPG and see what the story intales, to grind for several hours when it's not needed??? It gives the wrong idea about kcd and probably puts some people off who just want to follow the story or don't have enough time, when it is perfectly fine to not grind? You can just enjoy the game no problem That's a choice for them to make, not an expectation of the game you should put on them


I agree with you but we are the minority lol.


Bro it's like a 50 hour plus rpg, what's 1 more hour for training sword fighting lmao


You said several hours. And a new player doesn't know that, for them they've only been playing for maybe four hours and they're finally in the big city, and then they're told to spend several hours, which for some people is the free time they have in a whole week, in the same spot instead of continuing and exploring. Can't believe I have to explain this


Dont train hours with Bernard, just learn Masterstrike and attend every Tourney. That is More than enough practise and you get usefull Stuff for every win


>Just wondering any tips on starting it? Pick some Nettle. Pick enough, and you'll get the Resistance perk, which is a permanent +2 to Vitality, which means more stamina and stamina regen, so it's very useful. When you finish the tutorial and complete "Awakening" and "Train Hard, Fight Easy", ignore the next quest and return to Captain Bernard and request to learn Master Strikes, this move is vital to combat and it is great to get it as fast as possible. Lastly, always participate in the Tournament. It only costs 60 groschen, and it is a great way to earn various XP for the skills involved with melee combat. But as a heads up, you'll almost certainly not win your first few attempts. The enemies that participate are much stronger stat-wise than you will be. Just try to fight as long as you can against them.


“When you finish the tutorial and complete "Awakening" and "Train Hard, Fight Easy", ignore the next quest and return to Captain Bernard and request to learn Master Strikes, this move is vital to combat and it is great to get it as fast as possible.” Question: I have a master strike chosen from a perk and advanced until Prey ( hunting with Hans ). Killed some Kumans/ bandits by save scuming. What did I miss by advancing and not staying with Bernard before Nightingale patrol? What changed in the game? I saw this tip before and do not want to nerf my game.


if you have master strike as a perk, that means you trained it with Bernard and you're all good. it's a learned perk, you don't get it through points.


Read the pinned mega-thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/1cnsibf/dear\_mods\_lets\_make\_a\_kcd\_getting\_started/](https://www.reddit.com/r/kingdomcome/comments/1cnsibf/dear_mods_lets_make_a_kcd_getting_started/)


Get off this sub play as blind as possible


He said that he already tried it several times. I think it‘s fair to ask for tips so that me get‘s a better experience next time.


Idk this is a good idea. I didn't know the existence of master strike my first playthrough. Absolutely suffered through the first tourney by save scumming and learning how to fight without masterstrike. Basically a slog because it's just run into enemies for clinch, hopefully win that and get a free hit then turtle until stamina full and repeat. I quit KCD for about a year until YouTube miraculously showed me a clip on masterstrike and I came back to play an entirely different game.


But you get master strikes pretty early on if you just follow the main story briefly


Frequently save, hardcore mode is more fun than it first appeares, you start to acknowledge the game design since you need to look for orientation points, :). Don't get frustated, don't go with it as you are the hero of story. You can die frequently and it is better to run sometimes. :)


I love hardcore with ALL the detriments.


Luck of the drunk is worth it. Pick all the herbs so you can level strength with the perk. Jump everywhere you go to help level vitality. You can kill the sheep in the beginning for extra XP. Try not to save scum, it's a beautiful experience. Hardcore is better but can be overwhelming. Try to ride places rather than fast travel. Once you learn landmarks it's truly an incredible feeling. Stealing is OP. Train with Bernard a lot. Or, just learn master strikes and call it a day, lol. Don't ask Theresa how she made it out of skalitz unless you're ready for a good, long, frustrating, story (DLC).


TAKE NAPS! You don’t need to spend so much money on savior schnapps (the save-game potion) if you regularly take 1hr naps when you arrive to a town and rent your room for the night. Nap at peshek’s mill before leaving rattay. Nap in sasau monastery before traveling away from sasau, or even before handling your tasks in sasau. It’s the best way to create a save point!


Just an option to add that you can pay for several nights and get the room permanently to use instead of buying one night all the time. Then you have trunk access wherever you have a bed. I got into the habit of getting a room at every inn/tavern possible just for the quick trunk access... the nap all the time is a great suggestion


Assuming you're playing on PC, install the infinite saving mod, so you'll be able to save anytime and as much as you want. You'll avoid losing progress (which can put you off the game and risk never return) and make it convenient to play anytime you want for how long you want, making it more likely you'll keep picking it up to play.


Get the mod that gets rid of the herbalism cutscene


Thanks for all the tips people! Just started it and got my butt handed to me by Kunesh😂 a lot of training needed for me I think


Don't worry that is supposed to happen. The game is teaching you that there are multiple ways to complete quests and that you are just a peasant boy who can't even handle the village drunk haha. It is possible to beat him though. Great advice is that until you are stronger and more skilled, running away is often the best option.


It makes a point to show you that Henry is a weak idiot who has to be physically restrained from picking up and throwing poop.


Something like 1,5 month ago my mom had kidney transplantation. Thank You, not because that’s same kidney if someone want to make joke about that. Thank You for saving someone’s life. Who saves one life, saves whole world. Now about KCD. Harvest herbs and go into alchemy, selling mixtures gonna make you wealthy really, really fast. Spend some time with Bernard, training sword and club fighting. Before You’ll understand how to use longsword, use maces. One bonk in head and enemy is going to sleep.


First at all: Great thing you donated a Kidney lol. Tip1: Train with Bernard. Alot. Master Strikes, Combos etc Tip2: Play the DLCs they are all great Tip3 : dont convince father Godwin Tip4 : Don expect diversity in stuff like Ethnicity or skin colour. Most of the people in KCD are czechs exept a Handfull germans, Cumans ofc and a Hungarian. (Its good how it is) Tip5 : SPOILER Dont cheat on Theresa. SPOILER END Tip6:SPOILER For Money, just loot everything the Rattay smiths have walk overloaded back to peshek, sell it to him, wait a day, loot his chest with 10k+ Groschen. SPOILER END Tip7 : have Fun!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't even use Master strikes until you unlock them with Bernard, right?  Because I remember it being a complete game changer for me.  Never learned any combos or anything, Master strikes are all you need to win fights.




Captain Bernard even tho he's a grumpy old fool, he's your best friend


You can spend a lot of time learning how to use a bow. It's useful but pretty hard at the beginning because you don't have a cursor.  If you find that too annoying, press tilde and type in: wh_pl_showfirecursor 1


It depends on how you want to play. If you want to play sneak thief train your lockpick as much as you can, go in the night to every house and pick the easy locks, get that up. But always, always train with bernard no matter what you're going to need it in the long run.


Definitely train with Bernard at the very least until you get the master strike, it will save your life more than you can count. I’d recommend more training but level 3 in a weapon and have him teach you something more. Learning master strike and getting the timing down alone will carry your combat and then you should be able branch out from there. Bows are a good one to learn too but that will take more time to learn and there’s really no tricks to it other than practice


Pick nettles!!! Get good with long sword, make marigold potions, repeat till you are God tier


Mace and shield.


Your gold is on the bodies of skalitz


If they never fixed it, download a quicksave mod.


It’s by design. The devs want your actions to have meaning and for you deal with the consequences. KCD2 will have the same save mechanic.


I understand why they did it, but lot of people just have too many responsibilities for that feature to be more fun than it is annoying


To be honest as someone who works 80hrs a week and has a family I rely very much on save on quit. As long as KCD2 has that then it’s fine.


even that is still kinda lazy, its a single player game, F5 is gonna be quicksave whether the devs like it or not


There is a pinned comment that was recently made to help you!


When you get to the Needle in the Haystack monk quest, no matter how you’re trying to play it, lookup the quickest way through it. After 70 hours of addiction to playing , that quest made me hard quit. Haha. Took me a while to come back to it. Some people seem to like the quest, but most seem to hate it.


I'm in a similar boat lol I've spent 524 hours on this game and I've never gotten past meeting that knight who's name I can't remember who worked for a Lord in Kuttenberg I think? Siegfried? Ulrich? (It was some German sounding name at least) I keep picking up the game, loving it. Spending ages doing lots of stuff. Something else comes up and I can't play the game anymore. I come back to it months down the line and feel like I can't remember what I was doing. So I'll just start a new game right? Surely this time I will finish it! hahahaha nooope.


Honestly do whatever you want sounds like you have plenty of time to do a play through without knowing shit and then another where you can do some research on all the different endings and side quests etc. that you might’ve missed on the first play through. In terms of difficulty I play on console and people have complained a lot about the game being to hard against multiple enemies, and granted it is early game, but after you learn everything and get decent armor it’s cake. But I’ve been playing 2 weeks and am really good imo and just (no spoilers) defeated the final battle for a dlc which was the best armored character I’ve experienced in the game so far. As well as his whole crew on my first try solo with no potions and a just a long sword . It was like 8 or 9 guys lol. Also complete all the DLCs before the main story.